seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 1776,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Administrative records,i 1974-,Alphabetical by subject,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 7657,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Chemical analysis records,1985-,Numerical by water system.,"This series documents laboratory testing of water samples for chemical or radiologic contaminants. The records are used to determine if contamination exceeds safe levels and if corrective action needs to be taken. Information in the series includes name and number of the water system\, name and number of the water sample source\, the number of the laboratory testing the sample\, the date and time the sample was collected\, the description of the sample source\, the name of the individual collecting the sample\, the name and address where the test results were sent\, and a breakdown of the specific types of contaminants found in the sample and the amount of each found.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),Public, 7626,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Purchase requisitions,1977-,None,"These are requests to Department of Administrative Services\, Purchasing Division to procure needed equipment and supplies. They include name of the requesting department\, division\, and bureau\, the date of request\, date the requisition wanted\, the requisition number\, the estimated cost of the supplies or equipment\, the address and telephone number where the supplies or equipment are to be sent\, the name of the person originating the requisition\, the signature of the purchasing agent\, the low organizational and activity numbers\, the purchase order number\, the item number\, the quantity of each item requested\, the description and specifications of each item\, the unit price and the total cost of all items.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 7649,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Public water system operators report,1985-,Chronological,"These are records of individuals certified or applying for certification as water systems operators. These records include the following reports: A) A list of certified operators for each water system: gives the name and number of the water systems\, the type of certification required\, the name of the operator\, and the operator's level of certification. B) A list of operators whose certificate expires by a certain date: gives the report date\, the operator's name and address\, the certification grade\, and the date the certification expires. C) A list of operators who have applied to take the examination prior to 1984: gives the certificate number\, the name of the operator\, and the operator's address.",Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 14116,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Bond transcript files,1983-,Alphanumerical by drinking water system and year,"This series contains transcripts of hearings conducted by the division to determine the payment and closure of a bond from an individual water system once the project has been completed. The files may include a copy of the bond\, certification by the recipient's attorney\, evidence of public support for the project\, copy of notice of public hearing on the proposed drinking water project\, copy of the agenda\, transcript of the proceedings of the public hearing\, copies of ordinances relating to the project\, type and amount of other funding\, and names/telephone numbers of the presiding official of the political subdivision/engineer/bond council member.",Retain for 7 year(s) after resolution of issue,Public, 7638,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Public drinking water systems files,2005-,Numerical,"This is a record of public drinking water systems and bureaus' tests\, measurements\, and analyses performed to to ensure that the systems meet all state and federal drinking water requirements.,Included in these records are copies of chemical and radiochemical water analyses\, sanitary surveys\, notices of violation\, notices of specifications approval\, master plans of water systems\, records of enforcement actions\, records of variances and exemptions\, photographs of facilities and sites\, and memoranda and correspondence; chemical and radiochemical water analysis: system number\, sample source (spring\, well\, etc.)\, date\, time and county where sample was collected\, address to which report should be sent\, and breakdown of results of the chemical\, metal\, and radiological tests\, and an interpretation of the results (does not exceed water standards\, etc.); sanitary surveys: name of individual(s) making the survey\, date of survey\,,description of system and water supply sources\, description of the water storage facilities and distribution system\, and surveys' conclusions and recommendations; notice of approval of specifications: date specifications received\, name and address of engineer(s) preparing the specifications\, type of construction\, and name of water system; notice of violation: system name\, date and time of violation\, regulation violated\, precautions\, such as boiling drinking water\, the system's customers must take; and the actions needed by water system to correct the problem.",Retain for 46 year(s),Public, 16824,Division of Drinking Water/Sanitation,Utah State plumbing code,1979-1991.,None,"These are rules for plumbing systems written by the bureau to establish the written requirements for the design and installation of plumbing systems\, fixtures\, and components used in the state. This activity is authorized by UCA 26-15-3. These documents include the code number\, a description of the requirements\, and the date of issuance.",,, 30103,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Executive correspondence,1978-,Database.,"The DIvision of Drinking Water acts as the administrative arm of the Utah Drinking Water Board and implements the rules they adopt. The Division regulates public drinking water systems\, certifies water system operators and water utility personnel\, monitors the effectiveness of water treatment plants\, and carries out a number of other tasks in order to administer the Safe Drinking Water Act (Utah Code 19-4). Records in this series document the decision-making processes of executive officers as they create programs\, policies\, procedures\, and budgets\, and include all related research.