seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 83274,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,September intentions of Utah high school seniors report,1964-before 2011.,Chronological,"This report is prepared at the request of the Board of Regents and provides a statistical understanding of students' plans. This report includes longitudinal trends and intentions of high school seniors by district\, and preferences for specific post-secondary institutions. A summary of the particular year's information is collected from Intentions and accomplishments of high school graduates files (series 83273). The reports provide a ten-year chart of intentions showing breakdown of post-secondary education\, work\, military\, marriage\, etc.\, and also shows influence of student recruitment and how that affected the student's choice.",,Public, 83763,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Eligible and ineligible transported pupils files,1970-,Alphabetical by school district,"These files provide information regarding all school bus routes in a particular district for documentation and provide required information for funding. Information includes bus numbers\, routes\, actual eligibles transported (including special education students) in elementary and secondary\, total eligibles\, and the number of actual eligibles. This information is duplicated on a computer printout.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 83768,Utah State Office of Education. School Finance and Business Section,Uniform budget report for school districts,1973-1990.,Alphabetical by district name,"This report identifies the funding levels and expenditures for education in Utah. The information for this report is gathered from each of the school districts by a large booklet which contains numerous pages of information regarding their financial needs in a year's period. The record includes comparative statistical data\, summary statement of revenues\, expenditures\, changes in unappropriated fund balances\, unrestricted grants-in-aid\, minimum school programs\, uniform school district budget reports broken down by revenues\, sources\, and expenditures by line item and fund. The last page of the report is a detail schedule of property tax. The reports are collected from each district\, the district is responsible for the preparation of the report and the Office of Education compiles the information into this report and provides this information as requested. The Uniform budget report for school districts (series 83768) and the School districts annual financial report (series 83277) were,combined by the Utah State Office of Education in 1990.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 83275,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,School district annual statistical report files,1969-,Alphabetical by school district,"These are the reports that are filled out by each school district and returned to the Business office. They are used to compile the Annual Statistical Report. These reports include an accounting of enrollment of all students enrolled and attending Federal and State adult basic education and adult high school completion programs. These figures are all certified. It also includes the number of participants by sex\, age range\, grade level\, race\, selected ethnic groups\, and also by functional grade levels. It contains an accounting of the number of participants leaving the program and the reason associated with that. The report provides information on the adult basic and high school program.__Included are authorized course titles; total number of,units of adult basic credit awarded from all sources by program categories and by authorized course title; profile of education participant; the number of participants; and number of daytime and evening classes by type of location\, number of personnel organizations\, placement and type of job performed by amount of training\, involvement (discussion and planning involvement) processes\, new courses\, services and activities initiated from this public involvement\, continuing courses\, and services and activities. These reports are then compiled into the Annual statistical report of Utah school districts (series 83276) which is published,each year.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83758,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,New bus route change approval request files,1970-,Chronological.,"This is a request for approval from the School Board to change bus routes that are providing transportation to and from schools. It includes the date of request\, district request came from\, effective date of new route or change in existing route\, authorized signature\, information on existing route\, how that would change\, type of route\, ineligible students that are transported on the existing bus route and how the possible change would affect those students\, and a short test for appreciable increase in cost for change or new route. This request has additional space for approval or denial and is sent to the Pupil Transportation Section at the Board of Education for their review.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83760,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,School bus driver training certification file,1970-,Alphabetical by district,"These files are maintained on anyone driving a bus for a school district in the state of Utah. They document that drivers have been certified to drive school buses and also provide information on all applicable training that has been received. The files could include the form SOE 06-2552-75\, which states the school district\, date\, driver's name\, type of employment that the driver has (part-time or a regular full-time driver)\, training courses completed and date of completion\, information on whether the driver is a state certified driver trainer\, and a motor vehicle check result on each driver\, and a signature line for who verified this information with Motor Vehicles. They might also include form SOE 06-2552-74\, which is a sign-in sheet for courses and includes information on which courses have been completed and by whom\, and is signed by the Certified Driver Trainer and includes their certification number.",Retain for 7 year(s) after separation,Public, 83767,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Building projects records,1978-,Alphabetical by district,"This series contains a collection of forms\, a checklist\, and other materials required by UCA 53A-21-118 (1989) to document the approval of plans and specifications of each building or remodeling project. The check list includes school name\, district\, project description\, file number and date\, project type\, square footage\, architect\, and a check list of information and forms that are required to complete these files. These files include the SBE-06-2530-64C Room File form (which includes district code\, school code\, building code\, school name\, room number\, square footage\, room location code\, total teacher stations\, and the room design code)\, form SP-4 or SOE-06-2530-65,the Preliminary Information on Proposed School Plant Construction (which has information on the nature of the project; school name; location and district; square footage; architect's name\, address\, and phone number; and state building aid funds to be used in construction and the preliminary cost estimates); SP-5 or SOE-06-2530-66 the Final Plans Data on Proposed School Plant Construction (which has information on the school name\, location\, grades\, district\, architect\, nature of project\, scheduled completion\, number of special instructional rooms and type\, regular rooms\, other support staff requirement\, total number of required rooms\, date final plans signed\, file number\, and actual bid costs); SP-5a or SOE 06-2530-61 Architects School District's,Certifications (which includes the school name\, location\, architect and contract architect signature of certification\, also the school districts superintendent's signature as to certification); SOE 06-2530-62 Request for Withdrawal from the Critical School Building Aid Fund (school districts provide this financial information when they wish to withdraw from the fund); SOE 06-2530-63 Request for Withdrawal from the Continuing School Building Aid Fund (school districts provide this financial information when they wish to withdraw from this fund); form SP-6 Final Report on Building Project Cost (which includes school district\, school\, location\, date of contract\, date of completion\, nature of project\, square footage following construction\, teacher,stations\, costs