seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 25754,Emery County (Utah). County Commission,Ordinances,"1915-1921, 1947-",Chronological by adoption date.,"These records document the legislative action of the county commissioners. The county commission may ""pass all ordinances and rules and make all regulations\, not repugnant to law\, necessary for carrying into effort or discharging the powers and duties"" of their office (UCA 17-5-263 (1995)). The county clerk is required ""to authenticate with his signature and the seal of the county clerk all ordinances or laws passed by the board and record the same at length in the ordinance book"" (UCA 17-5-209(9) (1995)).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 84032,Emery County (Utah). County Commission,Minutes,i 1880-,Chronological by date of meeting.,"Minute books of the county commission\, includes information on budgeting; equipment purchasing\, and auditing; use of county lands; districting for schools\, roads\, voting\, drainage\, taxing; acting as an ex-officio board of equalization; business licensing; arranging for the construction of roads\, public buildings\, etc.; contracting for services; supervising the conduct and payment of all county personnel; providing for basic health care\, public safety\, and care of the indigent; convassing electin returns and apointing certain officials; incorporating municipalities. The day's entires are prefaced by the dat\, names of those present\, and where and when they met.",Retain permanently,Public,9 microfilm reels