seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 309,Lieutenant Governor,Correspondence sent,1870-1889.,Alphanumerical.,,,Public, 325,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation correspondence,1909-1913.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical.","This series contains correspondence between the Secretary of State and corporations pertaining to filing documents\, paying license taxes\, and providing current status of corporations.",,Public,2.00 cubic feet 335,Lieutenant Governor,Railroad contract sales record books,i 1910-1967.,Chronological.,"Under 1905 legislation\, delivery of railroad or street car equipment or rolling stock could take place immediately or over time\, but title to the property would not pass to the purchaser until the price was paid in full. Until then\, the seller retained a lien on the property. A contract stipulating the details was to be filed in the office of the secretary of state\, in a book of records kept for that purpose; these are those books. On payment in full\, a written declaration by the vendor and purchaser (also known as lessor or bailor) was also recorded. The law remained in effect until December 31\, 1965\, when it was replaced under the Uniform Commercial Code\, but transactions begun before that date could be completed under the old act.Most of the vendors\, trustees\, and railroads were not headquartered in Utah\, but the railroad filed in any state where it did business or was likely to use the equipment. Articles of agreement give specifications on the equipment to be delivered\, often in great detail as to workmanship\, dimensions\, brake type\, cab equipment\, whistles\, etc. The placement of the owner's or vendor's name on the car as required is also specified. Payment of taxes\, replacement costs\, insurance\, and default procedures are also detailed as are method and amount of payment. If a trustee\, usually a bank or loan company\, rather than a vendor were to hold title and collect payments by means of purchasing the equipment from the vendor and then leasing it tothe railroad\, copies of the assignment contract and lease agreements would be recorded. Contractual changes over time are recorded in full as is the final bill of sale and title release. Documents are signed by the appropriate company officials and corporate lawyers.",,Public,9 microfilm reels 348,Lieutenant Governor,Criminal extradition records,i 1881-,Chronological.,Extradition records contain requisitions submitted by governors of Utah to governors of other states for the extradition of suspected criminals back to Utah. The series also contains requisitons submitted by governors of other states to governors of Utah for the extradition of suspected criminals who fled to Utah from other states.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,21 microfilm reels 355,Lieutenant Governor,Official bonds registers,"i 1892, 1896-1949.",chronological.,"Bonds for elected/appointed officials are recorded in five bound volumes. A single bond dated June 27\, 1892\, is recorded in a register labeled ""Additional Bond Record of Territorial Treasurer"". Volume 1 covers 1896-1916\, volume 2 spans 1916-1931\, volume 3 includes 1927-1946\, and volume 4 covers 1946-1949.",,Public, 367,Lieutenant Governor,State agencies annual financial reports,1927-1967.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 379,Lieutenant Governor,Fire insurance companies certificate record book,i 1884-1888.,Chronological.,"This record book contains copies of certificates authorizing fire insurance companies or agents to do business in Utah. In order to transact business\, the agent was to file a statement with the Territorial Secretary showing company name\, amount of capital\, assets and liabilities\, agent name\, receipts and expenditures\, etc. Possessing sufficient paid-up capital was mandatory. The statement had to be renewed annually. Following the filing of such a statement\, the Secretary issued the company or agent a certificate of authority to transact business. Each certificate consists of a preprinted form stating that a statement had been filed\, that the company appeared possessed of sufficient paid-up capital\, and that therefore it was authorizedto do business in the territory. Blanks are provided for the name of the agent\, the insurance company name\, and the date and signature of the Territorial Secretary.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 384,Lieutenant Governor,Private companies incorporation record books,1884-1919.,Chronological.,"Incorporation record books include copies of certificates issued to businesses by the Secretary of State when the clerk certified that all documents were properly filed. Includes business name\, date and name of court or county where business files agreement and oaths\, and signed and dated statement that the Secretary received copies of the article of agreement.",,Public,6 microfilm reels 397,Lieutenant Governor,Pardons,1885-1893.,Alphanumerical.,"These are pardons\, including citizenship pardons.",,Public, 668,Lieutenant Governor,Laws of Utah subject pamphlets,1913-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by topic.","These are pamphlets created by republishing appropriate titles of the Utah Code which pertain to particular topics\, such as corporations\, mining\, elections\, notaries\, abstracts of title\, etc.",Retain until completion of publication or report,Public, 316,Lieutenant Governor,Land patents registers,1883-1997.,Alphanumerical.,"This series contains patent registers\, index and plat maps with information pertaining to patent number\, date issued\, to whom issued\, and the legal description.",,Public, 315,Lieutenant Governor,Correspondence,1896-,Alphanumerical.,"Correspondence documents the administration or management of the Lieutenant Governor's\, office organization\, its policies\, procedures and achievements.Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence\, regardless of format or mode of transmission\, that provides unique information relating to the functions\, policies\, procedures or programs of an agency. These records document executive decisions made regarding agency interests. Executive decision makers may include the Director\, Chief Administrative Officer\, Public Information Officer or other internal administrators as identified by the executive office.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after separation,Public,0.35 cubic foot 345,Lieutenant Governor,Personal bonds,1898-1960.,Alphanumerical.,,,Public, 340,Lieutenant Governor,Food services program agreements,1963-1965.,Alphanumerical.,,,Public, 376,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation annual reports,1962-1966.,Alphabetical by corporation name.,"This series contains annual reports with information pertaining to corporation name\, corporation case file number\, original filing date\, amount of capital stock\, where incorporated\, and principal officers.",,Public,21 microfilm reels 387,Lieutenant Governor,Articles of incorporation amendment record books,i 1896-1919.,Chronological by filing date.,Certified copies of amendments of incorporation filed with the Secretary of State as part of the process to amend articles of corporation. They include the particulars of the amendment in full.,,Public,3 microfilm reels 394,Lieutenant Governor,Conveyances to the state of Utah register,1892-1910.,Roughly chronological based on when the land was selected or lost.,"This register documents land conveyed from the Federal Government to the State of Utah as provided in Congressional Acts. An Act passed 16 July 1894\, which authorized the people of Utah to form a constitution and state government\, also granted to the state\, 500\,000 acres for building permanent reservoirs\, 110\,000 acres for the University of Utah\, 2000\,000 acres for the establishment of an agricultural college\, and 100\,000 each for the establishment of an insane asylum\, and a variety of other public institutions (Statutes at Large\, Treaties\, and Proclamations of the United States\, vol. 28\, chap. 188). The lands were to be sold and the money put in a permanent fund which would generate interest to support the proposed purposes. The lists in this register provide a legal description of selected land\, indicate the date the land was selected (or lost) and document authorization from the Secretary of the Interior.",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 369,Lieutenant Governor,State budget reports,1929-1976.,Alphanumerical.,"This series contains financial reports for each state agency with information pertaining to debits\, credits\, receipts\, resources\, disbursements\, assets\, liabilities\, expenditures and appropriations.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 380,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation correspondence,1960-1971.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical.",This series contains correspondence between the Secretary of State and corporations pertaining to filing documents and providing current status of corporations. Also included are lists of suspended corporations and a small amount of correspondence not related to corporations.,,Public,8.00 cubic feet 391,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporations certificates of reinstatements for registers,1910-1918.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 386,Lieutenant Governor,Foreign companies incorporation record book,1905-1918.,Chronological by filing date.,"Certificates of incorporation for out of state companies planning to do business in Utah\, certifying that the company has filed with the Secretary of State as required\, has complied with the provisions of the Utah Constitution and is authorized to transact business in the state. Includes articles of agreement\, by-laws\, local representative designations\, company name and state of incorporation.