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after separation,Public, 1695,Division of Drinking Water/Sanitation,Drinking water committee minutes,1979-1991.,Chronological.,"Tape recordings and paper transcripts of the proceedings of the Safe Drinking Water Committee meetings and are used to prepare the minutes. The minutes include meeting date\, members present\, items discussed\, and decisions reached.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 7665,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Public water supplies computer files,1985-,None,"This is a duplicate copy of all the information input to the computer to ensure that the data will be preserved in case the information on-line is accidentally deleted. These tapes are updated weekly and monthly. This information includes bacteriologic water quality analyses\, water systems operators certification\, public drinking water systems files\, bacteriologic test reports\, chemical test reports\, public water system operators reports\, engineering project reports\, compliance reports\, reports of water systems by local health departments\, and paint and coatings files.",Retain until final action,Private, 7669,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Budget estimates and justification files,1981-,None,"These are copies of budget estimates and justification prepared by the bureau. They include annual budget requests and workload increase requests containing the following information: A) Workload increase requests: gives the title of the program\, the year of the request\, an analysis of the alternative(s) to the request\, the specific request\, the additional funds needed to meet the workload increase and the means of securing the funds\, a breakdown of the increased staffing needed including the title and grades of the positions\, the additional salary and benefits costs\, and a breakdown of the increases in other expenses such as travel and space; B) Annual budget request: gives the budget year; the program title and authority; the program's objectives;,the means to be used to achieve those objectives; indicators of demand for those objectives and the performance measures for the two previous\, the current\, and the next year\, including a breakdown of the work demand under type\, workload productivity\, and impact of the work; performance analysis; possible future events which may have an impact on the program; budget amounts for the four year period (the two previous years\, the current year\, and the next year)\, giving the number of full time employees\, the amount and percentage of state fund dollars\, the amount and percentage of federal fund dollars\, the amount and percentage of dedicated credits\, the amount and percentage of other funds\, and the totals; and the names of the division and,the department.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 7672,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Supervisor's personnel files,1984-,None,"These are employee files maintained by managers for the purpose of evaluating the work of their employees. They include correspondence\, memoranda\, forms\, and other records relating to positions\, authorizations\, pending actions\, copies of position descriptions\, requests for personnel action\, and records on individual employees duplicated in or not appropriate for the Agency Personnel File.",Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 14078,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Source protection plans,1993-,"Numerical by water system, thereunder by source number","Source protection plans are submitted to the division by public water systems\, such as cities and towns\, in accordance with Utah Administrative Code (R309-600 (2012) and R309-605 (2001)). The plans delineate the zones around ground water and surface water sources of drinking water\, which are managed and protected in order to ensure that sources do not become contaminated. Plans include implementation schedules\, resource evaluations\, notifications\, and various analyses\, plans\, and reports to ensure that water systems have appropriately protected their sources. Records describe potential contamination sources\, including septic systems\, roadways\, landfills\, gasoline storage tanks\, industries\, and agricultural operations. Records also contain unique information about the construction of aquifers and wells\, and well testing.