seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 23573,Cedar City (Utah),Codified ordinances,1903-,Chronological by year of publication.,"The city council published codified ordinances for Cedar City in 1903\, and then revised and republished the ordinances every ten to twenty years thereafter. The ordinance books contain the complete updated and simplified code of all general or permanent ordinances enacted by the city council to regulate\, require\, prohibit\, govern\, control\, or supervise any activity\, business\, conduct\, or condition authorized by law (See Utah Code\, 1991\, 10-3-707). Each book of codified ordinances defines the boundaries for Cedar City and establishes guidelines for city government including statutes governing the enactment of new ordinances. Codified ordinances define the responsibilities of all city officials including mayor\, city council\, city recorder\, treasurer\, sexton\, marshal\, city attorney and justice of the peace. Ordinances define misdemeanors and nuisances\, and they specify regulations for various activities such as liquor sales\, activities at dance halls\, peddling\, and merchandising. planningOrdinances regulate traffic and public works such as the sewer and water works. Ordinances also define codes for building and such things as plumbing and electric wiring. They establish and define the responsibilities of city agencies such as the redevelopment agency\, the board of adjustment and the planning commission.",Retain permanently,Public,2 microfilm reels