General Retention Schedule Items

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These records document the agency's compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other federal requirements. Records may include environmental impact statements (EIS), environmental assessments (EA), and categorical exclusions (CAT-EX).
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 2017-10-01
These records support the agency's mission to provide and maintain the state's infrastructure. These records document the bid plan set that was marked up with changes during construction, as well as the final plan. Records may include as-constructed plan sets, correspondence, and related records.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 2017-10-01
These record document the planning, design and construction of facilities, road or bridges. They are used to monitor compliance, and are a resource while projects are in progress. Records may include estimates, funding documents, scopes of work, and related correspondence and records.
Retain for 7 years after final action, and then destroy records.

Effective 2017-10-01
These records document how the agency meets state and federal requirements for material certification and testing. Records may include material certifications, testing documentation, weigh tickets, Buy America certification documentation, materials book, material submittals, construction materials forms, and other associated correspondence and documentation.
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2017-10-01

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