seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 23912,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education video tapes,1987-,Alphabetical by name of school.,"The Arts Education Program (AE) works with schools\, communities and nonprofit organizations\, to encourage lifelong learning in the arts. AE supports projects such as professional development for teachers and artist residencies in schools. This series contains video tapes of artist residencies completed in various elementary\, middle\, and high schools throughout the state of Utah.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,5.00 cubic feet 6437,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Ririe-Woodbury dance company publications,1981.,Alphanumerical,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical. If unique\, see Schedule 1 Item 44.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 10468,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,"Inside-out, creative writing in the schools",1991-,Chronological,This publication was created by the Utah Arts Council Arts in Education program. It is a collection of essays written by artists and teachers about teaching creative writing.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 20108,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Economic impact study of arts and cultural institutions,1974-1980.,Chronological,"This series documents one of six case studies conducted during 1978 by staff of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research in partnership with arts agencies in six U.S. cities\, including the Utah Arts Council. The study attempted to measure the economic impact of arts activities on selected metropolitan areas\, including Salt Lake City. Reports presenting the study's findings were published in 1980. These records include information relevant to the report prepared for Salt Lake City\, including research methodology\, reference materials\, report drafts\, and the final publications.",,Public,1.35 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 20107,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Agency history records and publications,1976-,Chronological.,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 20109,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Governor's awards in the arts,1989-,Chronological,"These records document the recipients of the annual Governor's Award in the Arts. Awards are given in eight categories: artist\, business\, patron\, community\, arts education\, elected officials\, arts organization\, and special citation. The award recipients are nominated by the general public. The series includes the following types of information: invitations\, press releases\, photos of winners\, paperwork from the selection committee\, and vendor information regarding printing and catering.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,2.00 cubic feet 23220,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Western Arts Alliance records,1990-,Chronological,These records provide information on the Arts Council's involvement in the Western Arts Alliance. Information includes conference notes and contact lists. The files are used by the Council in booking conferences for performance artists.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 23227,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Folk Arts apprenticeship project grant applications,1990-,Chronological,These records are used to bring new artists into the Utah Folk Arts apprenticeship program. Information includes original applications and payment documents.,Retain for 7 year(s),, 23226,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education denied grants files,1990-,Chronological,"These records contain information regarding denied applications for grants. Information includes applicant's name\, grant application\, and documentation supporting denial of the grant.",Retain for 10 year(s),, 23230,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Publications,1975-,Chronological.,"Records created by the Utah Arts Council (UAC)\, including pamphlets\, reports\, and other published or processed documents. These records include information on UAC programs and events\, arts funding\, and arts status in the state of Utah. Consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.",Permanent. Retain for 1 month(s),Public,2.35 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 23258,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Contracts,1995-,Chronological.,"These contracts document the expenditures of the Utah Arts Council. The contracts document work done by individual artists for the Arts Council and large purchases made by the Arts Council. Information includes the names of the individuals with whom the contracts are made\, the contract amount\, the terms of the contract\, date signed\, signatures\, contract expiration date\, and related documentation.",Retain for 6 year(s),Private, 22336,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program education and show records,1980-,Alphabetical by exhibition title,"These records contain data that accompany each Traveling Exhibition Program (TEP) show. The information documents the accomplishments of TEP\, the changes and improvements in the program\, and the program's achievements in showcasing Utah's art and artists throughout the state. Information includes educational materials\, inventories\, artist lists\, and other information that pertains to each show. Record formats include paper records\, slides\, and computer data files that are used as back up files for the paper records.",Permanent. Retain for 8 year(s),, 23872,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,State fine art collection records,1933-1957.,Chronological.,"The Fine Arts Council was established by Senate Bill 86 in 1899. The bill mandated that a competition and exhibition for Utah artists be held each year with selected art purchased for the permanent state collection. This series contains records that help to document the growth of this collection. It includes collection inventories\, artist records\, investigative reports\, and an insurance proposal.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 23939,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Board appointments,1956-1980.,Chronological in reverse order.,"The Board of Directors of the Utah Arts Council (UAC) is comprised of thirteen members\, each appointed to a four-year term by the Governor. Nine members represent individual artistic disciplines and four are appointed from the community at large. This series contains copies of letters of appointment signed by the Governor sent to new board members. There is some related correspondence from the UAC director also included.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 26565,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Mountain West Conference on the Arts files,2006-,Alphabetical by subject.,"This series contains materials from the annual Mountain West Conference on the Arts. The conference is hosted by the Utah Arts Council and is designed to benefit individuals and organizations in the Utah arts community. The conference provides opportunities for networking\, professional development\, educational experiences\, and access to essential resources. Information includes brochures\, correspondence\, vendor agreements\, applications\, registrations\, conference arrangements\, copies of presentations\, programs\, and related materials.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 28569,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Gravestone rubbings,1979-,Alphabetical by name of deceased.,This series contains rubbings of selected grave markers around Utah.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 59937,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program loan records,1979-,Alphabetical by name of borrowing entity,"These are receipts which identify sponsors who have received art work from the state collection on loan. Information includes\, the name of institution borrowing the art work\, address\, purpose of loan\, duration\, description of material\, and the artists' names.",Retain for 13 year(s) after resolution of issue,Private, 59941,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program press releases and publicity files,1982-,Alphabetical by name of exhibit,"These are releases prepared by the program for publicity and educational purposes. Includes name of exhibit\, where it will travel\, and copies of releases.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 59942,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program schedule report,1977-,Chronological,"This is a report of the Traveling Exhibition Program which details the schedule for the exhibits over a six year period. Includes name of exhibition\, place traveled to\, and dates of exhibition.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),, 59976,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program information request files,1980-,Chronological,"Acknowledgment records\, transmittal inquiries\, and requests that have been referred elsewhere for reply.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 60003,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Visual Arts annual statewide exhibition case files,1977-,Chronological,"The Utah Arts Council was established in 1899 by the Third Utah Legislature. The bill mandated that a competition and exhibition for Utah artists be held each year with selected art purchased for the permanent state collection. These case files document this annual exhibition. The files contain information about the following: planning\, organization\, participating artists\, and jurors.",Permanent. Retain for 8 year(s),Public,1.20 cubic feet 29640,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Uinta Basin folklife survey,2017-,Alphabetical by artist or event name.,"These records help the Division accomplish their mandate to ""advance the interests of the arts... within the state..."" (Utah Code 9-6-201(3)(2017)). Records document fieldwork and ethnographic studies of traditional arts and lifeways in Uintah\, Duchesne\, and Daggett counties (the Uinta Basin). Records include photographs\, audio recordings\, and video recordings of artists\, artist interviews\, and events. Also includes profiles of each artist and event\, and related records.