seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 84363,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Demolitions/condemnations files,1982-1990.,Alphabetical by category,"This is a record of the proceedings against properties found to be unsafe or in hazardous condition where demolition is proposed by a board of hearing examiners (SLC Ordinance 5-11-1 thru 9). These files include tape recordings or transcribed minutes of hearings\, associated correspondence\, findings of fact and conclusions of law\, order\, order to show cause filed by city attorney recommendations to Mayor; proof of mailing\, etc.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84366,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Contracts and agreements,1851-,Chronological,"This is an official record of agreement or method of action between the city and one or more parties which is enforceable by law\, to acquire\, or incure services\, products\, etc. These include name\, date\, description of service to be rendered or terms of agreement\, and authorizing signature. May also include insurance payment and performance bonds\, jobs specification books\, related correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s),Public, 84359,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Bound ordinances,1950-,Chronological,"These are the superseded pages removed from published ordinances of Salt Lake City. They include ordinance\, page number\, and date of revision.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84355,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Hearings record,1982-,none,"This is a record of the proceedings of specific hearings requested by the public for various reasons including licensing\, the denial of licenses (for business\, liquor\, taxi) revocation of business license\, or special hearings called by the Mayor or City Council. The record includes minutes\, tape recordings\, and related correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84352,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Mayor's report,1981-,Chronological,"This is a weekly accounting to verify action taken by the Mayor on documents requiring his approval. It consists primarily of contracts an agreements signed\, but may also include revocable permits\, easements\, policies/procedures\, and religious/charitable solicitation applications. These reports include departments involved\, date approved\, name and address of persons or business\, type of action taken and reason for actions.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 84357,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Historical landmark files,1982-1990.,none,"These files record the designation of historic landmarks\, sites\, or districts by the Historic Landmark Committee\, approved by the City Council and officially adopted by ordinance. SLC Ordinance 51-31-1 thru 14\, UCA 11-18-4. This record includes a history of the building or property\, documentation of decisions\, legal description of property\, maps of plat and ant related correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84348,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Employee disclosure statements,1981-,"chronological, thereunder alphabetical by category","This is a city wide form which all employees of the Salt Lake City Corporation must fill out to disclose business activities. The form is required by City ordinance and must be updated annually. It includes name\, date\, position\, city department employed\, and business affiliation.",Retain for 5 year(s),, 84369,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Policies and procedures,1981-,Numerical by number,"This is a record of the city's policies and procedures which provide information to city departments outlining responsibilities and guidelines on administrative policies\, operational procedures\, rules\, and regulations. The policies and procedures are divided into four categories: policy\, executive order\, procedural order\, executive or administrative memo\, and special order. These include type of policy\, effective date\, title\, description of policy\, assigned number\, definition purpose with appropriate signatures of approval\, and an index.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,, 84365,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Resolutions,1872-,Numerical by resolution number,"These are formal statements of a decision or expression of opinion put before or adopted by the City Council. Included is the following information: the resolution number\, the date\, text of the resolution\, and any authorizing signatures.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 84356,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Charitable and religious solicitation files,1982-1987.,"chronological, thereunder alphanumerical by category","These files document the process of obtaining a permit for religious or charitable solicitations within Salt Lake City. These files include applications\, related correspondence\, and additional information regarding solicitor\, which provides\, the name of the solicitation\, address\, list of responsible individual to contact\, and the purpose and motive for solicitation.",,, 84347,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Records index,1982-,none,"This is a computer index to ordinances\, resolutions\, contracts\, agreements\, council minutes\, petitions\, policies\, deeds\, easements\, and all other official documents filed in the Recorder's Office. There are four separate indexes which list by name\, category\, department\, and index number. Each index contains three calendar years of information. The index is updated daily and printouts are received monthly. This index includes name\, file number\, subject matter\, project number\, legislative history\, and retention period.",Retain permanently,Public,34 microfilm reels 84358,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Unsuccessful bids (specification books),1982-,none,"These are specification books for projects let out for bids\, where a contractor was unsuccessful in a bid attempt. These include job specification (the location\, type of building\, type of material necessary) and the contractor's estimate of cost to complete the project",Retain for 8 year(s),, 84368,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Real estate records,1850-,Alphabetical by calendar year,"These are deeds and easements which contract the transfer of public or private property in the course of public or private property in the course of public business. These records include name\, type of property transaction\, date approved by mayor\, legal property transaction\, amount of funds involved\, reasons for action\, any stipulations involved\, date of transaction\, appropriate signatures and notarizations; associated correspondence; and map or plat of area involved.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84354,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Committee minutes,1982-,chronological,"This is a record of the proceedings of meetings of City standing committees including: Salt Sake Valley Solid Waste Management Committee\, Public Utilities Advisory Committee\, Tracy Aviary Advisory Board\, Committee of the Whole\, Records Management Committee and Restoration of the City County Building Committee. These minutes include date\, time\, and place of meeting\, name of members in attendance and those absent\, a record of subjects discussed\, statements of intent\, and a record of action taken.