seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 10081,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Judgments,1900-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder chronological","This series documents judgments for civil matters processed and filed in the Fourth District Court in Wasatch County. The records provide information on the actual court case including information generated during or after the final judgment. They may also contain information from governmental agencies including: the Tax Commission\, Industrial Commission\, and Unemployment.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,5 microfilm reels 29876,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Wills deposited for safekeeping,1890-2017.,,"These original wills were deposited by individuals with district courts for safekeeping\, as per Utah Code 75-2-901 (2016). Wills are legal instruments which divide an individual's possessions and assets among his/her beneficiaries and include information concerning the executor of the estate\, as well as the signatures of witnesses and attorneys involved. A will may be divided into several sections and cover a variety of topics regarding the estate.",Retain permanently,Private, 1378,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Probate record books,i 1862-1964.,Chronological,"These record books detail the proceedings in estate and guardianship cases. Personal name change cases may also appear. For deceased persons the will\, appraisals and inventories\, and the settlements are recorded. For guardianships\, the appointment of a guardian and frequently an account of some property are noted. Adoption records give the full order of adoption\, often with statements from both the natural and adoptive parents or a social service agency detailing circumstances of the adoption.,These volumes contain copies of probate orders and decrees filed in Wasatch County. Each volume is labeled numerically (5-15). They contain copies of orders and decrees stamped with date and book and page recorded. They include: the name of the estate\, date\, names of parties involved (administrators\, executors\, beneficiaries)\, name of judge and name of clerk. Volume 7 (1917-1919) also contains a probate register which includes: the case number\, name of estate\, list of papers filed and decisions rendered. Each paper is stamped with book and page as it is filed with the court clerk.",,Public,14 microfilm reels 9869,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Probate register,1897-,Chronological,,Retain permanently,Public, 10146,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Declarations of intention and naturalization record books,i 1896-1935.,Chronological.,"These volumes document the initial declaration of an individual's intention of becoming a U.S._citizen (1896-1935) and the final steps in becoming a citizen (1906-1935). The latter include petitions for naturalization\, certificates of citizenship\, and accompanying documentation. After 1906\, the data are recorded on forms furnished by the Bureau of Naturalization. The information on the declarations of intention varied over time\, starting with the applicant's name\, sovereign\, dates\, and official signatures\, and increasing to include more detail about the origin of the immigrant and family members. On the petitions for citizenship\, detailed personal\, family\, and emigration data were recorded from 1906 on. On these also were,recorded affidavits of two citizen witnesses validating the individual's petition information and declaring he was of good moral character\, oaths of allegiance\, and the court order admitting the petitioner to citizenship. Various corroborating documents are bound into the volumes along with the petitions\, including declarations of intention filed earlier in a variety of courts\, certificates of arrival\, witness depositions\, and occasional correspondence. Very few of either category of documents were filed in the 1930s\, so in 1935 the court relinquished jurisdiction in all naturalization matters\, referring individuals instead to the U.S._Circuit Court at Salt Lake City.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 10149,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Declaration of intention record books,i 1896-1935.,none,"These volumes contain declarations of individuals' intentions to later become United States citizens. The first forms contain blanks only for the individual's name\, sovereign\, date\, and signatures of the individual and the clerks witnessing his statement. Beginning in 1906\, the courts were required to use more detailed forms in volumes furnished by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. The forms contain blanks for the name and location of the court; individual's name\, occupation\, personal description\, birth date and place\, and current residence; the location from which he emigrated and the vessel name; last foreign residence; name and title of ruler from whom he would be renouncing allegiance; and,the port and date of arrival in the U.S. By 1917\, additional blanks were inserted for marital status\, and if applicable\, wife's name (spouse's name after 1922)\, birthplace\, and residence. By the 1930s more blanks were added for sex\, race\, present nationality; marriage date and place; the number of children with their names\, birth date\, birthplace\, and residence; any previous declaration of intention with number\, location\, and court; and his or her name at entry. Very few declarations were filed during the 1930s\, so in 1935 the court decided to relinquish jurisdiction in the matter\, referring individuals instead to the U.S._District Court in Salt_Lake City.",Permanent. Retain for 9 year(s),Public, 17481,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Criminal case files,1900-,Numerical by case number.,"Case files are made up of the various documents filed with the Fourth District Court in Wasatch