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Protected, 24446,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Public water system consumer confidence reports,1999-,Numerical by county number,"These reports are sent to the agency by suppliers of water to public water systems. They are prepared annually and are disseminated to consumers to document compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The Division of Drinking Water maintains a copy in its capacity as a monitoring agency. They contain a summary of monitoring data for each system for the previous calendar year. Information includes amount of water supplied\, water testing data and whether or not the test results are in compliance with EPA standards. Examples of testing data include levels of nitrates\, sulfates\, bacteria and chlorine.",Retain for 12 year(s),Public, 24217,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Publications,1943-,Chronological,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.35 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 81761,Division of Drinking Water/Sanitation,Plumbing Advisory Committee meetings minutes,1950-1991.,Chronological,"These are the minutes of the meetings of the committee created to help establish minimum rules for the design and installation of plumbing systems\, fixtures\, and components used in the state. They include the date\, time\, and location of the meeting; the names of the individuals present; the topics discussed; and any decisions reached. The Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing has a Plumbers Licensing Board that superseded and dissolved the Plumbing Advisory Committee.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 7652,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Engineering projects report,1952-,Chronological,"This is a record of all public and private water systems construction projects submitted to the bureau for review. It includes the following reports: A) Chronological list of projects received: gives the report date\, the dates the projects received\, the name of the staff member assigned to review the project\, the name of the water system submitting the report\, the name of the project and the review response date; B) A list of projects received by staff engineer: gives the date of the report\, the reporting period\, the names of the engineers\, and the number of plans each received; C) A list of projects reviewed during a specific period by engineer: gives the report date\, the report period\, the names of the engineers\, the number of plans each,reviewed\, and the average length of the review; D) A list of projects received by county: gives the report date\, the report period\, the names of the counties\, and the number of plans received per county.",Retain for 1 year(s),Protected, 1726,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Contract files,i 1981-,None,"These are contract records including correspondence and related papers relating to the award\, administration\, receipt\, inspection\, and payments. These files include contracts with the rural Water Association of Utah to provide technical assistance to rural water system officials\, contracts with the Utah league of Cities and Towns to conduct a water and sewer rate study\, contract with the Bureau of Economic and Business Research to conduct a capital needs survey\, and contracts with local health departments to assist them in acquiring laboratory equipment. The files contain a copy of the contract\, letters of transmittal\, billing summaries\, contract proposals\, and related documentation. The information in the contracts includes the date of the,contract\, the names and addresses of the two parties to the contract\, the length\, purpose\, and terms of the contract\, the signature of the approving officials\, a certification of authorization by the corporate official\, the amount of payments\, the amount of bills received and payments made\, the projected expenditures\, the actual expenditures\, and the difference between them\, and a list of laboratory equipment and their prices.",Retain for 7 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement,Public, 1697,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Loan project case files,i 1983-,"Alphabetical by system name, thereunder by loan number name","These records document loans made to political subdivisions to finance in full or in part the costs of drinking water projects. It includes loan authorization\, bond closing check list\, a copy of the bond\, certification by the recipient's attorney\, evidence of public support for the project\, copies of ordinances relating to the project\, requests for payment of funds from escrow account\, copies of plans and specifications of the proposed system\, copies of the recipient's annual financial statement\, and copies of the contract between the recipient government and the contractor to construct the system. The loan authorization gives name and address of the political subdivision receiving the loan\, loan date\, amount\, reason\, closure date\, interest payment\,,security for loan\, project cost\, additional funding information\, and loan conditions. The bond closing check list information concerning issuer's name\, amount of loan\, date the funding is authorized\, date of authorization letter\, type of bond\, repayment period\, type and amount of other funding\, names and telephone numbers of the presiding official of the political subdivision\, the engineer\, and bond counsel. Evidence of public support information includes copy of notice of public hearing on the proposed drinking water project\, copy of the agenda\, and a transcript of the proceedings of the public hearing. Requests for payment of funds from escrow account provides the period covered by the request for payment\, payment request number\, name,of the organization requesting payment\, project name and location\, status of the funds including the classification of funds (attorney's fees\, engineering costs\, etc.) amount budgeted\, amount of previous requests\, amount of the current request\, total amount spent to date\, name\, title\, telephone number\, signature of the certifying official\, and the date the report was submitted.",Retain for 20 year(s),Public, 1696,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Photographs,i 1978-,None,"These are photographs of water facilities. Once part of the water systems files\, they are now used for training purposes. The record includes location of the facility\, the date the picture was taken\, add the type of facility.",Retain until resolution of issue,, 