seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 85238,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Subdivision review case files,s 1912.,Alphabetical by subdivision name,These case files document the developmental history of subdivision plans submitted to the Planning Commission for compliance review with zoning ordinances.,,, 8690,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Building permit registers,i 1889-,Chronological and numerical by permit number.,"These registers are a listing of all building permits issued by Building and Housing Services. They are used for research not requiring the actual description contained on the permit invoice. Since 1977\, the record has been generated by computer. Early volumes were found in the engineer's office and may have been created by that office; into the 1950s\, they may have been created by the building inspector's office. Volumes include information on date\, permit number\, builder\, location\, type of building\, and cost estimates.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,5.50 cubic feet 10 microfilm reels 8691,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Operation paint brush database,1985-,None,"This is a departmental microcomputer database containing one record for each applicant for funding under Operation Paint Brush. The information is used for administering program and for annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grantee performance reporting. The information is backed up weekly on tape. This database includes applicant's name\, address\, date of application\, date of completion\, initials of inspectors\, dates of inspection\, applicant's income and race\, dates and amounts invoiced\, and neighborhood location.",Retain for 3 year(s),, 6801,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Private demolition case files,1972-,Alphanumerical by address,"These case files document the enforcement of demolitions of substandard or hazardous building initiated by private parties. They are used for research and litigation purposes. These files include correspondence\, pictures\, inspection report\, legal documents\, deficiency list\, determination of ownership\, and similar enforcement forms",Permanent. Retain for 25 year(s),, 6805,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Housing Advisory Appeals Board case files,1976-,Numerical by address,These case files document all case brought before the Housing Advisory Appeals Board. They are used to reference specific cases. These files include minutes pertaining to case; control sheet used to track all action related to case; and the abstract and findings of the Board.,Retain for 25 year(s),, 6798,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Master address cards,1900-,None,"These cards are an address index to all building permits. They serve as a continous record of land use and are used continuously for public information on each city address. These cards include invoice number\, date of permit\, name of owner\, address\, and brief description of permit.",Retain permanently,, 6802,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Construction reports,1976-,Chronological,"These reports are a monthly summary of construction and demolition activity in terms of permits\, costs\, and housing units. They are created from information provided from the permit invoices and show the comparison to same month in ten previous years. They are used for statistical analysis of current development trends. These reports include month; number of permits issued for new residential buildings (1\,2\,3\, or 4 family unit\, apartment\, 1 family or multi condominium); cost and number of families involved; and total construction figures and number for past ten years.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 6803,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Apartment licensing program files,1979-,Alphanumerical by address,These program files record the annual inspections and enforcement actions of all apartment complexes of five or more units which are required to obtain a regulatory license. They are used for reference purposes and to document the actual inspections. These files include list of addresses of five or more unit apartments inspector's name; dates of inspections; violations; notices sent; and record of citations issued.,Retain for 50 year(s),, 6807,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Operation paint brush project files,1981-,"Alphanumerical by address, thereunder Chronological","These project files document activities under the city's Operation Paint Brush program. This project is funded through federal Community Development funds. It allows any low income city property owner to receive free paint and supplies. These files include application\, correspondence\, paint qualification survey\, inspector's survey of materials\, and copy of requisitions for paint.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 6806,Salt Lake City. Division of Building and Housing Services,Sign card file,1954-1977.,Alphanumerical by address,"This card file documents all permits issued for the placement of signs by Building and Housing Services. It is used for reference purposes. This card includes address\, name of contractor\, date and inspection record.",Retain for 50 year(s),, 6800,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Demolition case files,1976-,Alphanumerical by address,"These case files document city ordered demolitions of substandard or hazardous buildings. They are used for research and litigation purposes. These files include correspondence; title report; notice of demolition; copies of legal documents such as order to show cause\, findings of fact and conclusions of law\, or order to demolish; heating preparation documentation; appraisal; cost estimate of repair versus demolition; copy of contract; bias; building official's report; tax liens; and pictures of premises.",Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s),, 6804,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Enforcement case files,1972-,Alphanumerical by address,These case files document housing and zoning complaints. They are used to document municipal actions concerning the complaints and for reference purposes. They are arranged by address or name of complainant.,Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 8692,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Building permit database,1977-,None,"This is an automated system of building\, plumbing\, electrical\, demolition\, and general permit information. It is used for reference purposes to document when permits were issued. The information is backed up on tape every two weeks. This system includes permit number\, address\, date issued\, estimated cost\, permit fee amount\, nature and type of construction\, square footage\, information concerning inspections\, stop work orders\, zoning and housing enforcement cases\, and related inspections.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 8687,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Permit invoices,s 1939.,Numerical by invoice number,"These invoices are issued as an official building permit for a variety of actions (construction\, demolition\, the installation of plumbing\, electrical\, or mechanical equipment\, and the erection of signs or barricades). They may also be used for the payment of fees for application to the Board of Adjustment (Zoning) or Housing Appeals Board. Since 1977\, the records have been on computer. These invoices include invoice number\, applicant's name and address\, date\, cost center and object code (since 1977)\, amount\, a brief description of work or Board case and site. Construction invoices include architect and contractor information.