seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 2847,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Administrative records,1948-1979.,None.,"This series contain unpublished reports\, correspondence\, proposed procedures\, bonding legislative bills\, recreational bonding\, memos\, etc.",,Public,7.75 cubic feet 2854,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Newspaper clippings,1960-2010.,Alphanumerical,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical. If unique\, see Schedule 1 Item 44.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 2855,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Audit records,1960-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 5870,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,State park construction plans,1970-,Alphabetical by name of park or recreation area,"These records contain plans and drawings of buildings constructed and maintained by the division throughout the state. Included are blueprints of the Brigham Young house restoration in St. George.,Final plans and specifications for approved and constructed state buildings.",Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s),Public, 12486,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,In-service training records,1993-,Chronological thereunder alphabetical by surname,"These records contain copies of an employee's participation in required training. A record of training is mandated by statute and for law enforcement purposes. Park rangers are required to maintain peace officer certification. The total number of training hours for employees is maintained by Peace Officer Standards and Training for verification of yearly certification. Non-law enforcement employee records are included in these files. Information may include Social Security number\, employee identification number\, and/or federal employer identification numbers.",Retain for 30 year(s),Protected, 15115,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Warrant requests,1992-,Alphanumerical,Requests from state agencies to the Division of Finance to pay vendors for supplies and/or services the vendors have provided to the agencies.,Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 23412,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Monument Valley State Recreation area records,ca. 1957-1982.,none,"Records of a former scenic state park recreation area in extreme southeastern Utah. The land was transferred to the San Juan County School District ca. 1982. Records pertain to administration\, land acquisition\, area operations\, interpretation\, and publicity.",,Public, 30012,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Active Investigations,1995 - Present,Chronological,"These records are created or maintained for civil\, criminal\, or administrative enforcement purposes or audit purposes\, or for discipline\, licensing\, certification\, or registration purposes related to the Division of Parks and Recreation. They are considered part of an active investigation.",Retain for 7 year(s),Protected, 23408,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Brigham Young Winter Home Park records,ca. 1959-1975.,By project number.,"These records document the Division's oversight of the Brigham Young Home Park. Brigham Young maintained a winter home in Saint George\, Utah from 1869 to his death in 1877. His home became a state park ca. 1959 and was sold to the LDS Church ca. 1975. Records include administrative records\, warranty deeds\, building restoration and repair records\, furnishing listings\, and historical research information.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 23406,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Bonneville Salt Flats State Recreation area records,ca. 1965-1978,none,"Includes records regarding administration\, land acquisition\, history\, use requests\, public relations\, and car racing correspondence and agreements\, notably regarding the Bonneville Nationals.",,Public, 24933,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Soldier Hollow Olympic planning records,1997-2002.,Chronological,"These records document the agency's role during the planning stages of the Soldier Hollow Olympic venue. Included are bid proposal to the Salt Lake Olympic Committee (SLOC) for venue site; SLOC contract; Olympic survey responses; cross country\, biathlon and Nordic combined venue agreement; venue master plan; snow hauling contract; Soldier Hollow Olympic Organizing Team minutes; utilities\, power\, telephone and irrigation contracts; plans for the Day Lodge; correspondence and newspaper articles. Also included are the planning records for the on-site Western Experience Exhibit which was intended to showcase those things unique to the North American West. Included are SLOC contract\, budget and master plan.",,Public, 28565,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Request for Proposals,1990-,Chronological; thereunder alphabetical by surname,"These are bids from qualified concessionaires to enter into a contract with the agency to provide services at State Parks. The Division of Parks and Recreation establishes the parameters of the contract; State Purchasing reviews the bids and passes the highest bid to Parks and Recreation. The Division of Parks and Recreation and State Purchasing both sign the Request for Proposals (RFPs). The bids may have a confidentiality notice or claim of business confidentiality form that includes language indicating that the document and any attachments are for the sole use of the bid process and/or Division and may contain proprietary\, confidential\, or privileged information.