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 30095,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Governor's Conference on the Arts surveys,1967-1972.,Chronological,"These surveys were created by local cultural programs for the Division of Community and Culture in preparation for the Governor's Conference on the Arts. Surveys include program information\, governor's notes\, program directors' notes\, and notes on facilities and other materials used by local programs.",Retain permanently,Public, 29909,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Accounts payable and receivable,1980-,Chronological.,"These records are related to the Division's accounting and financial operations. These records may include receipts\, invoices\, checks\, deposits\, financial logs\, and materials related to financial transactions. They do not include published budgets\, financial audits\, grant money\, or payroll.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 81324,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour program panel books,i 1983-,"Alphabetical by discipline, thereunder by artist","These books are a compilation of information on artists and performing organizations who have applied for residencies coordinated through the Performing Arts Tour Program. The books are prepared for panels of artists who assess the merits of the applicants and make recommendations for selection. The master panel book is compiled from the panel books. The information includes names of artists and performing organizations applying to participate in the program\, description of services offered.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 81330,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Council slide collection,1975-,None,This series contains color slides of various events sponsored or funded by the Arts Council. The slides are used for presentations to various community groups and the state legislature to garner support and to demonstrate the value of the arts. Most are undated and without labels . An audiotape is also included in this series.,Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public,4.00 cubic feet 81329,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Council scrapbooks,1940-,Chronological.,"These scrapbooks contain photographs\, articles\, program notes and other memorabilia which document actual events sponsored or funded by the Arts Council.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 81302,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts program log of sound recordings,i 1977-,Alphabetical by topic,"This is a finding aid and log to recordings of interviews\, community events\, and performances made by the Folk Arts Program. This includes names of artists and performers\, dates\, and a brief description of the recording.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 81332,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Video tapes of programs,i 1985-,Alphabetical by subject.,These video tapes were created to educate the public concerning Arts Council projects and includes a discussion of the programs and services offered.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81310,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Grantee case files,i 1974-,Alphabetical by organization name,"These case files document the awarding of a grant to an artist or organization and contain the legal contract binding the recipient of the grant and the Utah Arts Council. The files provide documentation as to why the grant was awarded and how the funds were spent. These files include the application\, copies of correspondence\, contract materials\, evaluation forms by on-site review processes and by the organization or artist\, nonprofit organization certificate\, brochures about the artist or organization\, and copies of newspaper reviews. Data elements include the name of the organization or artist\, federal employer identification number\, and addresses and telephone numbers of contact people.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81301,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts program field notes and artist data sheets,i 1977-,Alphabetical by topic,"These files are the working papers of field workers who collect information about Utah's traditional arts and artists. The data sheets contain biographical information about the artists. The information is used to promote the artists and their work. These files include working notes of the field worker including impressions and evaluations of the artists and their work\, background and history of the artists and the forms of art. Data elements include names\, addresses\, religion\, ethnic group\, and age.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),Private,1 microfilm reel 81309,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Grants review meeting tapes,i 1981-,Chronological,"These are audio cassette tapes of the actual Grants Review Meetings which are available after the meeting to applicants and the public for review of the meeting's transactions. This includes audio cassette tape\, meeting's proceedings\, names of participants\, and issues.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 81313,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Grants program correspondence,i 1981-,Chronological,"This file contains copies of correspondence related to the Grants Program in general and is used for program development in the office. This file includes letters and memoranda\, names\, addresses\, questions\, and issues involved. A duplicate is kept in the chronological file.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81264,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Copy of Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) voucher register,i 1978-,Chronological,"These are computer-printout registers of payments made by the Arts Council to vendors and organizations. This is the office copy used to verify expenditures. The information includes vendor name\, vendor number\, amount paid\, check number\, date\, and total amounts.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 81247,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,History of the Arts Council files,1899-,Chronological,"These files\, maintained by the director of the Arts Council\, document the history of the Arts Council from its enabling legislation in 1899 to the present. The files indicate the goals\, priorities\, programs\, and successes of the Council\, and those who have served on the Board of the Arts Council. These files include correspondence\, photographs\, board member vitae and information\, special program materials\, copies of legislation\, and documentation concerning the goals and standards set by the Council.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 81255,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Professional contractual agreements,i 1981-,Chronological,"These are copies of professional agreements between artists and organizations participating in the Arts in Education Program or the Utah Performing Arts Tour. The original is maintained by the Division of Finance. The office uses the agreements to monitor funding\, chart payments and amendments to the agreements\, maintain current budget projections\, and to prepare future budgets. The information includes names of the contracting parties\, terms\, amounts owed and received\, social security numbers\, and tax identification numbers.",Retain for 3 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,Public, 81289,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Expenditure vouchers index,i 1984-,Chronological,"This index is a finding aid to the expenditure vouchers used by the Arts Council in the payment of grant awards and other funds. The index includes name of vendor\, artist or organization\, voucher number\, and amount.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 81290,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Long distance telephone calls printout,i 1985-,Chronological,"This is a computer printout of long distance telephone calls made by the Arts Council. It is used to verify staff responsibility for the calls. This includes Arts Council telephone numbers\, long distance telephone numbers\, location\, and dates.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 83691,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Annual reports,1899-,Chronological.,"The annual report summarizes the Art Council's yearly activities. Its contents include a statement of purpose\, descriptions of the Council's various programs and advisory boards\, fiscal information\, and grants and awards information.,Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until completion of publication or report,Public,0.55 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 83695,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Original writing competition pamphlets,1983-,Chronological,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 83697,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education program brochures,1979-,Chronological,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 83696,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Guide to the grants program,1985-,Chronological.,The Grants Program of the Utah Arts Council provides matching financial assistance to Utah nonprofit and tax exempt organizations for arts programming. Grants monies are made available through funds appropriated by the state legislature and from the National Endowment for the Arts. This series contains booklets that include the grants application form and associated information and instructions.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.35 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 83700,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Utah folklife newsletter,1958-1991.,Chronological.,"This newsletter contains information on folklore arts in Utah. It includes articles on current scholarship\, practicing folklorists\, and noteworthy artists. It also includes announcements for conferences\, training\, employment\, and upcoming events in local communities.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 3095,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Endowment for the Humanities report,1980-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 6533,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Exhibit guides,1933-,Chronological.,"This series contains interpretive guides for exhibitions sponsored by the Fine Arts Council. Senate Bill 86 established the Fine Arts Council in 1899. The bill mandated that a competition and exhibition for Utah artists be held each year with selected art purchased for the permanent state collection. Most of the exhibit guides in this series were created for the annual competition and exhibition. Additionally\, there are some guides included for special exhibits and traveling collections sponsored by the Fine Arts Council.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.35 cubic foot 6425,Department of Heritage and Arts. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Utah studies,1968-2015.,Alphanumerical.,These technical reference files include newspaper and magazine articles about arts programs and studies evaluating how the arts and sciences work tegether to foster learning. Some of the articles are gathered by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and given to the Arts Council.,Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 6439,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah arts calendar,1977-1978.,Alphanumerical,,,, 19017,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,FINET payment records,1995-,Alphanumerical by FINET number,"Records processed through the state accounting system that document the expenditure of cash and the appropriate supporting information. Includes payment invoices\, purchasing records\, and travel reimbursements.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 20103,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Personnel files for permanent employees,1960-,Alphabetical by surname,"Complete work history of individual while employed by the State. Refer to UCA 67-18-1\, et seq. and DHRM standards on accessing\, maintaining\, and managing employee personnel files. When an employee transfers to another state agency\, the official personnel file must be sent to the new agency. The file should include current information on performance evaluations\, performance plans\, position description\, career mobility agreement\, insurance benefits notification (ADNT-1)\, job swap agreement\, and overtime agreement where applicable. Also contains application for employment\, employees' social security card (copy)\, Notice of personnel action (DHRM 33)\, Human resource profile/events (DHRM 34)\, Termination form (DHRM 35)\, Employment,eligibility verification form\, Exit interview form\, New employee orientation self-guide\, and retirement/deferred compensation plan notification (ADNT-2). May contain documentation on employee withholding\, completion of course certificates\, conflict of interest letters\, incentive award results\, letters of commendation\, leave records\, health records\, and leave adjustment reports.",Retain for 65 year(s) after separation,Private, 20106,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Governor's Conference on the Arts sound recordings,1968-1978.,Chronological,"The bulk of these sound recordings document speeches and performances given at the annual Governor's Conference on the Arts. The conference themes varied from year to year\, and included theater\, visual arts\, dance\, and music. Other sound recordings included in the series document miscellaneous meetings and programs sponsored by the Arts Council.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 23212,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Public Art Program building project case files,1985-,Numerical by project number,"These records document the activities\, progress\, and accomplishments of the Utah Public Art Program's building projects. The building projects provide artwork for public buildings throughout the state. The records are used to determine which buildings will receive artwork and which artwork will adorn the buildings Information includes meeting minutes\, committee members proposals\, contracts\, conversations\, notes\, and correspondence.",Retain permanently,Public, 23216,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Ovations,1973-,Chronological,"Ovations is a quarterly publication of the Utah Arts Council. Its contents include agency news\, focus articles on noteworthy individuals and organizations\, and awards and grants information. It was previously published under two different names. From 1973-1979 it was called the Utah Arts Newsletter\, and from 1980-1993 it was called Repertoire.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,0.70 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 23223,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Non-Profit training records,1994-,Chronological,This handbook is used for training sessions provided to Utah artists. The sessions provide artists with professional development opportunities and information to improve their standing in the field. The handbook provides a written companion to the training sessions.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 23211,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts publications and recordings,1992-,Chronological,"This series contains publications and recordings produced by the Folk Arts Program. It exhibits various types of artistic expression from diverse cultural groups living in the state of Utah. The publications include books\, newsletters\, audio recordings\, and other media types. The series consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.,Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101(7)(2017) and 9-7-208(4)(2006).",Permanent. Retain for 1 month(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 23225,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education grant files,1985-,Chronological,These files contain copies of Arts Council contracts with artists in the Arts Education program. The files are used in dealing with artists' contract issues.,Retain for 10 year(s),, 23255,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk Art collection records,ca.1970-,None.,These records include artwork belonging to the Folk Arts Program and the related documentation. The records document the history of the artwork and the Program's activities. The series documents the changing styles of art collected by the Folk Arts Program throughout the Program's history.,Retain permanently,Public, 23228,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Ethnic Art Program grant applications,1990-,Chronological,These records contain applications to be accepted into the Ethnic Art Program. Information includes grant applications and payment documents.,Retain for 7 year(s),, 23241,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Arts Council reference guide,1985-,Chronological,"This publication is provided to the Board members and employees of the Utah Arts Council (UAC) to help familiarize themselves with the Arts Council and its operations. The reference guide also provides contact information for Board members and employees. Information includes the UAC's mission statement; statutes and bylaws; directory information for Board members\, advisory panels\, and UAC committees (names\, spouses' names\, home addresses\, and home telephone numbers); organizational chart; a guide to services; strategic plans; available grants; roles and responsibilities of the UAC; and the history of the UAC.",Permanent. Retain for 1 month(s),Public,0.35 cubic foot 22005,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Three-dimensional art proposals,1985-,None,"These models are submitted by artists to the Utah Arts Council's Public Art Program for use by the state of Utah to display in or on public structures\, or on public grounds. The models comprise one of two formats that are required in the proposal process. The other format consists of two-dimensional drawings. The models are artists' renderings of proposed sculptures and other proposed three-dimensional works that have been accepted by the Utah Arts Council\, or\, if the proposal is two-dimensional (i.e. paintings)\, a three-dimensional example of how the accepted work would appear on the structure for which it is proposed. After selection of the work\, the models are used for exhibits and educational purposes.",Retain permanently,Public, 23900,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Utah Guide Project photographs,1981-1982.,Alphabetical by name of photograph's source.,"""Utah: A Guide to the State"" is a publication of self-guided tours and written vignettes of eight different regions of the state of Utah. The first edition was done as part of the WPA in the 1940s\, the second edition in 1982\, and the third edition in 1998. This series contains photographs and slides gathered from various sources throughout the state for publication in the second edition.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 26564,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Creative Communities Initiative grant case files,2006-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by project name.","This series contains grant applications submitted by arts organizations to the Creative Communities Initiative program. This program encourages participants to enhance the quality of life in their communities by using formal collaboration processes to integrate art and culture with technology\, community planning\, civic engagement\, and the use of public space. File information may include accepted proposals and applications\, project reports\, memoranda\, correspondence\, and other records relating to the receipt\, review\, award\, evaluation\, status\, and monitoring of grants.",Retain for 3 year(s) after case is closed,Public, 25893,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Commemorative Quarter records,2004-,Alphabetical by category.,"This series contains records for the Utah Commemorative Quarter Contest and the Commemorative Quarter Launch. As part of its 50 State Quarters Program\, the United States Mint planned to produce over 450 million quarters honoring the State of Utah. To assist in the design selection process for the Utah quarter\, the State of Utah sponsored a design contest open to school children and adults. Submissions were accepted until June 1\, 2005\, and the winning design was unveiled in May of 2006. Minted Utah quarters began circulation in 2007. Contest materials include copies of the design criteria and rules\, contest submissions and narratives\, correspondence\, booklets\, media recordings\, and other memorabilia. Information found on the submission form includes submitter's name\, address\, and design contents. The Commemorative Quarter Launch introduced the new Utah quarter to the people of Utah and the Nation. The Launch was held on November 9th\, 2007\, at the Rio Grande Depot in Salt Lake City.,Launch materials include correspondence; memorabilia; and planning\, implementation\, and media materials.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 26482,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Inventory study committee records,2006-,Chronological,"This series contains records created by the advisory committee assigned to research\, design\, and plan a proposed inventory of state-owned or held works of art. The purpose of the committee was to study a comprehensive\, electronic inventory; a publicly accessible and researchable Internet site of electronic images and inventory information; and program maintenance and tracking. Series information may include meeting minutes\, research materials\, notes\, and reports\, etc.