seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 3243,District Court (Third District),Case file index,1871-1896.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by initial letter(s) of the plaintiff's surname.","The territorial CASE INDEX records the names of plaintiffs and defendants involved in court actions and provides assigned case numbers\, facilitating clerical management of and access to the case files. Civil cases span the entire period (1871-1896). Criminal cases were indexed in this series from 1871 to 1882\, when a separate filing arrangement for criminal case files was implemented. Information about most cases is limited to the name of the plaintiff\, the name of the defendant\, and the case number. Rarely is the date of filing recorded. The cause of action is mentioned only in proceedings pertaining to court business (grand jury lists and reports\, orders summoning persons to serve as jurors\, etc.)\, the probate of an estate\, applications (such as name changes or corporate dissolution)\, and\, rarely\, petitions for extraordinary writs (habeas corpus\, mandamus\, and certiori). The Third District Court is restricted to adjudication of actions involving real property located within theThird Judicial District\, those in which the defendant resides in the Third Judicial District\, and those involving incidents occurring in the Third Judicial District.",,Public,1.50 cubic feet 3 microfilm reels