seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 28098,Cedar City (Utah),Patrol briefing,2008-,Chronologically by date.,"These documents serve as a hard copy of information collected during shifts to be passed on to the next shift. Information includes identifying officers who have less lethal weapons\, the weapon type\, and special assignments. They are used to pass the information from shift to shift throughout the day.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 85049,Cedar City (Utah),Deeds and transfers,i 1885-1891.,Alphabetical by name of property,Deeds record information about the ownership of property within the municipal boundaries. Information includes name of owner; addresses of grantor and grantee; description of property; and date property was transferred to grantor.,,, 85148,Cedar City (Utah),Birth and death records,i 1905-1921.,Chronological.,"Birth and death records\, kept with the city for the purpose of legally declaring a birth or death and registering the increase or decrease in city population. This record show changes in demographics\, and includes information about dates\, sex\, cause of death\, physical description at birht\, kinship\, and doctor. In 1905 the responsibility of recording births and deaths for cities in the state of Utah was transferred to the Department of Health\, Division of Vital Statistics.",,Public, 23502,Cedar City (Utah),Survey record,1870-1898.,Chronological.,"The survey record book contains surveys of property in the Cedar City area\, which is township 36 south at range 11 west of the Salt Lake base line and meridian. Each survey contains a description of the surveyed boundaries. Some entries also include the legal description of the property\, the survey date and the name of the person or institution for whom the survey was made. This book also contains a few deeds\, a plat map of the Cedar City cemetery and plat maps of the Cedar City survey.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23505,Cedar City (Utah),Expense ledgers,1906-1942.,"By year groupings, thereunder by topic, and thereunder chronological.","Expense ledgers itemize expenditures for the city\, including salaries paid to city officials; expenses for maintaining streets\, sidewalks\, city library\, park\, cemetery\, water systems\, ditches\, and dams; and for other costs\, such as feeding prisoners\, paying jury members and witnesses\, paying interest on city bonds\, and paying costs of electricity\, printing and publishing\, and putting on July celebrations. Year-end financial summary reports are also included for 1909-1922.",,Public,2 microfilm reels 23503,Cedar City (Utah),Tax sale record book,1896-1902.,Chronological.,"The tax sale record book documents the sale of real property for delinquent taxes. Entries include the property owner's name\, a property description\, the amount of taxes owed\, the cost of sale\, the amount of bid\, date of sale\, date of redemption\, the name of person redeeming the property and a description of what portion of lot or tract sold for taxes.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23579,Cedar City (Utah),Library accounting ledger,1912-1914.,"Divided by topic, thereunder chronological.","The library accounting ledger contains a bank statement for 1912 and a few pages listing expenses for various things\, such as books\, electricity\, ward hall rental\, librarian salary\, magazines and newspapers. There are a few receipts and year-end reports of library expenses for 1913-1914.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23618,Cedar City (Utah),Cemetery deeds,1900-,chronological by certificate number with subsequently created documents filed immediately after the original certificate.,"The Cedar City recorder keeps a record of cemetery deeds\, more recently called certificates of burial rights(Compiled Laws of Utah 15-10-632x5\, 632x6\, 1907). Cemetery deeds convey ownership of cemetery plots from the city mayor to individuals. Each deed includes the date of creation and recording\, describes the cemetery plot involved\, names the recipient and verifies that payment was made. In addition to cemetery deeds the Cedar City books contain other related documents including deeds or assignments transferring burial rights from the original purchaser to someone else\, and affidavits and letters discussing the owner's wishes regarding the cemetery plot.",Retain permanently,Public,4 microfilm reels 3759,Cedar City (Utah),Ordinances,1853-1956.,Roughly chronological to 1923; thereafter no order.,"According to Utah law\, the governing body of each municipality shall exercise its legislative powers through ordinances. The governing body may pass any ordinance to regulate\, require\, prohibit\, govern\, control or supervise any activity\, business\, or condition authorized by law. (Utah Code\, 1988\, 10-3-701-702). Ordinances relate to public utilities\, city departments and officials\, city finances\, business licenses\, building codes\, and etc. Ordinances passed since 1956 have been regularly codified and have not been kept in a separate file.