seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 12695,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Hazardous waste management regulatory records,1960-,"Alphabetical by site name, thereunder chronological.","These records support the agency's function to ensure hazardous waste is maintained and disposed of in compliance with existing state and federal laws (40 CFR 256-299\, Utah Code 19-6-1(2017)\, and Utah Administrative Code R315 (2016)). These records document inspections and regulation of hazardous waste\, and may include Environmental Protection Agency identification information\, site details\, corrective action\, risk assessment\, inspection\, enforcement\, permit records\, and related records.",Permanent. Retain until final action,Public,3.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 16852,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Radioactive dispersion studies and radioactive fallout monitoring files,1955-2011.,Alphabetical by subject,"These records document the Federal government's studies of the dispersion of radioactive materials and fallout from the Nevada Test Site within the State of Utah. The records include correspondence\, news releases\, pamphlets published by the Atomic Energy Commission\, environmental monitoring reports\, activity reports\, dates of the monitoring reports\, stations from which the results were taken\, the period of time measured\, the number of days sampled\, the types of radioactivity sampled\, and the radioactivity concentrations measured.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),, 26599,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Nuclear Regulatory Commission agreement files,1983-,Chronological by date.,"These records contain agreements with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that authorize the Utah Department of Environmental Quality and the Division of Radiation Control to regulate\, inspect\, and take enforcement actions over radioactive materials and facilities licensed to handle those materials. The agreements are legally binding and are signed by the Governor of Utah. They contain applications from the state\, formal agreements\, amendments to the agreements\, and all related correspondence between the division\, the governor's office\, the Radiation Control Board and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.",Permanent. Retain for 21 year(s),Public, 28235,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Hazardous waste manifests,1994-,Chronological.,"Hazardous waste manifests are created to track the hazardous waste managed by commercial hazardous waste disposal facilities in Utah. Manifests are used to regulate facilities and ensure proper fees have been paid. Permitted commercial facilities are required to keep manifests on their premises from 3-5 years and these must be made available to DEQ if requested. Records include manifests and shipping/cover letters.,Records processed through the state accounting system that document the expenditure of cash and the appropriate supporting information. Includes payment invoices\, purchasing records\, and travel reimbursements.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 7760,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Administrative rule analysis proposed rule/change notices,1980-,None.,"This is a proposal by agency to adopt a new administrative rule or change an existing rule. It includes the name and address of the department or agency submitting the form\, the name and telephone number of the contact person\, the title of the rule\, a summary of the rule or change and the reason for it\, the anticipated cost impact of the rule\, the type of notice (proposed rule\, change in proposed rule including the rule number\, a 120 day rule\, or a five year review/continuation)\, a justification for a 120 day rule\, whether the rule is authorized by state code or required by federal mandate and the applicable citations\, the means by which the public may comment on the proposed rule (at a public hearing\, by appearing at the agency\, or by written,comment) and the period for making their comments\, the name and signature of the agency head or designee\, the date the notice was signed\, the date and time the notice was received in the Office of Administrative Rules and the name of the person receiving it\, the date the 120 day rules become effective and lapse\, and the Office of Administrative Rules and the originating agency's numbers.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),Public, 7742,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Solid waste site files,1975-,Alphabetical by site owner,"This is a record of all activities of solid waste disposal sites. It includes land disposal site modification reports\, approval letter\, correspondence\, solid waste site proposals\, inspection and activity reports\, plans\, aerial photographs\, technical reports\, variance letters\, and chain of custody reports. Information includes the name and location of the site\, the name and address of the organization operating the site\, the type of storage\, the type of refuse\, the source of the wastes\, the type of disposal\, the source of information\, the date of site approval\, cost estimates\, closure procedures\, qualification of site operators\, laboratory test results\, and related information.",Permanent. Retain for 26 year(s) after final action,Public, 16837,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Uranium mill tailings licensee records,1956-,Alphabetical by licensee name.,"Records document division's role in monitoring uranium mill tailings sites\, including control and cleanup activities (40 CFR 192(2000)\, Utah Code 19-3-104(2015)). License records include applications\, license