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public, 25504,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performance recordings,1960-,"Alphabetical by program title, thereunder chronological by date.","These recordings document Utah Arts Council performances. They include performances in music\, literature\, poetry\, theater\, and speech. They capture performances for all Arts Education\, Artists Endowment\, Artist Services\, Community/State Partnership and Utah Performing Art Tour\, Design Arts\, and Literature programs. The recordings also include Utah Arts Council performances during special events\, conferences\, and meetings. The format for recordings have changed over time and these recordings consist of reel to reel\, audio cassette\, video cassette\, and digital recordings.",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s),Public, 28246,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,State of Utah fine art collection records,1899-,Alphabetical by artist last name.,"These records document the history and the condition of the State's Fine Art Collection. Records are used to answer research questions\, keep current and complete records about the artworks included\, document state ownership\, and monitor and track the pieces in the collection. Each record may contain: an object worksheet\, a record of exhibitions and loans\, a request of payment/donation receipt or other proof of purchase\, a condition report\, and any other supplemental materials that may be relevant to the history and provenance of the piece.",Retain permanently,Protected, 59971,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Confirmation files,1982-,None.,"These checklists are used to track items that are loaned\, delivered\, and returned relevent to the Traveling Exhibition Program.",Retain for 3 year(s) after resolution of issue,, 59974,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program printing files,1982-,Chronological,"These files contain the administrative materials for the printing of promotional material for the Traveling Exhibition Program. They include the name of exhibit\, notes and designs\, memoranda\, and final copies of printed material.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s) after end of project or program,Public,0.20 cubic foot 30101,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Division strategic plans,1973-,Chronological.,"These records are the Division of Arts & Museums strategic plans and progress reports. They contain division goals\, projected budgets\, development services\, and resources.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 81319,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour correspondence,i 1983-,Chronological,"This series contains copies of correspondence and memoranda related to the Performing Arts Tour\, concerning its functions as a facilitator between performing arts groups\, communities\, and nonprofit organizations. This includes names and addresses\, issues and decisions.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 29907,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Audit reports,1941-,Chronological.,These records contain final audit reports detailing the financial and business functions of the Institute of Fine Arts as conducted by the Utah State Legislature or other governmental agencies.,Retain permanently,Public, 81320,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Applications for performing arts tour residencies,i 1983-,Alphabetical by discipline,"These are case files of artists and organizations who are applying to participate in the Performing Arts Tour Program. The files are used by a panel in the selection of participants and are then used in subsequent years to refer to available artists and performing organizations. These files include names and addresses of applicants\, information regarding the type of program offered for varying audiences\, history of group or artist\, references\, budget information\, comments of the panel\, and social security numbers of individual artists.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81328,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Press releases,1980-,Chronological,"These are press releases issued by the Utah Arts Council (UAC) to promote UAC programs and events\, and to solicit applicants for grants and artistic competitions. The press releases include the following types of information: names of artists\, names of UAC employees and board members\, event descriptions\, types of grants to be awarded\, and guidelines for the grants application process.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 81298,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts program correspondence,i 1977-,Alphabetical by topic,"These records contain copies of letters and memoranda of the Folk Arts Program concerning its functions as gatherer and preserver of Utah's traditional arts. The correspondence records the communications between the Folk Arts Program and artists who contribute to the program. The records are used for program planning and research. Individual files include names and addresses of artists and individuals corresponding with the agency\, and the issues involved.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 81297,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Design program slide collection,1986-,Alphabetical by area,These are slides taken of Utah architecture and design to document community development and to provide examples of good and bad planning and design. This includes slides of buildings and other aspects of Utah's design culture.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81304,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts project files,i 1977-,Alphabetical by project name,"These are case files of special projects conducted by the Folk Arts Program to prepare a public presentation of traditional art. The presentation may be a video tape\, a slide show\, a concert of folk music\, a festival of folk art\, or other types of public display. These files include sketches of exhibits\, correspondence\, records of expenditures\, mailing lists of involved artists\, loan forms\, release forms to give permission to publish materials\, and budget information.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 81308,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Grants review meeting files,i 1978-,Chronological,"These files document the review process as conducted by the Grants Review Meetings where grant applications are considered and recommendations for the awards are made\, subject to the approval of the Utah Arts Council Board. The minutes of the meeting and the materials prepared for the members provide documentation for the recommended awards. These files include minutes\, agenda\, meeting materials prepared for the participants concerning the applicants\, travel documentation for the members traveling to the meeting\, and names and addresses of the members.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 81312,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Grants booklet project files,i 1981-,Chronological,"These are working files for the publication of the Grants Program booklet\, which describes the program and the application process. The files contain all bid information\, the design procedures\, and suggested revisions by the Utah Arts Council Board. These files include a copy of the booklet\, working papers for the design of the booklet\, policies and procedures of the Grants Program\, federal grants application procedures\, and a mailing list for the published booklet.",Retain for 2 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public, 81305,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts program research records,i 1977-,Alphabetical by topic,"These are files that provide information used in newsletters\, preparing scripts for presentations\, labeling visual and audio materials\, and for projects requiring background information. These files include notes\, newspaper clippings\, articles about Utah's folk arts\, and other research materials.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81311,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Grant applications denied case files,i 1974-,Alphabetical by organization name,"These are case files of applications for funding that were not accepted. The files include the letter of rejection and serve the Grants Program in program planning\, historical studies\, and providing documentation for audits. These files include the application; proposed program; names of artist or organization applying for the grant; copies of correspondence; names\, addresses\, and telephone numbers of contact people; and the letter rejecting the application for grant funds.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81317,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah original writing competition correspondence,i 1981-,Chronological,"This is the program copy of letters and memoranda concerning the administration of the Literary Program Competition. Information includes actions and policies with respect to the entrants\, the judges\, and the selection of winners. Also included are names and addresses\, issues\, and decisions.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81266,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Western States Arts Foundation subject files,1974-,Chronological,"These are minutes\, correspondence\, and other materials related to Western States Arts Foundation meetings as they apply to the development of the arts in Utah and neighboring states. The board functioned as an advisor and advocate to facilitate the grant application process. These files include minutes\, correspondence\, information about Utah's artists and programs\, names of board members\, travel information\, and names of members of the Utah Arts Council working with the foundation.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public,2.00 cubic feet 81262,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Applications for vendor number updates,i 1985-,Alphabetical by vendor name,"These are application forms submitted by the Arts Council to the Division of Purchasing for the purpose of assigning a vendor number. The entire application is returned to the Arts Council and is used to maintain a file of vendors\, their numbers\, and addresses. The information includes name and address of vendor\, number\, and date.",Retain until superseded,Public, 81265,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Administrative rules files,i 1982-,Chronological,"These are working papers and tracking documents used to formulate administrative rules for the Arts Council. They indicate the basis for promulgating the rules and provide models for further rulemaking. These files include rulemaking forms\, dates\, and documentation supporting rulemaking procedures.