Inventory of Ordinance and resolution register from Bingham Canyon (Utah), 1932-1957.

Series 17354

Bingham Canyon (Utah) Ordinance and resolution register

Dates: 1932-1957.

1 microfilm reel

These records are housed in the Utah State Archives' permanent storage room.

Historical Note

An agency history is available.

Scope and Content

This series contains the ordinances and resolutions passed by the Bingham Canyon Town Board (1932-1938) and City Council (1938-1957). These documents are pasted into a scrapbook which also includes proofs of publication. Publication of ordinances is required by state law [see Revised Statutes of Utah (1898), sec. 205; Compiled Laws of Utah (1907), sec. 205; Compiled Laws of Utah (1917), sec. 556; Utah Code (1933 and 1943), 15-6-12; Utah Code (1953), 10-6-12; Utah Code (1953, as amended 1984), 10-3-711]. Included is the text of the ordinance or resolution, date of passage, names of board or council members voting in favor, and certification of passage by the Town or City Clerk. Also included is certification by a local newspaper publisher of publication of the ordinance. Topics include regulation of traffic and parking, budgets, sanitation measures, official salaries, occupational licenses, and other matters within thejurisdiction of the municipal government.

Images Available

This series is available on microfilm.

Access Restrictions

This series is designated as Public.

Reproduction and Use

These records are available for reproduction and use.

Related Records

Minutes from Bingham Canyon (Utah), Series 4587, contain additional documentation about the passage of the ordinances and resolutions maintained in this series and the reasons for passage.

Correspondence and subject files from Bingham Canyon (Utah), Series 4590, further document the policy making cycle of Bingham Canyon.

Ordinances and resolutions from Bingham Canyon (Utah), Series 4599, were maintained in order to have a complete set of ordinances passed by the municipality. Series 4599 covers a longer time span than this series and can be used to fill in some gaps which exist here.

Indexing Terms



Budget--Utah--Bingham Canyon.

Regulating traffic.



11932 - 1957: Volume 1 (1932-1944) & Volume 2 (1944-1957)