General Retention Schedule Items

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Incoming and outgoing correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, related to matters of short-term interest. Transmittal correspondence, including email, is transitory unless part of another process. This correspondence does not impact agency functions. When resolved, there is no further use or purpose.
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.

Effective 2018-07-12
Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, created in the course of administering agency functions and programs. Administrative correspondence documents work accomplished, transactions made, or actions taken. This correspondence documents the implementation of agency functions rather than the creation of functions or policies. Business-related correspondence, including email, that is related to a core function with an associated retention schedule should follow that associated schedule.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2018-07-12
These records are created by executive decision-makers to document the establishment and dissemination of agency programs, policies, and procedures. Executive decision-makers may include the Chair, Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Public Information Officer, Commissioner, Mayor, or other internal administrators as identified by the executive office. Includes development and decisions behind the policy or program, and the final product (e.g., approved policies). Related correspondence and email is included.
Permanent. Retain for 3 years after final action. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 2020-02-26
Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, that provides unique information relating to the functions, policies, procedures or programs of a state agency. These records document executive decisions made regarding agency interests. Executive decision makers may include the Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Public Information Officer or other internal administrators as identified by the executive office.
Permanent. Retain for 5 years after separation. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 2018-07-12
Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, created in the course of administering agency functions and programs. Administrative correspondence documents work accomplished, transactions made, or actions taken. This correspondence documents the implementation of agency functions rather than the creation of functions or policies. Business-related correspondence that is related to a core function with an associated retention schedule should follow the associated schedule.
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2019-11-18

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