seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 10113,National Guard,Carbon County firearms confiscation correspondence,i 1922-1931.,,"In summer 1922\, labor strikes in the Carbon County coal fields resulted in the declaration of martial law. The National Guard was called out\, and residents were ordered to turn over all firearms to military authorities. With the end of martial law\, U.S. citizens could apply for return of their guns. This correspondence was generated as a result of individuals attempting to reclaim their property from the National Guard. Most letters are from residents requesting gun returns or are internal correspondence of the Guard trying to find those guns. Letters are regularly accompanied by notarized statements of citizenship; receipts; and a description of the firearm\, usually including model and serial number.__In some cases when the guncould not be located\, a new gun was purchased or one substituted from the unclaimed guns. All these transactions are documented. There are also administrative memoranda and letters separated from the bulk. The memos include copies of the proclamations initiating and ending martial law\, appeals by the Guard to the units to recover citizens' guns in the possession of individual Guard members\, listings of collected arms\, and Attorney General opinions defining use of firearms in destroying predators and regarding the sale of unclaimed guns.__The separated letters were held pending proof of citizenship: a foreign national was required to be actively employed in the destruction of predatory animals or in caring for stock on the range to own a gun.",,Public,1 microfilm reel