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 413,Lieutenant Governor,Deed commissioners register,1896-1918.,Alphanumerical.,Two pages listing the commissioners of deeds around the country. Other assorted pages in the book list who has to get how many copies of the laws of Utah.,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 438,Lieutenant Governor,Liquor club investigation records,1960-1967.,Alphanumerical.,"Investigations into private clubs requesting liquor licenses. Includes reel-to-reel tapes of hearing minutes\, audiograph discs\, correspondence to/from purported club members seeing if they have heard of the club and what they know of its organizational structure\, correspondence with law enforcement agencies checking background of board members\, etc.",,Public, 468,Lieutenant Governor,Emergency resource plans,1960-1975.,Alphanumerical,"Reports detailing procedures and regulations in the event of nuclear attack or to a lesser extent\, natural disasters. Information on civil defense (including maps)\, food\, power\, oil and gas\, manpower\, health\, industrial production\, transportation\, economic stabilization\, etc. Most date from early/mid 1960s to early 1970s.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 375,Lieutenant Governor,Motor vehicle registers,i 1909-1919.,The volumes are arranged chronologically. Information for 1919 is divided by sections into two volumes and loose sheets.,"Motor vehicle registers were created in response to legislation enacted in 1909 requiring all motor vehicle owners\, including dealers\, and all chauffeurs to register with the Office of the Secretary of State. In 1915 the legislature began requiring that all motor cycles also be registered. The registers include notation of owner\, chauffeur\, or dealer names and addresses; vehicle model; and license and manufacturer numbers. The primary purpose of vehicle registration was to collect revenues for the road fund. The register was a means of recording compliance. A secondary function of the register was to provide information to ensure public safety\, i.e.\, reportedly unsafe operators or vehicles with unsafe equipment could be traced. TheSecretary of State's office was required to issue a motor vehicle directory semiannually for distribution to law enforcement agencies and other interested parties\, based upon data in these registers.",,Public,4.20 cubic feet 5 microfilm reels 238,Lieutenant Governor,Board of Pardons minutes,1969-1974.,Alphanumerical.,"Copies of the minutes\, and attachments (cases considered) of the board of pardons.",,Public, 242,Lieutenant Governor,Executive record books,i 1850-1949.,Chronological.,"From the beginning of territorial government the secretary of the territory/state was to record the official acts of the governor. Copies of original documents issued by the governor were transcribed into the record books as official acts until the series was discontinued in 1949. A wide range of executive actions were recorded:__proclamations\, to commemorate events\, direct military affairs\, and after 1940 as executive orders; criminal pardons and extraditions; governor's messages and reports\, usually to the legislature or for territorial years also to the Secretary of the Interior; appointment and commissions of officials; elections\, including proclamations\, returns\, and entries relating to disputes;legislation\, 1896-1917 regarding communication on specific bills; and Secretary's actions while serving as acting governor\, from 1880. A few odd documents appear in the 1880s\, including certificates of marriage\, amnesty oaths\, and petitions from cities for a change in status.",,Public,4.50 cubic feet 7 microfilm reels 305,Lieutenant Governor,Criminal warrant register,i 1881-1895.,Chronological by date.,"Warrants for the arrest of criminals were issued by the Governor's Office in response to the receipt of requisitions from other governors for the extradition of persons who had been accused of committing crimes in their states. The warrant directed the law enforcement official\, usually a marshal or county sheriff to find and arrest the person named. Copies of these warrants were filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State\, and this register contains the record copy. A separate register for recording warrants was not kept after statehood. In addition to the name of the criminal\, the crime committed and the name of the agent authorized to receive the fugitive is listed.",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 329,Lieutenant Governor,Pardons granted record books,i 1880-1921.,Chronological by the date granted.,"The territorial governor had the power to grant pardons to individuals convicted of crimes. The pardons were recorded by the territorial secretary; beginning in 1880 The secretary continued to use the registers even after the Board of Pardons assumed responsibility for granting pardons in 1896. Each entry includes the name of the person pardoned\, the court in which the case was originally tried\, the type of crime committed\, the term of sentence\, and usually a short explanation of the reasons for granting the pardon. From 1880-1885 pardons for good behavior in prison were apparently recorded in a separate volume.__The third register began in 1896 and is identified as a Board of Pardons recordbook.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 298,Lieutenant Governor,Bank examiners reports,1891-1899.,Alphanumerical.,These are preliminary statements of banks and reports of the condition of banks.,,Public, 312,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation license tax notices,1910-1913.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical.","This series contains notices sent by the Secretary of State to corporations and the County Clerks pertaining to businesses that owe the annual license tax. The notices contain the 1910 annual license tax act\, the name of the corporation\, where the corporation was organized\, and the fees to be paid to reinstate the corporation.",,Public,3.00 cubic feet 300,Lieutenant Governor,County financial reports,1874-1883.,Chronological.,"This series contains financial reports for each county in the territory with information pertaining to debits\, credits\, receipts\, resources\, disbursements\, assets\, liabilities\, expenditures and appropriations.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 350,Lieutenant Governor,Oaths of office register,i 1887-1894.,Chronological by date.,"This register was used by the secretary to record oaths administered to elected and appointed officials throughout Utah. Oaths are recorded for members of the territorial legislature for the final four terms prior to statehood (1888\, 1890\, 1892\, and 1894). The balance of the oaths are for local government (county\, precinct\, city\, and town) offices such as mayor\, town president (board of trustees)\, trustee\, selectman\, alderman\, councilor\, marshal\, sheriff\, constable\, assessor and collector\, treasurer\, clerk\, recorder\, school superintendent\, surveyor\, recorder of marks and brands\, sealer or weights and measures\, pound keeper\, coroner\, and fence viewer. A few loose oaths for members of the legislative staff (1894 session) are included.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 366,Lieutenant Governor,Financial reports,1896-1924.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 346,Lieutenant Governor,Deed applications,1896-1916.,Alphanumerical.,Deed applications document the property transactions of the state.,,Public, 390,Lieutenant Governor,Authorized businesses register,1909-1918.,Alphabetical by first letter of company.,"Volume listing early companies authorized to do business in Utah. Lists date\, number\, company name\, individual's name\, and location.",,Public, 398,Lieutenant Governor,Trademark applications,1889-1984.,Numerical by trademark number.,"This series documents the application and renewal process for the registration of trademarks\, service marks\, and tradenames in Utah. Files frequently include the initial application\, trademark samples\, proofs of publication\, notification of expiration of trademark\, renewals of registration\, and correspondence related to the registration.",,Public,85.00 cubic feet 454,Lieutenant Governor,College board of trustees minutes,1965-1969.,Alphanumerical.,Includes board of trustees minutes and budget reports for Weber State and Southern Utah State colleges.,,Public, 401,Lieutenant Governor,Trademarks registers,1881-1979.,Numerical by mark number.,"This series is a chronological list of the trademarks filed with the Secretary of State. Each registration consists of the mark number assigned\, the date of filing\, the name or device being registered\, the registering body\, and the product upon which the mark is to be used. Some registrations include proofs of publication (primarily from June 1931 to July 1936)\, the address of the registering body\, and samples of the mark (up to July 1936).",,Public,4.00 cubic feet 5 microfilm reels 237,Lieutenant Governor,Administrative correspondence,1933-1979.,Alphanumerical.,This series consists primarily of administrative correspondence and reference files on a wide variety of topics.,,Public, 240,Lieutenant Governor,Public documents serial set,i 1896-1956.,Chronological.,"All Utah state government agencies submitted biennial reports to the governor or to the legislature. These were bound together and published as the ""official public documents"" of the state of Utah. Included are reports from all major state commissions\, boards\, and departments that functioned during this time. Reports summarize the activities of each agency over the biennium\, and they often include statistical or other information in their appendices. Regulatory agencies often included summaries or text of hearings or decisions in their reports. Copies of these reports may be found in each separate agency.",,Public,15.00 cubic feet 92 microfilm reels 306,Lieutenant Governor,Criminal requisitions registers,i 1881-1949.,Chronological.,"This register contains requisitions for extraditions which were formal requests issued by the governor of Utah to governors of other states for the return of fugitives accused of committing crimes in Utah. Requests for the extradition of fugitives originated at the local level\, usually from county attorneys\, district courts\, justices of the peace\, or police officials. They were often accompanied by court documents or correspondence. In response to the local level request\, the governor's office issued the formal extradition document\, a copy of which is recorded in this series. Information is recorded on standard forms. Each form specifies the crime committed\, name of criminal\, place where suspect might be found\, and the name of the officer authorized toreceive the fugitive.",,Public,1.70 cubic feet 4 microfilm reels 241,Lieutenant Governor,Territorial executive papers,i 1850-1896.,"Numerical, with numbers assigned approximately chronologically by filing date.","The territorial secretary was responsible for recording all acts and proceedings of the Governor in his executive department and to provide copies of these official acts to specific federal officials. Over half of the series represent official acts of the Governor. Many other duties of the secretary are also documented\, most reflecting routine administrative functions of the territorial government. The period from 1880 to 1895 represents the bulk of the collection. Important functions of the governor documented in the series include supervision of the militia; supervision of elections; appointment of officials; regulation of the court system; pardoning and extradition of criminals; supervision of Indian affairs; regulation of liquor\,1859-1860; and supervision of the executive department of the government. Routine activities of the secretary documented in the series include distributing copies of territorial laws\, management of public works projects\, supply procurement\, and oversight of the financial affairs of the territorial government.",,Public,5.00 cubic feet 24 microfilm reels 344,Lieutenant Governor,Insurance agents appointment notices,1896-1907.,Alphanumerical.,,,Public, 321,Lieutenant Governor,Administrative records,1931-,Alphanumerical.,"Includes employee evaluations\, referenda petitions\, election returns\, extension cords\, and chair wheels. Also includes budget correspondence\, conference speeches\, and committee records (1982-1984).