7655,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Reports of water systems by local health departments,1980-,None,"This is information on water systems within each local health district. Included are the following reports: A) Water systems ratings: gives the report date and period\, the name of the health department\, the number of approved water systems and the population served by them\, the number of non-approved systems and the population served by them\, and the number of unassigned water systems and the population served by them. B) Public notification status report: gives the date of report\, period of report\, name of the local health department\, system number and name\, beginning date of the violation\, the date the public notified\, and the type of violation. C) Monthly and quarterly insufficient bacteriologic samples: gives the report date and,period\, the name of the local health department\, the system name and number\, the number of samples required and the number submitted. D) Quarterly unsatisfactory bacteriological results: gives the report date and period\, the name of the local health department\, the name and number of the system\, the number of samples found unsatisfactory. E) Repeat violations of the sampling requirements and bacteriologic water quality standards: gives the report date and period\, the name of the local health department\, the name and number of the system\, the population served\, the county in which the system is located\, the number of months with insufficient samples and unsatisfactory results. F) Projects reviewed in each local health district: gives the report,date and period\, the name of the local health department\, the name of the system\, the project name\, the response date\, and the action taken.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 7630,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Bacteriologic water quality analysis,1985-,Numerical by water system number,"Laboratory tests used to verify if water systems are in compliance with state regulations for drinking water standards. Information includes sample number and source\, water system tested\, county location\, sampling point description\, persons' name collecting sample\, date and time sample collected\, whether the sample is chlorinated\, sample type (routine\, repeat replacement\, or investigative)\, name\, address\, and telephone number of agency receiving report\, date sample received in the laboratory\, report date\, test results\, and interpretation.",Retain for 41 year(s),Public, 14493,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Correspondence files,1991-,"Numerical by water system number, thereunder chronological","This series includes correspondence to water systems in regards to rule violations\, engineering plans\, and other water system business. Subjects include: violations of rules monitoring\, orders to comply\, water systems approval\, tank distribution lines\, technical assistance\, and requests for additional information. Surveys of the facilities include: project information\, problems\, dates to correct\, source evaluations\, waiver information\, rough sketches or maps of general locations of facilities\, homes\, etc. Reports of analyses record laboratory tests of water samples and include: water system name and number\, water sample source\, name and number of lab\, date and time sample was collected\, name of person collecting\, description of sample source\, name and address where test results were sent\, and a breakdown of specific types and amounts of contaminants found. The information also includes photographs of facilities\, construction in progress problems\, source classification\, well drillers,log\, and report of well drillers. UCA 19-4-101(1994)\, Safe Drinking Water Act\, governs these records.",Retain for 46 year(s),Public, 24444,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Chlorination report forms,1996-,Numerical by county number,"These are forms submitted to the agency by public water suppliers to document the chlorination levels of the public water supply. The information is used to verify whether water systems are in compliance with state and federal regulations. The forms are submitted on a monthly basis. Information includes the daily readings for chlorine residue\, water meter totalizer\, and water volume; dates and times of testing; and signature of person submitting information.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 81871,Division of Drinking Water/Sanitation,Plans of public buildings,1940-1991.,none,These are plans of public buildings reviewed by the bureau for new construction and changes to existing structures to verify compliance with the sanitation codes.,,,1 microfilm reel 23692,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Engineering specification records,2001-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by county number","These records are collected from water system facilities by the Drinking Water Division. The records are sent to the Division for recommendations when the facilities are designing water systems and additions. Information includes specifications\, bid documents\, summaries of work\, measurements\, materials testing\, technical specifications\, and locations of where facilities will be built. These records were maintained in series 1698-Plans\, specifications\, and correspondence for drinking water systems; until 2000.",Retain for 3 year(s),Protected, 1730,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Operational and turbidity report,i 1977-,Numerical by system number,"These records contain operational performance reports from water treatment plants. They include the city or town where the plant is located and the owners' name\, title and signature. They also include but are not limited to: report month\, population served\, daily weather record\, total amount of water used by the plant\, operation hours\, chemical solution types used and chemical test results. The files include other pertinent data needed to determine compliance with regulations and division rules.",Retain for 40 year(s),Public, 1766,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Public hearing records,i 1979-,None,"Records of hearings conducted as part of the regulatory process and hearings on proposed rules and changes; they may be maintained with related information including meeting notices\, proofs of publications\, meeting minutes\, and the conclusions reached. UCA 52-4-200 (2009) requires that written minutes be kept of all open meetings. May include audio and video recordings.