seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 331,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Civil and criminal case files,1896-1986.,Numerical by case number.,"Papers pertaining to actions in civil\, including divorces\, and criminal cases (although much less frequent) tried in the district court for Sevier County. By 1943\, criminal cases split off into a separate numbering sequence\, leaving only civil cases in this series after that date.",,Public,199 microfilm reels 1338,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Probate record books,i 1865-1985.,Alphanumerical with chronological entries,"Probate record books contain the details of proceedings in estate and guardianship cases. Personal name change cases may also appear. For deceased persons\, the will\, appraisals and inventories\, and the settlements are recorded. For guardianships\, the appointment of a guardian and frequently an account of some property are noted. Adoption records give the full order of adoption\, often with statements from both the natural and adoptive parents or a social service agency detailing circumstances of the adoption. The county probate court was responsible for the proceedings of these cases until statehood (1896)\, at which time the probate court was dissolved and the district court assumed the responsibility.",,Private,46 microfilm reels 13477,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Estate registers,1885-1907.,numerical by case number.,"Probate registers of action list each action taken in the cases presented to the probate division of the Sixth District Court in Sevier County. In addition to handling the estates of deceased persons\, the probate division also deals with adoptions\, guardianships\, and insanity and incompetency cases. The court is responsible for adjudicating and conveying ownership of town site lands (Utah Code\, 57-7-19\, 1953). Occasionally\, the court handles name changes and inquests regarding the cause of a death. In each case the probate register indicates the name or names of the individuals involved\, the kind of case\, and the name of the petitioner's attorney\, followed by a list of each action taken in the case and the date that action was taken.",,Exempt,7 microfilm reels 27464,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Index to actions,1896-1955.,Alphabetical by surname of defendant.,"This record series contains an index book kept by the clerk of the court for the purpose of tracking civil and criminal actions handled by Sixth District Court in Sevier County. It lists the kind of action\, civil or criminal\, the names of plaintiff and defendant\, a file number and a date of filing.",,Public,3.00 cubic feet 2 microfilm reels 27467,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Register of estates,1898-1991.,"Numerical by case number, thereunder chronological by date.",,,Public,5.00 cubic feet 6 microfilm reels 27480,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Miscellaneous probate record book,1915-1917.,Chronological by date.,,,Public,1 microfilm reel 6945,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Criminal case files,ca. 1943 -,Numerical by case number.,,Retain permanently,Public, 13474,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Minute books,1896-1947.,none,,,,8 microfilm reels 17547,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Blotter,1902-1906.,,"This district court blotter contains divorce cases\, probated estates\, short hand records\, guardianships and insanity cases for the period 1902-1906 for Sevier County District Court.",,Private, 27293,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Probate registers index,1898-1991.,Alphabetical by first letter of surname and thereunder chronological,For each name this index provides book and page number where the register is listed in the probate registers of action.,,, 27463,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Index to plaintiffs and defendants,1897-1991.,Alphabetical by surname of defendant.,"This record series contains an index book kept by the clerk of the court for the purpose of tracking civil and criminal actions handled by Sixth District Court in Washington County. It lists the kind of action\, civil or criminal\, the names of plaintiff and defendant\, a file number and a date of filing.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 30564,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Miscellaneous administrative records,1901-1904.,,,,, 6940,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Civil and probate case files,1902-1975.,None,"Assorted civil cases\, some probate cases filmed in neither chronological or numerical order.",,Public,2 microfilm reels 6363,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Judgment records,"1896-1938, 1982-1983, 1986.",None,"Record of final orders or decrees taken in probate\, civil\, or criminal cases.",,,11 microfilm reels 18224,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Registers of actions,1896-1948.,"Numerical by case number, thereunder chronological",This series started out as a combined register of actions for both civil and criminal case but appears to have later been split into separate series.,,Public,2 microfilm reels 27466,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Index to register of estates,1898-1991.,Alphabetical by surname.,,,Public,1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 27479,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Judgment decree book,1896-1906.,Chronological by date.,This series contains one book containing judgment decrees from the court.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 29936,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Wills deposited for safekeeping,1890-2017.,,"These original wills were deposited by individuals with district courts for safekeeping\, as per Utah Code 75-2-901 (2016). Wills are legal instruments which divide an individual's possessions and assets among his/her beneficiaries and include information concerning the executor of the estate\, as well as the signatures of witnesses and attorneys involved. A will may be divided into several sections and cover a variety of topics regarding the estate.",Retain permanently,Private, 13476,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Declarations of intention record books,1896-1929.,Chronological by date filed,"To become a citizen of the United States\, an individual normally filed a ""declaration of intention to become a citizen"" at least two years prior to applying for citizenship. The next step was the naturalization hearing at which the candidate and witnesses either made oral