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 30000,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Attorney Client Privilege records,1957-,Alphabetical by case thereunder chronological by date.,"These records are subject to the attorney client privilege and establish a relationship between an attorney and the Division of Parks and Recreation or an agency/person acting on behalf of the Division. All records are prepared for or by an attorney\, consultant\, surety\, indemnitor\, insurer\, employee\, or agent of a governmental entity for\, or in anticipation of\, litigation or a judicial\, quasi-judicial\, or administrative proceeding with relation to the Division of Utah Parks and Recreation. The records can also include GRAMA requests and matters pertaining to the day-to-day functions of the Division.",Retain until administrative need ends,Protected, 23656,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,General office correspondence,1980-,"Alphabetical by name, thereunder chronological","Internal or external correspondence regarding general program information duplicated elsewhere\, which does not include policy decisions or directives\, how the office is organized\, how it functions\, its pattern of action\, procedures\, or achievements. Includes electronic mail that communicates the above. This correspondence pertains to Utah's 45 state parks and the office of Parks and Recreation.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 25240,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Proposed legislation working files,1988-,Chronological,"The documents include legislative bills that relate to specific parks or to the Division of State Parks. Also included are drafts of bills\, correspondence\, and reports.",Permanent. Retain for 100 year(s),Public, 27768,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Field training officer program files,2004-,chronological by date thereunder by name,This series is used to trace the field training of a new park ranger throughout the probationary period. Files are used to evaluate new park rangers. Files include training and evaluations.,Retain for 30 year(s),Protected, 30286,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Law enforcement checkpoint records,1967-,Chronological.,"These records are kept by the Department of Natural Resources State Parks Division office and document the process\, procedure\, and justification for law enforcement checkpoints within a state park's boundaries. Information may contain proof of publication\, judicial approval notices\, permits\, and media coverage.",Retain for 6 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public, 29707,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Brigham Young Forest Farm House plans,ca. 1969,None.,This series contains plans of the Brigham Young house.,,Public,0.20 cubic foot 29799,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Complaints and Disciplinary Action for Law Enforcement Park,2010-,Chronological.,"These records contain complaints filed by public persons against law enforcement park rangers for various reasons\, as well as the disciplinary action regarding such complaints. These records are used for tracking purposes .",Retain for 7 year(s),Private, 27582,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Pow Wow newsletter,1967-2016.,Chronological by date.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 25244,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,State park site preliminary investigation records,ca. 1955-,Chronological,"These records document the investigation of possible state park sites which did not become a part of the state park system. Records include initial proposals\, site assessments\, correspondence\, photographs\, and final decisions. Information includes site location\, opening and closing dates of investigation\, name of employee(s) conducting the investigation\, names of involved parties\, investigation details\, findings\, and recommendations.",Permanent. Retain for 100 year(s),Public, 27732,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Land and water conservation fund files,1965-,Numerical,"These records contain grant files for land and water projects. The information in the files may contain applications for grants\, maps\, contracts\, billings\, remittances\, and evaluations of the individual projects.",Retain permanently,, 30283,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Division guidelines,1975-,Chronological by year.,These records are the official division guidelines for Parks and Recreation.,Retain permanently,Public, 30344,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Artifacts,1965-,None.,"These objects are items that have significant meaning to the Division of State Parks because of their monetary\, evidential\, or community value and their association with the function and activity of the division. Objects may have been purchased by the division\, donated to the division\, or acquired in-kind via trade with another agency or an private organization.",Retain permanently,Public, 30345,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Education program training materials,1990-,None.,"These records are training materials for the division's various public-facing education programs. Information may include course curriculum\, instructor manuals\, exam questions and answers\, attendance statistics\, and other related materials.",Permanent. Retain until end of project or program,Public, 83322,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Contract compliance audits,1984-,chronological,"These are audits made on persons or companies contracting with with Department of Natural Resources. They include a description of the grant\, agreemnt\, performance required and may include one or both of a compliance audit and/or a fiscal audit. There is also a copy kept by the Parks and Recreation Director's office and the Parks and Recreation Attorney's Office. These copies should be kept until administrative need ends.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Controlled, 3975,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,State park development slides,1975-,Alphabetical by park name,"These files consist of color slides taken every four to five months to document the progress in the development of Utah's state parks. The files contain one positive slide per park per photographic time period and shows such items as park visitors and rangers\, wildlife\, signs\, picnic tables\, and other park related sights. These slides are a visual history of the development of Utah's state parks.