seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 19529,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Community right to know chemical information,1987-,"Alphabetical by company name, thereunder chronological.","These records provide summarized information regarding chemical inventories filed by Utah companies. They provide information on any emissions to the environment. The files may contain material safety data sheets\, Tier I and II inventory forms\, chemical release inventory forms (EPA FORM R)\, and correspondence. The information contained in the file includes the name of the company\, chemical names\, amounts and locations where the chemicals are located\, hazards\, and emissions information. The series is retained to meet the requirements of 40 CFR 370 - Hazardous Chemical Reports: Community Right-To-Know.",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s),Public,14.00 cubic feet 23250,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Petroleum storage tank fund loan files,1994-,Alphabetical by applicant's name.,"These records contain loan information pertinent to a particular loan applicant. Information includes eligibility application\, financial application\, and supporting documentation. The supporting documents may include tax returns\, financial statements\, promissory notes\, trust deeds\, construction contracts\, and correspondence.",Retain for 3 year(s) after final action,Private, 26186,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank local health department contract files,1991-,"Alphabetical by local health department, thereunder chronological","This series contains documents compiled by the agency in negotiating work contracts with the local health departments (LHDs) and then monitoring their performance. The records in this series are used by the agency in the annual renewal of LHD contracts and monitor the performance of LHDs. Records in this series include correspondence between the agency and LHDs. These records include monthly and quarterly reports from LHDs to the agency\, electronic databases of LHD performance statistics\, and copies of LHD inspection checklists. Records in this series are created in accordance with UCA 19-6-404(s)(c) and 19-6-404(2)(i) (2005).",Retain for 3 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,Public, 27280,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Decontamination specialist certification program files,2006-,Numerically by certification number,"These records track certified methamphetamine lab decontamination specialists. Files include applications\, citizenship verification\, renewals\, correspondence\, certification results\, and other information on individuals who have obtained certification. Files also include examinations\, results\, answer sheets\, and other information that may be used to evaluate possible revocation of a certificate.",Retain for 5 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 14851,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank records,1989-,"Chronological by closure date, thereunder alphabetical by facility ID.","These records support the agency's function to protect the environment and public health from environmental hazards (Utah Code 19-1-201(5)(b) (2019)). These records document the regulation of gasoline and other underground storage tanks to ensure that the tanks meet or exceed state regulations\, and that they are removed or repaired if defective (Utah Code 19-6-403 (2012)). Information may include facility ownership and management information\, inspection records\, and correspondence.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s),Public, 19675,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Leaking underground storage tanks,1986-,Chronological by date of closure.,"These records document the clean-up of leaking underground storage tanks. The records are used by the Department to document the stabilization and clean-up of hazardous materials located at various sites. Records include correspondence\, operation and maintenance plans\, inspection reports\, sampling reports\, remedial investigation/feasibility studies\, site reports\, field logs\, site maps\, preliminary assessment reports\, etc. The files are retained to meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency as outlined in 40 CFR 300 (1992) and state requirements as outlined in Utah Code 19-6-2 (2019) - Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Act.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s),Public,7.00 cubic feet 26184,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank laboratory certification files,1989-2019.,Alphabetical by last name.,This series contains documents compiled by the agency in the process of certifying laboratories who do work administered through the Underground Storage Tank program. The records in this series are used by the agency to ensure laboratories are properly certified in accordance with state rules. Records in this series include laboratory application materials and qualification statements to laboratories from the state Bureau of Laboratory Improvements. Records in this series are governed by UAC R311-205-2(a)(6).,Retain for 3 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Public, 26190,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank pleadings for adjudicative/apportionment matters files,1989-,Alphabetical by facility name,The records in this series contain documents pertaining to the adjudicative and/or apportionment matters regarding underground storage tanks and the request for agency action. This record series is used by the agency to process requests for agency action or resolution of adjudicative and/or apportionment matters. Records include pleadings and correspondence related to adjudicative and/or apportionment matters. Also included are materials and documents submitted before the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board.,Permanent. Retain for 25 year(s) after case is closed,Public, 27173,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Petroleum storage tank alternate responsibility documents,1997-,"Alphabetical by owner name, thereunder chronological.","These records document underground storage tank (UST) owners or operators who do not participate in the petroleum storage tank fund established in Utah Code 19-6-409 (2018): Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund created\, and described in Utah Administrative Code R311-206 (2017): Underground Storage Tanks: Certificate of Compliance and Financial Assurance Mechanisms. The records show that the UST owners or operators have sufficient resources to clean up UST releases.",Retain for 3 year(s) after disposition of asset,Public, 26189,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Brownfields case files,1999-,Numerical by facility identification number.,"This series contains records compiled by the agency in the process of conducting oversight and cleanup work at sites in which Brownfields funding has been appropriated. As defined by the EPA\, a brownfields site ""means real property\, the expansion\, redevelopment\, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance\, pollutant\, or contaminant."" The records in the series are used as a reference in the assessment and cleanup of Brownfields sites. Records in the series include site case files and associated records.