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 299,Lieutenant Governor,Bank conditions reports,1889-1913.,Alphanumerical.,,,Public, 314,Lieutenant Governor,Correspondence,1883-1889.,Alphanumerical.,"Correspondence documents the administration or management of the Territorial Secretary's office\, office organization\, it's policies\, procedures and achievements.",,Public, 337,Lieutenant Governor,State property registers,1892; 1912.,Chronological.,"Two volumes are in archives custody: 1892 and 1912. The 1892 volume contains a handwritten list of property and its valuation held by the following territorial institutions: University of Utah\, Agricultural College\, Insane Asylum\, Reform School and Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society. The 1912 volume contains an inventory of state property\, from desks\, book cases and typewriters to cuspidors\, sterilizers\, and silverware. Various offices are included: Governor\, Secretary of State\, Auditor\, Attorney General\, Land Commission\, Supreme Court\, Coal Mine Inspector\, Board of Health\, Engineer\, Insurance Commissioner\, National Guard\, Art Institute\, etc. Loose typed inventories are tucked inside the volume.",,Public, 352,Lieutenant Governor,Commission registers,i 1875-1938.,Chronological.,"These registers record all commissions of appointed officials. Elected officials were also required to receive their commissions from the governor following the canvass of election and their filing of an oath and any required bonds. Appointed volunteer board members and militia officers were likewise commissioned. Entries in these volumes record the individual's name\, office title\, when and by whom commissioned\, the location\, the date of election or appointment\, and the term or duration of the commission. Offices covered include territorial/state agencies and boards\, 1875-1921; county officials 1875-1896 and then a listing again from 1906-1938; precinct officials 1875-1896; and municipal officials 1875-1895.",,Public,4.50 cubic feet 364,Lieutenant Governor,Election papers,i 1851-1976.,Chronological.,"The election papers record the results of elections and document appointments of officials in the absence of an election. The papers also reflect the duties of the secretary of state in preparing for elections of government officials and votes on referenda\, initiatives\, and constitutional amendments. Types of documents included are: returns; bonds\, oaths\, and certificates or lists of elected and appointed officials; claims; declarations of candidacy; nominations; party convention materials; expense statements; newspaper ownership affidavits; initiative petitions and related materials; amendment printing information; filing fee apportionment materials; and miscellaneous correspondence. From 1907 to 1959 no local or county election information isavailable\, however information is present from 1959-1966. After 1966 the series contain only abstracts of returns for the state. The territorial period includes returns for all levels of government\, although there is a gap from 1882-1891. Campaign contributions and expenses and newspaper ownership affidavits appear following the 1917 anti-corrupt practices act. Provisions were also made for initiatives by popular petition in 1917.",,Public,33.90 cubic feet 65 microfilm reels 341,Lieutenant Governor,Publications,1921-,Chronological.,"Records created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, newsletters\, and other published or processed documents. These records include information on agency-sponsored programs and events\, and other services provided by the office of the lieutenant governor. Consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 385,Lieutenant Governor,Religious organizations incorporation record book,1901-1918.,Chronological by filing date.,"Copies of the articles of incorporation for churches and religious societies whereby they could acquire\, hold and dispose of property. The majority of records are pre-printed forms from the LDS Church\, but also include typed forms for the Catholic\, Greek Orthodox and Presbyterian churches. Includes county and corporate name\, purpose\, estimated value of property currently held\, title of personmaking articles of incorporation\, wording on corporate seal\, signature of authorized person and notary public's statement and signature.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 388,Lieutenant Governor,Notaries public commissions registers,i 1887-1954.,Chronological.,"These volumes register the commissions issued by the governor. After 1874 notaries were appointed by the governor and their bonds and oaths were filed with the secretary of the territory/state. Until 1919 a complete copy of the certificate of commission and the notary's oath was recorded. After 1919 only a list was kept which recorded the date of commission\, the individual's name\, county\, post office\, date of bond and oath\, name(s) of sureties\, and date of expiration.",,Public,8.50 cubic feet 400,Lieutenant Governor,Collection agency bonds register,1913-1938.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 415,Lieutenant Governor,Ownership marks affidavits,1911-1931.,Chronological by filing date.,"This series consists of affadavits of ownership marks used by companies manufacturing\, transporting\, or bottling dairy products\, ice cream\, cream\, or soda water. The documents include the company name and address\, product type\, mark description and location\, and a notarized signature of the person registering the mark. The 1911 Legislature approved an act providing for the registration of marks with the Secretary of State. (Laws of Utah\, 1911\, Chapter 30). The act was repealed by the Legislature in 1931. (Laws of Utah\, 1931\, Chapter 16).",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 378,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation index registers,1880-1919.,Chronological.,"Registers listing companies to whom the Secretary had issued certificates of incorporation\, created to help access record books\, incorporation case files\, etc. They include building and loan associations\, insurance firms\, religious associations\, and a wide range of other private businesses. Later indexes repeat part of the information in earlier registers.",,Public,3 microfilm reels 480,Lieutenant Governor,Annual reports,1896-,Chronological.,"These reports describe the activities for the preceding year for this office. The reports contain information pertaining to official acts and expenditures. Beginning in 1915\, the Secretary of State was also the Secretary of the State Board of Examiners\, State Board of Loan Commissioners and State Board of Canvassers and a brief report of these Boards is also included.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,3 microfilm reels 448,Lieutenant Governor,Reports,1950-,Numerical.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 482,Lieutenant Governor,Financial records,1969-1976.,Alphanumerical.,"Assorted budget correspondence\, forms\, copies of legislation\, etc. regarding state appropriations and expenditures.",,Public, 472,Lieutenant Governor,University of Utah board of regents minutes,1965-1966.,Alphanumerical,"Minutes of open and closed committee and board meetings as required by UCA 52-4-7.5(2005)\, et seq. ""Written minutes shall be kept of all open meetings.(UCA 52-4-7 (2005)). May include agenda\, meeting minutes\, transcripts\, and other supporting documentation.",,Public, 406,Lieutenant Governor,Corporation license registers,1907-1920.,Chronological by four or five year period thereunder alphabetical by first two letters of the corporate name.,"Registers log the payment of annual license taxes for corporations\, and also include filing case and docket number\, corporation name\, place incorporated and capital stock amount.",,Public,2 microfilm reels 1654,Lieutenant Governor,Stock transfer ledger,1916-1918.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 846,Lieutenant Governor,Utah systems planning annual reports,1972-1982.,Alphanumerical.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 11958,Lieutenant Governor,Files index,1890-1907.,alphabetical,"This is an alphabetical index to numerical files kept by the Territorial Secretary/Secretary of State. Includes references to corporations\, bonds\, election returns\, election certification\, oaths of office\, board minutes\, annual reports (boards)\, conveyances of land to the state\, capitol grounds\, deeds\, incorporation papers\, proclamations by the governor and president\, legislative bills\, municipal corporations\, motor vehicle registrations\, and attorney general opinions.",,Public, 10824,Lieutenant Governor,Initiative petitions,1958-,Chronological by general election date,This series contains a copy of the text of initiatives and referenda proposed by sponsors for referral to the legislature or people of the state for their approval by vote. Some are certified by the Lieutenant Governor as true and correct copies; others may simply be a copy of one of the circulated petitions. Tabulations of signature counts or related correspondence may be included.