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,11.00 cubic feet 3137,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Park development project files,1965-1976.,Chronological by project number.,"Includes studies\, blueprints\, deeds\, correspondence\, funding applications\, and other project documents for various state parks.",,Public,3.00 cubic feet 6311,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Visitation reports,1980-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by park",These reports are created annually by the Parks and Recreation Division of the Department of Natural Resources to record the number of visitors to Utah's forty-four state parks showing park growth and activity and allowing comparative analysis among parks. Statistics are gathered at each of the parks by counter devices and personal surveys and the information is sent to the division office where the information is compiled and used by the division for budget purposes. It is also used by other agencies and made available to the public.,Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 15116,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Interdepartmental transfers,1992-,Alphanumerical,These records document accounting actions that request transfers of funds between agencies for services rendered or materials purchased.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 23449,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,This is the Place State Heritage Park records,ca. 1960-,none,"Pioneer Trail State Park\, now known as This is the Place Heritage Park\, is a living history village (""Old Deseret"") of pioneer Utah. It also contains the This is the Place monument\, a bronze statue honoring the arrival of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in the Salt Lake Valley. Records may include: board minutes\, administrative correspondence\, land patents\, initial construction inventory and planning\, environmental or soil surveys\, master plans\, development proposals\, plans and specifications\, buildings\, other facility construction\, buildings and grounds operations or current expenses\, permits\, incident reports\, dedication ceremonies\, newspaper or magazine articles\, brochures\, signage\, driving maps\, press releases\, natural studies\, archaeological studies\, historical studies\, photographs\, displays and museum exhibits\, public activities\, and",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s) after final action,Public,13.80 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 3138,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Geologic hazards data,1973-1975.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 2851,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Publications,1959-,Chronological by date.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, and other published or processed documents. These records include information on administration\, legal matters\, fiscal and financial operations\, parks\, recreation\, boating\, snowmobiling\, recreational vehicles\, legislative matters\, and all other activities of the Division of Parks and Recreation. Consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 2 microfilm reels 2852,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Docket book,1974-1975.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 2857,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Oaths of office,1960-1971.,Chronological by date.,"Oaths of office for park rangers\, enforcement officers\, and peace officers predominate. There are also oaths for caretakers\, boating advisory council\, and an assistant director. All are for inactive personnel. A void identification card\, which was surrendered upon departure\, is stapled to many of the oaths.",,Public, 5824,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,State park road maps,undated,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,, 2856,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Fiscal records,1965-1967.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 7289,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Acquisition and development records,i 1959-,None,This is a record of nonlapsing monies appropriated to the Division of Parks and Recreation by the State Legislature or federal government for the acquisition of land and maintenance of park facilities. The case files contain accounting information and correspondence.,Retain permanently,Public, 9456,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Citations,ca. 1950-,Alphabetical by last name.,"These are citations issued by park rangers to park visitors for violations of the Utah Code and/or park rules and regulations. Park rangers are Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certified\, and have full law enforcement authority in the State of Utah (see Utah Code 79-4-501(2)(2009)). Examples of citable offenses are traffic violations\, driving under the influence (DUI)\, boating under the influence (BUI)\, disorderly conduct\, failure to clean a camp site prior to leaving\, lighting a campfire in an undesignated area\, operating an off-highway vehicle (OHV) in an undesignated area\, and boating without proper safety equipment. Records include information about the incident\, the citation recipient\, the park ranger who issued the citation\, and other relevant data\, such as blood draw results (if applicable).",Retain for 7 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 15117,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Contracts,1985-,Alphanumerical,"Files which document transactions of $10\,000 or less and construction contracts under $2\,000. They include contract\, requisition\, purchase order and lease records\, correspondence\, related records pertaining to award\, administration\, receipt\, inspection\, and payments.",Retain for 7 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,Public, 22903,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Annual reports,1967-1978.,Chronological by date.,"This series contains reports of Division of Parks and Recreation activities from the previous year with information pertaining to the director's message\, agency activities\, history\, state parks\, recreation\, boating\, recreational vehicles\, and fiscal and financial operations.