seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 13912,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Colorado River project records,1908-1968.,Chronological by date.,"Includes general administrative files and reports of the Upper Colorado River Commission which the State Engineer participated in. These files consist of publications\, correspondence\, commission minutes\, addresses to the commission\, and other miscellaneous files related to the State Engineers work with the commission.",,Public,12.50 cubic feet 3 microfilm reels 2401,Office of the State Engineer,Colorado river water appropriations locations roster,1879-1903.,Filings are chronological by date within each jurisdiction.,,Retain permanently,,0.20 cubic foot 781,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Assessment rolls,undated.,Alphanumerical.,Computer keypunch cards pertaining to assessments.,,Public, 861,Office of the State Engineer,Dam and reservoir investigation and study records,1934-1940.,Alphanumerical,Records include dam and reservoir investigations and studies over a two year period.,,Public,2.10 cubic feet 870,Office of the State Engineer,Land resource maps,1934-1941.,Alphanumerical,,,, 873,Office of the State Engineer,Stream measurement data,1915-1951.,Alphabetical by stream name.,Origional discharge measurement notes for streams and creeks in Utah (1927 for microfiche).,,Public,1.55 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 2402,Office of the State Engineer,Publications requests correspondence,1948-1952.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2409,Office of the State Engineer,Underground water claims,1936-1958.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2419,Office of the State Engineer,Water appropriation applications abstract booklet,1908-1957.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2365,Office of the State Engineer,Consumptive water use survey data,1935-1950.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2378,Office of the State Engineer,River and stream water discharge data,1909-1945.,Alphanumerical,"Includes ""Gauge Height and Discharge of Sevier River and Piute Reservoir\, 1913-1921""; ""Sevier River Commissioner's Records 1920-1933""; ""Weber County Irrigation District Water Allotments""; and an untitled water allotment record book that appears to cover the entire state.",,Public, 2383,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Canal blueprints,1939-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 2374,Office of the State Engineer,Court opinions,"1930-1939, 1956.",Alphanumerical,"This series contains water rights adjudication decrees from Sevier and Weber County. The series contains: applications to replace\, repair\, clean\, and deepen an existing well; permission or denials of applications\, rules and regulations for drilling; maps; and correspondence between the courts and the engineers office. Also included is the 1956 report titled ""Hydrographic survey record of Sevier river system irrigated lands"". Information regarding the canal or ditch name\, irrigated acres\, description\, point of diversion\, plot number\, and remarks can also be found in this series.",,,1 microfilm reel 2396,Office of the State Engineer,Hydrographic survey field notes,1903-1946.,Alphanumerical,,,,3 microfilm reels 5810,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Maps,1897-,Alphanumerical,"These maps contain information pertaining to water resources within the state of Utah. Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, raised relief maps that are a graphic representation of the earth's surface drawn to scale\, and/or hydrographic survey maps used to document the extent of beneficial use\, points of diversion\, place of use and other hydrographic features and mylar maps.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,6 microfilm reels 11756,Office of the State Engineer,Reservoir site topographical maps,1935-1941.,numerical,Topographical maps from surveys of reservoir and dam sites. Often have colored pencil overlays showing soil types and strata or vegetation. Have #1-309; occasional gaps.,,, 13908,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water allotment conservation districts journals and logs,1937-,none,,Retain permanently,,1 microfilm reel 13913,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,"Tracings, proofs, and dam applications",1957-,numerical by application number,"This series contains working files from the office of the State Engineer. Many of the documents contained in this series are copies of records retrieved from the agency's ""old files"" and include an initial letter requesting the search for these records. The retrieval letter documents the specific location of ""old"" records with a log that notes their location by book number\, page\, date\, with a brief description of the record located. The ""old file"" records dates from as far back 1903\, and were retrieved during the 1950's. ""Old files"" are provided in order to prove existing water rights claims\, and often correspondence requesting the discovery of ""old"" records is included in the series. The series also includes: application files and requests; protest letters; newspaper clippings that function as proof of ""notice to water rights users"" attached to agency forms documenting the newspaper that published the notice and dates of publication; and other correspondence between interested parties,and the State Engineers office.",Retain permanently,,160 microfilm reels 22513,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water use reports,1981-,Chronological.,"These reports are a summary of data collected under the Utah Water Use Program\, a cooperative program between the Division of Water Rights and the U.S. Geological Survey. The data were collected from public water suppliers and self-supplied industries pertaining to water diversions\, population\, surface water\, wells\, and springs. The information in these reports is presented primarily through charts\, graphs and tables. The 1981 report contains information from 1960-1978.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 29739,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Calendar books,1968-1995.,Chronologically,,,Public,2.00 cubic feet 29886,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Scrapbooks,1965-1983.,Chronological,,,Public,1.00 cubic foot 82645,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water rights master file,1987-,none,"This is the documentation of all water rights filed in the state. It includes application number\, diligence claim number\, underground water claim number\, temporary application number\, or segregation number; whether the applicant owns the land; the amount of water appropriated in cubic feet per second or in acre feet; the source of supply; the location; the filing date; the dates of priority\, advertising\, protest\, approval\, proof due\, and extension filed; the dates of election or proof; the dates the rights are rejected\, lapsed\, withdrawn\, cancelled\, or terminated; the proposed determination book number; the status and type of right; the source of water; the map number; and the point of diversion.__This is a file of automated data system\, file key:,WRADS.",Retain for 10 year(s) after final action,Public, 82647,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Owner's file,1987-,none,"This is a record of the current ownership of water rights. It includes the name of the owner(s); whether the owner is an individual\, a trust\, a corporation\, or a company; the address; and the percentage of ownership for all co-owners. