seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 83192,Treasurer,Position report,1982-,chronological,This report comes from the Resource Investment Accounting System. It tells what investments are outstanding (not matured) in the State investment portfolio by month. This report is used with the balance report from the Bank of New York.,Retain for 5 year(s),, 83206,Treasurer,Monthly statement of assets,1982-,chronological,This report is generated by the Bank of New York. It gives a detailed accounting of all securities held by the custodian as of the reporting date.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83215,Treasurer,Investment trade tickets and variable rate resets,i 1982-,Chronological by year.,"Investment trade ticket forms contain details of investment transactions made by the Utah State Treasurer's Office. Each trade ticket includes information such as the issuer\, broker\, ratings\, cusip number (identification number)\, and maturity. Information regarding daily\, monthly and quarterly variable rate resets will also be included on a separate spread sheet.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 83216,Treasurer,Expenditure adjustment records,i 1982-,Chronological,These records are this agency's copies of the Finance Division's DF 64 (Adjustment Form) originated by the Treasurer's Office to make adjustments to warrant requests and interdepartmental transfers.,Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 83226,Treasurer,Interest apportionment reports,i 1983-,Chronological,This report is the support for apportionment of interest to each investment account. It comes from the RESOURCE investment accounting system.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83211,Treasurer,Quarterly list of qualified depositories (in-state),1984-,chronological,"This is a list provided to the 500 public treasurers in the State. It details in which depositories\, in the State\, they can invest money and how much money each institution can have. It is sent out quarterly.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83224,Treasurer,Fund ledger daily report,1983-,Chronological,This is a daily report of adjustments made to the pool accounts and show the current balance. It is also a reconciliation report.,Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 83228,Treasurer,Accounting journal,1981-,Chronological,"Includes bank reconciliations\, detail investment listings\, revenue summaries\, expenditure/warrant summaries\, summarized pool information\, adjusting entries\, balance sheets\, statement of revenue/expenditures\, cash flow statements\, and trial balance sheets. This journal is a collection of reports which come from the Treasurer's automated general ledger system\, together with supporting work papers. They include\, balance sheets\, statement of revenue/expenditures\, cash flow statements and trial balance sheets.",Retain for 25 year(s),Public, 83193,Treasurer,Earnings report,i 1982-,Chronological,"This report is a monthly report showing\, in detail\, all investments and the accrued interest credited to each investment. The report is generated by the RESOURCE Investment Accounting System.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83204,Treasurer,Income projection reports,i 1982-,Chronological,This is an income projection report for a five day period. This report is generated by the Bank of New York.,Retain for 10 day(s),Public, 83212,Treasurer,Certified out-of-state depositories lists,1984-,chronological,This is a list given to the 500 public treasurers in the State. It is a list of out-of-state depositorities where funds can be deposited. This is a quarterly report.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 83222,Treasurer,Monthly bank analysis statement,i 1982-,chronological,These are monthly statements from the State's depository banks. They provide a summary of bank activity on each of approximately 150 accounts. The reports are used to control the level of compensation to the bank and to monitor bank service charges.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 83208,Treasurer,Daily bank balance report,1980-,Chronological,"This is a daily bank balance report of state accounts having detail of deposits\, withdrawals\, and balances. It provides a detailed daily report of bank statements. The reports come from several private\, commercial banks.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 83218,Treasurer,Electronic funds transfer records,i 1982-,Chronological,"This records series consists of forms used by the State Treasurer's Office to document the electronic transfer of funds to various public entities\, such as the transfer of funds and distribution of tax revenues to local governmental entities. Other types of transactions include the transfer of funds to vendors for services provided\, to school districts and institutions of higher learning\, and transfers for federal programs such as the Unemployment Trust Fund and Women\, Infants\, and Children (WIC). Information includes name of person or entity the transfer is directed to\, name of banking institution that will receive the transfer\, amount of funds being transferred\, name of the employee authorizing transfer\, transfer number\, and date of transaction.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83195,Treasurer,Amortization detail reports,i 1982-,Chronological,"This is a monthly report\, by investment security\, showing the amount of amortization or accretion. This report also becomes part of the earnings report. This report is generated by the Resource Investment Accounting System.