seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 84734,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Scrapbooks,i 1928-1932; 1934-1935.,Chronological,"These scrapbooks\, compiled by the Superintendent's Office\, contain newspaper clippings which document the actions of the district and its employees. The articles concern a wide variety of school activities\, boundaries issues\, buildings and the construction of new buildings\, board meetings and policies\, and obituaries of district school teachers.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),, 84743,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,S.L.C._Schools newsletter,i 1971-1983.,Chronological,"This is a weekly newsletter published by the school district for parents of school aged children and other concerned citizens. The newsletter contains discussions on pressing issues about the Salt Lake City School District\, announcements of meetings and other events\, and essays on education.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84772,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Study workbooks,i 1903-1905; 1920-1921; 1928-1929.,none,"These study books were produced for students\, parents\, teachers\, and other concerned persons. The books were intended to introduce students and their parents to the courses being offered at district schools. Each book contains a detailed description of the various courses for each class and grade along with study questions to help prepare students for the course work.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84788,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Contract agreement pamphlets,i 1988-,Chronological,This pamphlet is published by the Salt Lake City School District. It describes in detail the contractural agreement drawn up between the district and its teachers. It is used as a public awareness tool by the school district and as a means of communicating information to the teachers in the district.,Retain for 1 year(s),, 84771,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Lincoln Junior High School Parent Teacher Association minute books,i 1941-1950; 1954-1958.,Chronological,"These are the meeting minutes of the Lincoln Junior High School Parent Teacher Association. The books document the times and places of meetings\, participants\, decisions made\, and some financial information. These books were transferred to the district offices when Lincoln Junior High School was closed.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84782,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Legal files,i 1966-,None,"These are the superintendent's legal files. They are used to create policies\, make decisions\, and to document previous decisions. They include research performed by the various law firms hired by the district\, legal opinions written in answer to questions from the school board or the superintendent\, and policy statements from the State Board of Education. The opinions concern various issues including videotaping\, school district liability for club activities\, nonresident tuition fees\, dental survey\, and the sale of school property. The files also include information on district lawsuits (i.e.\, boundary disputes\, Christmas programs\, and the Utah Taxpayers Association). There is some duplication between these records and the filesmaintained by the district's business official\, but most are the district's only copy.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),, 24936,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,School circulars,1916-1935.,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by circular number","These large ledger books contain circulars sent from the district superintendent to each school in the Salt Lake City School District. They are used to make announcements and to instruct school and district personnel of changes within the district. They contain meeting announcements\, school calendars\, assignment of readers\, curriculum changes\, etc. The circulars include circular number\, date\, district name\, superintendent's name\, instruction\, policies\, and announcements.",,Public, 84740,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Special reports,i 1970-1973; 1982-1988.,None,"These reports\, requested by the school board or a district department\, are undertaken in response to specific issues of concern. They include the following titles:__Guidelines for Dealing with Emergencies in the Salt Lake City Schools; Special Projects Funded by Federal or State Funds; An Investigation of the Costs of Administration and the Number of Administrators of Salt Lake City School District\, 1960-1970; the Basics and Beyond:_A Report of the Commission on Educational Excellence; Status of Vocational Education in the Salt Lake City School District; Profile of the Salt Lake Community College; and School Achievement Test and Demographic Report\, 1987.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 84780,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Correspondence,i 1986-,Chronological,These copies of correspondence received by the superintendent act as a back-up to the administrative subject files. They are arranged chronologically to be more accessible for reference purposes.,Retain for 1 year(s),, 84787,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Textbook adoption control notebooks,i 1987-,None,"These notebooks provide an organizational structure for the textbook adoption process\, document textbook selection by a district textbook committee\, and list which textbooks were considered and which textbooks are used in the various courses. Information provided by the notebooks includes copies of state laws and Utah Administrative Rules\, information concerning the textbook adoption process\, and other vital information to aid in the selection of school textbooks.",Retain for 3 year(s),, 84781,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Public information records,i 1983-,Alphabetical by subject,"These records\, primarily publications\, are used when parents and other concerned citizens visit the office requesting general information about the district. The records include charts\, maps\, forms\, brochures and flyers. They concern various topics such as board members\, building lists\, calendar for school year\, School Community Council\, discipline policies\, exchange students\, goals\, map of city\, map of county\, philosophy statement\, school organizational representatives\, student trips and tours.",Retain until superseded,, 84736,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Newspaper clippings,i 1970-1972; 1987-,Chronological,These are files of newspaper clippings concerning the Salt Lake City School District and education in Utah. They are clipped by the Superintendent's Office and are distributed to school and department administrators to notify them of current developments in education.,Retain for 5 year(s),, 84737,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Personnel directories,i 1891-,Chronological,"These are directories of all personnel employed by the Salt Lake City School District. They include the name\, home address\, and (except for the first few volumes) telephone numbers of employees. The directories also include school names and addresses and employee positions.