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 81269,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education residency information binder,i 1977-,Chronological,"These binders contain information sheets on participating artists and residency sponsors of the Arts in Education (AIE) residency programs and are used to draw up the contracts and letters of agreement. This includes names and information concerning artists or organizations selected to participate in the AIE Residency Programs\, names of residency sponsors\, addresses and telephone numbers of contact people\, and sources of funding.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81284,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education artist working files,i 1977-,Chronological,"These records document the biennial process of peer panel review of continuing and new artists and organizations for recommended participation in the Arts in Education (AIE) residency programs. This series includes minutes\, agenda\, and meeting materials prepared for panel participants concerning the applicants. Information on the applications includes name\, address\, social security number\, phone numbers\, and references.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public,2.00 cubic feet 81275,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education program National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) grant final reports and NEA grant applications,i 1966-,Chronological,"These are copies of reports submitted to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) concerning the distribution of grant funds to the Arts in Education (AIE) Program. The reports indicate the programs of the previous year\, update current projects receiving federal funding\, and apply for funding for the upcoming year. A copy of the report is maintained in the Budget and Accounting office. This includes a narrative a report of the year's projects\, statistical information concerning the numbers of people served\, the types of schools and communities\, teachers involved\, how ethnic groups were involved\, types of artists in residencies\, and how the Utah AIE complied with federal requirements.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 81278,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education artist report forms,i 1977-,Alphabetical by residency sponsor,"These are written reports and correspondence that are completed at the end of a residency by the artist or performing organization to describe how the goals of the residency were met\, the benefits to the school\, the cooperation of the sponsor\, and comments and suggestions for program improvement. These reports include names of residencies and artists involved\, description of the presentations and audience reception\, and the goals and accomplishments of the particular residency.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81282,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education sponsor review working file,i 1977-,Chronological by year,"These case files document the annual application review of AIE sponsors to host artists or performing organizations in residencies and receive matching funds from the Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts. The files include panel meeting agenda\, minutes\, and materials prepared for panel decisions\, including applications. The applications include names\, addresses\, and telephone numbers of contact people; names of artists or organizations desired (if known); authorization signatures; and dates of proposed residencies. Budget materials\, UAC grant applications to the National Endowment for the Arts\, and some panel minutes related to artist bank applications are inter-mingled in the early files from the program's beginnings.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,2.00 cubic feet 81249,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Board minutes,1942-,Chronological,"Minutes of open and closed committee and board meetings as required by UCA 52-4-203 (2014)\, et seq. ""Written minutes shall be kept of all open meetings"" UCA 52-4-203 (2013). May include agenda\, meeting minutes\, transcripts\, and other supporting documentation.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 81250,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Arts Council staff notes,i 1978-,Chronological,These binders hold materials prepared by the staff members of the Council which apprise the Board of the Arts Council of the progress of particular projects and programs assigned to each staff member. The records include names of the staff members and information concerning the progress of the programs.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81286,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Federal grant application files,i 1972-,Alphabetical by program,"These files contain applications for basic state grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. They are used to obtain federal funding and to maintain a record of each project. These files include application forms\, projected budget\, correspondence\, description and justification documentation of the project or program\, records of grant monies received and distributed\, final reports of the project or program\, and evaluations.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s) after final action,Public, 81291,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Community/state partnership statewide conference files,i 1981-,Chronological,"Each year a conference is held to promote the development of arts organizations. The conference also instructs artists\, administrators\, and school officials in the use of these organizations. These files document the organization of the conference. They include working papers and notes\, the program\, speeches\, publicity\, budget documentation\, and the agenda.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 81294,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Community development files,i 1976-,Alphabetical by organization,"These files are used to chart the progress and development of community arts programs. These files include notes\, copies of correspondence\, promotional materials\, and other information regarding the development of community art.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81293,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Community/state partnership special projects files,i 1976-,Alphabetical by subject,"These case files document special projects of the Community/State Partnership Program. Files include completed surveys\, workshops held\, notes from planning sessions\, justification and evaluation of special projects\, correspondence\, and budget planning information.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 83694,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour rosters,1978-,Chronological.,"This series contains rosters for the Utah Performing Arts Tour. The roster lists and describes dance\, music\, and theater groups available for performances and workshops in local communities throughout the state. The Tour is a component of the Arts Council's Community/State Partnership Program. The roster is revised each year by a panel composed of sponsors\, artists\, and educators.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 83699,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Community view newsletter,1987-1994.,Chronological.,"Community View is a quarterly newsletter produced by the Community/State Partnership program of the Utah Arts Council. It includes a calendar of community-sponsored arts events\, news items of interest to the community arts field and articles highlighting the arts councils around the state.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 83703,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Poetry from the schools anthologies,1976-1989.,Chronological,"The poetry in these anthologies is the result of a number of week-long residences by poets and writers in the Utah Arts in Education program. The poems are written by students from various schools throughout the state of Utah\, ranging from first grade to seniors in high school.",,Public,1.20 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 83693,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Art Ops,1997-,Chronological.,"Art Ops is a quarterly newsletter published by the Utah Arts Council that provides artists of various disciplines with current information regarding awards\, residencies\, fellowships\, competitions\, workshops\, exhibitions\, and employment. The newsletter is organized by artistic discipline or category. A listing of the categories follows: multi-discipline\, literary arts\, media arts\, performing arts\, visual arts\, and public art.",Permanent. Retain until completion of publication or report,Public,1.20 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 3099,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Endowment for the Humanities newsletter,1979-,Alphanumerical,"Microfiche includes UEH Newsletters containing new committee members\, surveys\, funded projects\, calendar events and announcements.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 6436,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Original writing contest rules,1983-1985.,Alphanumerical.,This is a mailer used to describe the purpose and scope of the writing contest.,,,1 microfilm reel 8536,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Director's correspondence,i 1979-,Chronological,"This series contains program correspondence of the Arts Council not pertaining to specific programs administered by the council\, but concerning decisions and actions of the council with respect to the development and encouragement of the arts in Utah. This is the only copy of such correspondence noting the history of the council for the included years. These files include names\, addresses\, actions proposed and taken\, and day-to-day business of the Arts Council.",Permanent. Retain for 12 year(s),Public,2.00 cubic feet 23326,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Museums publications,1994-,Chronological by year,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 23213,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Artist Resource Center brochure,1998-,Chronological,"The Artist Resource Center is a community outreach program of the Utah Arts Council. The Resource Center provides artists with a range of resources and services\, including periodicals\, journals\, books\, Internet access\, and information on competitions\, grants\, continuing education and employment. The brochures advertise these services and others available at the Artist Resource Center.",Permanent. Retain for 1 month(s),Public,0.35 cubic foot 23222,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Non-Profit training handbook,1994-,Chronological,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 1 month(s),Public, 23231,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education Panel records,ca.1970-,Chronological,"These records document the activities of the Arts Education Panel. This is a citizen panel that makes decisions on recommending artists to the Utah Arts Council for the Arts Education Program. The panel also makes recommendations for funding organizations. Information includes panel discussions\, notes\, comments\, and meeting minutes.