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,Public, 82655,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Mining use file,1987-,none,"This is the record of water use claims filed by mine operators. The information includes the mining district\, the mine name\, the type of ores mined\, and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82652,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Stock watering use file,1987-,none,"This file contains information on claims used to water livestock. The information includes the number of equivalent livestock units and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82656,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Power use file,1987-,none,"This is a record of water user claims filed by power plant owners. The information includes the name and type of power plant\, the power capacity\, and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82662,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Segregation file,1987-,none,"This is a record of segregations to water user claims. These occur when part of a water right is sold or otherwise divided. The information includes the segregation number\, the change from and to\, and the water user's claim number. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,Public, 82672,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Township and range files,1905-,undated,"This is a record of all wells that are located in a specified township and range. It is used to provide a profile of the underground water geology and it also is used by the state engineer to verify that the wells comply with state regulations. The files include copies of Report of Well and Tunnel Driller which gives the report number\, the date filed\, the name and address of the well driller\, the owner's name and address\, the location of the water supply\, the number of the approved application\, the well location\, the date work was begun\, the date work was completed\, the maximum quantity of water as flowing on completion of well\, the total depth\, the water pressure\, the size and kind of casing\, the depth of water bearing stratum\, the log of well\, and the type of cap or valve. Includes historical applications for appropriation of water use prior to 1950.",Retain permanently,Public, 82670,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Yearly fee register,1908-,Chronological,"This is a record of the payment of water user's fees. This includes the receipt number\, the application number\, the applicant's name\, the amount paid\, the specific fees paid\, and the total amount of the payment.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 82675,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Plat map books,1905-1982.,Numerical by township number,"These are books that show the location of all of the state's water rights and well development sites by section\, township\, and range and identifies the former by water right number. This is used for public reference and for assigning county/area numbers to the water user's claims. The plat books include section number\, the township number\, the range number\, the location of the rights\, and the water user claim number. The books are accessed by the use of a wall map of the state\, which serves as a finding aid to locate the proper book. This map is a part of the record series and is included on the microfilm.",Retain permanently,, 82682,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water user claim index books,1905-,Numerical by application number,These are books used for quick reference to keep track of how many permits are issued within the state. These books include the claim number and name of claim holder.,Retain until final action,, 2390,Office of the State Engineer,Water adjudication registers,1941-1955.,Alphanumerical,Ledgers showing the ajudication of appropriated funds and expenditures to specific expenditure codes or river projects.,,Public, 2376,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Perfected and unperfected county water rights inventories,1960-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 2400,Office of the State Engineer,United States Bureau of Reclamation water project reports,i 1920-1949.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2405,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Retirement roster,1965-,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,, 7048,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water filings,1903-,Numerical by application number or water rights number,"These records include applications for water rights as well as water rights renewal applications. The records include name and contact information of applicant\, designated water access point\, allowed water amount\, and purpose for water usage (irrigating\, stockwatering\, etc.)",Retain permanently,Public,80 microfilm reels 2395,Office of the State Engineer,Water consumption survey statistical data,1950-1951.,Alphanumerical,,,, 6390,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,New filings,1903-,Numerical by application code,"Includes applications to appropriate water (dead files) and intermittent numbered applications (lapsed\, rejected\, withdrawn) with corrections\, and approvals (in microfilm accession no. 101363).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,,537 microfilm reels 5808,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Conservancy district maps,1938-,none,,Retain permanently,, 5812,Office of the State Engineer,Utah Lake and Jordan river graphs,1923-1931.,Alphanumerical,"Graphs from the Commissioner's report of Utah Lake and Jordan River showing precipitation\, evaporation\, yearly rise and distribution of water supply.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 5815,Office of the State Engineer,Topographic maps,"1904, 1916-1924.",none,"Topographic maps detailing land and water resources throughout Utah. Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, and raised relief maps. These are graphic representations of the earth's surface drawn to scale.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 5819,Office of the State Engineer,River system maps,1912-1948.,Alphabetical,Survey maps of rivers and river systems throughout Utah.,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 15320,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Application logs,1940-1988.,Chronological,"Log books. Before computerization\, new applicants for water rights were recorded by hand in small ledgers.",,Public, 13905,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Reserved water right claims,1873-,Alphabetical by location.,"These are settlement irrigation records\, including reserved water right claims and supporting documents for negotiation for settlements.",Permanent. Retain until administrative value has been met,Public,1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 13910,Office of the State Engineer,Wells control register,1935-1936.,none,,,, 13915,Office of the State Engineer,Water application and diversion changes books,1904-1913.,chronological,,,,8 microfilm reels 19972,Office of the State Engineer,Distribution ledger and budget control,1936-1939.,,Accounts for the purpose of maintaining a budget control over the expenditures of each distribution system and to keep a complete record of expenditures for ready reference. Accounts are based on irrigation season rather than calendar year.,,, 22129,Office of the State Engineer,Sevier River basin project records,1952-1964.,none,"This series contains information on