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83190,Treasurer,Investment officers' files,i 1981-,Chronological,"This report is used to determine the availability of funds\, on a daily basis\, for investment purposes and indicates the securities offered by various financial institutions and the prices they are offered at\, which are recorded by day and hour and provide the justification for investments made. These files include the daily quote sheet\, daily cash position worksheets\, copies of related investment resolutions\, wire transfer requests\, bond fund cash worksheets\, adding machine tapes\, and other supporting documentation.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 83203,Treasurer,Daily security activity statements,1982-,Chronological,"This is a daily report\, by investment account\, which comes from the Bank of New York. This report shows maturities\, sales\, income collections\, and adjustments. This report is duplicated on the Monthly security activity report.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 83221,Treasurer,Transaction entry audit trail,i 1985-,Chronological,This report is a printout of the detail of the investment transactions as entered in the ADS system.,Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 83213,Treasurer,Deposit investment detail report,1980-,chronological,This is a report submitted by the 500 public treasurers to the State Treasurer. It gives a detailed accounting of investments made by that treasurer and the outcome. It is submitted twice a year.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83225,Treasurer,Monthly fund summary report,1983-,chronological,This report is a balance report after interest has been apportioned to each investment account. It comes monthly from the RESOURCE Investment Accounting System,Retain for 5 year(s),, 83194,Treasurer,Daily income summary,i 1982-,Chronological,This is a daily summary of income due for collection. It is generated by the RESOURCE Investment Accounting System.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83210,Treasurer,Primary reporting dealers lists,i 1982-,Chronological,"This is a report of what broker/dealer the State can purchase securities from during that reporting period. This report is produced quarterly and includes information regarding the broker/dealer's financial stability (amount of assets\, liabilities\, etc.)",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 83196,Treasurer,Portfolio statistics report,1982-,chronological,"This is a monthly report by fund\, in summary form. The information included are average yield\, average life\, and daily balance of each investment. This report is generated by the RESOURCE Investment Accounting System.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83207,Treasurer,Monthly review of accounts,1963-,chronological,"This record series contains monthly accounting reconciliations between office ledgers and banks\, the State accounting system\, and other external financial systems.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 83217,Treasurer,Public treasurers investment fund files,1980-,chronological,These files document the investments made on behalf of the public treasurers of the State. Any public treasurer can elect to deposit their investment money with the State Treasurer. The money invested with the Treasurers office is recorded on a standard DF55.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83205,Treasurer,Monthly statement of account,1982-,chronological,"This is a monthly summary report\, by investment account. It gives a summary of the daily reports. This report comes from the Bank of New York.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83209,Treasurer,Returned check reconciliation reports,i 1983-,Chronological,"This is a weekly reconciliation of checks delivered to the collection agency\, checks collected by them\, checks returned as uncollectable\, and checks still held by the collection agency. It is used to control records maintained by the State Treasurer.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 28589,Treasurer,School bond guaranty certificate of eligibility,1997-,Chronological by year.,"These records support the agency's function to review the requests of school district boards for the issuance of certificates of eligibility\, and to sign and issue the certificates should the state treasurer determine that the school board is solvent (Utah Code 53G-4-803 (2019)). School districts present the certificates to credit-rating agencies to verify that their bonds are eligible for the State School Bond Guaranty Program and can correspondingly receive the State's general obligation bond credit rating. Records may include letters of request\, State Office of Education letters of recommendation\, and certificates of eligibility.