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 23405,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Big Sand Wash Reservoir State Park records,ca. 1965-1987.,none,"Records of a former state boating park in Duchesne County\, Utah. Includes records regarding land acquisition\, water rights\, operations\, visitations\, boat ramps\, and oil lease agreements.",Permanent. Retain for 100 year(s) after case is closed,Public, 14169,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Incident and accident reports,1982-,Chronological by date of accident or incident,"This information is used to document any accident or incident occurring in the state parks or on state parks property. It is used to obtain information for insurance companies or verify information for the Division. Records may include any data relating to any incident (such as vandalism or break-ins)\, or accident occurring on state park property\, and also include related data such as blood draw results (if applicable).",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 23411,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Little Dell Reservoir records,ca. 1966-1979.,none.,"Little Dell Reservoir is not a state park\, but a Federal Corps of Engineers reservoir for which Parks and Recreation provides law enforcement and boating regulation. Records pertain purely to construction and development.",,Public, 81403,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Registrations for recreation vehicles and plans for culinary water,1963-1980.,Alphabetical by surname,"Includes registrations for boats\, snowmobiles.",,, 9454,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Concession contracts and special use permits,1970-,Alphabetically by park name,"These records support the agency's function to work with concessionaires to provide outdoor recreational services\, and to help stimulate the local economy as expressed in Utah Code 79-4-203 (9)(2015). These contracts or special use permits authorize a business to operate commercial activities within the premises of an agency-managed park or facility. Information includes the contract\, correspondence\, and all records relating to its award and administration.",Retain for 7 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,Public, 23409,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Cove Fort records,ca. 1958-1970.,none,"An early Mormon fortification built in 1867 as a travelers way station. The Fort has since been transferred to the LDS church. Includes records on property appraisal\, history\, and a copy of the Kesler Court case regarding the property (5th Distric Court: Millard County\, civil cas #4863).",,Public, 24002,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Visitor surveys,1990-,Chronological by year,"Visitor surveys are conducted by the Division of Parks and Recreation to assist in the management of state parks and sometimes in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Land Management. Input from the survey is used to enhance the efforts of the state park system to better serve the public. Information provided is used to make decisions regarding facilities\, recreation opportunities and management of recreation areas.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 23410,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Jacob Hamblin Home records,ca. 1962-1975.,none,"These are records of a historic house park. Jacob Hamblin was an early Mormon pioneer in Washington County\, Utah. His home was completed in 1863. The home became a state park ca. 1962. It was sold to the LDS Church ca. 1975. Records include land acquisition records\, deeds\, dedication materials\, operations records\, ranger reports\, and transfer records.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 22904,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,State parks pamphlets,1977-,Alphabetical by park name,"This series contains pamphlets from the Division of Parks and Recreation promoting various state parks and recreation areas with information pertaining to park name\, location\, special features\, geology\, history\, hiking\, archeology\, fishing\, plants\, animals\, off-highway vehicles\, conservation\, nearby points of interest\, activities\, facilities\, reservations\, user fees and guidelines.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,0.35 cubic foot 25246,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Federal interaction records,1955-,Chronological,"This series documents the interaction between the Division of State Parks and various federal agencies with which it shares common interests and responsibilities. The Division frequently contracts with federal entities to supply services to them\, such as providing law enforcement on federal lands or waters\, with particular emphasis on providing law enforcement services for federal reservoirs. Examples of federal agencies interacted with are the Bureau of Land Management\, the National Park Service\, and the National Forest Service. Included are cooperative agreements\, correspondence\, supporting documentation\, and vehicle registrations. Information includes inclusive dates of service\, location services were provided\, nature of services provided\, details of contractual obligations\, and authorizing signatures.",Retain permanently,Public,1.00 cubic foot 23916,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,This is the Place Monument display photographs,undated.,none,"These 8x10 inch framed black and white photographs are copies of photographs taken during the construction and dedication (c. 1947) of the ""This is the Place"" Monument at the mouth of Emigration Canyon in Salt Lake\, Utah. Exhibit labels are also included. It is uncertain where this display was mounted.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 84389,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,Land/Water Conservation Fund files,1989-2022,Numerical by project number.,"These records contain grant files for land and water projects. The records track land and water fund grant projects. The information in the files may include applications for grants\, maps\, contracts\, billings\, remittances\, and evaluations of the individual projects.",Retain permanently,Public, 30085,Department of Natural Resources. Division of State Parks.,State Park photographs,1967-,None.,These records are photographs and negatives of various state parks within the Department of Natural Resources State Parks system.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,8.85 cubic feet