seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 202,Governor (1905-1909 : Cutler),Correspondence (incoming),i 1905-1908.,"Alphabetical by the surname of the correspondent or by the name of the agency, thereunder chronological.","This series contains letters to Governor Cutler. This was the Governor's primary way of communication with the Utah citizenry and other principal officials of other states and nations. The correspondence is in the form of letters\, reports\, and notices. Correspondence includes that with federal and state agencies as well as individuals. Education is a prominent theme\, but many other subjects are also included.Business-related correspondence which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document material discussions and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media. This correspondence is filed separately from program case files\, and project files.",,Public,3.00 cubic feet 5 microfilm reels