the Sevier River drainage basin\, including the Hatchtown Reservoir. The series includes consulting engineer reports; USDA progress reports; study area maps; minutes\, background studies and tests\, and reports of the Sevier River Basin Study steering committee and subcommittees (e.g. water supply committee\, stream flow committee); and reports\, newspaper clippings\, and court records on a proposed Sevier River Basin Water Conservancy District.",,Public, 22511,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water supply outlook reports,1969-1982.,Chronological.,"These reports were published by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with the Division of Water Rights and the Division of Water Resources. The reports contain information pertaining to snow cover\, precipitation\, soil moisture\, reservoir storage\, and streamflow forecasts. The information in the reports is presented primarily through maps\, charts and graphs. The 1969 report contains summary reports from 1924-1968.",,Public,2.00 cubic feet 28528,Office of the State Engineer,Claims and vouchers,1919-1958.,Alphabetical by water system name.,,,Public,0.20 cubic foot 3 microfilm reels 82644,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water rights records,1982-,none,"This is a system that documents the water rights in the state. It includes a record of filings\, advertisements\, and approval or rejection of rights. Besides tracking the water rights in the state\, the system prints certificates of approval\, finds and prints all disallowed rights in an area\, finds and prints all pending rights in an area\, prints a proposed determination book\, and prints water user claim forms. This system is used on an HP 3000/48.",Retain permanently,Public, 82648,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Place of use file,1987-,none,"This file shows the current locations where water rights are used. It includes the section\, township\, range\, and base where the water right is located; the number of forty acre tracts\, and the lot number. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82650,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water user file,1987-,none,"This lists all of the water users in the state. It includes the claim group number\, the type of claim\, the type of water use\, the claims group reference\, and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82653,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Domestic use file,1987-,none,"This is a record of water claims filed for domestic use. It includes the number of families using the water\, the number of persons using the water\, the diversion of limitation\, and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82661,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Change file,1987-,none,"This is the record of changes to the water user claims. The information includes the change number\, the status of the change\, and the change certificate number. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82666,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Dam safety automated data system,undated.,none,"This is a record of all dams in the state and the potential flooding hazard that they pose. The information includes the dam's name\, identification number\, the hazard rating\, the inspection rating (inspected every year\, office does not inspect\, etc.)\, the dam's size\, the area office with jurisdiction over the drainage area\, the drainage area number\, the water user claim number\, the point of location\, the federal agency involved\, the stream name\, the downstream town\, the distance to the downstream town\, the type of dam (earth fill\, concrete arch\, etc.)\, the year construction was completed\, the operating use\, the structural height\, the hydraulic height\, the reservoir area at spillway crest\, the storage acre feet of water at dam crest\, the storage,of acre feet of water at spillway crest\, the elevation above sea level\, the dam crest length\, the dam crest width\, the primary spillway type\, the emergency spillway type\, the combined spillway capacity\, the flood routing capacity\, the flood flow capacity\, the drainage area\, the type of earthquake zone\, the diameter of the outlet\, the length of the outlet\, the outlet material (cast iron pipe\, steel welded pipe\, etc.)\, the operation control location\, the maximum outlet capacity\, the owner\, the land owner\, the name and address of the person representing the dam's owner\, the construction company\, the government agency responsible for inspections\, the date of last inspection\, the location\, the history of the dam\, and any restrictions placed on the dam by the,state dam safety section.",,Public, 82668,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Exchange automated data system,1987-,none,"This is a data system that records the exchange applications filed with the state. This exchange allows the transfer of water from one body of water to another in order to prevent the waste of water or to facilitate distribution of the water. This system is used to keep a history of all exchanges. The information includes the number of acre feet of water\, the area inundated\, the exchange number\, the type of diverting works\, the owner's name and address\, the direction and distance of the exchange\, the water sources involved\, the depth and diameter of any affected well\, and the type of water use involved.",Retain permanently,Public, 82667,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water user automated data system,undated,none,"This is a data system for information on water uses that is collected by the division for transmittal to the United States Geological Survey. This series includes the name of the claim holder\, the hydrological unit code\, a description of the claim\, the location of uses\, the type and identification number of the source\, the water measuring method and accuracy\, a monthly breakdown of the amount of water involved\, the name and location of any storage facilities\, and the population using the water right.",Retain until final action,, 82676,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Deposits with State Treasurer,1974-,none,,Retain for 2 year(s),, 82681,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Miscellaneous well index cards,1965.,alphabetical by owner's name,These are old indices that are no longer in use and their purpose has been forgotten.,,Public,2 microfilm reels 82685,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Lapsed water users claim files,1987-,Numerical,"These are water rights and water rights applications that have lapsed due to the failure of the applicant or right holder to perform all required actions. In the case of a right holder\, the water rights lapse if the water has not been used for five years (UCA 73-1-4); with applicants it occurs if they fail to follow all of the steps in the application process (UCA 73-3-18). These files include application to appropriate water\, certificate of permanent change of point of diversion\, place\, purpose or period of use of water\, water user claim\, application to segregate water\, request for extension of time\, deed of water rights\, underground water claim\, proof of resumption of use of water\, application for extension of time within which to resume use of,water\, notice to water users advertisement\, application for temporary change of point of diversion\, place or purpose of use\, application to renovate or replace an existing well\, permit application to alter a natural channel\, statement of water user's claim to diligence rights\, and segregation and permanent change. Information includes the name and address of the applicant\, the water source\, the drainage area\, the nature and period of use\, the location of the point of diversion\, the quantity of water\, the place of use\, a description of any well\, and a record of any change of ownership.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 82679,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Certificates list,1981-,Chronological,"This is a summary list of water rights certified during the year. It is used for management and statistical purposes. The information includes the code number\, the application number\, the name and address\, the county\, the size or source\, the quantity\, the location\, and the certificate number.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 29179,Office of the State Engineer,Historic water distribution reports,1921-1967.,Chronological,"Expenditure ledgers showing budget and expense items (by voucher/claim number) for the various river projects. Much is salary information\, but also includes travel\, equipment\, etc.",,Public, 82651,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Irrigation use file,1903-,none,"This is a file of those water claims used for irrigation. It includes the total irrigated acreage\, the sole supply acreage\, the location of the irrigated land\, the number of forty acre tracts\, the lot number\, the number of acres\, and the period of use. This is a file in the Water Rights Automated Data System (WRADS). Data in this system is a compilation of information from applications\, claims\, adjudication records\, and appropriation certificates.",Retain permanently,Public, 82659,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Reservoir storage file,1987-,none,"This is a record of reservoirs around the state. The information includes the name\, the water capacity\, the height of the dam\, and the area inundated. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82663,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water rights report,1987-,none,"This report contains all of the information in the system on a specific water right. It is generated on an as needed basis and is used to verify the information in the file. This includes application number\, diligence claim number\, underground water claim number\, temporary application number\, or segregation number; whether the applicant owns the land; the amount of water appropriated in cubic feet per second or in acre feet; the source of supply; the location; the filing date; the dates of priority\, advertising\, protest\, approval\, proof due\, and extension filed; the dates of election or proof; the dates the rights are rejected\, lapsed\, withdrawn\, cancelled\, or terminated; the proposed determination book number; the status and type of right;,the source of water; the map number; and the point of diversion. This is a report of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain for 30 day(s),, 82660,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Reservoir storage area inundated file,1987-,none,"This is a record of the location of reservoirs. The information includes the section\, township\, range\, and base where the reservoir is located\, the number of forty acre tracts\, and the lot number. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82669,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water commissioners' annual reports,1921-,Chronological.,"These are reports submitted by water commissioners appointed under UCA 73-5-1 of the distribution of water for each area. Commissioners can be appointed for all or part of a river system or other water source. The report shows annual water volume deliveries including the user's names\, the cubic feet per second of water rights\, water rights priorities\, the amount of water delivered\, the cost of distribution\, climatological data\, special problems encountered\, the basis for computing assessments\, and commissioners' recommendations.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 82678,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Title changes,1979-,Chronological,"This is a summary list of title changes. It is used for management and statistical purposes. The information includes the installment receiving date\, the filing number\, the name of the owner/assigner/grantor\, the amounts retained and conveyed\, the name and address of the new purchaser/assignee/grantee\, the source of the water\, and the county and area of the report.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 82684,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water right files,1905-,Numerical.,"This is the complete file of all of the water rights granted in the state to regulate the distribution of water. It includes application to appropriate water\, certificate of permanent change of point of diversion\, place\, purpose or period of use of water\, water user claim\, application to segregate water\, request for extension of time\, recording of hearing\, deed of water rights\, underground water claim\, proof of resumption of use of water\, application for extension of time within which to resume use of water\, notice to water users advertisement\, application for temporary change of point of diversion\, place or purpose of use\, application to renovate or replace an existing well\, permit application to alter a natural channel\, statement of water user's claim to diligence rights\, adjudication notices (which includes returned undeliverable mail)\, and segregation and permanent change. Information includes the name and address of the applicant\, the water source\, the drainage area\, the nature,and period of use\, the location of the point of diversion\, the quantity of water\, the place of use\, a description of any well\, and a record of any change of ownership. Proof of mail (return envelopes) are also in this series\, with the same retention\, but are kept for 99 years.",Retain permanently,Public, 5804,Office of the State Engineer,Irrigation and power maps,1915-1946.,Alphanumerical,,,, 5814,Office of the State Engineer,Irrigation projects and water resource maps,1905-1955.,none,Reports on analysis and implementation of programs and operation of those programs.,,Public, 25645,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Stream alteration application files,1972-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by water right area, thereunder chronological by case number.","Except in cases of emergency\, no state agency\, county\, city\, corporation\, or person may relocate any natural stream channel or alter the beds and banks of any natural stream without first obtaining the written approval of the state engineer (UCA 73-3-29). This series documents stream alteration applications. In addition to the applications\, the files contain associated plan and cross-sectional drawings of the proposed alteration\, location maps\, photographs taken during site visits\, Federal and State agency comments on the proposal\, and decision documents for the application (rejection of approval).",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s),Public, 27194,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water rights proof maps,1903-,Alphanumerical by Hanger and Page.,"This series documents how and where water from a water source is being used within the state. Records are used to verify the construction and location of water distribution assets such as dams\, ditches\, wells\, and other diversionary structures as well as to verify where and how water is being used. Records are also used when adjudicating water rights\, evaluating water use on a local or regional scale\, and whenever changes are made to underlying water rights. Series information may contain (1) statements indicating locations where water is diverted and where and how it is being used\, (2) statements indicating the quantity of water being diverted from a defined source\, (3) descriptions of major features pertaining to water rights\, including maps\, topography\, profiles\, drawings\, and/or reservoir area-capacity curves\, (4) descriptions of any diversionary works constructed\, such as diversions\, dams\, ditches\, wells\, etc.