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 1769,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Industrial water system files,2005-,Alphabetical,"This is a record of industries which have their own water systems and the actions taken by the bureau to ensure they comply with all state and federal water requirements. This record includes inspection reports\, notice of violations\, plans and specifications of water treatment facilities and equipment\, laboratory analysis reports\, site photographs\, mining operation plans\, and correspondence and memoranda; as well as the following information: A) Notice of violation: gives name of the system\, the date and time of the violation\, the regulation violated\, the possible health consequences of the violation\, and health precautions\, such as boiling drinking water\, users of the water should take\, action that the water system must take to correct,the problem\, and certification by the system that the water users have been notified of the violation. B) Inspection report: gives the source of the water\, the use of the water\, what was inspected and when\, the name of the inspector(s)\, the finding of the inspection\, whether the company is in compliance with water regulations\, and\, if not\, what they must do to get into compliance. Serves as a record of industries which have their own water systems and the actions taken by the bureau to ensure they comply with all state and federal water standards.",Retain for 40 year(s),Public, 1755,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Engineer review records,i 1986-,"Numerical by water system number, thereunder numerical by file number","This is a record of project plans received for approval and used by the bureau to ensure that all necessary actions are taken timely. The record includes the name and number of the water system\, the name of the project\, the date the plans were received\, the file number of the plans\, the date the review response is due\, the date of approval\, the name of the reviewing official\, whether a fee is required\, and\, if so\, the amount\, the date the fee is billed and received\, the date of the last construction inspection\, the type of inspection (interim or final)\, and who conducted the inspection.",Retain until resolution of issue,Protected, 7661,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,News releases,1985-2004.,None,"These are prepared statements or announcements issued for distribution to the news media. These records include news releases announcing events such as the adoption of new agency programs\, termination of old programs\, major shifts in policy\, and changes in senior agency personnel.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 7663,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,News media log,i 1985-,None,"This log documents phone contacts from the news media. Included in this series is date and time of contact with either a television station\, radio station\, or a newspaper; caller's name; bureau contacted; name of person contacted\, subject of contact\, and results of contact (air time\, publication\, etc.).",Retain for 1 year(s),, 7671,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Budget background records,1981-,None,"These papers are created to assist in the preparation of the bureau budget. These records include working papers\, memoranda on reallocation of general fund appropriations\, copy of policy issues\, copy of fee schedules\, copy of memoranda of understanding on budget priorities\, summary of financing\, out of state travel allotments\, budget projections\, and copies of monthly reports on state travel allotments\, budget projections\, and copies of monthly reports on merit increase cost (gives the report date\, fiscal year\, low organizational number\, the name and social security number of the employees receiving merit increases\, the effective date of the increase\, the employees' old and new grade and step\, the number of steps in increase\, the cost of the,increase\, and the next fiscal year's allotment).",Retain for 1 year(s),, 7678,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Operators and backflow technicians certifications,1975-,Alphabetical by operator name,"Records of the qualifications\, experience\, and educational levels of operators of water systems used by the division to certify for positions. Includes current and past addresses\, date of birth\, educational level\, employer\, employment history\, job position\, (grade/step\, etc.)