with breakdown\, and the prime contractors); form SP-7 Existing Facilities Survey (which includes structural report of facility\, school\, type of construction\, and includes a list of check point information); form SP-8 on Heating and Ventilating (which includes school\, type of construction\, and has them look at these two major concerns asking for comments and whether replacements are needed and what the repairs might be); and lastly SP-10 Educational Space (which includes information regarding the classroom needs\, such as what are the standard conditions or what is lacking and the changes that are necessary or required).",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 13859,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,School transportation electronic system data,1975-,,"These computer data are used by School Finance and Statistics to track how many bus route miles districts have logged\, the average cost per mile\, and number of students transported. The information is created within the framework of the School transportation electronic system (series 13699).",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 4063,Utah State Office of Education. School Finance and Statistics Section,Five-year school building program files,1975-2001.,Alphabetical by district.,"These files document the population projections of schools for every five years. The information is then used to develop five-year building plans. Information includes school name\, priority\, grades\, additional capacity requirements\, types of projects\, estimated costs\, and location.",,Public, 4265,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Transporting handicapped students budget files,1970-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by school district","These budget files are maintained for each school district to document the number of handicapped students transported to classes and the funds requested to facilitate the service. These requests would include the completion of either the Budget Request for Transporting Severely Multiple-Handicapped Students to Extended Year Classes (form number SOE 06-2522-03) or the Budget Request for Transporting Pre-School Three and Four Year Old Handicapped Students (form number SOE 06-2522-04). These files include information on the number of qualified students\, the budget amount requested\, person responsible for the program at the district level\, total number of miles traveled\, and the yearly estimate cost per bus mile.",Retain for 5 year(s),, 19986,Utah State Office of Education. School Finance and Statistics Section,Annual Data Acquisition Calendars,1992-1996.,Chronological by fiscal year.,These calendars are intended to make the reporting of data required by the Office of Education a more manageable task for local school districts. The calendar contains a list of reports by month and due date which all school districts will complete throughout the school year.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 4066,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Small school applications,1978-,Alphanumerical by school district,"These applications are required to determine if schools qualify for small school monies. It includes school district\, school name\, grade span\, estimated enrollment and average daily membership (ADM) for kindergarten and grades one through twelve\, and superintendent's signature.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83276,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,School district annual statistical reports,1937-,Chronological,"This annual report is prepared by the Office of Education and provides a detailed presentation of pupil and staff statistical information for the forty school districts in the State of Utah. Data in the report are gathered directly from the forty school districts at the end of each school year. The information for this report is taken from the S-3 form\, and the intent is to provide raw data needed for accurate and detailed analysis of the needs of each school district.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public,1 microfilm reel 83271,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Annual school fall enrollment files,1964-,Alphabetical by district,"This file is used to document student attendance in all public and private schools. This information is used in compiling the Fall Enrollment Report of Utah School Districts and in the distribution of monies to the districts. This includes a breakdown of attendance and enrollment by grade\, gender\, and whether handicapped or home bound. It also contains a racial breakdown\, but only in total attendance and not by grade.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public,1 microfilm reel 83272,Utah State Office of Education. School Finance and Statistics Section,Fall school enrollment reports,1953-2005.,Chronological by year,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 20376,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Annual program report,1972-,Chronological,The Annual Program Report (APR) is an account of Local Education Agency (LEA) revenue and expenditures by source and program sufficient to meet the reporting requirements specified in Section 53A-1-301(3)(d) and (e). The information for this report is gathered from LEAs annually by October 1st.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 25457,Utah State Office of Education. School Finance and Statistics Section,Annual School Finance and Statistics Workshop Book,1979-2008.,Chronological by date,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 10818,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,School district budget bulletins,1964-,Chronological,"This series contain budget estimates for the school districts in Utah. The reports contain information pertaining to fund balances\, revenue\, and expenditures.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 10653,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,"Budgeting, accounting, and auditing handbooks",1952-,Chronological,"These manuals are designed to provide uniform accounting terminology and procedures for Utah school districts. The reports contain information pertaining to accounting\, auditing\, budgeting and coding.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1.00 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 11328,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Audit reports,1970-,Alphabetical by school district,"This series consists of several audit reports maintained by School Finance: the Financial Audit Report\, aka Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)\, which includes audited financial statements\, financial statements\, reviewed financial statements or State Auditor's form (UCA 53A-3-404\, 51-2a-201\, 203\, R277-484-3(k)); the MSP Selections Report\, which is prepared by the Local Education Agency (LEA) external auditors identifying what programs within the Minimum School Program were audited; the Single Audit Report\, which is required for certain LEAs whose federal revenues and/or expenditures exceed a certain level; as well as Student Membership and Fall Enrollment and Transfer Student Audit Reports\, which are prepared by the LEA's external auditors identifying compliance with pupil accounting rules in reporting student membership\, fall enrollment and transfer students in the clearinghouse submission (UCA 53A-191-101\, R277-484-3(F)(1)\,",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83277,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,School districts annual financial report,1930-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by school district.",The Annual Financial Report (AFR) is an account of Local Education Agency (LEA) revenue and expenditures by source and fund sufficient to meet the reporting requirements specified in Utah Code 53A-1-301(3)(d) and (e). The information for this report is gathered from each LEA annually by October 1st.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 1436,Board of Education. Office of Education. School Finance Section,Minimum school program reports,1957-,Chronological,"These reports are for the benefit of those who are interested in making analyses\, comparisons and doing research on the Minimum School Programs of the state school districts. These reports include legislative estimates and mid-year updates. Prior to 1990\, this report was published annually. After 1990\, the report is published bi-annually with estimates issued in the spring and actual data issued in the fall.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel