seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 6621,Alpine (Utah),Planning Commission minutes,1956-,Chronological,"These are minutes of meetings and hearings held by the planning commission. ""Each municipality may enact an ordinance establishing a planning commission"" (UCA 10-9-201(1)(a)(1997)). A municipal planning commission shall ""prepare and recommend a general plan and amendments to the general plan; recommend zoning ordinances and maps\, amendments to zoning ordinances and maps; administer provisions of the zoning ordinance; recommend subdivision regulations and amendments to those regulations; recommend approval or denial of subdivision applications; advise the legislative body of matters as the legislative body directs; hear or decide any matters that the legislative body designates\, including the approval or denial of\, or recommendations toapprove or deny\, conditional use permits; exercise any other powers that are necessary to enable it to perform or function\, or delegated to it by the legislative body"" (UCA 10-9-204 (1997)).",Retain permanently,Public,