\, and (5) descriptions of installed measuring devices.,Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, and raised relief maps these are a graphic representation of the earth?s surface drawn to scale.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),Public, 29740,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Exchange application register,1920-1990.,Chronological by filing date.,"These records contain the official records of recorded water claims. They consist of copies of certificates of water claims\, quit claims\, deeds\, warranty deeds\, trust deeds\, and releases. The alphabetical index includes name\, entry number\, book and page recorded\, and type of instrument. In some counties water records are compiled separately\, while in others they are part of the ""Official records"".",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 82649,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Points of diversion reference file,1987-,none,"This file elaborates on information that is contained in the points of diversion file yet cannot be documented in that file due to space limitations. It includes the item that is referenced and the additional comments needed to explain that item. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until final action,, 82657,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Other use file,1987-,none,"This is a file of water users that do not fit into the other categories. It includes the type of use\, a description of the use\, and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82654,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Municipal use file,1987-,none,"This is a record if water claims filed by municipalities. It includes the name of the municipality and the period of use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 82658,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water user remarks file,1987-,none,"This is a file that contains additional information on items in the water user file for which there was not enough room. It includes the item needing elaborating and the additional comments. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until final action,, 82664,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Well driller records,1987-,Alphabetical by surname.,"This is a record of licensed well drillers\, wells drilled\, well logs submitted\, and any complaints that have been filed against a well driller. This record includes the license number of the well driller\, the name of the well driller or company\, the water user claim number\, the well driller's application number\, and a record of any complaints against the driller.",Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 82674,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Application history books,1905-1988.,Numerical by file number,"This is a record of the dates of the important activities in the process of securing water rights. This can be used to answer legal disputes on water rights priorities. The information includes file number\, date received\, applicant's name\, the water source\, the county\, the action taken\, the date of action\, the time fixed for making proof\, any extension dates\, and the date proof was made.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 82673,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water user claim books,1941-,none,"This is a record used to assign claim numbers to water rights applications. It is used as an index to find the files. There are two sets cross referenced to each other. One set gives the application number and a code number. The other set gives the date\, the claim holder name\, the water claim number\, the code number\, and the county.",Retain permanently,Public, 82677,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Filing fee receipts,1980-,Numerical by receipt number,"These are receipts given by the division for fee payments. They include the payer's name and address\, the amount and reason for the payment.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 2386,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Utah basic data,1966-1970.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 2388,Office of the State Engineer,State building's water system construction project files,1930-1942.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2385,Office of the State Engineer,Water distribution systems administrative records,1914-1955.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 2387,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Budget operating reports,1967-1974.,Alphanumerical.,Computer printouts showing current month fiscal detail and budget operating reports of allotments and expenditures by category.,,Public,2 microfilm reels 2389,Office of the State Engineer,Water distribution assessment rolls,1916-1951.,Alphanumerical,Annual assessments for water use by individuals and water companies are recorded in these volumes. The rivers or projects these apply to are noted.,,Public,3 microfilm reels 2391,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water system cash ledgers,1953-1969.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 23538,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Virgin River survey of irrigated lands,c. 1910.,according to sections and according to diversion channels.,"While there are no dates on these books\, they appear to be companions to the Virgin River Hydrographic Record of 1910. In 1909 the Legislature authorized the State Engineer to make hydrographic surveys of each stream system or water source within the state. Book A\, provides information about irrigation on a township\, range and section basis. For each location\, it indicates water rights owners in that section\, describes the watersource\, and the number of acres both owned and irrigated. Book B provides the same information\, but is organized according to the name of a ditch or diversion channel. A separate volume contains a name index to the entries in Book B.",,, 2366,Office of the State Engineer,Water rights adjudication records,1921-1951.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2368,Office of the State Engineer,Well driller's project files,1939-1943.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2372,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water rights approval applications,1909-1969.,Alphanumerical,"In 1905\, the Legislature further codified laws regulating irrigation and water rights (Laws of Utah\, 1905\, Chapter 108). It authorized the State Engineer to grant rights to any unappropriated water within the State. Upon satisfactory completion of the application process\, the State Engineer issued a Certificate of Appropriation\, and copies were filed in the State Engineer's office as well as with the county recorder. These are applications\, both endorsed and rejected.",,Public, 849,Office of the State Engineer,Underground water fees paid account book,1935-1938.