seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 432,Legislature. House of Representatives,Working bills,i 1896-,"Chronological by legislative session, thereunder alphanumeric by bill type and number.","This series documents the legislative process in the House of Representatives. The series contains the working copies of House bills\, claims (through 1915)\, petitions (until 1921)\, memorials\, fiscal reports of state agencies (1897 only)\, and resolutions. The working copy includes the bill as introduced and any amendments made to it; the bill's progress through committees and votes is logged at the end of the bill. The final official version of the bill is not part of this series unless it was vetoed by the Governor\, returned to the Legislature while still in session\, and the Legislature failed to override the veto. Bill\, in the broad sense\, refers to bills\, resolutions\, memorials\, etc. In the narrow sense they are those documents a member of the Legislature desires to have made into a Utah law. Claims to the state were for money due an individual or group. Memorials are pleadings for federal action\, usually made to the U. S. Congress. Resolutions are position statements which do not have the weight of law. Petitions were initiated by citizens desiring the introduction of particular legislation.",Permanent. Retain until final action,Public,192.5 cubic feet 248 microfilm reels 1686,Legislature. House of Representatives,Committee minute books,1894.,Alphabetical by committee thereunder chronological.,"This series contains minutes for House Committees on Education\, Fish and Game\, Livestock\, Municipal incorporations\, Private corporations\, and Public Health.",,Public, 12787,Legislature. House of Representatives,Mailing list registers,1933-1937.,Chronological.,These registers note the name and address of intended recipients of copies of house bills and/or journals.,,Public, 12750,Legislature. House of Representatives,Committee referral registers,1888-1915.,Chronological.,These registers log the referral of various bills to assorted committees.,,Public, 12792,Legislature. House of Representatives,Roll books,1876-1886.,Chronological.,These volumes provide a roster of members and record the ayes and noes of votes. The 1876 and 1878 volumes also give a docket on reports and petitions.,,Public, 16660,Legislature. House of Representatives,Journal record books,i 1858-1878.,Chronological.,"These two volumes constitute the handwritten minutes of the territorial legislative house from the eighth session through the twenty-third session. Each daily entry follows a standard order of business: place and date\, call to order and roll\, prayer\, legislative business\, reading of minutes\, adjournment and closing benediction. While the activities are noted\, details are not. Legislative business is slightly more detailed. The process of enacting legislation via bills and resolutions is most frequently recorded. The election of house officers and committee appointments are noted. Committee reports cover a broad spectrum from bridge construction to schools to contested county elections.__Brief reports of agencies (e.g.__Deseret Agriculturaland Manufacturing Society\, Penitentiary\, Territorial Library\, Superintendent of Schools\, Auditor) and county financial reports often are recorded. Messages from the council\, or senate\, the governor\, or the territorial secretary regarding bills also are recorded.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 1462,Legislature. House of Representatives,Clerk's bill records,1955-1967.,Alphanumerical.,"Clerk's copies of house and senate bills with accompanying memos\, notations\, proofreading marks\, etc. Holdings: Chief Clerk Rulon Larsen's\, 1955; docket clerk's\, 1957; Chief Clerk Hopkin's\, 1967; 1961; etc.",,Public,2 microfilm reels 3151,Legislature. House of Representatives,Dockets,1876-1933; 1861-1911.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by docket type.","These docket books log the actions taken by the House on House and Senate (formerly known as the Council) bills\, concurrent resolutions\, joint memorials\, joint resolutions\, reports\, resolutions\, and petitions. They give the bill title and dates of actions (e.g. committee reported\, sent to the Senate\, voted on\, etc.).",,Public, 3159,Legislature. House of Representatives,Standing committee minutes,1967-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by committee.","These are the minutes of House standing committees discussing proposed and final legislation. Information includes agendas\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public,15.00 cubic feet 23013,Legislature. House of Representatives,Standing committee audio recordings,1994-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by committee.",These are the audio recordings of the House standing committee meetings. The recordings are used to generate the written committee minutes. Meetings are opened and adjourned according to procedure.,Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public,20.50 cubic feet 23020,Legislature. House of Representatives,Floor debate recordings,1957-,Chronological by date and session,"This series consists of the audio recordings of the House floor debates. Topics discussed include: proposed legislation\, votes on legislation\, testimony or comments on legislation\, resolutions\, etc.