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) and 3 month(s),Public, 11247,Lieutenant Governor,Election district maps,1968; 1973.,None,"Maps showing county election districts and city voting precincts.Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, and raised relief maps these are a graphic representation of the earth?s surface drawn to scale.",,Public, 12912,Lieutenant Governor,Clyde Miller reelection campaign records,1972.,None,"Includes correspondence\, press releases\, news clippings\, fliers\, and other materials from Secretary of State Clyde Miller's campaign to be reelected.",,Public, 12880,Lieutenant Governor,Bipartisan election committee records,1968-1973.,Chronological,Secretary of State Clyde Miller organized this committee in 1968 to study matters and consider revisions in Utah election law. This series contains the minutes of the committee's meetings and some correspondence.,,Public, 14651,Lieutenant Governor,Official bonds,1909-1970.,Numerical by bond number,"These files contain official bonds filed by individuals and companies with the State of Utah. The bonds are required under state laws\, such as UCA 63A-3-108\, 31A-5-205\, 52-1-2\, and 67-9-2\, in order to conduct business or to hold certain public offices in Utah. The bonds are used as financial security for the state to insure that payments will be made from individuals and companies who incur any business or other expenses owed to the state. Information includes the company's or individual's name\, dollar amount of bond\, date filed with the state\, signatures of the Governor\, Lieutenant Governor\, Attorney General\, and company official\, if applicable\, and bond conditions and obligations.",,Public, 15112,Lieutenant Governor,Commissions and boards regulations,1939-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical committee, board, or department name.","This series contains regulations filed with the Lieutenant Governor's office concerning policy and rules regarding governor appointed commissions\, boards\, and governmental agencies. Information includes regulations and various types of documenting correspondence\, and code citations.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 17167,Lieutenant Governor,Criminal warrants,1881-1889.,None,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 17152,Lieutenant Governor,Agency seal files,1896-1983.,Chronological by year.,"This series contains copies of officials seals of state agencies in accordance with a law passed by the State Legislature requiring all state and local government agencies to supply the Secretary of State with their seals. Papers include state seals and the official signatures of governors\, secretaries of state\, etc. from other states\, 1930s-1960s; seals/letters of notification from three foreign consuls (Mexico\, Sweden\, Finland)\, 1920s; a few Utah departmental seals (e.g. Agriculture\, Tax\, Wildlife Resources\, etc.) for scattered years in the 1930s\, 1960s\, 1970s\, 1980s; a Salt Lake County Clerk's seal\, 1896; and Uintah County seals 1896.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 17584,Lieutenant Governor,Governor's reprieves,1941-,Chronological,These files contain reprieves from the Governor granted for indivduals until the next meeting of the Board of Pardons. The Board of Pardons then decides if the reprieve is continued or terminated UCA 77-27-5(4)(1998). The reprieves may allow stays of execution or authorize release of individuals until a decision is made at the next Board of Pardons meeting.,Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 17608,Lieutenant Governor,Foreign corporations disincorporated,1910-1911.,,This series documents the disincorporation of out-of-state corporations doing business in Utah.,Retain permanently,Public, 17914,Lieutenant Governor,Legislative acts register,1896-1905.,Chronological by date signed by the governor,"This volume records acts passed by the legislature and approved by the governor. There are columns for the title of the act\, the date of approval\, the name of the governor approving\, the number of the bill\, and the chapter of the published laws.",,Public, 3148,Lieutenant Governor,"Legislative acts, resolutions, and memorial journals",i 1850-1911.,Chronological,"These journals were kept as a record of the official copy of the acts and proceedings of the legislature. Keeping the record of the official acts of the legislature was a duty assigned to the Secretary's office by the Organic Act which created Utah's government in 1850. Usually what has been recorded in the journals is an exact copy of what was finally published as the Laws of Utah after each legislative session. After statehood in 1896\, a copy of the published version was pasted into the journals rather than a handwritten copy. Other miscellaneous information pertaining to the laws were noted between 1852 and 1855 as well. After 1911\, separate journals were no longer kept\, although final copies of all legislation passed continued to be kept on file by the Secretary of State.",,Public,6.50 cubic feet 10 microfilm reels 2189,Lieutenant Governor,Initiative petition signature sheets,1960-,"Alphabetical by county name, thereunder numerical by sequence number","These are signature sheets signed by individuals wishing to petition for initiatives to be added to the election ballot at election time. Related issues include\, but not limited to\, fluoridation\, alcoholic control\, abortion\, horse racing\, and taxation issues. The information documents the signatures of individuals concerning initiatives proposed by sponsors for referral to the legislature or the voters for their approval. The text of the proposed initiative will be retained permanently\, refer to series 10824\, Initiative petitions.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 2220,Lieutenant Governor,Indian war veteran medal records,i 1905-1940.,,"In 1905 the Utah legislature passed an act entitled ""Medals for Indian War Veterans"" authorizing the governor and secretary of state to procure a medal for each of the veterans who actually served in suppressing Indian hostilities in Utah during the years 1850 to 1872\, inclusive. These forms are the applications for a medal submitted by the veteran or next of kin. Related correspondence also is included as are a few actual medals which were never distributed. . Most of the applications relate to service in the Black Hawk Wars. Other confrontations include the Walker War\, Navajo raids\, Shoshone war\, Paiute raids\, Tintic skirmishes\, etc. The form required county; age; birthplace; current residence;name of war in which served; enrollment date; rank; commander's name; and places\, years\, and type of actual service followed by the applicant's signature. If being completed by next of kin\, there was a blank for the applicant to state his or her relationship to the veteran. The statement was witnessed by a notary and attested to by two individuals with personal knowledge of the applicant's service. The signature of the commander might also be included. The back of the form gives the date received\, date approved\, and the signatures of the governor and secretary of state. Correspondence includes requests for forms\, manufacturing orders for the medals\, inquiries regarding delays\, requests from veteran reunion groups\, receipts\, thank you notes\, etc. By 1925 whenappropriations had lapsed\, letters explaining the necessity of a two dollar fee were included. Correspondence as late as 1940 is noted in response to 1939 advertisements listing unclaimed medals. A few unclaimed medals remain in the series.",,Public,2.20 cubic feet 18 microfilm reels 4076,Lieutenant Governor,Legislative bills,1896-,"Chronological by legislative session, thereunder alphabetical by document type and numeric by bill number if applicable.","These final copies of bills\, memorials\, and resolutions approved by the House and Senate and filed with the Secretary of State (or Lieutenant Governor) enact the laws of the state of Utah. They serve as a basis for governmental policy and action. This series includes bills signed into law by the governor\, those which became law without the governor's signature\, those vetoed by the governor after the legislature was out of normal session\, and those vetoed but overridden by the legislature. Though the bills which become law are published as part of the Laws of Utah\, this series documents signatures and approval by the governor; this series also documents veto messages for bills rejected. Bills in the broad sense refers to bills\, resolutions\, memorials\, etc. Inthe narrow sense they are those documents legislators desire to have made into a Utah law. Memorials are generally pleadings for federal action\, usually to the U._S._Congress. Resolutions are position statements which do not have the weight of law. Bills have always gone for the governor's approval or veto. Simple resolutions and memorials must only pass the originating chamber\, but are still filed here. Concurrent and joint memorials and resolutions are filed here as well. Those terms have switched over the years\, but after 1921 the term concurrent came to mean one approved by both chambers with the governor concurring while joint means one passed by both chambers butwhich does not require the governor's signature.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,4.00 cubic feet 147 microfilm reels 4572,Lieutenant Governor,Sugar inspector's reports,1891-1892.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 4904,Lieutenant Governor,Great Salt Lake City Charter,"1851, 1860, 1884.",Chronological by date.,"This instrument organized the community of Salt Lake City in 1860. Under sections of the charter\, provisions were set for the formal creation of government offices and jurisdiction. An 1884 amendment to the charter is also included.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 5566,Lieutenant Governor,Withdrawals and dissolutions record book,1933-1954.,alphanumerical,,,Public, 5795,Lieutenant Governor,Election candidates charts,1960.