amendments\, quarterly reports\, correspondence\, memoranda\, maps\, engineers' plans\, photographs\, and studies.",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Public, 21188,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Used oil program files,1993-,"Alphabetical by facility name, thereunder alphanumerical by used oil block grant number.","These records maintain a continuous history of used oil facilities\, collection center activities\, and compliance with used oil regulations. The files contain information about all activities associated with the used oil program in Utah. Information includes used oil facility permits; used oil collection center regulations; used oil marketer registrations; facility annual reports; used oil block grants (UOBG) that were approved and disapproved; facility audit reports; correspondence; permit and inspection checklists; requests for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) numbers; local health department reports\, containing inspection reports and complaint follow ups by local health department staff; inspection and activity reports; site plans; technical reports; chains of custody; laboratory test results; facility closure plans; reclamation surety mechanisms; used oil collection center logsheets and corresponding reimbursements; photos; and any enforcement actions taken by the Division of,Solid and Hazardous Waste and the resolution of those actions.",Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s) after disposition of asset,Public, 16848,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Envirocare/Energy Solutions low level radioactive waste and environmental monitoring files,2015-,Alphabetical by subject,"These records document interstate agreements\, or compacts\, for handling low level nuclear wastes. These agreements are created to minimize the amount of handling and transportation required to dispose of these wastes and to establish regional facilities top store the wastes. This activity is authorized under UCA 26-14c. _ The files include copies of the agreements \, copies of Utah's and other state's legislation regarding radioactive waste disposal\, copies of appropriate rules an regulations from other states and from the federal government\, and memoranda and correspondence. These records document the receipt\, use\, and management of low-level radioactive waste at Envirocare of Utah\, commercial facility in Tooele County\, Utah. These records are created based on facility requirements authorized under UCA 19-3\, and Radiation Control Rules R313. The files include copies of Radioactive Material License (RML); regulatory correspondence; agreements; RML applications; renewals; waste disposal,records; enforcement actions; compliance records; memoranda; As-built construction drawings; Ground Water Discharge Permit and modifications; Engineering design drawings; and environmental monitoring reports.",Permanent. Retain for 24 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 28239,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Facility documents - non-historical records,2002-,Chronological.,"These records document entities participation in various waste tire and used oil programs. Documents included in this series pertain to facilities whose activities do not have any historical value because they do not impact the environment. Files and forms are used to track and regulate facilities registered to participate in various agency programs. The file is closed when the entity no longer chooses to participate in the program. Records may also include initial registration documents\, quarterly and annual volume reports\, and inspection reports.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 28243,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Biennial report forms,2002-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical.","Hazardous waste treatment\, storage\, and disposal facilities as well as hazardous waste generators. use forms to report hazardous waste activities during every odd numbered year. Once forms are submitted\, the data included on the forms is entered into RCRA Info\, an EPA database. The EPA uses the information to generate the National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report which is available on the EPA website. Information includes facility name\, facility details\, facility type\, and volume of waste handled.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 7762,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Financial assurance documents,1982-,Alphabetical by owners or operators.,"Financial assurance documents are submitted to and created by the agency to ensure a facility has the financial means to properly perform closure and post closure activities on hazardous waste\, solid waste\, and used oil facilities should the facility cease operations. Records include letters of credit\, bank statements\, trust agreements\, insurance policies\, and certificates of liability insurance. Records also include copies of trust fund agreements and record of deposits to the trust funds\, copies of letters of credit\, corporate financial statements\, corporate annual reports\, corporate financial status updates\, and copies of insurance certificates. Records also include the name and address of the hazardous site waste owner and the location of the site\, the amount of funds put into escrow and deposits to those fund\, the names and addresses of the financial institutions holding the letters of credit or trust fund accounts\, the names and addresses of insurance companies holding policies,and the terms and amounts of those policies\, and the hazardous waste site owner/operator's latest financial status.",Retain for 5 year(s) after final action,Public, 