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23112,Cedar City (Utah),"Police homicide, suicide and theft of public funds case files",1980-,Numerical by case number,"These case files are created as a result of homicide\, suicide\, or theft of public funds complaint or investigaton by the police department. They are the central case file for all homicides (and other cases without a statute of limitations) handled by the agency. These files may include the investigative report\, fingerprint cards\, original arrest report\, supplemental reports\, copies of warrants\, photographs\, correspondence\, latent fingerprints\, court orders\, court dispositions\, officers' notes\, pertinent laboratory tests\, copies of booking sheets and arrest reports.",Retain permanently,Protected, 23720,Cedar City (Utah),Meter changeout information records,1999-,Chronological,"These records document the installation\, repair\, testing and replacement of meters. They include account number\, address\, date of initial installation or replacement\, date of repair and remarks.",Retain for 1 year(s) after disposition of asset,Public, 23069,Cedar City (Utah),Police reportable accident reports,1950-,Numerical by case number,"These files document traffic accidents investigated by the police department. The report usually includes complete information on all cars and drivers involved in the accident\, accident location\, damage\, accident causes\, date and time\, accident diagram\, description\, and weather conditions.these are accidents where damage exceeds $1000\, and are on public property. Also included are hit and run accidents and injury accidents where death does not occur. Witness statements and photographs may be a part of the report. The original report is sent to the State Department of Public Safety (UCA 41-6-35 (2000))\, and is maintained for seven years.",Retain for 3 year(s),Protected, 23068,Cedar City (Utah),Police non-reportable accidents,1950-,Numerical by case number,"These files document non-reportanble traffic accidents investigated by the police department. A non-reportable accident is an accident where the total damage to all involved vehicles is less than $1000\, no injuries have occurred and the cases are considered closed (UCA 41-6-35 (1)(2000). Non-reportable accidents also include accidents which occur on private property. The report usually includes complete information on damage\, accident causes\, date and time\, accident diagram\, description\, and weather conditions. The original report is kept at the police department.",Retain for 3 year(s),Protected, 23115,Cedar City (Utah),Police DUI (driving under the influence) reports,1920-,Numerical by case number,"These reports are a three-part state form used for reporting persons arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. The original is sent to the Driver License Division of the Department of Public Safety within ""five days after the date of arrest and service of notice"" (UCA 53-3-223) (5)(2000). The report is filed by case number. This case file may include photos\, witness statements\, medical tests\, and other supplemental or investigative reports. If the DUI results in death/homicide the record will be maintained as a part of records series 23112\, Homicide\, suicide and theft of public funds case files.",Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 23114,Cedar City (Utah),Police case files,1920-,Numerical by case number,"These are reports of cases investigated by the police department. They contain all information as to the ""who\, what\, where\, why and how"" of reported incidents. They are used for departmental information\, follow-up investigation\, and statistics. The supplemental continuation reports are used to provide additional information concerning a police investigation. Most reports are call to service\, information\, civil problems or investigations which do not involve arrests. These may include courtesy reports taken for other agencies and unfounded reports where no arrests were made.",Retain for 10 year(s) after case is closed,Protected, 23072,Cedar City (Utah),Police fatal accident reports,1950-,Numerical by case number,"These files document traffic accidents which resulted in one or more fatalities investigated by the police department. The report usually includes complete information on all vehicles and drivers involved in the accident\, accident location\, damage\, accident causes\, date and time\, accident diagram\, description and weather conditions. The original report is sent to the State Department of Public Safety (UCA 41-6-35 (2000))\, and is maintained for seven years. Reports may include witness statements\, photos\, toxicology reports and medical reports.",Retain permanently,Protected, 24070,Cedar City (Utah),Tax account book,1894-1901.,Chronological,"This book documents