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 28588,Treasurer,Charter school credit enhancement program application addenda,2012-,"Chronological by year, thereunder by month.","These records support the Utah Charter School Finance Authority's function to determine which charter schools are eligible for participation in the state's charter school credit enhancement program (Utah Code 53G-5-603(2)(h) (2018)). These addenda document the agency's assessment of charter schools that are requesting to participate in the program and are used to approve or deny a school's application (Utah Code 53G-5-606 (2018)). Records may include financial data and analysis\, assessment of management and governance practices\, operating history\, academic performance data\, and enrollment data.",Retain for 40 year(s),Public, 28590,Treasurer,Charter school financing application,2007-,"Chronological by year, thereunder by month.","These records support the Utah Charter School Finance Authority's function to provide an efficient method of financing charter school facilities (Utah Code 53G-5-602(1) (2019)). These records are submitted by a charter school applying for financing through the agency\, which determines if the financing process should be initiated. Records include documentation requisite for a Utah charter school to be able to issue tax-exempt municipal bonds in order to acquire land\, school buildings\, facilities\, and equipment.",Retain for 2 year(s) after final action,Public, 3528,Treasurer,Personal bonds,1949-1962.,Alphanumerical,,,, 533,Treasurer,Bonds and coupons registers,1888-1940.,Alphanumerical,Coupons and notes redeemed throughout the lifetime of the bond.,,Public, 521,Treasurer,General ledgers,1878-1962.,Alphanumerical,"General accounts ledger\, showing debit and credit entries\, and reflecting expenditures in summary.",,Public, 537,Treasurer,Audit reports,1961-1964.,Alphanumerical,Report prepared by internal or external auditors as a result of a financial audit.,,Public, 529,Treasurer,Unclaimed Property Act subject files,1962.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 535,Treasurer,Inheritance taxes case files,1907-1919.,Alphanumerical by case,These records consist primarily of copies of court papers appointing appraisers and the results of the appraisals and inventories. Estates of deceased persons were subject to state probate taxes.,,Public, 525,Treasurer,Letterbooks,1896-1912.,Alphanumerical,This series includes the State Treasurer's letterbooks.,,Public, 3970,Treasurer,"Bonds, notes, and coupons paid",1939-,Alphanumerical,"Coupons and notes redeemed throughout the lifetime of the bond. These bonds are issued by the State Treasurer for purposes approved by the State Legislature i.e._ buildings\, highway renovation\, and water projects. These records are summarized on the General Ledger through a FIRMS (Financial Information Resource System) report. Records include issue name\, due date\, paying agent\, amount\, bonds\, coupons\, and transmittals.",Retain until final action,, 10279,Treasurer,Financial Information Resources System periodic reports,undated,None,Includes the following: FICAA01T Trial balance monthly. FICAA05P Outstanding encumbrace. FICAA09P Outstanding reservtion. FICAA10P Cash deposits. FICAA30P General ledger activity. FICAA85P Revenue and expenditure status by fund. FICAED01 Expenditure detail by sub-account. FICAES01 Expenditure status by sub-account. FICAES02 Work program/expenditure comparison by summary account. FICARD01 Revenue detail by sub-account within organization. FICARS01 Revenue status by sub-account. FICARS02 Estimated revenue/realized revenues. FICAER01 Expenditure/revenue summary by level 2. FICAMP01 Revenue account status by activity other than Dept. of Transportation.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 2489,Treasurer,Certificate of claims and warrants register trust account book,1936-1938.,,"The page headings read\, ""State Board of Examiners\, Certificate of Claims and State Treasurer Warrant Register\, Trust Account\, National Industrial Recovery Highway Fund"". Information recorded in this register includes: letter number\, date\, voucher number\, name of payee\, amount\, state treasurer warrant number\, month redeemed\, and authorizing signatures.",,Public, 2495,Treasurer,State agency general fund ledger,1887-1912.,Alphanumerical,Ledgers showing receipts and expenditures for various agencies. 1887-1890; 1911-1912,,Public, 2487,Treasurer,Income tax distribution ledgers,1936-1942.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 5492,Treasurer,Building board registers,1965-,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,Public, 22000,Treasurer,School bond guaranty program records,i 1992-1997.,none,"These records from Zion's Bank document the creation of the constitutional amendment and its implementing statute\, the Utah School Bond Guaranty Act. Zion's Bank is the Financial Advisor to the State under contract with the State Treasurer's Office. They consulted with the Treasurer\, the Constitutional Revision Commission\, and the Legislature on the merits of the amendment and statute. The idea for this constitutional amendment originated at Zion's Bank and they worked for its passage. The Act\, introduced in the Legislature by Senator Lyle W. Hillyard\, took effect 1 January 1997 and authorized the State of Utah to guarantee the general obligation bonds of local school districts that they use to construct school buildings. The records include press releases\, meeting minutes\, correspondence\, and research reports.",,Public, 22561,Treasurer,Time and attendance reports,1969-,Chronological by year Alphabetical by name,"State employee time sheets\, including flextime attendance reports\, supplemental time and attendance records (such as sign-in/sign-out sheets)\, and work reports that are used for time accounting under flextime systems.