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 22323,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Design arts city planning photographs,1977-,"Chronological by date, thereunder alphabetical by city or area",These aerial photographs are used for community design projects and city planning. The Arts Council uses these photos in assisting communities with city planning projects. The photos document the layout of the communities and provide a valuable historical resource to document physical changes in Utah's communities. The records contain both color and black and white photographs.,Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public,2.20 cubic feet 23836,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Visual arts bulletin,1982-1994.,Chronological.,"The Visual Arts Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter published by the Utah Arts Council. The bulletin provides visual artists with information regarding competitions\, grants and funding\, and workshops. It also includes some in-depth articles on the status of the arts in Utah.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 23921,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Arts Resource Directory,1984-,Chronological.,The Arts Resource Directory is a listing of arts events and arts organizations throughout the state of Utah. The directory is compiled and periodically updated by the Utah Arts Council. The information on each arts organization is categorized according to their respective functions.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 26454,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education sponsor grant files,2004-,"Alphabetical by grant type, thereunder alphabetical by name of applicant.","This series contains sponsor applications for Art Education's Artist-in-Residence and other annual\, education grants programs. Sponsor applicants are nonprofit organizations\, schools\, and school districts interested in promoting arts education in Utah. Selected sponsors provide matching funds and also contract approved artists to participate in instructional programs. Arts Education uses the applications to track demographic information about program participants and to collect reference data about sponsors\, artists and completed projects. Information includes grant applications and supporting documents.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 59936,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program evaluations,1980-,Numerical,"These evaluations indicate community response to exhibitions provided to communities and schools through the Traveling Exhibition Program. The evaluations include names of sponsoring institutions\, name of the exhibit\, ratings\, comments\, and descriptions of how each exhibition was used for educational purposes.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 59935,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling exhibition program exhibition files,1982-,Alphabetical by title of exhibit,"These case files document the Traveling Exhibition Program\, providing a description of the exhibits and educational packets for sponsors. Includes photographs of the exhibit\, mock-ups and actual copy for publicity purposes\, inventories of art works\, lesson plans and suggestions for using the exhibit\, and other educational materials.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),, 59972,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program Workshop administrative files,1981-,Chronological,"These files document the administration of workshops conducted in conjunction with the Traveling Exhibition Program. Information includes invoices\, memoranda\, and educational material.",Retain for 5 year(s),, 59975,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program administrative correspondence,1979-,Chronological,"These files provide public response and reaction to the Traveling Exhibition Program\, including correspondence\, thank you notes\, news clippings\, and other items of interest to the program.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 59978,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah high school art program case files,1983-,None,"These case files document the planning and construction of a traveling exhibit of art work based on winning pieces submitted to the Springville Annual Show. The case files indicate the future aspirations of the high school students as well as their feelings for artistic expression. Includes names of winning students\, photographs of students with their work\, entry forms\, phone numbers\, addresses\, and correspondence with the Springville Art Museum.",Permanent. Retain for 8 year(s),Public, 60002,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Visual arts fellowship case files,1986-,"Alphabetical by type of media, thereunder by artist","These are case files for artists applying for fellowships and document the artistic merit of the applicant and the purpose in applying for the grant funds. Includes name of applicant\, address\, home telephone number\, social security number\, letters of reference\, resume\, ten slides of art work\, publications regarding the work of the artist\, agreement to execute terms of the grant\, and a description of how the grant will be used.",Retain for 5 year(s) after final action,Private, 81318,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Literary program correspondence,i 1984-,Chronological,"This is the program copy of correspondence and memoranda of the Literary Program. The records concern its functions as a clearinghouse of information and mediator for writers in the state. Information includes names and addresses\, issues\, and decisions.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81321,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour artists' contracts,i 1983-,Alphabetical by artist,"These are contracts binding an artist or a performing organization to the terms set by the Performing Arts Tour Program to perform on tour throughout the state for an entire season. The contracts establish the method of payment and requirements of the tour. This includes names of artists\, performing organizations\, sponsors\, terms of the contract\, dates involved\, and financial information.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81323,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour evaluation,i 1983-,Alphabetical by discipline,"These files are of two types. One evaluation is filled out by the artist or performing organization to gauge the adherence of the sponsor to the terms of the contract and one is filled out by the sponsor to evaluate the quality of the event and of the program. These files include names of sponsors\, artists\, and performing organizations\, dates of residencies\, and evaluative statements.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81300,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts visual media collection,i 1977-,Alphabetical by topic,"These files are slides\, black and white photographs\, and video tapes which document interviews with traditional artists\, field work research of the program staff\, and performances. The initial field work and interviews are used in preparing additional exhibits by the agency. These records include names of the artists; events; and photographs in various formats of interviews with artists\, initial field work\, performances\, and displays.",Retain permanently,Public, 81303,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,"Folk arts program field recordings of interviews, public performances, and community events",i 1977-,Chronological,"These are recordings on 1/4"" tape or magnetic cassette which orally document interviews\, community events\, and performances of Utah's folk artists. The recordings are used for presentations prepared by the office and for research of a particular art form or artist. This includes names of artists and performers\, interviews\, and recordings of performances and events.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81331,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Council Board biography files,i 1979-,Alphabetical by surname,"These files contain biographies of the members of the Arts Council Board for public dissemination. They include names of board members\, background qualifications\, and credentials.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81261,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Motor pool log,i 1986-,Chronological,"This file indicates the mileage and the staff person using the Arts Council van. The information is then submitted to the Division of Central Services for billing. The information recorded includes name of staff person\, mileage\, gasoline receipts\, and dates.",Retain for 3 month(s),, 81280,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education (AIE) letters of agreement and payment agreements,i 1977-,Alphabetical by artist or organization,"These are the official contracts binding the artist or organization with the residency sponsor and the Utah Arts Council and indicating the distribution of matching grant funds and terms of the agreement. The information recorded includes names of the artist or organization\, names of residency sponsors\, dates\, locations\, travel documentation\, terms of participating parties\, amount of funding\, and terms of agreement.",Retain for 3 year(s) after final action,Public, 81248,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Director's administrative records,1977-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by subject","This series contains records that document the tenure of the Utah Arts Council (UAC) director\, as well as the numerous projects undertaken or supported by the council. The records include correspondence\, minutes\, and assorted case files related to specific projects\, UAC programs\, and property.