\, name\, occupation\, occupational licenses\, current employer's water system number\, certification number\, expiration\, current category and level of certification\, job duties\, name and title of supervisor\, date of certification examination and results\, name\, location\, dates of schools attended\, major\, number of quarter or semester hours earned\, records of continuing education including names of courses\, instructor\, location\, dates attended\, college credits earned and number of quarter or semester hours awarded.",Retain for 30 year(s),Private, 7644,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Water systems reports,1985-,None,"This is a summary of information the division has collected on the state's public water systems. This information has been culled from the ""Public Water System Files."" It includes the following reports: A) Public Water Supply Information System: gives the report date\, the water system's number\, name\, owner\, address\, location\, and type; the names and telephone numbers of the manager and operator; the system's rating\, the date the rating was granted\, the dates of the last survey and inventory and the names of the individuals conducting them; the date the latest plan was approved; the name of the system engineer; the population served by the system; the number of residential connections and other connections; the type of other connections;,whether outside use is permitted; the daily and hourly peak demands; a summary of bacteriologic tests giving the number of samples per month\, the number of months with insufficient samples and with unsatisfactory results; the number storage units\, the material used to build them\, their total capacity\, and if that capacity is adequate; the type of water treatment used\, and the means for distributing the water; the sources of water\, giving the type\, name\, yield\, if a well the type and diameter\, and if the source is adequately protected; the results of chemical tests; and a history of violations giving the violation date\, the date the system was advised\, the date the public was notified\, and the type of violation.__B) Community Water System Rating,List: gives the system number and name\, the county where it is located\, and the date the rating was assigned. C) Possible Rating Changes Based on the Bacteriologic Record for the twelve month period: gives the report date\, the system name and number\, the system's current rating\, the date the rating was assigned\, and the reason for a rating change. D) Water Systems Inspections: gives the system number\, name\, and county where located\, the date of the last survey and the name of the individual who took the survey. E) Water Systems surveyed within a specified period: gives the report date\, a list of local health department districts\, the number of community and noncommunity systems in each district\, the number surveyed\, and the percentage,of surveyed systems.__F) A list of community water systems: gives the report date\, and lists water systems\, contact persons\, and telephone numbers by county. G) A breakdown of community water systems by population: gives the report date\, the population range\, the number of systems in each range\, the percentage of total systems in each range\, the accumulative percentages of each range\, the amount of population within each range\, the percent of the total population within each range\, and the accumulative percentage.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 1731,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Water system chemical test reports,i 1985-,None,"These are reports on results of chemical analysis of water samples. They include the following reports: A) Chemical analysis: gives the report date\, the name and number of the testing laboratory\, the name and number of the water system being tested\, the sample source number land type\, the date the sample was collected and who collected it\, the sampling location\, and the address where the report is to be sent\, and the results of the test. B) A chemical quality report by water system: gives the report date\, the name of the water system\, and a breakdown of the types of tests performed\, the number of analyses taken\, and the average quantity of chemical per sample. C) Fluoride Levels in Community Water System Sources: gives the system's name\, the,source number and name\, the type of source\, the gallons per minute water flow\, the laboratory number\, and the fluoride levels in each water system.",Retain for 20 year(s),, 1778,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Inactive community drinking water case files,i 1949-,Numerical by water system number,"These are records of community water systems that are no longer functioning or have been assimilated by an active community water system. These files consist mainly of correspondence and laboratory reports. Once the system has been taken over by another water system\, records of permanent importance are merged with the new file.",Retain for 40 year(s),Public, 7668,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Board administrative files,i 1979-,Chronological,"These records contain the Drinking Water Board packets that go to the Board members for the upcoming Board meetings. They include meeting minutes\, agenda\, and supporting documents submitted to the Board for each Board Meeting. The agenda and minutes include the meeting date\, members present\, items discussed and decisions made on agenda items.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public,12.00 cubic feet 7646,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Bacteriological test reports,1985-,None,"These are the summary records of the results of bacteriological tests. They include the following reports: A) Monthly Bacteriologic Summary: gives report date\, the water system name and number\, the number of samples required\, the dates the samples were collected\, the name and number of the laboratory testing the sample\, the initials of the individual collecting the sample\, the type of sample (i.e.\, routine)\, the type of analysis\, the sampling location\, and the test results. B) Annual Bacteriologic Summary: gives the report date\, the water system's name and number\, the number of samples required\, and a breakdown by month giving the total samples per month\, the number of check\, investigative\, high bacti density\, routine\, and other samples taken\, and the results of the tests. C) Bacteriologic Analysis Performed for Community Water Systems: gives the date of the report\, the system's name and county where it is located\, the number of samples required\, and the laboratories used during the,reporting period.