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84744,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Travel funding application forms,i 1986-,Chronological,"These are requests by employees to receive funding for work related travel (i.e.\, meetings\, workshops\, conferences\, conventions\, seminars\, and recruiting trips). The completed request forms include the name of the employee\, school or department\, assignment\, purpose of the travel request\, number of days\, expenses\, and whether approval was granted.",Retain for 2 year(s),, 84733,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Annual reports,i 1911-1914; 1920-,Chronological,"These annual statistical reports are used as a public accounting to the taxpayers and residents of Salt Lake City and to the State Board of Education. The reports are submitted to the State Office of Education. They show the number of school buildings and classrooms used\, value of the property\, number of teachers employed\, average salary\, total number of pupils\, enrollment by grade\, and a detailed accounting of receipts and expenditures showing allocation of funds.",Retain permanently,, 84735,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,School administration guide,s [ca.1971].,Alphabetical by department name,"This is a single photographic guide to the Salt Lake City School District's administration and personnel. The booklet contains the photographs\, names and positions of administrators and employees working in the administration building. This was a one time project and is currently being used in planning the district's centennial celebration in 1991.",Permanent. Retain until final action,, 84738,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Annual budget,i 1970-1974; 1986-,Chronological,This is a copy of the final annual budget approved by the school board for all expenditures of the school district. The budget gives a detailed description of all programs in the school district and their functions and goals. It also lists anticipated expenditures and percentage of change from the previous year's budget for each program.,Retain for 2 year(s),, 84739,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Curriculum budget worksheets,i 1988-,None,"These worksheets provide a detailed description of budget expenditures for each specific program. They are used for budget accounting purposes and provide a regular update of the district's financial status to the superintendent. They include detailed analysis\, charts and graphs. Programs are broken down into the following categories: compensatory education\, community education\, intermediate education\, educational support services\, elementary education\, instructional library media\, secondary education\, pupil services\, vocational education\, and alternative education.",Retain for 2 year(s),, 84742,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,In the District newsletters,i 1960-,Chronological,These are newsletters published by the school district for its employees. The newsletters are used to make announcements and to recognize the achievements of its employees. They also contain district news and announcements of employee meetings.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84785,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,High school boundary records,i 1987-1988.,None,"These records document the closure of South High School and the realignment of the district's high school boundaries. The records include correspondence\, maps\, memos\, publications and other materials concerning the closing of South High School and the subsequent boundary controversy. The various files include:__high school study\, 1986-1987; high school transfers\, 1987-1988; South High School Closure Committee; High School Improvement Council (citizen watchdog committee); boundary issues\, 1987; Boundary Committee\, 1987; and boundary lawsuits\, 1988.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84731,Salt Lake City School District (Utah). Office of Superintendent,Administrative subject files,i 1933-1967; 1971-,Alphabetical by subject,"These subject files are used for reference purposes. They contain decision making correspondence and record copies of reports. They also contain\, brochures\, graphs\, directives\, charts\, memoranda\, and flyers covering a wide range of issues of concern to the superintendent. Subjects include the academic fitness program; affirmative action; alcohol and drugs; alternative programs; Bicentennial activities; bilingual education; block grants; minority issues; cable services; career ladder; child abuse; civil defense; computers; contests; day care centers; discipline and suspension policy; dropout studies; early retirement incentive program; energy conservation; ethics education; Family Shelter School;food services; foreign students; Gang Task Force; graduation requirements; grievance letters; health education; history of the school district; immunizations; Juvenile Court and Police Department cooperation; various clubs and organizations; legislation; Marmalade School; Medicare; nepotism; Nuclear Issues Committee; Parents' and teachers' associations; personnel; polls; prayer in school; privacy issues; redevelopment programs; report card study; salaries; shared governance research; South High Closure; teenage suicide; district's schools (divided by each school); teachers; legal opinions; and tuition tax credits; Utah Innovation Foundation; vandalism control; workshops; year-round schools; youth in custody; and zoning changes.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s) after superseded,Public,