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 81252,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Foundation for Utah: A Guide to the State minutes and meeting files,1978-1998.,Chronological in reverse order,"These are the minutes and meeting files of the foundation created to raise funds for and publish the second and third editions of the book ""Utah\, Guide to the State."" The files document the support the foundation received and are maintained in the event that another edition is possible. The information includes names of committee members and those attending the meetings or who were willing to support the foundation\, issues\, and actions taken by the committee.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 81287,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Federal grant applicant notice files,i 1976-,Alphabetical by program,"These files are required by federal regulation\, which indicates that artists and organizations applying directly to the National Endowment for the Arts for funding must send a notice to the Utah Arts Council. These files include a copy of the application\, correspondence\, terms of grant\, and amount of funding sought and awarded.",Retain for 3 year(s) after final action,Private, 30514,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Literary Arts Program media,1990-2010.,,,Retain permanently,Public,2.00 cubic feet 81314,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Original writing competition manuscripts,1958-,"Chronological by year, thereunder by class or category.","These are the winning manuscripts submitted to the Annual Original Writing Competition. The manuscripts include the following: novels\, nonfiction\, biographies/autobiographies\, short collections of poetry\, book-length collections of poetry\, light verse\, juvenile books\, young adult books\, short stories\, magazine articles and personal essays. The Competition encourages the authors to publish these works by awarding cash and publication prizes. Authors retain full publication rights. There are no non-winning manuscripts in this collection.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public,24.00 cubic feet 6536,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Salt Lake theater commemorative program,1941-,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,, 6422,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Activity list,undated,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 6433,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,National art program reports,1978-1985.,Alphanumerical,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical. If unique\, see Schedule 1 Item 44.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 6441,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah poetry society bicentennial magazine,1976.,Alphanumerical.,6533,,Public, 20091,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Individual Artists Services Program grant case files,1989-,"Alphabetical by category, thereunder alphabetical by surname.","This series contains the applications for individual artists who have applied for grants from the Utah Arts Council through the Individual Artists Services Program. The Arts Council awards grants to professional and emerging artists from any of eleven categories: crafts\, photography\, visual arts\, dance\, design arts\, literary\, theater\, media arts\, music\, and performance art/emergent forms. The grant is offered once a year. If an artist receives a grant\, he or she must wait two years before re-applying. The grants are given to assist and support professional development\, recognize the significant contribution artists make to the creative environment of Utah\, and nurture the individual artist's creativity. Information includes accepted proposals and applications\, contracts\, project reports\, studies\, certificates\, agreements\, memoranda\, correspondence\, and other records relating to the receipt\, review\, award\, evaluation\, status\, and monitoring of the grants.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 23259,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts Education partnership records,1985-,Chronological.,"These records document partnership agreements between the Utah Arts Council's Arts Education Program and various entities with whom they work. Information includes agreements which detail what each side supplies the partnership\, correspondence\, and other related documents. Partnerships include\, the State Office of Education\, the Children's Dance Theatre\, Art Access/Very Special Arts\, Repitory Dance Theatre\, Ririe Woodbury Dance Company\, the Springville Museum of Art\, Utah Opera\, the Utah Parent Teachers' Association\, the Utah Arts Education Association\, and the Utah State Folklore Program.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 23214,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Public Art brochure,1998-,Chronological,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 23221,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Annual conference records,1992-2001.,Chronological,"These records provide information about the Utah Arts Council's annual conference. Information includes names of participating artists\, names of participating educators\, and registration for the conference.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 23224,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Community/State Partnership Program tour program visual image records,ca.1975-,None,"These records document events from the Community/State Partnership Program (CSPP) tour program. Information includes photographs\, slides\, and videotapes of the tour's programs and activities.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 23215,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,"Zoo, arts, and parks tax program records",1997-,Chronological,"The Zoo\, Arts\, and Parks (ZAP) tax is a federal tax of which the revenue is required to be spent on these three areas in order to provide free events to the public. These records document Arts Council events and programs funded by the ZAP tax. Information includes marketing events\, planning information\, and schedules of events.",Permanent. Retain for 8 year(s),Public, 23229,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Literary Partnership Projects correspondence,1990-,Chronological,These records act as contracts for the Literary Partnership Project. Information includes letters of agreements that act as contracts and copies of invoices paid under the letters of agreement.,Retain for 5 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,, 22004,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Two-dimensional art proposals,1985-,None,"These drawings are submitted by artists to the Utah Arts Council's Public Art Program for use by the state of Utah to display in or on public structures\, or on public grounds. The drawings comprise one of two formats that are required in the proposal process. The other format consists of three-dimensional models. The drawings are artists' renderings of proposed paintings\, sculptures\, license plate designs\, and other proposals that have been accepted by the Utah Arts Council.",Retain permanently,Public, 23854,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Arts Education program resource records,ca. 1987-1997.,Alphabetical by subject.,"This series contains resource materials gathered and used by the Arts Education (AE) program staff. They treat topics such as arts advocacy\, underserved populations\, multi-cultural arts\, and learning theory. Magazines\, newsletters\, and articles from the National Endowment for the Arts and other like-minded organizations are also included\, helping to establish policies\, guidelines\, and goals for the Utah AE Program.",,Public,2.00 cubic feet 25630,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Union Pacific Depot records,1988-2000.,"Alphabetical by subject, thereunder chronological by date.","This series documents the events surrounding the donation of the Union Pacific Depot to the Utah Arts Council. On October 27\, 1988 Governor Norman H. Bangerter announced that the Union Pacific Corporation was donating the Union Pacific Depot to the Utah Arts Council to create a State Art Museum to house the Utah State Fine Art Collection. The Utah State Fine Art Museum Foundation accepted donations and raised money toward the renovation and remodeling of the Union Pacific Depot. These records include studies\, correspondence\, and minutes pertaining to the discussions that came about when the Utah Arts Council released the building to the Boyer Company as part of the Gateway Project.",,Public, 59939,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program schedule files,1976-,Chronological,"These files contain the schedule for traveling exhibitions\, listing by month the location of the exhibits. The files also document requests for exhibits which were not fulfilled. The files are used to track the exhibits and plan future events. Information in the files include names of exhibits\, location of the exhibits\, dates\, some publicity materials\, and names of entities unsuccessfully requesting exhibits.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 59979,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Association files,1979-1980.,Chronological,"These files document the relation of the Visual Arts Program with similar associations thoughout the west and nationally. The records contain descriptions of workshops operated under the direction of Utah's program and relations with affliliated touring services. Other information includes names of associations\, agenda\, meeting notes\, menus\, books and pamphlets from other agencies\, and correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 8 year(s),Public, 59940,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program follow-up memoranda,1983-,None,These memoranda indicate items not turned in to the Visual Arts Program as per the original agreement. Items may include the evaluation forms or documentation of the $50.00 rental fee.,Retain for 3 year(s) after resolution of issue,, 81322,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour sponsor contracts,i 1983-,Alphabetical by artist,"These are contracts binding a sponsor of a performing tour residency to the terms set by the Performing Arts Tour Program in order to host artists and performing organizations. The contracts establish the method of payment and requirements of the tour. This includes names of artists\, performing organizations\, sponsors\, invoices\, terms of the contract\, dates involved\, and financial information.