7686,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Nuclear regulatory license file,2015.,"Alphabetical by licensee name, thereunder numerical by license number.","This is a record of organizations licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to receive\, possess\, use\, and/or transfer nuclear material in Utah. The NRC transferred these records to the State of Utah in 1984\, when the State assumed regulatory jurisdiction from the NRC. Information includes inspection reports\, application for license\, radioactive material license\, occupational external radiation exposure reports\, occupational external radiation exposure history\, correspondence\, and notices of violations. The records also contain names\, social security numbers\, dates of birth\, ages of employees working with the radioactive material\, previous place(s) of employment where radiation exposure was experienced\, amount of radiation exposure\, quarterly record of current exposure\, name and address of license holder\, names of users and radiation protection officer\, type of radioactive material to be used and maximum quantity that the licensee will have at one time\, function of the,radioactive material\, training and experience of the users of the material\, type of radiation detection instruments being used and dates\, types\, and results of inspections.",Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s),Public, 16827,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Radiation Committee transcript,1975-,Chronological.,"Transcripts of the meetings of the Radiation Technical Advisory Committee. Includes dates of meetings\, identification of members present\, summary of the items discussed\, any agreements made\, and the names of the transcriber of the recordings.",Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s),Public, 26161,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Attorney General documents,1990-2013.,Chronological by year,"Records in this series are retained to document activities of the Attorney General's office that pertain to the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. These records are not duplicate copies of records that are held by the Attorney General's office. The records are used in the representation of the State of Utah in litigation and administrative adjudication. Records in this series include correspondence\, pleadings\, attorney notes\, articles\, affidavits\, depositions and research.",Retain for 75 year(s),Protected, 28236,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Used oil collection center log sheets,1994-,Chronological then alphabetical,"Logs are created by used oil collection centers to track quantity of used oil collected from public. When the agency receives log sheets\, the quantity is totaled and sent to the Utah State Tax Commission who pays a fee for each gallon on a quarterly basis. Log sheet information includes facility name\, name and address of person dropping off the oil\, date\, quantity dropped off by person\, and cover letters. Payment requests include the facility name\, quarter\, gallons of oil collected\, and the amount that should be paid to the facility.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 28237,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,United States Environmental Protection Agency documents,1984-,Chronological,"These documents are related to the working relationship between the state of Utah and the EPA. Documents are used to plan inspections and other actions in order to comply with standards set through the EPA regulatory partnership. Records include EPA related correspondence\, year-end reports\, notices of inspection\, Performance Partnership Agreements\, State Review Framework documents\, and other regulatory partnership documentation.",Retain for 30 year(s),Public, 28241,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Non-facility documents - non-historical records,2002-,Chronological.,"Records are submitted to agency requesting regulatory information\, agency disposition\, providing notification of recycling plans or showing results of initial small business evaluation visits. Records are reviewed and responded to when appropriate. This series includes information requests\, agency disposition requests\, mercury switch disposal reports\, and electronics manufacturer recycling plans. Records also include small business compliance assistance forms only when an initial evaluation determines that the amount of hazardous waste generated does not fall under agency parameters for regulation and oversight.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 7736,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Equipment inventories,1972-,None,"This is a record of equipment owned by the bureau. It includes notice of changes to equipment inventory. Includes the low organization number\, identification number\, a description of the equipment\, its serial number\, the estimated life of the item\, its cost\, its book value\, and its disposal. The notice of changes to equipment inventory gives the date of the change\, the inventory item\, the inventory control number\, the equipment serial number\, the type of change being requested (transfer\, surplus\, appearance change\, stolen\, etc.)