County pertaining to each specific case. The records usually contain information such as the case number\, and the names of the defendants\, counsel\, jurors\, and witnesses. The case file may include complaints\, indictments\, subpoenas\, verdicts\, warrants of arrest\, execution or confinement\, warrant returns\, affidavits\, orders\, judgments\, appeal notices. Files rarely include transcripts of testimony. First\, second\, and third degree felony cases are the predominant case file type within this series (a major crime for which the maximum imprisonment is more than one year in a state correctional institution). This would include first degree offenses such as murder\, rape\, aggravated kidnapping\, aggravated burglary and robbery\, arson\, and possession with intent to distribute drugs. Second degree offenses include: manslaughter\, robbery\, residential burglary\, kidnapping\, perjury\, forgery\, theft of,property valued over $1\,000.00\, forcible sexual abuse\, and intentional child abuse. Third degree felonies include: burglary of non-dwellings\, theft\, aggravated assault\, forgery\, unlawful sexual intercourse\, joyriding\, possession with intent to distribute marijuana or cocaine\, and false or forged prescriptions. This series also contains misdemeanor cases which are punishable by a county jail term of up to one year and/or a fine. Misdemeanors include: negligent homicide\, driving under the influence\, theft\, assault on a police officer\, criminal mischief\, resisting arrest\, reckless driving\, possession of marijuana\, shoplifting\, trespassing\, and possession of a concealed weapon. Juvenile cases tried prior to 1907 can also be found in this series. In 1907\, a separate statewide juvenile court was established allowing juvenile court jurisdiction in all matters involving children 18 years of age and younger\, including parents and guardians of juvenile delinquents. Missing cases should not,be found in appellate court records since the Supreme Court is required by law [Rule 76 (d)] to remit their decision to the District Court ""together with such papers transmitted to the Supreme Court on appeal."" Furthermore\, Rule 75 (n) states that after the appeal has been disposed of\, any original papers should be returned to the custody of the district court. Cases which are appealed to the District Court from lower courts will be found in this series.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Public, 84160,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Judgment docket books,1893-,Alphabetical by name of judgment debtor,"This volume serves as an alphabetical index to judgments rendered by the district court. It includes: the name of the judgment debtor\, name of judgment creditor\, the judgment\, time of entry\, book and page recorded in judgment record; date appealed\, judgment of appellant court\, and satisfaction.",Permanent. Retain for 9 year(s),Public, 84612,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Civil case files,1896-,Numerical by case number.,"Original complaint or summons\, and all legal papers filed through disposition or dismissal of civil cases\, the proceedings between parties wherein rights are enforced or protected\, or wrongs are prevented or redressed\, which cannot legally be called criminal cases\, involving real property and incidents in Wasatch County. Transcripts and exhibits are not included. Civil cases include petitions for divorce\, suits to recover money\, voluntary withdrawal or dissolution of corporations\, and writs of habeas corpus. For the approximately twenty years following statehood\, grand jury reports and lists\, various writs\, oaths of office\, etc\, were also assigned civil case numbers.",Permanent. Retain for 40 year(s),Public, 9889,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Minutes,1896-,Chronological,,Retain permanently,Public, 84155,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Probate minutes,1908-1919.,Chronological by date.,"This book contains the minutes of the proceedings of probate court sessions in Wasatch County. These holographic accounts contain the date\, names of the judge and clerk\, name of estate\, types of orders and papers filed (i.e.\, petitions for letter of administration\, orders of publication\, orders appointing appraisers)\, and signatures of judge and court clerk.",,Public, 3590,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Probate case files,1883-,Numerical by case number.,"Probate case files from the Fourth District Court in Wasatch County primarily involve the probate of estates for deceased persons and guardianship for minors and incompetent persons. Probate is judicial oversight of property in transition. Probate of estates is the process by which a deceased person's property is identified and maintained\, his debts and taxes paid\, and then remaining property distributed to beneficiaries as specified in a will or as required by law for persons who die intestate (without a will). In guardianship cases probate is the establishment of a guardian for minors or incompetent adults who hold property that needs management. In addition to probate these case files also include name changes and some adoptions.",Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s),Public,39.45 cubic feet 13 microfilm reels 84158,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Civil registers of actions,1896-,"Numerical by case number, thereunder chronological","Civil cases document the legal process and the administration of justice in conjunction with civil proceedings for the determination of a controversy between parties wherein rights are enforced or protected\, or wrongs are prevented or redressed. Records and documents pertaining to a particular civil action are filed together by the court clerk and collectively these documents constitute the case file. As these records or actions are filed\, the clerk enters them in the registers which comprise this series. The