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 858,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Deseret Irrigation Company court case transcript,1926.,Alphanumerical.,"Court case transcripts regarding the Deseret Irrigation Company\, Sevier River Land and Water Company\, the Sevier Bridge Reservoir\, the Piute Reservoir\, and other parties with water rights interests in the area.",,Public, 867,Office of the State Engineer,Hatchtown Reservoir project records,1906-1918.,Alphanumeric by office assigned project code.,Details purchases of goods and services.,,Public,1.05 cubic feet 871,Office of the State Engineer,Snow and water survey data,1934-1957.,Chronological by date.,,,Public,0.70 cubic foot 874,Office of the State Engineer,Underground water survey data,1930-1955.,Alphabetical by county,"Predominantly correspondence among the State Engineer's headquarters\, its fieldcrew\, and water users regarding surveys measuring well and spring flows around the state.",,Public, 876,Office of the State Engineer,Water project account books,1903-1921.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 883,Office of the State Engineer,Canals water statistical data,1921-1929.,Alphanumerical,Recordings of water gauge height in feet and discharge in second-feet for canals.,,Public, 885,Office of the State Engineer,Well survey data,1935-1941.,Alphanumerical,,,, 886,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,River survey negatives,undated.,geographic,"Surveys of the Weber River and the Logan River areas are recorded on these glass plate negatives. Images on the plates are of topographic maps\, each showing details of a specific township\, section\, and range. Two different sizes of glass plates were used. Most measure 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches but 8 x 10 plates were also used.",,Public, 2381,Office of the State Engineer,Water appropriation proof registers,1929-1937.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2380,Office of the State Engineer,Water appropriation statistical reports,1964-1965.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2382,Office of the State Engineer,Water appropriation correspondence,1909-1946.,Alphanumerical,,,, 868,Office of the State Engineer,Control journals,1949-1963.,Chronological.,"Information in each journal is grouped according to subject (suspense account\, general administration\, water project name\, etc.) . Information is recorded under the following column headings: date\, name of account\, apportion (amount and balance)\, and authorized commitments (amount and balance). Expenditures and income are reflected in summary amounts\, with little notation on the nature of the expense or appropriation.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 877,Office of the State Engineer,Water assessments and disbursement roll book,1919-1924.,,"Includes information on irrigation contingent fund\, expenses in various river accounts\, county assessment rolls for irrigation use\, checks received for seasonal water distribution of streams\, river investigation accounts\, and state engineer's revolving fund.",,Public, 888,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water rights records,1900-1969.,Alphanumerical,,,, 890,Office of the State Engineer,Topographic mapping records,1930-1955.,Alphanumerical,,,, 2359,Office of the State Engineer,Water distribution system administrative records,1900-1947.,Alphanumerical,,,, 4282,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water appropriation certificates index,undated.,,"Index giving names of individuals\, corporations\, and agencies along with a certificate number for water appropriations.",,Public, 2367,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Salt Lake County water well permit applications,1940-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 2373,Office of the State Engineer,Water rights claims inventories,1941-1963.,Alphanumerical,"This series consists of water rights adjudication master files often including: a statement of water users claim\, certificate of appropriations\, applications to appropriate water for irrigation\, correspondence relating to the claim\, receipts from the State Engineer's office\, data sheets\, maps\, and affidavits.",,,20 microfilm reels 862,Office of the State Engineer,Stream elevation field notes,1900-1950.,Alphanumerical,,,, 855,Office of the State Engineer,Budget and ledger biennium volumes,1943-1961.,,"Known holdings include: (1) Budget & Ledger biennium [3 vols.]\, 1943-1945\, 1945-1947\, 1957-1959 with 1959-1961; 1969-1970. The ledgers show overall appropriations and expenditures for the biennium in various categories (eg. general fund\, travel\, administrative) and for various specific river system accounts.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 857,Office of the State Engineer,Employment applications,1925-1940.,Chronological by date.,"Records contain applications and resumes for employment\, recruiter evaluations\, testing and examination materials\, scores\, transcripts\, certifications\, licenses\, hiring lists\, correspondence\, notes\, reports\, etc. relating to interviews with prospective employees. Files also include offers that are declined (offers accepted are maintained in the employee personnel file) and related documents.",,Public,0.55 cubic foot 865,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,County canal registers,undated,Alphanumerical.,"Records of irrigated lands in Davis\, Weber\, and Morgan counties. Gives name of canal\, plat number\, and acreage in different types of land (marsh\, pasture\, cultivated\, orchard or garden)\, and total acreage. Another book gives notes (repairs\, when water turned on\, etc.) on the ditches.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 869,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water project files,1902-1970.,None.,"This series contains records created and used by the Division of Water Rights\, the State Engineer\, and the United States Reclamation Service. The main use of these documents is in planning\, design\, and construction of canals and other water and irrigation projects. The series contains files on a number of water projects\, including advertisements\, proposals\, specifications\, drawings\, correspondence\, and other documents. The series also contains files from many irrigation districts within the state.",,Public,12.15 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 889,Office of the State Engineer,Flood control drought relief records,1935-1936.,Alphanumerical,,,, 902,Office of the State Engineer,Land classification study data,1945-1950.,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 845,Office of the State Engineer,Piute water project records,1908-1940.,Alphanumerical,"This series contains records pertaining to the Piute Reservoir. Also included are maps with information pertaining to the reservoir\, dam and associated features.",,Public,12 microfilm reels 2375,Office of the State Engineer,Water distribution reports,1921-1967.,Alphanumerical,"Expenditure ledgers showing budget and expense items (by voucher/claim number) for the various river projects. Much is salary information\, but also includes travel\, equipment\, etc.",,Public, 2398,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water appropriations change notices,1947-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,,9 microfilm reels 2406,Office of the State Engineer,Water appropriation applications,1906-1910; 1930-1939.,Alphanumerical,"The information recorded in these records includes the date of application\, name of applicant\, address\, quantity of water to be appropriated\, and the dates for which the water is requested for use.",,Public,8 microfilm reels 5805,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Resource map of Utah,1934.,None.,"Resource map of Utah compiled from federal\, state\, county\, and other records as a Civil Works Administration Project.