water taxes and licensing fees collected in Cedar City. It includes dates\, the names of individuals\, businesses\, or associations making payments\, amounts paid\, amounts carried over to general ledger\, and totals.",,Public, 23113,Cedar City (Utah),Police arrest reports,1920-,Numerical by case number,"These are misdemeanor and felony arrests for adults and/or juveniles. These case files include complete information and description of person arrested\, date\, arrest time\, arrest location\, charges\, description of offense\, witnesses\, vitims\, suspects\, and name of officer(s) making arrest. These reports may include witness statements\, photos\, evidence logs\, medical reports\, copies of teletypes\, and other supplemental investigation reports. Sometimes a copy of the arrest report is sent to the county jail.",Retain for 10 year(s) after case is closed,Protected, 24069,Cedar City (Utah),Treasurer's accounts,1888-1900.,Chronological,"The account book is maintained by the city treasurer. It lists payments and amounts by various accounts (e.g.\, stock account\, real estate\, water taxes)\, names of individuals\, dates\, totals\, and subtotals. It also includes various treasurer's reports.",,Public, 24068,Cedar City (Utah),Account register,1884-1904.,Chronological,"The handwritten register documents accounts maintained by the city clerk. It includes city purchases\, a bank account register\, and a salary register. An alphabetical index is located at the back of the book.",,Public, 28230,Cedar City (Utah),Cemetery lot owners index file,1950-1988.,Alphabetical by owner name.,"These books or files contain the exact location of all persons buried in the cemetery. They include plot\, lot\, grave location\, and lot ownership record.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 28228,Cedar City (Utah),Cemetery burial records,ca. 1870-1991.,Alphabetical by surname of the deceased.,"These registers serve as a cross-reference to plat books. They are arranged numerically by interment number. They include interment number\, name of deceased\, permit number\, date interred\, certificate number\, date of death\, location of grave by plot\, lot\, tier\, name of undertaker\, owner of lot\, and pertinent information on removal (if applicable).",,Public,4 microfilm reels 28229,Cedar City (Utah),Cemetery burial card file,1858-1992.,Alphabetical by name of the deceased.,"These books or card files are arranged alphabetically by names of owners or deceased persons interred in the cemetery. They are used for reference purposes. The records include name\, interment number\, deed number\, date interred\, location of grave by plot\, lot\, block\, tier\, grave number\, and date of latest update.",,Public,3 microfilm reels 28231,Cedar City (Utah),Cemetery lot files,1904-1991.,"Alphanumerical by plat, block, and lot designation.","This series contains card files documenting lot ownership and burial rights in the cemetery. The pre-printed 5"" x 8.5"" cards include spaces to records such information as the owner name\, address\, location of plot\, purchase price\, purchase date\, and certificate or deed number.",,Public,2 microfilm reels 28218,Cedar City (Utah),Cemetery interment register,1860-1979.,Chronological by burial date.,"These registers serve as a cross-reference to plat books. They are arranged numerically by interment number. They include interment number\, name of deceased\, permit number\, date interred\, certificate number\, date of death\, location of grave by plot\, lot\, tier\, name of undertaker\, owner of lot\, and pertinent information on removal (if applicable).",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 85021,Cedar City (Utah),City Council minutes,1873-1883; 1891-1896; 1900-,Chronological according to date of entry,"The minutes of the Cedar City city council summarize the discussions held at council meetings. The city council consists of the mayor and council members\, who are responsible to exercise the community's legislative and executive powers (see Utah Code\, Unannotated\, 1991\, 10-3-101\, also Revised Ordinances\, Cedar City\, 1937\, 5-50-68). The council\, which meets twice monthly\, is responsible for all aspects of city management\, such as appointing city officials and setting their salaries\, levying taxes\, establishing a budget\, maintaining public services and utilities\, and regulating activity within the city. The city council manages city finances\, and from 1900 to 1950 details of city expenditures were included in the city council minutes. The council regulates activities within the city\, such as traffic\, liquor sales\, day care\, and other commercial activity. Over the years the Cedar City city council has initiated and maintained many community improvements. These included an irrigation,system\, a slaughter house\, school buildings\, and a city hall during the 19th century. In the early 20th century\, Cedar City erected telegraph lines\, established a public