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81325,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing arts tour program master panel book,i 1983-,"Alphabetical by discipline, thereunder by artist","This book is a compilation of information of artists and performing organizations which have applied for residencies coordinated through the Performing Arts Tour Program. The master book is compiled from the panel books and is used to chart who has applied to participate in the program and who is available according to artistic discipline. The information includes names of artists and performing organizations applying to participate in the program\, as well as a description of services offered.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 81306,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Folk arts program historical records,i 1977-,Alphabetical by topic,"These records provide a history of the projects of the Folk Arts Program\, and are used to document further planning. Information includes pamphlets\, brochures\, news releases\, posters\, postcards\, and other materials representing the program.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,2.50 cubic feet 81307,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Folk arts program advisory panel minutes,i 1985-1995.,Chronological,"These are minutes of the Folk Arts Advisory Panel\, a panel of folklorists who review the program budget and programming\, and act in an advisory capacity. This includes names of members of the panel\, issues discussed\, budget information.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 81315,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Utah Original Writing Competition submission cards,i 1981-1997.,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by last name","The Utah Arts Council sponsors an annual original writing competition for writers of various literary genres. This series contains the submission cards turned in by the entrants along with their manuscript(s). The submission cards include the following types of information: name\, address and phone number of the entrant\, and manuscript genre and title. The cards alternately function as a guide to writers in the state.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 81260,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education (AIE) invoice file,i 1983-,Chronological,"These are invoice files that track amounts charged to and paid by school and community sponsors of residencies through the Arts in Education program (AIE). These files include name of school or community sponsor\, dates of residency\, invoice number\, artist or organization\, amounts paid and dates\, and copies of checks.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 81277,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education evaluations of residencies,1977-,Alphabetical by residency sponsor,"These are evaluations prepared by the teachers\, artists\, coordinators\, principals\, students\, and on-site reviewers participating in the Arts in Education (AIE) residency programs to gauge the effectiveness of the program\, the quality of the artists\, and adherence to the conditions of the contract. The evaluations are used to compile the statistical reports\, note any problems with artists or sponsors\, and to plan further programs. The information includes names of residencies and artists being evaluated\, numbers of people served\, and hours and sites involved.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 81251,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Utah Arts Festival meeting minutes,i 1978-1984.,Chronological in reverse order,"These minutes and meeting files concern the design\, promotion\, and organization of the Utah Arts Festival. The Arts Council stopped managing this function in 1983. The information includes names of those attending the meetings\, issues and projects discussed\, and action to be taken.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 81253,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Revenue transmittal report,i 1983-,Chronological,"This is a log kept of funds dedicated to creditors and sponsors of programs administered by the Arts Council. The log is used to monitor spending and track grant accounts. A copy is maintained by the administrative offices of the Department of Community and Economic Development. This includes date\, low organization number\, object code\, justification for transmittal of funds\, and the entity receiving payment.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 81285,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Arts in Education (AIE) committee meeting files,i 1977-,Chronological,"These are minutes and other meeting materials of the AIE Committee. The committee prepares recommendations to the Arts Council Board (from the peer panel review meetings) to grant matching funds for residencies of artists and to approve the participation of selected artists and organizations. The minutes also document the determination of AIE policies and procedures. This includes names of members attending the meetings\, information and materials from the peer panel meetings\, policies\, and issues discussed.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 81295,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Designer interview files,i 1986-,"Alphabetical by area of design, thereunder by artist","These files contain interviews with designers to gauge the development of support and activities related to the advancement of the principles of design. The information gathered in the interviews will be used in newsletters and case books devoted to the education and promotion of design excellence. These files include names of people and organizations interviewed\, and the substance of the interview.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 23915,Department of Community and Culture. Division of Fine Arts,Literature Program newspaper clippings,1980-1995.,Alphabetical by subject.,"The Literature Program assists and encourages Utah writers at all levels of accomplishment\, in all literary genres\, and from every part of the state. This series contains newspaper clippings gathered by the Literature Program\, and includes articles\, announcements\, and reviews about Utah writers.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 1059,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Photographs,1940-,Chronological,"This series contains photographs and photographic negatives that help to document the history of the Utah Arts Council (UAC). The photographs treat the following subjects: programs sponsored by the UAC (especially the Arts Education program)\, UAC board members and staff\, exhibitions\, competitions\, conferences\, workshops\, and artistic performances.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,2.60 cubic feet 26444,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Poetry contest records,2006-,Chronological,"This series contains the records of participants\, judges\, and organizers involved with Utah's annual\, state and local Poetry Out Loud contest. Two national organizations\, the Poetry Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts\, partner with state arts agencies to support the competitions. The contest encourages high school students to learn about outstanding poetry through study\, memorization\, and performance. The state competition includes classroom\, school-wide\, district\, and state levels. State winners compete in the National Finals in Washington\, D.C. Contents of this series may include correspondence\, worksheets\, DVDs of state competitions\, photographs\, pictures\, copies of competition poetry\, scoring information\, and judges' notes.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 23096,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Newspaper clippings,1977-,Chronological,"This series helps to document the history of the Utah Arts Council (UAC). The newspaper clippings cover a range of topics\, including local and statewide arts events\, public funding for the arts\, public opinion\, and agency news--providing various perspectives on UAC's influence and accomplishments.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 23899,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Performing Arts Tour photographs,1984-,Chronological.,"This series contains black and white photographs used in the annual rosters for the Utah Performing Arts Tour. The photographs portray the dance\, music\, and theater groups available for performances and workshops in local communities throughout the state. The Tour is a component of the Arts Council's Community/State Partnership Program.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,1.35 cubic feet 26569,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Utah Poet Laureate Program records,1997-,Alphabetical by name of poet.,"This series documents Utah's Poet Laureate Program. The program was established in 1997 as a collaborative effort between the Utah Governor's Office and the Utah Arts Council. To fill the five-year\, poet laureate position\, the Utah Arts Council Literature Committee creates the initial list of eligible poets and presents the governor with three recommendations. Based on the committee's recommendations\, the governor appoints the new Utah Poet Laureate. Poets laureate serve as advocates for the literary arts by accepting speaking engagements\, presenting workshops\, and participating in literature and poetry activities throughout the state. The Utah Arts Council administers the program\, overseeing the selection process\, activities\, and other responsibilities. Information for this series includes correspondence\, submissions\, poetry collections\, committee minutes\, event schedules\, and other related materials.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 59938,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Traveling Exhibition Program invoice files,1981-,Alphabetical by name of borrowing entity,"These files indicate the delivery of materials to sponsors of the Traveling Exhibition Program and provide a checklist to document that conditions of agreement have been fulfilled by the borrowing entity. Includes: invoice noting date and title of exhibit\, fees paid\, copies of checks to the Utah Arts Council\, educational packet checklist\, and correspondence relating to the loan of art work.",Retain for 4 year(s) after resolution of issue,Public, 29908,Department of Cultural and Community Engagement. Division of Arts and Museums,Division awards and recognitions,2013-,None.,"These records contain awards\, distinctions\, and recognitions granted to the Division of Arts & Museums from various governmental and non-governmental institutions. These records may include plaques\, paper\, artifacts\, and other materials.",Retain permanently,Public,