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 5809,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Aerial photographs,undated,Alphanumerical,"Aerial photographs of Glen Canyon\, the San Rafael River and the Green River.",Retain permanently,, 5811,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Kenyon's map of Utah,1919.,None.,"Kenyon's map of Utah\, showing all post offices\, railroad stations\, mountain ranges and peaks\, forest reserves\, Indian reservations \, township and range lines\, national monuments\, canals\, rivers\, creeks and other physical features\, electrical lines and county and state roads\, private roads and trails and proposed improved roads. Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, and raised relief maps these are a graphic representation of the earth's surface drawn to scale.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 5813,Office of the State Engineer,Hydrographic survey maps,1924-1955.,none,,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 5818,Office of the State Engineer,Irrigation district maps,1914-1951.,none,Maps showing works used to divert water for irrigation purposes.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 13901,Office of the State Engineer,Scrapbooks,1943-1944.,None.,This scrapbook is a collection of newspaper articles.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 13903,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Davis and Weber County irrigation districts registers,undated,none,"These register books contain descriptive information relating to water irrigation districts. The registers document information in the following categories: name\, description of the land (acres\, subdivision\, section\, township\, range)\, existing water rights (company\, shares)\, classified areas (acres\, type of soil)\, depth of in feet\, ground water (depth to in feet)\, water deficiency\, water rights in acre feet (per acre\, allotted\, existing\, total and summary existing\, allotted\, and total)\, and remarks.",Retain permanently,,1 microfilm reel 13909,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Contour maps,undated,Sheet number.,These are Bear River contour maps documented by sheet number.,Retain permanently,Public,1 microfilm reel 13914,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Time extensions applications,1967.,Chronological.,These are water rights adjudications and time extension applications.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 13916,Office of the State Engineer,Water appropriation certificates,1905-1959.,numerical by certificate number,"This series contains certificates of appropriation of water rights by application number\, notices of lapsed applications\, and application of water rights changes and lapsed certificates.,These records contain the official records of recorded water claims. They consist of copies of certificates of water claims\, quit claims\, deeds\, warranty deeds\, trust deeds\, and releases. The alphabetical index includes name\, entry number\, book and page recorded\, and type of instrument. In some counties water records are compiled separately\, while in others they are part of the ""Official records"".",,Public,3 microfilm reels 19969,Office of the State Engineer,Cash book,1921-1925.,Chronological,"This volume shows cash receipts from individual water users for Coal Creek\, Kanarra Creek\, Lower Sevier\, Upper Sevier\, Weber River\, Santa Clara\, and Antelope Creek.",,, 19970,Office of the State Engineer,Calendar year budget ledgers,1942-1948.,none,Ledgers showing river distribution systems and contingent funds expenditures strictly on a calendar year basis.,,, 22864,Office of the State Engineer,Water supply reports,1929-1951.,Chronological,These reports were published by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Utah State Engineer and contain information pertaining to surface water supply and artesian wells. The information in the reports is presented primarily through charts and graphs.,,Public,1.00 cubic foot 23536,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Virgin River hydrographic record,1910.,alphabetical by name of stream of channel.,"In 1909 the State Legislature appropriated money for the State Engineer to make hydrographic surveys of each stream system and source of water supply within the state (Laws of Utah\, 1909\, chapter 98). The Virgin River Survey Hydrographic Record identifies the name and owner of each spring or channel within the Virgin River system. It details measurements of water discharge throughout the year (1910). It describes the steam location\, the source of its water supply\, and contains comments about irrigation use and flooding\, etc.",,, 27177,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Water Rights Maps,1890 -,Numerical by hanger and page.,"These are maps used by the division to document the defined area of diversion\, use\, storage\, and/or transportation of water. They are also used to verify the legal and long-term use of water in compliance with the applicable water right(s).",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s),, 29737,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,History of Applications to Appropriate Water,1903-1989.,Numerical by file number and chronological by filing date.,"These records contain the official records of recorded water claims. They consist of copies of certificates of water claims\, quit claims\, deeds\, warranty deeds\, trust deeds\, and releases. The alphabetical index includes name\, entry number\, book and page recorded\, and type of instrument. In some counties water records are compiled separately\, while in others they are part of the ""Official records"".",,Public,9.50 cubic feet 82646,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Points of diversion file,1987-,none,"This is a record of the current points of diversion of appropriated water in the state. This records the name of the stream or other source from which water is to be diverted\, the location of the diversion\, and the means to be used to divert the water. The information includes direction and distance of the diversion north and south or east and west; the section\, township\, and range of the diversion; the base and conversion units; the type of diverting source for surface water (dam\, pump\, etc.)\, the water source; for underground water the well diameter\, and the range of depth of the well; the points of rediversion; the type of diverting works and source; the point of return of water to the source; the quantity of water consumed and returned,in cubic feet per second or acre feet; and the point to point water use. This is a file of automated data system\, file key: WRADS.",Retain until superseded,, 25421,Office of the State Engineer,Precipitation reports,1939-1940.,Chronological.,Reports regarding statewide precipitation.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 11940,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Ogden river hydrographic survey,1925.,None.,"Includes typed ""Report of Hydrographic Survey of Ogden River System during Irrigation Season of 1925"" by H._W._Browning along with related graphs\, charts\, and maps of stream flows and gauge heights.",,Public, 884,Office of the State Engineer,Water supply surveys data,1911-1959.,Alphanumerical,"Graphs\, surveys\, and general hydrologic data showing quality\, quantity\, and flow of waterways.