seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 82956,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Petitions,1906-1980.,Numerical by petition number,"These are petitions from citizens of Box Elder County submitted to the county commission requesting a particular action. These petitions are holographic and contain the date\, request for action\, and signatures of petitioners. Each petition has been folded and on the outside the county clerk has recorded the name of the petitioner\, the purpose of the petition\, date filed\, date presented to the commission\, whether approved or denied\, and date of action. All petitions were discussed in county commission meetings and decisions are recorded in the minutes. Though petitions cover the period from 1906 to 1980 the bulk of the petitions cover the period from 1906 to 1944. The petitions deal with various concerns\, but most common issues are the repair of,roads; improvement of waterways; and the opening of new roads.",,Public, 82954,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Reports,1894-1908.,none,"These are reports submitted to the Box Elder County Commission on the activities of various county offices and county representatives. They include reports of delegates to mining and irrigation conferences; annual reports of the water commissioners\, stock detective\, board of health and poor; and various county financial reports.",,Public, 82960,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Letterpress book,1892-1904.,Chronological,"This letterpress book contains the correspondence and reports of the county court and county commission. These letters and reports cover a wide range of topics including financial reports\, letters concerning the construction of the road from Corrinne to Malad\, appointments of delegates to meetings\, and an attempt to locate the next of kin of a deceased stranger.",,Public, 6068,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Minutes indexes,1886-1973.,"Chronologically, thereunder alphabetical by topic or by name.","Handwritten indexes to volumes E through part of T of the Box Elder County Commission minutes. Columns record the nature of the order or proceedings\, names of interested parties\, date\, book and pages on which proceedings are entered.",,Private,4 microfilm reels 9905,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Fire engine specifications file,s 1931.,None,"This file consists of promotional brochures\, specifications\, blue prints\, photographs\, etc.\, from various manufacturers of fire engines throughout the United States.",,, 10553,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Publications,1967-,Chronological by year,"These are pamphlets\, leaflets\, studies\, proposals and similar material printed by or for Box Elder County or any of its departments\, subdivisions or programs\, and made available to the public. Includes: ""Resource Conservation and Development Project"" (1967); ""Comprehensive Area-Wide Water & Sewer Plan"" (1969); and ""Citizen Involvement Program on Community Development: Goals and Policies"" (1971)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 12224,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Ordinances,1906-,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by ordinance number","These records document the legislative action of the county commissioners. The county commission may ""pass all ordinances and rules and make all regulations\, not repugnant to law\, necessary for carrying into effort or discharging the powers and duties"" of their office (UCA 17-5-77 (1990)). The county clerk is required ""to authenticate with his signature and the seal of the county clerk all ordinances or laws passed by the board and record the same at length in the ordinance book"" (UCA 17-5-15(9) (1990)).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,3 microfilm reels 84093,Box Elder County (Utah). County Commission,Minutes,i 1856-,Chronological by meeting date.,"These are minutes of regular and special meetings of the county commissioners. They are used to document the actions and decisions of the commission. County commission minutes record the appointments of county officials; the receipt of citizen's petitions; the adoption of annual budgets; the review of tax receipts and rates; and the discussions of public services such as roads\, water\, sewage\, police and fire protection. These minute books include the time and place of the meeting\, names of commissioners present and absent\, summary of the proceedings and decisions made by the board.",Retain permanently,Public,20 microfilm reels