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84362,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Special reports,1908-1981.,Alphanumerical by category,These are special studies conducted by the City in connection with specific city projects or investigations. These reports include study of water usage and availability in Salt Lake City area; department performance audits; special flood hazard areas; declaration of covenants and bylaws for condominiums; architectural history of City-County Building; airport master plan studies; report and financial study of Sugarhouse Park Authority; report of the Civil Service Commission; etc.,Retain permanently,, 84367,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Petitions,1882-,Chronological,"This is a formal written document from a citizen group or city department requesting that the city approve specific requests such as an easement; street or alley vacation or closure; zoning change; parade request; return of found items; or permission to film movies. The petitions include the petition number\, the date text of petition\, and petitioner's signature.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),, 84349,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Liquor consent forms,1982-1996.,none,"This is a record of mayoral consent for package liquor stores to be located in previously established city restaurants (SLC Ordinance 20-29-5\, UCA 32-1-36). This record includes a copy of the form sent to the Utah State Liquor Commission requesting consent for package liquor stores\, the name and address of establishment\, the names of owner(s)\, any related correspondence\, and signature of the Mayor and the date signed.",,, 83176,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Letter file indexes,1904-1919.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by department","These eleven volumes are indexes to letters sent and received by city departments. There is one volume per year from 1904 to 1907 and 1916 to 1919\, two for 1908\, and one of two volumes for the year of 1912. They contain the date; name of the writer of letter; purpose of letter\, file number; and remarks. The 1919 volume also contains a few loose papers dated 1919: a statement of appropriations and expenditures; a letter; a resolution levying taxes; a claim against the city for an employee being injured on the job.",,Public, 25113,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Proof of publication records,1888-,Roughly numerical by bill number and generally chronological by date.,"These are affidavits of publication and requests from City departments for the advertisement of various services required. These are paper copies\, filed by the department\, then chronologically. The information in these records include the request from the department with an attachment of the wording of the advertisement\, the affidavit of publication from the Newspaper Agency Corporation\, or similar type of company\, and a copy of the advertisement as it appeared in the newspaper ad.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 26418,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Oaths of office,1981-,Chronological by calendar year,"This record is required by Salt Lake City Code 2.42.010. This record documents the constitutional oath of office of all elected and appointed officers\, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices. Contained in this record is the signature of the elected and appointed officers\, and a public notary.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 9870,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Correspondence,1906-1915.,Chronological,Correspondence to/from the recorder.,,Public, 6995,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Grantee's index,1901-1975.,Alphabetical by grantee's name,"This index is used to access deed information within the Official Records through the use of names of grantees. The information recorded includes the entry number\, book/page\, date of instrument and of filing\, grantee's name\, kind of instrument\, consideration\, lot or section number\, block or township number\, patent or registration number\, and subdivision mining\, or miscellaneous description.",Retain permanently,, 5548,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Letterbooks,1882-1896.,Alphanumerical,Letter press copies of out going correspondence from the city recorder's office.,,Public, 5558,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Leases and contracts,1888-1898.,Alphanumerical,Contracts documenting leases of property or equipment by the city for services or construction.,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 4910,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Ordinances and resolutions indexes,1872-,Alphanumerical.,"Resolutions and city ordinances governing Salt Lake City are indexed by these volumes (1876-). Included in the series is a single volume scrapbook (1872-76) into which have been pasted newspaper clippings and handwritten copies of ordinances and resolutions\, and newspaper copies of auditor's reports\, notices\, and legal decisions.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 5596,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Bonds,1876-1894.,Alphanumerical,"Bonds\, and occasional oaths\, submitted to cover faithful performance in office.",,Public, 5559,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Warranty and conveyance deeds,1872-1889.,Alphanumerical,"Deeds\, and related documentation (eg. court decrees) transferring real property to the city or from the city to individuals.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 26416,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Appointments of committee members and appointed officials,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by file number","These files document the appointment of persons to advisory boards and committees established by the City Council or Mayor\, usually by resolution\, or policy and procedure. These files may include letters of recommendation\, letters of appointment\, resumes\, and related correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 26414,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Election returns,1981-,Chronological by election date,These are books of tabulations counted by the election judges. They serve as the official tally of votes for municipal elections.,Retain for 22 month(s),Public, 26777,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Mutual commitment registration records,2008-,Chronological by date and thereunder numberical by file number,,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 26412,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Election ballots,1981-,Chronological by year,"These are packets of official ballots of municipal elections cast by voters. ""Each election officer shall preserve ballots for 22 months after the election or until the time has expired during which the ballots could be used in an election contest"" (UCA 20A-4-202(2)(a) (1997)). If the election is not contested\, ""after that time\, destroy them without opening or examining them"" (UCA 20A-4-202(2)(d) (1997)).",Retain for 22 month(s),Public, 26415,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Campaign finance statements,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by file number","These records are required by Salt Lake City Ordinance 2.46 and by UCA 10-3-208. Candidates running for Salt Lake City municipal office must report their contributions and expenditures. These records document itemized contributions and expenditures made by each candidate. Included in the record is information such as date of contribution\, the names and addresses of contributors and the amount of the contribution. Also included are the dates of expenditures\, who it was paid to\, and the amount of the expenditure.