seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 82997,Springville (Utah),Council minutes,1853-,Chronological,Proceedings of the city council.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 83025,Springville (Utah),City ordinances,1880-1988.,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by ordinance number",,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 395,Springville (Utah),Justice docket,1883-1895.,Numerical by case number.,"This single volume is used to record individual cases heard by the Springville Precinct Justice of the Peace Court. They contain: names of involved parties\, attorneys\, judge; action taken; papers filed\, and judgements rendered.",Retain permanently,Public, 381,Springville (Utah),Ditches record,1898-1900.,Alphanumerical by address.,"This single volume contains a record of all ditches in Springville. It was used to identify all ditches\, their length\, their directional flow\, and ownership of adjacent property. It contains: address\, name of ditch\, and names of owners.",Retain permanently,Public, 13463,Springville (Utah),Scrapbooks,1974-,Chronological,"These are a chronological record of the municipality or individual municipal departments which include photographs\, newspaper clippings and other items pertaining to the activities\, actions and reactions of citizens.",Retain permanently,Public,3 microfilm reels 13461,Springville (Utah),Library accessions,1926-1966.,Chronological,"These records document the accession of library materials. They include title\, publisher's name\, date ordered and received\, list price\, and discount price.",,Public, 371,Springville (Utah),Cemetery deed records,1895-1932.,Numerical by deed number and chronological by issuing date.,"This single book documents the sale of cemetery lots. It contains the city's copy of actual deeds issued to owners of cemetery lots in the city cemetery. They are used to keep an accurate record of plot ownership and whether they have perpetual care. They include: deed number\, date issued\, name of owner\, amount of ground purchased\, description of plot purchased\, amount paid\, and receipt number. In 1932\, the city changed its method of selling cemetery plots and ceased issuing cemetery deeds.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 28290,Springville (Utah),Cemetery interment records,1851-,Alphabetical and chronological.,"This series contain several volumes used to record burials in the Springville City and Evergreen Cemeteries. The earliest book was begun in 1879 and records burials as early as 1851. Burials were listed alphabetically by family name in one section and listed chronologically in another section. The book also includes an early cemetery map\, information about plot ownership\, and ""promiscuous"" information on the burial of strangers and unknown individuals. The second volume is arranged in alphabetical sections and repeats information from the earlier volume\, with additional burials listed through 1947. The third volume is in reverse chronological order and overlaps with earlier and later volumes. The fourth and fifth books ostensibly cover the City and Evergreen Cemeteries\, respectively\, but there is some cross-over in the two books. They are arranged chronologically and overlap earlier and later volumes. The most recent book picks up from the two preceding volumes and contains information,on burials in both cemeteries\, listed chronologically. The burial records in this series typically include such information as the name of the deceased\, date and place of birth\, date and place of death\, cause of death\, names of parents\, last place of residence\, burial date\, and location of grave.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,4 microfilm reels 28282,Springville (Utah),Cemetery plot care payment records,1939-ca.1984.,Chronological by year and alphanumerical by plot number.,"This series contains two ledgers used to record payments for care of cemetery plots. The ledgers initially note annual payments and later payments for perpetual care. They typically contain such information as the plot location\, owner or occupant name\, address\, and amount paid each year. The series documents a period of transition between annual care payments and the later requirement of payment for perpetual care.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 28278,Springville (Utah),Accounting ledger,1908-1910.,"By expenditure category, thereunder chronological by date.","This series contains financial records for city government. The ledger was used to record both expenditures and income for the city\, including expenditures for such things as employee salaries\, road improvements\, electrical plant operations\, waterworks construction\, street sprinkling\, and city hall and public square maintenance. It also records income from such sources as fines\, dog taxes\, interest on bonds\, and taxes.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 25205,Springville (Utah),Publications,1973-,Chronological by year,"These are pamphlets\, leaflets\, studies\, proposals and similar material printed by or for the city of Springville or any of its departments\, subdivisions or programs\, and made available to the public\, or the last manuscript report if not published. ""Flood Plain Information - Hobble Creek"" prepared for the city of Springville by the Department of the Army\, Sacramento District Corps of Engineers (June 1973),Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 399,Springville (Utah),"Ordinances, amendments and resolutions",1893-1972.,Numerical by ordinance or resolution number.,"These books contain the legislative action of city council to regulate\, require\, prohibit\, govern\, control\, or supervise any activity\, business\, conduct\, or condition authorized by UCA 10-3-701 to 715 (1997). An ordinance includes a number\, a title\, preamble\, an ordaining clause\, the body or subject of ordinance\, when applicable\, penalty of violation\, effective date\, signature of mayor or acting mayor\, and municipal seal.",,Public, 13462,Springville (Utah),Library board minutes,"1921-1952, 1966-",Chronological,"These are the official minutes of regular and special meetings of the County Library Board of Directors. They are used to document the actions of the board. They include the agenda\, dates and times meetings convened and adjourned\, board members present and excused\, and a summary of the proceedings of meetings\, including motions\, votes\, discussions\, official actions\, and decision.",Retain permanently,Public,2 microfilm reels 30707,Springville (Utah),City Council public information packets,2000-,Chronological.,This series contains the public information packets provided to the city council containing supplementary materials to support discussions at the monthly council meetings.,Retain permanently,Public, 29341,Springville (Utah),General plans,2011-,none,"These are comprehensive plans for municipal development adopted by the city commission. ""Each municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive\, long-range general plan for present and future needs of the municipality; and growth and development of all or any part of the land within the municipality"" (Utah Code 10-9a-401(1) (2005)). ""The planning commission shall make and recommend to the [city commission] a proposed general plan for the area within the municipality"" (Utah Code 10-9a-403(1)(b) (2012)). The plans serve as a guide for decision-making on rezoning and other planning proposals and as the goals and policies of municipalities attempting to guide land use in local jurisdictions. The plans include ""planning commission's recommendations for the development of the territory covered by the plan\, and may include\, among other things: (a) a land use element; (b) a transportation and circulation element; (c) an environmental element; (d) a public service and facilities element; (e) a rehabilitation\, redevelopment\, and conservation element; (f) an economic element; (g) recommendations for implementing the plan\, including the use of zoning ordinances\, subdivision ordinances\, capital improvement plans\, and other appropriate actions; and any other elements that the municipality c,a rehabilitation\, redevelopment\, and conservation element; (f) an economic element; (g) recommendations for implementing the plan\, including the use of zoning ordinances\, subdivision ordinances\, capital improvement plans\, and other appropriate actions; and any other elements that the municipality considers appropriate"" (Utah Code 10-91-403 (3) (2012)). The plan may also include maps\, plats\, and charts.",Retain permanently,, 29413,Springville (Utah),Budgets,2010-,none,The budget is a plan for financial operations for a fiscal year. It documents the actual spending of a governmental entity and may be certified by a budget officer and filed with the state auditor.,Retain permanently,,