statements or filed written petitions and affidavits attesting to the applicant's character\, worthiness to become a citizen\, and the validity of statements made to the court. If the judge found the applicant eligible to become a citizen\, an oath was administered and the individual renounced his former citizenship. At this point a certificate of citizenship was issued documenting the fact. These volumes contain only the declarations of individuals' intentions to become United States citizens in which an applicant vows to later become a U.S. citizen and to renounce his current citizenship.",,Public,0.70 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 29775,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Court Transcripts,1898-1966,Case number,,,Public,1.70 cubic feet 6941,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Probate case files,ca. 1865-,Numerical by case number.,"Case files involving the estates of deceased persons and the guardianship of minors and the incompetent. Adoptions\, incorporations or dissolutions (turn of the century) and name changes might also appear. Cases begun in the Sevier County Probate Court were transferred to the probate division of the Sixth District in and for Sevier County when all county probate courts were abolished at statehood.",Retain permanently,Public,105 microfilm reels 83401,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Orders,1988-,Chronological.,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 84203,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Inheritance tax liens register,1915-1936.,Chronological by date adjudged,"This series contains a ledger recording estate settlements. Information recorded includes the name of the of the attorney in the matter of the estate; the name of the deceased; the names and locations of heirs\, devisees\, or grantees\, and their relationship to the deceased; a list of personal property\, real estate\, and memoranda on said property; and the names of the appraisers of the property. Assessments and appraisal information are included\, and a summary of the inheritance taxes on the total value. Many entries include an inheritance tax note indicating the amount owed to the county and the date the amount was adjudged and decreed. When adjudged\, each entry is signed and dated by the district court judge. These records were kept by the district court clerk.",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 27462,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Civil registers of actions,1896-1991.,"Numerical by case number, thereunder chronological.","Civil cases document the legal process and the administration of justice in conjunction with civil proceedings for the determination of a controversy between parties wherein rights are enforced or protected\, or wrongs are prevented or redressed. Records and documents pertaining to a particular civil action are filed together by the court clerk and collectively these documents constitute the case file. As these records or actions are filed\, the clerk enters them in the registers which comprise this series. The clerk is required as documents enter the case file to make a notation that shows ""the nature of each paper filed or writ issued and the substance of each order or judgment of the court and of the returns showing execution of process. The notation of an order or judgment shall show the date the notation is made. When trial by jury has been properly demanded or ordered the clerk shall enter the word 'jury' on the page assigned to that action"" [UCA 79 (b) (2)]. A register of actions,may contain the following entries for each civil case: name of the attorney for plaintiff and defendant\, name of the judge presiding over the case\, petitions\, complaints\, summons\, answers to summons\, orders from the court\, assignment of judges\, exhibits\, judgment\, findings and conclusions\, costs\, decrees\, requests by attorneys for instructions to the jury\, verdict\, motions for cross complaints or new trials\, amendments to previous answers and disclaimers.",,Public,9.50 cubic feet 14 microfilm reels 27465,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Criminal registers of action,1923-1988.,"Numerical by case number, thereunder chronological by date.","Records and documents pertaining to a particular civil\, criminal or probate action are filed together by the court clerk and collectively these documents constitute the case file. As these records or actions are filed\, the clerk enters them in the registers which comprise this series. A register of actions may contain the following entries for each case: name of the attorney for plaintiff and defendant\, name of the judge presiding over the case\, petitions\, complaints\, summons\, answers to summons\, orders from the court\, assignment of judges\, exhibits\, judgment\, findings and conclusions\, costs\, decrees\, requests by attorneys for instructions to the jury\, verdict\, motions for cross complaints or new trials\, amendments to previous answers\, disclaimers\, bonds\, and inventories.",,Public,2.00 cubic feet 3 microfilm reels 13475,District Court (Sixth District : Sevier County),Naturalization record books,1896-1965,Chronological by date record was filed.,"These volumes contain documentation of the final steps of becoming a United States citizen. They include petitions for naturalization\, certificates of citizenship\, and accompanying documentation. The first volume contains only certificates of citizenship. The forms provide date\, applicant's name\, former country and kingdom\, and current county of residence. After 1906\, courts were required to use preprinted forms furnished by the federal Bureau of Naturalization. The petition for citizenship an applicant filed included the individual's name\, residence\, occupation\, birth date and place; place from which emigrated\, date\, port of arrival\, and vessel name; date when declared his intention of becoming a citizen and court involved; his wife's name\, birthplace\, and residence; children's names\, birth dates\, birthplaces\, and residences. Also included on the petition form were the affidavit of two citizen witnesses validating the individual's petition information and declaring he was of good,moral character. The oath of allegiance and the court order admitting the petitioner to citizenship are included. By 1920 space was added for memoranda of continuances\, names of substitute witnesses\, and space to record denial\, not just the acceptance\, of the petition. Declarations of intention\, certificates of arrival\, and correspondence are bound with the applications.",,Public,2.70 cubic feet 6 microfilm reels