seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 219,Governor (1977-1985 : Matheson),Board and commission appointment records,1969-1984.,"Chronological by term, thereunder alphabetical by document type, thereunder alphabetical by board or commission.","The Governor has the power to appoint members to various State boards and commissions; this series contains resumes\, applications\, appointment notices\, and correspondence pertaining to those appointments\, preserved by Governor Matheson and his staff. Included in this series are applications received via the ""SEARCH"" (""State Efforts to Attract Responsible Citizen Help"") system\, a special citizens' advisory panel organized by Matheson in his first administration. The purpose of the SEARCH panel was to review all board and commission applications from throughout the state. It is likely that Matheson did not use the SEARCH system during his second administration. Linda Waddingham served as the Governor's Scheduling Coordinator and as such handled all of the administrative processing of board and commission appointments. Some of the materials in this series are in reference not to boards or commissions but to high-level positions in state government agencies\, such as the materials regardingthe appointment of an Insurance Commissioner during Matheson's first administration.",,Public,7.00 cubic feet 18 microfilm reels