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 3530,Lieutenant Governor,Compiled digest of administrative reports,1957-1966.,Chronological,"This series comprises annual reports submitted to the Secretary of State by Utah State government commissions\, boards\, departments\, and other institutions\, as required by chapter 153 of The Laws of Utah\, 1957. Reports were edited for content\, brevity\, and uniformity and compiled into a single volume to be printed and published for the use of the legislature. governor\, and other essential purposes.Reports to the Secretary of State were to include (1) a detailed statement of important official acts of the governing board of each agency\, (2) growth and condition\, (3) report of chief executive officer\, (4) list of officials and their salaries\, (5) estimate of cash value of real and personal property\, (6) estimate of cash value of real and personal property of state in connection with institution\, and (7) an inventory of real and personal property. General contents included a detailed statement of the manner in which all appropriations were expended and other material intended for the legislature\, governor\, and other uses. Excluded was financial data included in the State Auditor's financial report.",,Public,0.70 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 3566,Lieutenant Governor,Annual reports,1896-1973.,Alphanumerical,Annual or biennial agency reports submitted to the Secretary of State for compilation or publication.,,Public, 6189,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation document cards (alphabetical),ca. 1871-1974.,Alphabetical by corporation name,"This series contains document cards arranged alphabetically for companies incorporated to do business in the State of Utah and was created by the Secretary of State to facilitate access to the Incorporation Case Files. The series provides corporation name\, corporation case file number\, original filing date\, amount of capital stock\, where incorporated\, principal officers\, amendments\, and dissolution.",,Public,15 microfilm reels 5479,Lieutenant Governor,Foreign incorporation union service association minute book,1927-,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,Public, 5794,Lieutenant Governor,Maps of Utah: minor civil divisions,1940-1960.,Alphanumerical,"Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, and raised relief maps these are a graphic representation of the earth?s surface drawn to scale.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 6222,Lieutenant Governor,Insurance companies list,i 1887-1890.,Alphabetical by first letter of company name.,"This notebook contains an annual list of fire and life insurance companies doing business in Utah. In order to transact business\, each year the agent filed a statement showing company name\, amount of capital\, assets and liabilities\, agent name\, receipts and expenditures\, etc. Each entry on the list gives the company name\, name of agent(s) and the year(s) of filing. In one instance\, the date of revocation of the certificate of authority is noted.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 6218,Lieutenant Governor,Building and loan association incorporation certificate record book,i 1890-1892.,Chronological.,"This record book contains copies of incorporation certificates issued by the Secretary of the Territory to those building and loan associations that incorporated in three Utah counties during this period. In 1890\, legislation enabled building and loan associations to incorporate for the singular purpose of lending money to members for building and improving their homesteads. An association could draw up papers and file with the county probate court clerk who in turn sent copies to the territorial secretary who issued a certificate of incorporation. This book records a copy of the certificate for eleven associations in Salt Lake\, Weber\, and Cache counties. The certificate form has blanks for the name of the county\, dates of filings\, name of the buildingand loan association\, the individuals to whom a license was issued\, and the date and signature of the territorial secretary.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 6969,Lieutenant Governor,Notary public commission records,1978-,Numerical by commission number.,"These records support the agency's function to authorize and empower notaries public to witness signatures\, verify identities of signees\, and administer oaths of affirmation (Utah Code 46-1-3(2009)). Records include applications\, surety bonds\, certificates\, commission dates\, and notary public oaths of office.",Retain for 50 year(s),Public, 8545,Lieutenant Governor,Carey Act patents register,1917-1962.,Numerical by patent number,The Carey Act is a federal law that deals with land acquisition associated with improvement of the land. This register records the ownership of patents.,,Public, 9400,Lieutenant Governor,State candidate and office holders financial disclosures,1968-,"Chronological by election year, thereunder by office, thereunder alphabetical by candidate's surname.","Candidates for state executive\, legislative offices\, and state school boards are required to file periodic reports disclosing the money they raise and spend. These financial disclosure reports are submitted to the Lieutenant Governor's office at set times throughout the election cycle. The reports help to protect against conflicts of interest and to facilitate open and ethical government. They are governed by UCA 20A-11 (2002). The reports include the following types of information: candidate's name\, political party\, office\, address and signature; and itemized listings of contributions\, expenditures and loans. Financial disclosure reports were filed with the State Auditor until 1984. Thereafter filings were transferred to the Lieutenant Governor's office\, and then to the Elections Office at the time of its 1995 creation.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public,20.00 cubic feet 39 microfilm reels 9402,Lieutenant Governor,Political appointment records,1925-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by appointee name.","This series documents political appointments of individuals by the Governor to serve on one of the governor's commissions\, boards\, councils\, committees\, or other appointed positions. The information is used as a current list of appointees\, and is also a history of the various commissions\, boards etc\, and the individuals who served on them.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 9404,Lieutenant Governor,Land patents,"1899-1913, 1943-",Numerical by land patent number.,"These records contain land patents issued by the United States Government Bureau of Land Management\, to the state of Utah. Information includes land location by township and range\, the date the plat was accepted by the United States Government\, fee amounts\, related correspondence\, and the counties where the land is located.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 8547,Lieutenant Governor,County officers lists,1956-1977.,Chronological.,"Under the terms of UCA 67-2-6\, each county clerk was required to send the Secretary of State a certified list of all elected and appointed officials (except JPs and constables) holding office in the county after each election. These are those lists.",,Public, 8787,Lieutenant Governor,Deed register,1888-1953.,Chronological,This register contains typewritten copies of deeds which transfer title of land to the state.,,Public, 9408,Lieutenant Governor,Deeds,1876-,Alphabetical by county.,"Warranty and quit-claim deeds pertaining to the transfer of lands to the state or state agencies. Under M with Morgan county is also a Miscellaneous folder containing bond information\, county boundary dispute land records\, and other miscellaneous deeds.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 9405,Lieutenant Governor,Lobbyist registrations,1975-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical.","These files document the political lobbyists registered with the state of Utah. Under UCA 36-11-103\, lobbyists are required to register with the Lieutenant Governor's office before engaging in lobbying activity. The registration form\, accompanied by a registration fee\, lists the names and business addresses of the individual and each principal for whom the lobbyist works\, any government positions held\, and expenditures for which the lobbyist will be reimbursed. The form must be updated when principals change or are added.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 85039,Lieutenant Governor,Governors' executive orders and proclamations,1896-2004.,Chronological by filing date.,"This series contains the official copies of executive orders and proclamations issued by the Governor. Executive orders afford a method for reacting to and preparing a plan of action for sudden problems or changing events which require the Governor's prompt attention. Their issuance provides an established conventional means of responding to these events. Through the executive order\, the Governor also creates mechanisms to implement the regulations and establish organizations to perform activities of the government in some specific way. Proclamations are more broad statements of position. They provide a formal means to report to the general public that the Governor has responded to an event in a specific manner. Frequently proclamations are issued to paytribute or to express formal observance of holidays or other noteworthy occasions.",,Public,11.00 cubic feet 7 microfilm reels 85093,Lieutenant Governor,Purchasing files,1985-,none,"These records document transactions and construction contracts conducted by the Lieutenant Governor's office. They include contracts\, requisitions\, purchase order and lease records\, correspondence\, related records pertaining to awards\, administration\, receipt\, inspection\, and payments.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 20220,Lieutenant Governor,City and town information files (incorporation papers),1888-,Alphabetical by city or town.,"These records contain informational documents about Utah's cities and towns. Some of the information the records may include are: articles of incorporation of cities\, documents of annexations made by the municipalities and\, in some cases such as Soldier Summit\, dissolution of incorporated cities or towns. The records also contain plat maps of the incorporated areas.