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s),Public, 27282,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Environmental incident notification reports,1987 -,Numerical by spill report number,"These records provide summarized information regarding chemical releases\, air pollution control of lies malfunctions\, and other environmental incident reports. The incidents are reported as required by state and federal environmental statutes. The information includes: name of the reporting company\, incident summary\, types and amounts of chemical spilled\, and event location.",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s),Public, 27247,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Enforceable written assurances,2005-,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by assurance letter number.","These records document the agency's mandate in regards to enforceable written assurances (EWAs)\, as described in Utah Code 19-6-326(2008) and Utah Administrative Code R311-600(2019). An enforceable written assurance is provided to an applicant--either a bona fide prospective purchaser\, contiguous property owner\, or innocent landowner--as an assurance that the Department will not initiate any enforcement actions (detailed within that same part of the law)\, provided the applicant maintains the land according to the agreement entered into. Records may include applications\, correspondence\, assurance letters\, and environmental site assessment reports.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s),Public, 81765,Division of Environmental Health. Bureau of Environmental Response,Asbestos survey files,1986-1991.,none,"These are the files created to identify the location of asbestos materials in state owned buildings and to determine the health hazard that they pose. Includes Asbestos Survey Inspection Form\, Friable Material Areas Outside Fan/Boiler Rooms\, Fan/Boiler Room Friable Material Areas\, and Asbestos Bulk Sample Data Sheet. Information includes the name of the building\, the location of the building\, the members of the survey team\, the date the building was constructed\, the total square footage\, the name and telephone number of the building contact person\, the average resident and nonresident usage during the day\, the average age of the occupant\, the amount of friable material\, the type of asbestos material used in the building\, the type of fibrous,non-asbestos material used in the building\, and the hazard ranking.",Retain for 40 year(s),, 10285,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Hazardous material site-specific records,1960-,"Alphabetical by site name, thereunder chronological.","These records document specific sites where hazardous materials are stored or located in the State of Utah; they're also used by the Division to document the stabilization and/or clean-up of a specific site. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Act which governs these records is 40 CFR 300 (2019). These records are used to maintain information about hazardous material sites and to monitor the levels of hazardous material at Utah facilities. They're also used to ensure that proper EPA and state laws/rules are maintained by the facilities\, as governed by Utah Code 19-6-2(2019)\, the Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Act. Records document long term operation\, maintenance\, and response activities\, and may contain operation and maintenance plans\, monitoring agreements\, sampling and analysis data\, inspection reports\, site close-out records\, administrative records\, action memoranda\, administrative orders\, consent orders\, Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs)\,,Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study\, community relations plans\, fact sheets\, work plans\, site reports\, health safety plans\, proposed general and specific management plans\, quality assurance project plans\, lab billings\, technical advisory information\, field logs\, site note books\, and related correspondence. The records may also contain background data\, including disposal area type\, report of engineering studies for proposed sites\, plot plans and vicinity maps\, engineering recommendations\, future site construction plans\, laboratory soil testing\, soil sampling equipment logs\, ground boring log records\, water analysis sampling reports\, geochemical studies\, and geologic records of mine status. Additional records may include the Site Preliminary Assessment and Investigations worksheets and reports created by the department and submitted to EPA\, site photos\, drawings and location maps\, site inspection forms\, sample analysis sheets\, Hazard Ranking System (HRS) worksheets\, and water,analysis sampling information.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s),Public,36.00 cubic feet 26185,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank certification files,1989-,Alphabetical by name of facility or last name of property owner,"This series contains documents compiled by the agency in the process of certifying individuals who do work administered through the underground storage tank program. The records in this series are used to ensure individuals are properly certified in accordance with state rules. Records include examinations\, results\, answer sheets\, financial assurance documents\, applications\, and citizenship verification forms. Additionally\, the records provide evidence of experience\, education and training\, as well as compliance and enforcement.",Retain for 5 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Public, 26188,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank level of effort contract files,1991-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by consultant name.","This series contains documents compiled by the agency as a representative to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. The records in this series are used by the agency to collect information required by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board in approving contracts. Records in this series include agendas\, proceedings\, minutes\, handouts\, and underground storage tank and CERCLA level of effort contracts.",Retain for 13 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,Public, 17663,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Petroleum facility production declarations,1994-,"Numerical by facility identification number, thereunder chronological by year","These are declarations from owner/operators of Petroleum storage tank companies. UCA 19-6-411 (1995) regulates the fee structure for these companies based on the amount of production. Information includes production and fee amounts\, petroleum types produced\, underground storage tank installations and installation fees\, number of tanks in production\, and late penalties fees assessed.",Retain for 3 year(s),Protected, 19803,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank compliance case files,1986-,Numerical by site number,"These records contain documents submitted to the agency to determine the compliance status of facilities\, owners\, operators\, and other certified individuals. The records are part of the process of inspecting facilities with underground storage tanks. The records are retained long enough to ensure compliance of such sites with state and federal regulations. Information includes: correspondence\, leak detection records\, cathodic protection records\, third party performance claims\, site