seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 30034,Utah County (Utah). County Treasurer,Cancelled sales certificate file,1924,Chronological,"This series contains Treasurer's Certificates of Sale for a piece of property sold to Utah County for delinquent taxes. There is a certificate for each year the taxes for the property was unpaid\, from 1912 to 1922. The land had apparently been under contract for purchase from the State of Utah. Accompanying the certificates is a 1924 letter to the County Treasurer from the State Land Office indicating that the sales certificate for the property had been cancelled for non-payment.",,Public, 13491,Utah County (Utah). County Treasurer,School district account books,1880-1887.,none,,,,1 microfilm reel 6049,Utah County (Utah). County Treasurer,Tax assessment rolls,i 1865-,Chronological,"The county treasurer records tax assessments given to individuals and businesses on a yearly basis\, and then records payment of teh tax. The assessment rolls show name and address of owner or poserssor of property; legal description of the land and valuation of real estate; value of improvement; list of personal property and value; amount of taxes distributed to various taxing units; total amount of taxes; date of payment and remarks. Individuals tax rolls were divided into two categories\, real estate and personal property (which includes all livestock and equipment). Business assessment rolls subdivided based on the type of company and the type of equipment or stock they own. Most companies will have rolling stock (cars or trains)\, building and other equipment. Public Utilities and Mines are treated seperately\, because of the nature of their business. They record all natural resources that the company draws upon\, and are taxed accordingly.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,,355 microfilm reels 25464,Utah County (Utah). County Treasurer,Returned check collections and notices,1978-,Chronological,"These records document attempts to process and collect returned checks. They include bank notices notifying county treasurer of returned check (including date\, reason\, name account drawn\, account number\, reference number and amount\, treasurer's name and account number) and a returned check notification (including date\, debtor's name and address\, account number\, last activity amount\, number of accounts assigned\, and total dollar amount assigned).",Retain for 5 year(s),Public,