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 5999,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Plan specifications,1982-,Chronologically by year and then by permit number,"These are specifications for commercial buildings or institutions. The architect compiles specifications for contractor's use to complete detail work providing type\, grade\, and brand of materials to be used. Inspectors maintain plans to check during construction period. The architect also maintains own file of specifications. These documents include name of architect\, address of building\, name of contractor\, and listing of specifications for completion of structure.",Retain until end of project or program,, 6000,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Miscellaneous plans and correspondence,1954-,Alphanumerical by address,"These are files containing small plans\, compliance notices and other correspondence. When minor changes were requested in building plans\, preliminary designs were removed from plan files and filed with related correspondence. These files include correspondence\, small building plans\, and compliance notice\, a specific type of correspondence\, detailing any code violations which must be corrected before structure could pass inspection.",Retain for 10 year(s),, 6005,Salt Lake City. Division of Building and Housing Services,Demolition cards,1954-1982.,Alphabetical,"These cards were pulled from the master address index when a building was demolished. Cards provide information on all permits issued and inspections made of building. To avoid confusion with new construction on address site\, cards were stored alphabetically in a dead file. These cards include address\, date\, listing of invoice numbers for permits and inspections of building",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 26420,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Residential building plans,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by permit number","These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or owners when applying for a building permit for the construction of residential buildings. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by contractor to complete detail work providing type\, grade\, brand of materials to be used and general conditions which govern the methods to be employed. They also identify the temporary facilities\, job cleanup\, security\, time limits\, deadlines\, and responsibilities of the architect\, owner and contractor. They are used for determining code compliance and the enforcement of building codes. They are usually arranged by permit number or address.",Retain for 1 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Public, 26422,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Public building plans (Municipal and County),1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by permit number","These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or government agencies applying for a building permit for the construction of government buildings. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by the contractor to complete detail work providing type\, grade\, brand of materials to be used\, and general conditions which govern the methods to be employed. They also identify the temporary facilities\, job cleanup\, security\, time limits\, deadlines\, and responsibilities of the architect\, contractor\, and government agency. They are used for determining code compliance and the enforcement of building codes. The plans are usually arranged by permit number or address.",Retain permanently,Public, 26421,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Commercial building plans,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by permit number","These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or owners when applying for a building permit for the construction of commercial\, industrial\, or apartment structures. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by the contractor to complete detail work providing type\, grade\, brand of materials to be used\, and general conditions which govern the methods to be employed. They also identify the temporary facilities\, job cleanup\, security\, time limits\, deadlines\, and responsibilities of the architect\, owner and contractor. They are used for determining code compliance and the enforcement of building codes. They are usually arranged by permit number or address.",Retain for 7 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Public, 12126,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Nonresidential building plans,1963-,Numerical by plan number,"These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or owners when applying for a building permit for the construction of commercial\, industrial\, or apartment structures. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by the contractor to complete detail work providing type\, grade\, brand of materials to be used\, and general conditions which govern the methods to be employed. They also identify the temporary facilities\, job cleanup\, security\, time limits\, deadlines\, and responsibilities of the architect\, owner and contractor. They are used for determining code compliance and the enforcement of building codes. They are usually arranged by permit number or address.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,89 microfilm reels 8688,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Board of Appeals and Examiners minutes,1954-,Chronological,"These are the minutes of regular\, special\, and emergency meetings of official municipal committees\, boards\, and task forces. UCA 52-4-7(1) (2009) requires that written minutes be kept of all open meetings. These minutes shall include: ""the date\, time and place of the meeting; the names of members present and absent; the substance of all matters proposed\, discussed\, or decided\, and a record\, by individual member\, of votes taken; the names of all citizens who appeared and the substance in brief of their testimony; and any other information that any member requests be entered in the minutes."" Minutes are also required to be kept for all closed meetings in accordance with UCA 52-4-7(2) (2010) and to include: ""the date\, time and place of the meeting; the names of all others present except when such disclosure would infringe on the confidence necessary to fulfill the original purpose of closing the meeting."" They may also include an official agenda. (See also Internal committee records).",Retain permanently,Public, 8689,Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing,Housing Advisory and Appeals Board minutes,1976-,Chronological,"These are the minutes of regular\, special\, and emergency meetings of official municipal committees\, boards\, and task forces. UCA 52-4-7(1) (2009) requires that written minutes be kept of all open meetings. These minutes shall include: ""the date\, time and place of the meeting; the names of members present and absent; the substance of all matters proposed\, discussed\, or decided\, and a record\, by individual member\, of votes taken; the names of all citizens who appeared and the substance in brief of their testimony; and any other information that any member requests be entered in the minutes."" Minutes are also required to be kept for all closed meetings in accordance with UCA 52-4-7(2) (2010) and to include: ""the date\, time and place of the meeting; the names of all others present except when such disclosure would infringe on the confidence necessary to fulfill the original purpose of closing the meeting."" They may also include an official agenda. (See also Internal committee records).",Retain permanently,Public,