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 83914,Office of the State Engineer,Proposed determination of water rights reports,1930-1967.,"Alphabetical by drainage system, thereunder chronological","This series contains the proposed water rights determination for waterways within various drainage districts in the state. Each volume contains the following: the claimant's name\, claim number\, specifications as determined by the state engineer for that volume's specific division of waterways; a map number; the source of the water; the type of right; the point of diversion; the period and purpose of use; the quantity and location of use. The fiche also includes revised determination of water rights.",,Public,1.55 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 22510,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Technical publications,1944-,Chronological.,"These reports are prepared as a part of the Statewide cooperative water-resource investigation program administered jointly by the Utah Department of Natural Resources\, Division of Water Rights (State Engineer) and the U.S. Geological Survey. The program is conducted to meet the water administration and water-resource data needs of the State as well as the water information needs of many units of government and the general public. The reports contain information pertaining to report abstracts\, introduction\, analysis\, future studies\, summary\, conclusions\, references cited\, plates\, figures\, tables\, charts and maps.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 25501,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Dam safety correspondence,1900-,Numerical by assigned dam number,"These records document correspondence between dam owners and the State Engineer's office. Issues addressed include dam design\, construction\, maintenance and repair of public and private dams in Utah. Private owners include private land owners\, farmers and irrigation companies. Public dam owners include the Division of Wildlife Resources\, water conservancy districts and other special service districts. Information includes names\, addresses\, dates and details of issues addressed.,Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence\, regardless of format or mode of transmission\, that provides unique information relating to the functions\, policies\, procedures or programs of an agency. These records document executive decisions made regarding agency interests. Executive decision makers may include the Director\, Chief Administrative Officer\, Public Information Officer or other internal administrators as identified by the executive office.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 847,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Correspondence,1897-,Alphanumerical.,"Correspondence documents the administration or management of the State Engineer's Office\, office organization\, its policies\, procedures and achievements. Includes financial letter books\, A-D\, 1907-1921\, an unusually detailed account of individual expenditures\, and a letter book for specifications and bill of materials\, 1903-1905 which is also extremely detailed.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 837,Office of the State Engineer,Western states engineer conference proceedings,1930-1945.,Chronological,These records are proceedings from the annual meeting of the Association of Western State Engineers and are not state agency records.,,Public, 840,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Publications,1919-,Chronological.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, and other published or processed documents. These records include administrative\, legal\, fiscal information\, financial\, engineering\, water rights\, and all other activities of the Division of Water Rights (State Engineer). Consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.",Retain permanently,Public,6 microfilm reels 880,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Biennial reports,1897-1974.,Chronological by date.,"This series contains reports of activities from the previous two years of the Division of Water Rights (State Engineer) with information pertaining to financial statements; water distribution\, usage\, and quality reports; water project reports; engineering projects; legal issues; reclamation projects; and organizational charts.",,Public,2.35 cubic feet 7 microfilm reels 839,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Administrative records,1897-1968.,Alphanumerical.,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 2369,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Basic data release reports,1961-1971.,Chronological by date.,"This series contains basic data reports prepared by the Division of Water Rights (State Engineer) in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey. The basic data included in these reports were collected during detailed investigations or basic records programs and were intended to provide basic information for planning and studying the development of water resources. The reports contain information pertaining to ground water\, wells\, springs\, surface water\, air\, temperature\, hydrology\, climatology\, and aquifers. The information in the reports is presented primarily through charts\, tables\, graphs and maps.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 82683,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Microfilm index,1905-,Chronological,"This is a record of what documents have been filmed and on what roll they were filmed. The office uses jacketed microfiche and if the film were to be destroyed\, this could be used to reconstruct the individual files. This record includes the date\, the claim number\, and the microfilm roll number.",Retain until final action,, 30632,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Distribution system correspondence,1897-,Alphabetical,"These records contain unique information in rough notes or drafts assembled or created and used to prepare or analyze other documents. The information adds proper understanding to the formulation and execution of policies\, decisions\, actions\, or responsibilities.",Retain permanently,Public, 856,Office of the State Engineer,Newspaper clippings,1934-1950.,Alphanumerical,"Newpaper reports related to water usage and fees\, artesian wells\, water rights\, and various waterways.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 13902,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Ogden River water users association minutes books,1941-1972.,none,These books document stockholders and meeting minutes.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 13906,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,South Ogden conservation district minutes book,1969-1972.,none,"Minutes of open and closed committee and board meetings as required by UCA 52-4-7.5(2000) et seq. May include agenda\, meeting minutes\, transcripts\, and other supporting documentation.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 13907,Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water Rights,Weber/Box Elder conservation district minutes books,1965-1972.,none,"Minutes of open and closed committee and board meetings as required by UCA 52-4-7.5(2000) et seq. May include agenda\, meeting minutes\, transcripts\, and other supporting documentation.",,Public,1 microfilm reel