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 81762,Division of Drinking Water/Sanitation,Bureau of General Sanitation correspondence file,1971-1991.,Chronological,"This is a record of all correspondence and memoranda generated by the bureau. It includes correspondence to local governments\, other state agencies\, the federal government\, and to the public. Subjects covered include the plumbing code\, transient facilities\, mobile homes\, food service establishments\, and wastewater disposal.",,,1 microfilm reel 81870,Division of Drinking Water/Sanitation,Food service program evaluation reports,1982-1991.,none,"This is the record of periodic evaluations conducted by the Food and Drug Administration on the state's food services sanitation program. The evaluation is designed to determine sanitation levels\, measure change over time\, identify strengths and weaknesses\, and offer recommendations for improvement. The reports include summary\, introduction\, sanitation level\, administration (includes scope of responsibilities and authorities\, goals and standards\, training\, inspection and enforcement\, accomplishments)\, and recommendations.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,Protected, 1727,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Grant case files,i 1979-,"Alphabetical by system name, thereunder by loan number.","These are applications\, contracts\, project reports\, studies\, certificates\, agreements\, memoranda\, correspondence\, and other records relating to the receipt\, review\, award\, evaluation\, status\, and monitoring of the grants\, the allocation of funds\, and the project budget. Information in these files include Notification of Intent for proposed state actions\, Environmental Protection Agency Assistance Agreement/Amendment\, State/EPA Agreement Worksheet\, Application for Federal Assistance\, letter form the governor giving approval to the department to submit the grant application\, and related correspondence\, the applicant's name\, address\, employer identification number\, program title and number\, the title and description of the project and the area of,impact\, the amount of the proposed funding\, the amount of money granted\, a record of the money spent\, including how much and on what\, and the dates of all actions.",Retain for 7 year(s) after final action,Public, 7653,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Compliance reports,1985-,Chronological,"This is a record of water systems submitting unsatisfactory water quality samples. This record includes the following reports: A) A list of water systems that have failed to notify the public of their violations of regulations: gives the date of the report\, the report period\, and a list of water systems by county giving the name of the water system and the type of violation. B) Public notification status report: gives the report date and report period\, the name and number of the water system\, the date the water system was advised of the violation\, the date the public was notified\, and the type of violation. C) A list of unsatisfactory bacteriologic samples input into the computer: gives the report date and period\, and a list by county of the,samples giving the name of the county\, the name of the system\, the date the sample was collected\, the location where the sample was collected\, the type of analysis\, the type of sample\, and the test results. D) Monthly insufficient bacteriologic samples submitted: gives the report date and period\, and a list of water systems submitting insufficient samples with the system's name and number\, the number of samples required and the number submitted. E) Bacteriologic check sampling status report: gives the report date and period\, the system's name and number\, the original lab/sample number\, the date the sample collected\, and the sample results\, and the verifying lab number\, date checked\, and results.__F) Repeat violators in the three previous quarters:,gives the date of the report\, the report period\, the name and type of system\, the period of operation\, and the number of violations in the previous three quarters. G) Inorganic chemical monitoring failures: gives the report date and period\, the name and number of the water system\, the name\, number\, and type of water source\, the type of water (source or ground)\, and the last analysis year.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 1698,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Plans for drinking water systems and treatment plants,i 1940-,Numerical by water system number,"These are engineering plans and specifications of water systems and water treatment plants which are sent to the Division of Drinking Water for approval. They include diagrams of the water systems or treatment plants\, date plan was received and approved by the division\, and the name and address of the engineering firm who prepared the plans. The Division of Drinking Water issues a plan approval for the water systems before construction begins. Once the project is completed and inspected an operating permit is issued. Prior to 2005\, the plans were filmed on roll microfilm\, and the specifications and correspondence was filmed on microfiche. The agency then would jacket the rolled film (plans) and file them with the microfiche. The agency now sends the plans to the State Archives after the operating permit is issued. Specifications are now filed in series 23692.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,Protected,3.00 cubic feet 7 microfilm reels