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,9.00 cubic feet 8 microfilm reels 20078,Lieutenant Governor,Thistle flood photographs,1983.,none,These records contain prints of photographs showing the dam break and subsequent flooding that destroyed the town of Thistle in 1983. The original photos were taken by Shirrel R. Young.,,Public, 19908,Lieutenant Governor,Political action committee financial disclosure forms,1972-,Alphabetical by the principal's name thereunder chronological,"These records document the financial expenditures made and received by Political Action Committees\, Political Issues Committees\, and Corporations. These files are required to be submitted to the Lieutenant Governor's office to provide public access to political financial expenditures in accordance with UCA 20A-11-601;701;801 (1996). Information includes name\, address\, and occupation of any individual making a contribution; name and address of any political action committee\, group\, or entity making a contribution and the amount of the contribution. Also included is a summary page that identifies: beginning balance; total contributions during the period since the last statement; total contributions to date; total expenditures during the period since the last statement; and total expenditures to date.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,2.00 cubic feet 20144,Lieutenant Governor,Constitutional amendments,1899-1980.,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by Joint Resolution or Concurrent Resolution number.","These records contain amendments to the Utah State Constitution. They document changes to the Utah Constitution from the end of the Nineteenth Century. They were done in the form of House and Senate Joint Resolutions during the legislative sessions\, but were separated from the other legislative bills (series 4076) based on their relationship to the constitution rather than simply the law.",,Public, 20077,Lieutenant Governor,Special district organization records,1935-2010,"By district type, thereunder alphabetical by district name.","These records support the agency's function to certify local entity boundary actions (Utah Code 67-1a-6.5(2016)). Records document official filings for the creation or modification of special districts and may include notices of impending boundary actions\, approved final local entity plats\, applicable certificates\, and related correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,4.35 cubic feet 22842,Lieutenant Governor,County clerk correspondence,1986-,Chronological by date,"These records document the relationship between the Lieutenant Governor's Office and the counties which stem from their mutual responsibilities concerning elections. The relationship became more formal in 1994 and 1995 with the implementation of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) or ""Motor Voter"" laws of 1993. Since the passage of the NVRA laws\, the Lieutenant Governor's Office and the Elections Office have held regular meetings with the county clerks and regularly send correspondence and instructions to the counties. Information includes all meeting agenda\, minutes\, and other correspondence related to the election process. The series includes very limited information prior to 1994.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 22866,Lieutenant Governor,Initiative petition monthly reports,2000-,"Chronological by month, thereunder alphabetical by name of organization",These records are used by the Elections Office to document payment of initiative circulators by initiative sponsors. The series contains reports that UCA 20A-7-205.5(1999) requires sponsors to file before the last Tuesday in April and the Tuesday before the general election if the circulators are being paid. The report only contains the sponsors' names and the name of the petition. The series also contains a second report that is mandated by UCA 20A-7-206.5(1999). This report details the amount of money paid per signature and must be filed after the last initiative packet is filed with the county clerk.,Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 22964,Lieutenant Governor,National Voter Registration Act statistics,1996-,"Chronological by month, thereunder alphabetical by county","These records contain voter registration statistics collected from each county in the state of Utah. This information is then directly reported to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The Commission then generates a federal report containing the numbers of registered voters\, sources of voter registrations and other voter registration statistics.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 22421,Lieutenant Governor,United States Senate candidate and contributor reports,2000-,"Chronological by election year, thereunder alphabetical by candidate's last name","These reports are filed with the Federal Election Commission in order to document contributions to\, and expenditures by\, candidates campaigning for the United States Senate. Candidates are required to file reports containing this information by 2 USC 439. This code section also states that the candidates must file a copy of the report with the Secretary of State within their home state. Information also includes reports from Political Action Committees (PACs) and other entities who contribute to Utah candidates for the United States Senate. Prior to 2000\, the reports in this series were included in series 470-Federal Election Commission campaign contribution reports. In 1999\, Utah received an exemption\, beginning in 2000\, from maintaining copies of reports from federal filing entities except those from candidates and contributors for the United States Senate.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 22514,Lieutenant Governor,Signature authorization records,2000-,Alphabetical by last name,"These records are used by the Elections Office to accomodate the the state's electronic filing system in filing state election candidate financial disclosure reports. Candidates for statewide office are required to file financial disclosure reports to the Lt. Governor's office several times each year by UCA 20A-11(1999). In 2000\, the Lt. Governor's office began accepting electronic filing of the financial disclosure reports under the authority of UCA 20A-11-103(2)(d)(1999). State office candidates are required to provide a signature authorizing the Lt. Governor's office to accept electronically filed reports by UCA 20A-11-203(3)(1999). Legislative candidates are required to provide a signature by UCA 20A-11-302(3)(1999). These records include the candidates' signatures and the ""user name"" assigned to each candidate in order for them to file the financial disclosure reports.",Retain for 2 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Protected, 22843,Lieutenant Governor,Western States Presidential Primary records,1999-,"Chronological by election year, thereunder alphabetical by subject","This series documents the activities of the Western States Presidential Primary in Utah. The Western States Primary is governed in Utah by UCA 20A-9-801 Utah held its first presidential primary in 2000\, as part of the Western States Primary. Information includes election results\, canvass reports\, budgets\, sample ballots\, meeting minutes\, and documentation of procedures used by county clerks and the Elections Office to conduct this primary.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 22944,Lieutenant Governor,Elections publications,1994-,"Alphabetical by subject, thereunder chronological by year.","This record series contains booklets and pamphlets published or compiled by the State Elections Office in order to inform the public about election issues. Information includes media packets\, training manuals\, and information pamphlets.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 22978,Lieutenant Governor,Department and commissions register,ca. 1963.,numerical,"This loose-leaf binder was created by the Secretary of State to keep track of state departments and commissions. Agency purpose\, citation of creating legislation\, membership\, office terms\, executive officer\, board meetings\, and special information are given for every agency listed.",,Public, 25868,Lieutenant Governor,Executive Correspondence,1992-2003.,Chronological.,"Business-related correspondence which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document material discussions and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media. This correspondence is filed separately from program case files\, and project files.",,Public, 27313,Lieutenant Governor,Notary complaints,1990-,Chronological by date of complaint,"Whistle-blower\, fraud\, and criminal complaints. Includes anonymous letters\, complaints\, criticism and suggestions\, and agency replies thereto. Also includes those complaints which were the basis of an investigation or from which administrative action was taken\, and those incorporated into individual personnel files.",Retain for 7 year(s),Private, 20945,Lieutenant Governor,Public transit district board oaths of office,1975-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by surname","These files contain the oaths of office taken by board members of the Utah Transit Authority and the board members of other public transit authorties in the state of Utah. Under UCA 17A-2-1038(11)(b)(1998)\, the oaths taken by members of the board of directors of Utah state public transit districts are required to be filed with the Lieutenant Governor's office. The oaths were first required to be filed with the Secretary of State by UCA 31-1 (1975).",Retain permanently,Public, 21808,Lieutenant Governor,Elections executive correspondence,1970-,Chronological by date,These files document the operations of the Elections Office and its role in the elections process. This correspondence relates to compliance requirements of candidates for state and federal offices.,,Public, 21810,Lieutenant Governor,Voter information pamphlets,1975-,Chronological by election year,"Voter information pamphlets are prepared under the direction of the Lieutenant Governor and according to Utah statutes (UCA 20A-7-701). The responsibility of compiling and distributing the pamphlets was assumed by the Elections Office at the time of their 1995 creation. The Lieutenant Governor's / Secretary of State's staff previously performed elections duties. The pamphlets are designed to inform the voters of the State about the candidates and issues on each general election's ballot. They contain some or all of the following items: a list of all candidates for constitutional offices; a list of candidates for each legislative district; information pertaining to all measures to be submitted to the voters; a description provided by the Judicial Council of the selection and retention process for judges; an explanation of ballot marking procedures; and voter registration information.Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",,Public,1 microfilm reel 21818,Lieutenant Governor,Election cycle records,1964-,Chronological by election year,"These records contain the documents required to conduct elections. The records include declarations of candidacy\, party certifications and petitions\, candidate certifications and petitions\, certifications to county clerks\, certifications of entitlement\, and electoral college information.",,Public, 21809,Lieutenant Governor,General election office correspondence,1970-,Chronological by date,These files contain letters to the Elections Office which pertain to a variety of election topics. Most of the correspondence contains general questions about election laws and processes. The remainder address topics relating to government in general.,,Public, 21817,Lieutenant Governor,State and county election returns,1966-,Chronological by election year,These records document the results from the county and state primary and general elections. The returns also contain the results from the school district board elections. Information includes tallies of the county elections and abstracts of the statewide elections.,,Public, 21838,Lieutenant Governor,Political party financial disclosures,1970-,Chronological,"These records document financial diclosures of political parties that are required by UCA 20A-11-5 for public review. Information includes the party; party headquarter's address; and the date and amount of each contribution\, and the address from which it was made; and the date and amount of expenditure\, and the address to which it was made.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 21946,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation document cards (numerical),1871-1932.,Numerical by case file number,"This series contains document cards arranged in case number order for companies incorporated to do business in the State of Utah and was created by the Secretary of State to facilitate access to the Incorporation Case Files. The series provides corporation name\, corporation case file number\, original filing date\, amount of capital stock\, where incorporated\, principal place of business\, amendments\, and dissolution.",,Public,7 microfilm reels 21812,Lieutenant Governor,Municipal election returns,1965-,Chronological by election year,"These records document the results from the municipal primary and general elections. Information includes the name of each candidate for each elected municipal office\, and the number of votes each candidate received.",,Public, 21958,Lieutenant Governor,Voter information pamphlets surveys,1980-1992.,Chronological by year,"The Election's office contracted with Dan Jones & Associates from 1980-92\, to conduct and compile opinion surveys of Utahns regarding elections. The objectives of these studies were to determine the effectiveness of the Utah Voter Information Pamphlets\, reasons for voting or for not voting\, and to obtain public opinions about campaigns\, mass meetings\, and other aspects of the election process. These records contain the results from the opinion polls.",,Public, 22031,Lieutenant Governor,Federal Elections Commission reports,1996-2003.,Chronological by election year,"These reports are required to be filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) after every general election by the National Voter Registration Act (Public Law 103-31) and 11 CFR 8. States are required to report total numbers of registered voters\, sources of voter registrations\, and other information required by the FEC. These are duplicates of the original reports. The original reports are filed with the FEC.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 20221,Lieutenant Governor,Interstate compacts,1922-,Chronological by date.,"These records contain Utah's compacts with other states regarding various issues. The records include agreements on water rights\, law enforcement\, education\, juveniles\, mental health\, motor vehicles\, supervision of parolees\, civil defense and disaster\, and inter-local cooperation agreements. The records include the Colorado River Compact\, which apportioned water from the Colorado River among six western states and has been an ongoing source of controversy since it went into effect.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 20317,Lieutenant Governor,Trademark index cards,1923-1984.,Alphabetical by mark.,"This series consists of index cards to trademark registrations. The cards include the trademark name or a description of the mark\, the items the mark is to be used on\, name and address of the registering body\, the date of registration and any subsequent renewals\, the mark number\, and the book and page number location of the mark in the register.",,Public,3 microfilm reels 20316,Lieutenant Governor,Trademark samples,1969-1975.,Numerical by trademark number.,"These samples were intended to act as a pictorial index to non-textual or graphic marks not easily described for the alphabetically arranged indexes. Each sample includes the mark\, the date registered\, the name of the registering person or organization\, and the file number. Some samples also include the address of the registering body\, the class of goods on which the mark is to be used\, and the trademark's expiration date.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 21819,Lieutenant Governor,Invoices,1995-,Chronological by date,These are accounts payable invoices for purchases made by the Elections Office. Most of the records deal with printing costs incurred by the office.,,Public, 21959,Lieutenant Governor,Voting accessibility surveys,1986-1992.,Chronological by year,"In accordance with the provisions of the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act and 42 USC 1973\, the states were required to report to the Federal Elections Commission on the accessibility of polling places. In order to compile this information\, the Lieutenant Governor's office surveyed each county and then compiled the information into the state report. These records include the state reports\, and the individual county reports. The reports are no longer required to be filed by the states.",,Public, 21938,Lieutenant Governor,Lobbyist financial disclosure reports,1990-,"Alphabetical by name, thereunder chronological by reporting date","These reports are required by UCA 36-11-201 and 36-11-202. Lobbyists\, principals\, and government officers must file financial disclosure reports at various times during the year. These reports include lobbyist name\, address\, telephone number\, travel expenditures\, expenditures itemized according to those that are less than fifty dollars per person and those expenditures exceeding fifty dollars per person\, purposes of expenditures\, sum total of expenditures\, number of each bill or resolution on which an expenditure was made\, a description of each executive action on which expenditures were made\, and general purposes and causes promoted by the lobbyist.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 22035,Lieutenant Governor,Lobbyist lists,1991-,Chronological by date,"This information is taken from the lobbyist registrations (series 9405). The lobbyist lists contain information such as name\, address\, phone number\, and organizations for whom the lobbyists work. The lists are compiled for convenience and quick reference for office use and for public review. Because these lists contain duplicate information from the lobbyist registrations\, which are kept permanently\, the lists do not have permanent historical value.",Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 21815,Lieutenant Governor,Election research compilations,1958-1976.,Chronological by year generated,"These are lists of election results compiled at the request of researchers of the political process for the state of Utah and the United States. The information contained in the lists depends on the type of information requested. Some lists contain the candidates for executive offices and the United States Senators and Congressmen\, and the number of votes they received over several decades. Other lists may contain the election results from the state legislative races. Territorial elections may be included along with those of the statehood period.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 21960,Lieutenant Governor,Voter information pamphlet work papers,1982-,Chronological by year,"These records are used to compile Voter Information Pamphlets for circulation to the general public. The Lieutenant Governor is required by UCA 20A-7-701 and 702 (1998)\, to publish these pamphlets before every general election. The information includes invoices\, correspondence\, and other documentation of the cost of producing and distributing the pamphlets.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 22013,Lieutenant Governor,Political party convention expenses,1970-1994.,Chronological by year,These files contain records of reimbursements to political parties that were incurred for party conventions. UCA 20-4-12 required the state to reimburse the parties for these expenses. The statute was repealed in 1994. The records include detailed descriptions of expenditures and the amount of reimbursement by the state.,,Public, 22044,Lieutenant Governor,Incorporation annual reports,1928-1931.,Alphabetical by corporation name,"These annual reports contain information pertaining to corporation name\, address of principal office\, names and addresses of principal officers\, total authorized capital stock\, total issued and outstanding stock\, amount of property owned\, gross volume of business done\, and type of business.",,Public,4.00 cubic feet 24286,Lieutenant Governor,Elected officials funds disclosure report,1998-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by name",,Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 24308,Lieutenant Governor,Land transfer clear lists,1990-,Numerical,"These documents transfer lands from the United States Government to the State of utah in part satisfaction of certain land grants\, including from the BLM as lands selected by the state under the Taylor Grazing Act. These documents were recorded with the appropriate county recorder and then transferred to the Lt. Governor's office by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration. Archival holdings: Agricultural College Clear List 24; Miners' Hospital Clear List 46.