library and gymnasium\, installed new street lights\, paved streets\, and built a reservoir. The city council helped sponsor WPA projects in the 1930s and established a fire department. They worked to get a four year college in Cedar City in the 1940s. From 1939 to 1970 the council put much effort into the development of a municipal airport. In the later 20th century the city council lent support to the Shakespearean Festival\, the construction of I-15\, and the creation of the Iron Mission Museum. They established a planning commission in 1945\, to assist in planning city development and in working on zoning ordinances and building codes. They established a redevelopment agency in 1980 to make and carry out plans for revitalizing downtown Cedar City.",Retain permanently,Public,8 microfilm reels 23574,Cedar City (Utah),Planning commission minutes,1945-,Chronological.,"Cedar City planning commission minutes are prefaced by a copy of the city ordinance (1945) creating the commission as authorized by Utah law (Laws of Utah\, 1945\, chapter 23). The ordinance provides for the appointment of a municipal planning commission to regulate the subdivision of land\, monitor building\, appoint a board of adjustment and enforce regulations. The Cedar City planning commission has seven members. One is also a member of the city council and another also a member of the board of adjustments. The planning commission is responsible for developing a master plan for the physical development of the city\, creating official maps\, and approving all subdivisions and public construction. In addition to the date and names of those present\, the planning commission minutes include a summary of the planning commission's discussion. Issues addressed include the development of a master plan for Cedar City and the zoning requests of specific individuals and businesses. The planning,commission manages subdivision development and is involved in building or maintaining public institutions like the airport\, hospital\, and civic center. They are also involved with issues like city traffic and parking\, university housing\, and day care and pre-school facilities. The planning commission minutes include several petitions and letters\, as well as occasional maps.",Retain permanently,Public,2 microfilm reels 23575,Cedar City (Utah),Board of adjustment minutes,1988-,Chronological.,"The board of adjustment meets monthly to consider appeals to Cedar City zoning decisions and to hear petitions for variances or special exceptions to zoning specifications (Utah Code Annotated\, 10-9-103(1)\, 1997). The board consists of five members and alternate members as the chief executive officer considers appropriate (UCA 10-9-701(2)(a) 1997). In the minutes the secretary summarizes considerations brought before the board. The majority of requests are for variances to home occupation\, such as home owner requests to operate commercial activities from their homes. The secretary reports the date and time of meeting\, the names of those present\, and records the board's decision on each consideration. When voting is not unanimous the minutes report who voted for and against. Beginning in 1994 the minutes begin to include some home inspection reports.,These minutes document all meetings of the Board of Adjustment. The board consists of ""five members and whatever alternate members that the chief executive officer considers appropriate"". The duties of the Board of Adjustment are to hear and decide on ""appeals from zoning decisions applying the zoning ordinance; special exceptions to the terms of the zoning ordinance; and variances from the terms of the zoning ordinance"". The minutes are used to document requests\, discussions\, and decisions of the Board.",Retain permanently,Public,1 microfilm reel 23603,Cedar City (Utah),Redevelopment agency minutes,1980-,Chronological,"The city council organized the redevelopment agency in June 1980 for the purpose of revitalizing downtown Cedar City. According to established guidelines (Utah Code\, Unannotated\, 1991\, 17A-2-1101 t 17A-2-1191.51) redevelopment agencies can be organized to improve or rehabilitate blighted areas. In accordance with the law\, the Cedar City redevelopment agency selected and defined a project area for rehabilitation. Working with both the city council and the planning commission\, the redevelopment agency developed plans and implemented improvements in the downtown area. The redevelopment agency minutes document the formulation and implementation of these plans. The agency's stated goals were to: build a downtown area that would better serve all Cedar City citizens; provide adequate public facilities for city government and a public library; maximize tax revenue; and protect and enhance a downtown business district. These plans involved the demolition of an old jail and other buildings; the,development of a retail area\, particularly a retail grocery project; and the development of a