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 22115,Treasurer,Cash receipts,1994-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by serial number","These records document funds received from various state and local agencies. The receipts are hard copy reports of the information contained on the agency's FI-Net system. The records are used as back up documentation for the system and are audited on a yearly basis. They may include copies of balance sheets\, statement of revenue/expenditures\, cash flow statements and trial balance sheets.",Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 22116,Treasurer,Journal vouchers,1994-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by serial number","These vouchers are hard copy reports generated from the Treasurer's Office computer system. They document the progress of the agency's programs and serve as backup documentation. These reports are audited yearly. Information in the reports may include copies of bank reconciliations\, detailed investment listings\, revenue summaries\, expenditure/warrant summaries\, summarized pool information\, adjusting entries\, balance sheets\, statement of revenue/expenditures\, cash flow statements\, and trial balance sheets.",Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 25234,Treasurer,Inventory of fixed assets,2001-,Chronological.,"These records are used to track and control capital outlay such as office equipment (chairs\, typewriters\, etc.) and other fixed assets including tools\, machinery\, and other large equipment.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 83189,Treasurer,Bank statements,i 1980-,Chronological.,"These are the monthly bank statements received from the various banking institutions where the state has money invested. They are statements from the general fund account\, investment clearing account\, bond account\, and warrant disbursement accounts.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 26636,Treasurer,Escrow reimbursement files,2002-,Alphabetical by entity name.,"This record documents the expenditure of funds from an escrow PTIF account. When an entity seeks reimbursement from an escrow PTIF account this record provides the documentation needed to transfer funds between escrow PTIF account and the entity's bank. Files contain entity request letters\, reimbursement schedules\, and certifications of request.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 10278,Treasurer,Warrant requests,undated,None.,Requests from state agencies to the Division of Finance to pay vendors for supplies and/or services the vendors have provided to the agencies.,Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 25186,Treasurer,Bond official transcripts,1990-,Numerical by date issued.,"Official files regarding authority to permit bond negotiations with paying agent\, etc.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s) after final action,, 28772,Treasurer,Executive correspondence,1896-,Chronological,"These records support the agency's function to collect\, safeguard\, invest\, and disburse state funds. Records document executive decision-making and directives from the State Treasurer\, who serves as the ""custodian of public moneys\,"" (Utah Constitution Article VII\, Section 15). Information includes correspondence and related materials.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after separation,Public, 526,Treasurer,Annual reports,1896-,Chronological.,"These reports describe the activities for the preceding year for this office. The reports contain information pertaining to receipts\, disbursements\, funds transfers\, and account balances.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1.00 cubic foot 3 microfilm reels 83679,Treasurer,Audit case files (work papers),1957-,none,"____These are work papers of the auditor of the State Treasurer's office. The auditor is required to audit companies (hospitals\, rest homes\, etc.) with unclaimed property to be assured that all such property is being reported and that it is reported completely. The State has 10 years after the audit to take action against a non-complying company. The personal data in these files refers to the person or heirs of the unclaimed property.",Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 524,Treasurer,Depository board records,1923-1970.,Alphanumerical,This series contains minutes and records from the Depository Board.,,Public, 26651,Treasurer,Utah Navajo Trust Fund Board of Trustees records,1992-,Chronological by year.,"This series contains records maintained by the State Treasurer while serving as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Utah Navajo Trust Fund. The board is responsible for the review and approval of trust fund budgets\, policies\, procedures\, and rules. They also review trust fund receipts\, expenditures\, and investments. These records include agendas\, minutes\, final reports\, and other related records documenting the accomplishments of the board.,Records created by an official committee or board\, including advisory committees\, relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. May include audio and video recording.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 83680,Treasurer,Audit reports and letters of findings,1984-,chronological,"These files contain the audit findings of the State Treasurer's Auditor concerning the filing of reports to the State Treasurer's Office of Unclaimed Property by hospitals\, banks and any other entity which finds themselves with unclaimed personal property. They generally contain a great deal of personal information.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 26650,Treasurer,Money Management Council meeting minutes,1974-,Chronological by date.,"The Money Management Council holds meetings in order to advise and make recommendations to the state treasurer and other public treasurers concerning the investment of public funds. Records include meeting agendas\, meeting minutes\, tape recordings\,and other related records used to document each meeting.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),,