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 23770,Lieutenant Governor,Law publication amendments,ca. 1917.,alphabetical by topic,The Secretary of State was responsible for publication of the Utah Code. This notebook (index format) records Secretary Harden Bennion's (in office 1917-1921) notes on proofreading corrections and legal changes to be made prior to publication.,,Public, 25871,Lieutenant Governor,Lt. Governor Annual Art Exhibit,2000-2003.,Chronological.,This series contains records of the annual art exhibit created by Lt. Governor Olene Walker. The exhibit ran from 2000 to 2003. Also contained in the series is one video news clip from the 2001 show.,,Public, 25880,Lieutenant Governor,Newspaper Clippings,1992-2003.,Chronological,"These are newspaper clippings mostly from a paid clipping service the governors office subscribed to. They document\, through print media coverage\, events and activities concerning Lt. Governor Walker. All clipped stories deal with the Lt. Governor\, her projects and her office.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 25867,Lieutenant Governor,Lt. Governor Subject Files,1992-2003.,Alphabetical by subject,These records are subject files created and maintained by Lt. Governor Olene Walker or her assistant on various topics. Most of the files are from 96 and 97 with a few from various other years.,,Public, 25869,Lieutenant Governor,Video News Clips,1992-2003.,Chronological,"These are video segments mostly from a paid clipping service the governor's office subscribed to. They document\, through media coverage\, events and activities concerning Lt. Governor Walker. All clipped stories deal with the Lt. Governor\, her initiatives and her office. Includes video material from local news coverage clips.",,Public, 25870,Lieutenant Governor,Photographs,1992-2003.,"Chronological, thereafter alphabetical by event title.","This series contains photographs preserved by Lt. Governor Walker's office which depict Walker in formal and informal situations. The majority of the photos where taken by the Lt. Governor's assistant. The series includes photos of proclamation signings; speeches; presentations; community and state events; meetings with staff\, cabinet\, local\, state and national leaders and international visitors.",,Public, 26376,Lieutenant Governor,Felony conviction notifications,2002-,"Chronological by date, thereunder alphabetical by name",This series contains written notices of felony convictions used to identify incarcerated felons. Felon inmates are not allowed to vote while incarcerated. This information is entered into VISTA (Voter Registration Database) in order to track the dates of incarceration. The information entered into the voter registration database helps to document the period of time an inmate will not be allowed to vote. Release dates are noted in order to reinstate the ability to vote when inmates are no longer incarcerated. This series may also contain judgment and commitment orders of felony cases prosecuted in the United States District Court for the state of Utah.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 26573,Lieutenant Governor,Olene Walker Olympic records,1995-2003.,chronological,Records created in the planning and hosting of the Olympic Winter Games by then Lieutenant Governor Olene Walker.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 29219,Lieutenant Governor,Official signatures and Governor's seals,1917-1975.,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by state.","This series contains requests by Utah's Secretary of State to each of the states and territories for Governor's signatures and impressions of the Governor's seal as well as other top officials signatures and seals. These were then used to make communication between state officials safe\, secure\, and quick. This series also contains the signatures of both President Reagan and President Carter when they were governors of California and Georgia.",,Public,0.35 cubic foot 28818,Lieutenant Governor,Statewide voter registration records,2002-,Alphabetical.,"These records support the agency's functions to oversee all of Utah's voter registration activities and to maintain a list of registered voters (Utah Code 20A-2-104(3)(b)(2015). Records verify a subject's eligibility to vote by establishing citizenship\, age\, identity\, residency\, and authentic signature. Information about the registrant's political affiliation may also be included.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,Public, 28902,Lieutenant Governor,Notary public discipline records,1980-,Alphabetical.,"These records support the agency's function to authorize and empower notaries public to witness signatures\, verify identities of signees\, and administer oaths of affirmation (Utah Code 46-1-3(2009)). Records document the revocation or suspension of a notarial commission due to official misconduct or other grounds stipulated by Utah Code 46-1-19(2003).",Retain for 75 year(s),Public, 28901,Lieutenant Governor,Notary public index,1986-,Alphabetical.,"These records support the agency's function to authorize and empower notaries public to witness signatures\, verify identities of signees\, and administer oaths of affirmation (Utah Code 46-1-3 (2021)). Records document the contact information\, bonding agency\, and effective dates that notaries public were commissioned.",Retain for 50 year(s),Public, 29420,Lieutenant Governor,Territorial pay out ledger book,1870-1885.,"Alphabetical, there under chronological",This series contains a ledger book containing moneys paid out by the Territorial Legislature to several entities and counties for various work and projects.,,,0.50 cubic foot 30035,Lieutenant Governor,Gifts received by the Lieutenant Governor,2009-,None.,"These artifacts are gifts and memorabilia given to the lieutenant governor in his or her official capacity\, usually in recognition of public service or in commemoration of an event. Included are objects of significant monetary or historical value\, such as plaques\, figurines or statues\, decorative plates and items associated with special events. Not included are memorabilia of a transient nature such as ball caps\, t-shirts\, and perishable items.",Permanent. Retain until separation or until administrative value has been met,Public, 30019,Lieutenant Governor,Referendum petition packets,1960-,Numerical by petition packet number.,"These are referendum packets submitted to the Lieutenant Governor as per Utah Code 20A-7-3. A statewide referendum is a publicly sponsored petition that submits a law passed by the legislature to the voters for their approval or rejection at the general election. Packets contain signature sheets signed by individuals wishing to petition for a referendum to be added to the election ballot at election time. These signature sheets are used to determine if the referendum sponsors collected enough signatures. Petition packets may include personal information\, signature\, and date of signature of all individuals who signed the referendum. The referendum petition application is preserved permanently under a different retention schedule.",Retain for 22 month(s) after final action,Public, 30823,Lieutenant Governor,Notice of proposed constitutional amendments,1920.,None.,"This series contains a public notice of proposed amendments to the constitution of the State of Utah for the year 1920\, certified by the Secretary of State Harden Bennion. Publication of proposed constitutional amendments is required under section 23 of the Constitution of the State of Utah\, which states that substance of the proposed amendments shall be ""published in at least one newspaper in every county of the State\, where a newspaper is published\, for two months immediately preceding the next general election"". This notice features amendments relating to; charters of cities and towns\, tax rates for state purposes\, rights of action to recover damages for injuries\, and relating to state debt limitations\, and contains arguments for the amendments\, and any against the amendments..",Retain permanently,Public, 30634,Lieutenant Governor,Utah State Official Family photograph,1946.,None.,"These records document the organization and reorganization of governmental entities. Information includes history\, functional information\, geographical boundaries\, organizational files and related records.",,Private,0.50 cubic foot 417,Lieutenant Governor,Newspaper clippings,1964-1974.,Alphanumerical.,Pages from the newspaper regarding land use referenda and constitutional amendments.Copies of ballots for proposed constitutional amendments as they appeared in the newspapers.,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 318,Lieutenant Governor,Capitol building display and repair records,1922-1970.,none.,"Includes interior photograph; 1939 drawing by Lorenzo S. Young\, Architect\, for the case to hold the Utah State Constitution; 1924 booklet on the Utah State Capitol Exhibit; ca. 1950 floorplans in jacketed microfilm. Two aerial photographs of the capitol (1934 and 1970) are also included\, although their attribution to this series is problematic. By law\, the Secretary of State was superintendent of the capitol until 1977.",,Public, 10727,Lieutenant Governor,Capitol monument dedication programs,1959; 1967.,chronological,"These programs outline the dedication ceremonies for monuments at the state Capitol building and grounds. Until 1977\, the Secretary of State was responsible for the Capitol building and grounds. Holdings include programs for the dedication and unveiling ceremonies of the following monuments: Brigadier General Thomas L._Kane (14 January 1959)\, and Edward Henry Harriman (9 May 1967).",,Public, 370,Lieutenant Governor,Legislative scrapbook,1896-1941.,Alphanumerical.,"Records which document an agency's history. Includes scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and information about events and programs sponsored or funded by an agency. May also include narrative audio and audiovisual agency histories.",,Public, 1261,Lieutenant Governor,Emmeline B. Wells Centennial Memorial Committee administrative records,1928-1929.,,"The administrative records include correspondence\, minute book\, treasurer's monthly and final reports\, check books\, record of receipts for contributions\, bank books\, newspaper clippings and all other documents connected with the making and placing of the marble bust known as the Emmeline B._Wells Centennial Memorial in the rotunda of the State Capitol building\, February 29\, 1928.",,Public,