clerk is required as documents enter the case file to make a notation that shows ""the nature of each paper filed or writ issued and the substance of each order or judgment of the court and of the returns showing execution of process. The notation of an order or judgment shall show the date the notation is made. When trial by jury has been properly demanded or ordered the clerk shall enter the word ""jury"" on the page assigned to that action [UCA 79 (b) (2)]."" A register of,actions may contain the following entries for each civil case: name of the attorney for plaintiff and defendant\, name of the judge presiding over the case\, petitions\, complaints\, summons\, answers to summons\, orders from the court\, assignment of judges\, exhibits\, judgment\, findings and conclusions\, costs\, decrees\, requests by attorneys for instructions to the jury\, verdict\, motions for cross complaints or new trials\, amendments to previous answers and disclaimers.",Permanent. Retain for 9 year(s),Public,5 microfilm reels 84162,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Wills,1891-1916.,Chronological by date.,This volume contains holographic copies of wills probated in Wasatch County. It includes: name of estate and place of residence; lists of heirs and bequests; names of witnesses; and date recorded. It also includes an alphabetical index containing name and page numbers.,,Public, 83879,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Inheritance tax liens registers,i 1905-1914.,Numerical by case number.,"The district court clerk registers the estate settlements showing the heirs\, devisees\, or grantees\, and their relationship to the deceased. This settlement was then assessed for tax purposes. Appraisal of property is included and the executor or administrator is named. If any real estate was subject to lien the lien was also registered.",,Public, 84156,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Naturalization record books,i 1896-1935.,Chronological.,"These volumes document the final steps of becoming a United States citizen. They include petitions for naturalization\, certificates of citizenship\, and accompanying documentation. The first volume contains only certificates of citizenship. Each form gives the date\, applicant's name\, former town and country\, current residence\, and a standardized summary that the applicant had conformed to the legal requirements\, producing necessary evidence and taking the necessary oaths. The judge then signed admitting the applicant as a citizen. By late 1903\, the preprinted forms consisted of an applicant's affidavit and witness affidavits\, as well as a certificate of citizenship.__The applicant's affidavit gave his name\,,birthplace\, sovereign\, date and court where he had declared his intention to become a citizen\, and date of entrance to the United States. Occasionally\, the original declaration of intention is filed in the book as documentation. The affidavit included an oath of renunciation of allegiance to his former sovereign and a declaration of the applicant's character and health. The affidavits of two witnesses confirmed the applicant's statements and declared his worthiness to become a citizen.__A copy of a certificate of citizenship was completed reiterating this information and ordering his admittance as a citizen. After 1906\, courts were required to use preprinted forms in volumes furnished by the Bureau of Immigration and,Naturalization. These include detailed petitions for naturalization and accompanying documentation. The petitions have blanks for name; residence; occupation; birthdate and place; emigration data including vessel name and ports; wife's name\, birthplace\, and residence; his children's names\, birthdates and places\, and residences; and any previous petitions filed. An oath against anarchy and polygamy was taken and former citizenship renounced. There was also space on the petition for affidavits of witnesses and a preprinted oath of allegiance and court order admitting the petitioner to citizenship. Later space was added to record continuances\, denial of citizenship\, etc. Corroborating documentation included declarations of intention from a variety of courts\, certificates of arrival\, and,questionnaires submitted prior to the petition which included much the same information with the addition of mother's maiden name\, names of persons the individual was coming to in the U.S.\, names of other passengers\, etc. Rather than filing locally\, many people apparently filed with the U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City. Because so few naturalization petitions had been filed with the court in the 1930s\, the Fourth District Court for Wasatch County relinquished jurisdiction in naturalization cases in 1935.",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 85182,District Court (Fourth District : Wasatch County),Citizenship certificate stubs,i 1907-1924.,The stubs are arranged by certificate and volume number. The certificate numbers were issued in chronological order.,"This series contains stubs for certificates of citizenship issued by the court to newly naturalized citizens. The court clerk was responsible for sending the federal Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization a duplicate of the certificate\, ""and to make and keep on file in his office a stub for each certificate so issued by him\, whereon shall be entered a memorandum of all the essential facts set forth in such certificate."" The preprinted stub forms were in volumes issued by the Bureau of Naturalization. The essential facts included both filing information and personal history data: certificate number; name; age; declaration of intention filing data; petition for citizenship filing data;,name\, age\, and residence of wife; names\, ages\, and residences of minor children; date of order admitting to citizenship with volume and page recorded; and signature of holder.",,Public,1 microfilm reel