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public,33.85 cubic feet 19012,Legislature. House of Representatives,Voting records,1982-,"Alphabetical by last name of representative, thereunder chronological by session, thereunder numerical by bill number","This series provides a record of legislative votes of individual House members no longer in office. The records contain the name of the Legislator\, the date\, the bill number\, bill title\, and the recorded vote (aye\, nay\, or absent). Some also include the name of the sponsor of the bill.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 27016,Legislature. House of Representatives,Working papers,2000-,Alphabetical by name.,"This series contains working papers created by members of the House of Representatives. Records contain subject files compiled during the legislative process. Files may include information on proposed policies\, budgets\, and special funding.Records created by governmental agencies for the purpose of proposing legislation. They contain correspondence\, memoranda\, research information on proposed legislation\, fiscal notes\, summaries\, estimated cost reports\, impact statements\, and other information documenting the proposed legislation.",Permanent. Retain for 6 month(s),Public, 27054,Legislature. House of Representatives,Conflict of interest forms,2001-,Alphabetical by name.,This series contains forms used by members of the House to declare any outside employment or activity that may or may not present a conflict of interest.,Retain until superseded,Public, 456,Legislature. House of Representatives,Journals,i 1882-,Chronological.,"These journals serve as a record of the action of the legislature during session. They constitute the published minutes of the State House of Representatives from the territorial period to the present. House and Senate journals were kept beginning with the creation of the territory in 1851\, but were kept separately after 1882. Minutes from joint sessions are recorded after 1890; before that\, they were recorded only in the Senate minutes. Daily entries cover a standard order of business. Place\, date\, roll\, and prayer are noted before proceeding with business. Membership rolls are included. Citizens' petitions for various actions; monetary claims;and communications from agencies\, groups\, or individuals are recorded. Committee reports recommending passage or rejection of particular legislation are provided. The process of enacting legislation via bills and resolutions is the most frequent business recorded. Other agency reports\, memorials\, invitations\, etc. may also be entered in therecord during particular periods.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1.00 cubic foot 68 microfilm reels 24442,Legislature. House of Representatives,The Utah State Legislature centennial history,1996.,None,"This volume details one-hundred years of Utah's political history--from the 1896 statehood year through the 1996 centennial year. It includes biographies of selected state officials\, a 100-year roll of the Legislature\, and a brief description of Utah's twenty-nine counties. It was researched and compiled by the Third House of the Utah House of Representatives.Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 19597,Legislature. House of Representatives,Utah House of Representatives pamphlets,1971-,,"""The Utah House of Representatives"" is a pamphlet produced at the beginning of the session giving an introduction to the House\, its history\, procedures\, and current roster.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 15321,Legislature. House of Representatives,Brigham Young statue records,1994.,None.,"This file contains letters\, photographs and other documents relating to the unveiling of the statue of Brigham Young (artist: Kraig Varner) in the Capitol Rotunda on July 25\, 1994. Representative Tanner collected these records.Records which document an agency's history. Includes scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and information about events and programs sponsored or funded by an agency. May also include narrative audio and audiovisual agency histories.",,Public, 22268,Legislature. House of Representatives,Poem,1937.,Chronological.,"Records from Representative Johnson. Includes a mimeographed poem by Representative W.J. Maw about the members of the 1937 state House of Representatives. Also included copies of legislative bills\, the official copy of which appear in the House's working bills (not transferred to the Archives). Rep. Johnson served as the representative from Rich county.Records which document an agency's history. Includes scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and information about events and programs sponsored or funded by an agency. May also include narrative audio and audiovisual agency histories.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 27055,Legislature. House of Representatives,Photographs,1980-,Chronological by date.,"This series contains photographs which document the history of the Utah House of Representatives. Includes scrapbooks\, individual photographs of Representatives\, and other photographic documentation of events and activities sponsored by House members and staff.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.50 cubic foot