city park. Originally the redevelopment agency discussed building an Iron County convention center and talked about getting an MX missile site near Cedar City. Cedar City officials hoped that redevelopment would make Cedar City a regional center. Throughout\, the minutes suggest that redevelopment plans were controversial.",Retain permanently,Public,2 microfilm reels 28279,Cedar City (Utah),City and cemetery map,1902.,None.,"This series contains a blueprint copy of a map of Cedar City. The map was created by the city surveyor and accepted by the city council in 1902. It shows streets\, blocks\, lots\, property owners\, township and range sections\, and an inset map of the city cemetery. Because it includes the city cemetery\, this copy of the map was used by the cemetery sexton's office.",,Public,0.05 cubic foot 25211,Cedar City (Utah),Publications,1990-,Chronological by year.,"These are pamphlets\, leaflets\, studies\, proposals and similar material printed by or for Cedar City or any of its departments\, subdivisions or programs\, and made available to the public\, or the last manuscript report if not published. Holdings include ""Master Plan"" (1990): 'This Master Plan is a policy document reflecting the general interests of the community and is designed to guide decisions and establish priorities affecting the future character of Cedar City' (Introduction p. 7)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 23573,Cedar City (Utah),Codified ordinances,1903-,Chronological by year of publication.,"The city council published codified ordinances for Cedar City in 1903\, and then revised and republished the ordinances every ten to twenty years thereafter. The ordinance books contain the complete updated and simplified code of all general or permanent ordinances enacted by the city council to regulate\, require\, prohibit\, govern\, control\, or supervise any activity\, business\, conduct\, or condition authorized by law (See Utah Code\, 1991\, 10-3-707). Each book of codified ordinances defines the boundaries for Cedar City and establishes guidelines for city government including statutes governing the enactment of new ordinances. Codified ordinances define the responsibilities of all city officials including mayor\, city council\, city recorder\, treasurer\, sexton\, marshal\, city attorney and justice of the peace. Ordinances define misdemeanors and nuisances\, and they specify regulations for various activities such as liquor sales\, activities at dance halls\, peddling\, and merchandising. planning,Ordinances regulate traffic and public works such as the sewer and water works. Ordinances also define codes for building and such things as plumbing and electric wiring. They establish and define the responsibilities of city agencies such as the redevelopment agency\, the board of adjustment and the planning commission.",Retain permanently,Public,2 microfilm reels 29366,Cedar City (Utah),Budgets,2010-,none,The budget is a plan for financial operations for a fiscal year. It documents the actual spending of a governmental entity and may be certified by a budget officer and filed with the state auditor.,Retain permanently,, 29256,Cedar City (Utah),General plan,2012-,none,"These are comprehensive plans for municipal development adopted by the city commission. ""Each municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive\, long-range general plan for present and future needs of the municipality; and growth and development of all or any part of the land within the municipality"" (Utah Code 10-9a-401(1) (2005)). ""The planning commission shall make and recommend to the [city commission] a proposed general plan for the area within the municipality"" (Utah Code 10-9a-403(1)(b) (2012)). The plans serve as a guide for decision-making on rezoning and other planning proposals and as the goals and policies of municipalities attempting to guide land use in local jurisdictions. The plans include ""planning commission's recommendations for the development of the territory covered by the plan\, and may include\, among other things: (a) a land use element; (b) a transportation and circulation element; (c) an environmental element; (d) a public service and facilities element; (e) a rehabilitation\, redevelopment\, and conservation element; (f) an economic element; (g) recommendations for implementing the plan\, including the use of zoning ordinances\, subdivision ordinances\, capital improvement plans\, and other appropriate actions; and any other elements that the municipality c,a rehabilitation\, redevelopment\, and conservation element; (f) an economic element; (g) recommendations for implementing the plan\, including the use of zoning ordinances\, subdivision ordinances\, capital improvement plans\, and other appropriate actions; and any other elements that the municipality considers appropriate"" (Utah Code 10-91-403 (3) (2012)). The plan may also include maps\, plats\, and charts.",Retain permanently,,