diagrams\, compliance documentation\, proof of insurance\, site sampling results\, and similar documentation.",Retain for 1 year(s) after case is closed,Public, 19530,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Environmental assurance payment coupon reports,1997-,Chronological by date paid,"These records document the petroleum storage tank fees as required under UCA 19-6-411(1). The series consist of two reports. The first is Report Type 250 which is filed on an annual basis and is used to calculate the minimum amount of payment due for the throughput of petroleum products less than 50\,000 gallons per tank annually. The second report is Report Type 005 which is filed monthly and is used to calculate the amount of payment due on throughput of petroleum products on all tanks that have a throughput of over 50\,000 gallons in a fiscal year. Both reports contain the owner identification number\, date\, facility name\, total number of gallons delivered\, the amount of the fee\, any applicable interest from late payments\, facility number\, number of tanks\, name of owner\, total payment due\, payment due date and authorized signature.",Retain for 8 year(s),Protected, 26191,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Voluntary Cleanup Program site-specific records,1997-,Numerical by project number.,"These records document voluntary cleanups in Utah under Title 19\, Chapter 8 of the Utah Code. They are also used by the Department of Environmental Quality to document the stabilization and/or cleanup of a specific site. The records are used to maintain information about voluntary cleanup sites. The Voluntary Cleanup Program administrative records include site characterization\, remedial action\, risk assessment and operation and maintenance workplans\, and reports and records which document long term response activities. They also contain correspondence\, contamination assessment data\, remedial action data\, site management data\, operation and maintenance plans\, site management plans\, technical review comment letters\, monitoring agreements\, inspection reports\, site close-out records\, voluntary agreements\, voluntary cleanup applications\, institutional controls\, community relations plans\, fact sheets\, workplans\, site reports\, health/safety plans\, quality assurance project plans\, field logs,and groundwater monitoring reports. Additional voluntary cleanup records include site photos\, drawings and location maps\, site inspection forms\, sample analysis sheets\, sampling information\, background data including disposal area type and operational history\, engineering studies for proposed sites\, figures outlining pertinent site features\, analytical tables\, engineering recommendations\, future site construction activities\, laboratory testing information\, soil sampling equipment\, soil disposal records\, boring logs\, sampling reports\, geochemical studies and site-specific geologic records.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s),Public, 13161,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Executive correspondence,1989-,Chronological,"Correspondence documents the executive decision-making process of the agency's director and highlights the efforts made to protect public health and Utah's environment through cleanup of chemically contaminated sites\, and by ensuring that underground storage tanks are used properly.",Permanent. Retain until separation,Public, 21266,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Reference correspondence,1990-,Numerical by ERR number,"The division distributes correspondence received from various scientists about the clean up of chemically contaminated sites. Correspondence covers a wide variety of topics including facility monitoring \, scientific opinions\, underground storage tanks\, application of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act\, and division accounting and administration. Records document the distribution and revision of the correspondence.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 19595,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Sharon steel project photographs,1992-1997.,Alphanumerical by lot number,"These photographs provide a visual record documenting the Sharon Steel hazardous site remedial project. The project is governed by the Comprehensive Environmental Response\, Compensation\, and Liability Act of 1980 in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 300. The photographs document site conditions before the project started. Series closed as of 1997 because records are part of series 10285.",,Public, 24232,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,"Leaking underground storage tank/comprehensive environmental response, compensation, and liability act site financial files",1985-,"Chronological by fiscal year, thereunder numerical by organization number, thereunder alphanumerical by project number.","These records contain accounting information from the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. They are used to maintain and track expenditures charged on various sites and organization numbers used by the Division. The files are subject to audit once remediation of a site is complete or as requested by federal and/or state auditors as per 40 CFR 35\, Subpart O\, Sec. 7b (2003). Information includes state financial reports\, department time sheet summary reports\, employee time sheets\, correspondence\, travel requests\, award fees\, invoices submitted for payment\, contracts\, and other backup documentation for expenditures charged to these sites and organization numbers.",Retain for 200 year(s),Public, 25887,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Financial ability analysis for cost recovery reports,2000-,Alphabetical by name of individual,"These reports are created to effectively analyze and document the financial ability of a responsible party to clean up leaking underground storage tank contamination\, or to reimburse the State for cleaning up the contamination in accordance with Utah Code sections 19-6-420\, 19-6-418 and 19-6-425 (2005). Based upon the analysis the responsible party may be allowed to settle for less than would otherwise be due or to receive a reduction in penalties. Specific types of documents include asset and liability schedules\, and tax returns.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 26187,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Underground storage tank statement of qualification files,1991-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by consultant name","This series contains documents compiled by the agency as a representative to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. The records in this series are used by the agency to collect information required by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board in approving Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) funded site contracts and reimbursements. Records in this series include agendas\, proceedings\, minutes\, and handouts.",Retain for 5 year(s) after final action,Public, 27391,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation,Former defense site files,2000-,Alphabetical by site name.,"These records contain information about formerly used defense sites in the state. Information includes correspondence\, reports\, and documentation of each site.",Permanent. Retain for 200 year(s) after disposition of asset,Public,