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 26413,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Election canvasses,1981-,Chronological by year,"They are the official canvass of primary\, municipal\, or special elections. They contain a tabulation of votes cast by combined election districts. They include the date\, office\, names of candidates\, number of votes\, and totals.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 26426,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,GRAMA records appeals case files,1997-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by case number","These case files document the appeals for access of municipal records to separate municipal appeals bodies (i.e.\, city council or separate board). This is in accordance with municipal ordinances adopted under the authority granted in the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA)(UCA 63-2-701 (1997)). These case files include copies of the access request and denial forms\, the appeal\, research notes\, council or board decision\, and any other documentation concerning the appeal process.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 29571,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Municipal election district records,"1937, 1939.",Chronological by creation date.,This series contains records relating to the 1939 Salt Lake City municipal elections.,,Public,0.50 cubic foot 28225,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Land records,1848-1866.,Chronological by date.,"These are copies of all official records recorded with the county recorder including deeds\, mortgages\, mining records\, military discharges\, etc. Upon payment of fees for the same\, the recorder must record in the ""Official record' book all papers\, documents\, records\, and other writings required or permitted by law to be recorded. In some counties all recorded instruments are compiled together as part of the ""Official records""\, while others compile each type of instrument separately (See Deed records\, Mortgage records\, Mining records\, Water records\, etc.)",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 26417,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Annual reports,1981-,Chronological by year,"Annual reports are required by Salt Lake City Code 2.04.010. These reports describe financial state of Salt Lake City on a yearly basis. Included are statistics\, narrative reports\, graphs\, and diagrams.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 26425,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Government records access and management act access request,1997-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by file number","These request forms document individuals seeking access to municipal records as provided under UCA 63-2-204 (1997). They include requester's name\, address\, telephone number; date; record requested; date request received; whether access provided or denied; and date responded.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 84360,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Minute indexes,1851-1981.,Chronological by date.,"These are indexes\, lists\, registers\, and other aids that assist in the efficient use of other records.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 4905,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Brief Sketch of the History of Salt Lake City,1881.,None,"This is a bound\, handwritten essay (27pp) by John Jacques\, entitled ""A Brief Sketch of the History of Salt Lake City"" discussing the early history of Salt Lake City. The history has short segments devoted to: settlement; survey; incorporation; designation as the capital; population growth; soil and water; drouths\, floods\, scanty harvests; destructive insects; business depression; business briskness; destructive explosions; light and waterworks; means of communication; settlements in the vicinity; and city government.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 26424,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Annual budget,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by file number","The budget is a ""plan of financial operations for a fiscal year which embodies estimates of proposed expenditures for given purposes and the proposed means of financing them"" (UCA 10-6-106(10) (1997)). ""Before June 22 of each fiscal year\, or August 17 in the case of a property tax increase under Sections 59-2-919 through 59-2-923\, the governing body shall by resolution or ordinance adopt a budget for the ensuing fiscal year for each fund for which a budget is required under this chapter. A copy of the final budget for each fund shall be certified by the budget officer and filed with the state auditor within thirty days after adoption"" (UCA 10-6-118 (1997)).",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 26423,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Budget information files,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by file number","These files document the adoption of the city's annual budget. Includes recommended budget\, tape recordings of public hearings associated with finalizing budget\, and all related correspondence. Files may also contain budget amendments and any other actions affecting budget.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 26419,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Council agenda,1981-,"Chronological by year, thereunder chronological by day","These files contain the public notification of date\, time\, place and items to be presented to City Council for consideration at regularly scheduled\, special and emergency city council meetings.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 82755,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Minutes,1851-,Chronological by date.,"These minutes are the official record of the proceedings of regularly scheduled\, special and emergency council meetings. They are adopted and approved by the council during their next public meeting. The minutes include the date\, time\, and meeting place; members present and absent; ""the substance of all matters proposed\, discussed\, or decided\, and record\, by individual member\, of votes taken; the names of citizens who appeared and the substance in brief of their testimony; any other information that any member requests be entered in the minutes"" in accordance with UCA 52-4-203 (2) (2009).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,139 microfilm reels 4900,Salt Lake City (Utah). City Recorder,Ordinances,i 1851-,Numerical by ordinance number.,"Ordinances are laws created by the city council. They are enactments which govern and maintain the operation of the city for the peac\, benefit\, and regulation of the municipality. Each separate law may carry a penalty or fine and must not conflict with The Utah State Constitution or The United States Constitution. Each ordinance is discussed in open council meetings\, and take effect 20 days after being passed. Ordinances deal with the employment of elected and appointed officaisl; vehicles and traffic control; water use adn allocation; fire and police protection; business and merchant regulation; and the establishment of fees and fines for city services.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,4 microfilm reels