\, for items being transferred\, the present location including agency name\, low organization number\, and cost code\, the destination of the item with the same information for the new location\, the signature and title of the person,authorizing the change\, and the signature and title of the person receiving the item.",Retain for 5 year(s),, 7682,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,X-Ray registration files,1963-,Numerical by registration number.,"These records contain names of persons who have registered x-ray units in the State and a record of radiation safety inspections at the location of their use. The records are used to track the location of X-ray units. Included are: application for registration of radiation machine\, report of assembly of a diagnostic X-ray system\, machine transfer reports\, facility radiation safety reports\, compliance testing of X-ray units\, inspection reports\, entrance skin exposure reports\, surveys of ambient radiation exposure levels\, shielding calculation plans\, notices of violation\, incident reports\, and miscellaneous correspondence about radiation safety. Records used to track an X-ray unit contain the name\, address\, and telephone number of the owner of the equipment; the type of facility; the name of the individual in charge of radiation safety; a description of the X-ray unit by manufacturer name\, model number\, control unit serial number\, number of X-ray tubes\, and the room location at the,facility. Financial information such as fees for registration and inspection of X-ray units is also included in the records. Records related to mammography including certifications\, inspection of X-ray units\, and correspondence with the division are included.",Retain for 23 year(s),Public, 28238,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Surrendered facility records,1968-,None.,"These records are transferred to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control for maintenance in the event that a regulated facility surrenders their records due to closure or legal action. These records may include corporate correspondence and facility records\, including but not limited to: inspections\, reports\, and regulation of hazardous waste\, solid waste\, landfill\, storage tanks\, water and air quality\, used oil\, and radioactive materials; personnel records\, such as employee exposure monitoring reports; site procedure records\, manifests\, and material safety data sheets; facility or corporate financial records\, such as purchase orders\, property tax documentation\, and equipment records; and correspondence between different site locations and the surrendering entity's corporate office\, different States' regulatory agencies\, and federal regulatory agencies.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Public, 28240,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Environmental incident response records,2002-,Chronological.,"These records support the agency's function to regulate the disposal of all wastes\, as defined in Utah Code 19-6-102 (2020). These records document agency response to singular events affecting the environment\, but do not involve facilities requiring continued regulation and/or oversight. Information includes emergency permits\, spill reports\, complaints\, and all related inspection reports\, enforcement documents\, correspondence\, and documents concerning any legal action taken as a result.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Public, 7683,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Radioactive materials license files,1984-,"Alphabetical by licensee name, thereunder numerical by license number.","In accordance with regulatory requirements of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission\, and as described in Utah Code 19-3-104\, the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control licenses any organization which receives\, possesses\, uses\, or transfers radioactive materials in the state of Utah. Records in this series include license applications\, license amendments\, license terminations\, enforcement actions taken\, and related records.",Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Public, 28242,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Fee reports,2008-,Chronological.,"Fee reports are submitted to the division to report monthly\, quarterly\, or annual fees. Report records include the types of waste received\, and the dollar amount due as a result. Fee reports are also used to record fees received by the division\, and break out different types of fees received. Fee reports contain the name of the facility\, and the reason the funds are being sent\, and the types of fees included.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 28244,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Draft enforcement confidential documents,1972-,Chronological,"This series contains draft documents used to create a stipulation and consent order with a facility that has been issued a notice of violation. Documents are reviewed and responded to as needed until the stipulation and consent order between the agency and facility has been finalized. Records include inspection reports\, draft stipulation and consent orders\, penalty worksheets. When negotiations are complete\, a final agreement is created and retained under a public retention schedule.",Retain for 2 year(s),Protected, 16850,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Reciprocal licenses files,2015-,None,"These records are used to monitor companies that have licenses to use radioactive material in states with which Utah has signed agreements. These companies may request\, and be granted\, the right to work with radioactive material in Utah for a maximum of 180 days per year based on the license that they hold in the agreement state. These records consist mainly of correspondence which includes requests for information\, requests to work in the state\, notifications that the out-of-state license holder intends to work in Utah\, and copies of the out-of-state license.",Permanent. Retain for 12 year(s),Public, 26115,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Mammography Quality Standards Act inspection records,1995-,Chronological by month.,"Records consist of Inspection Reports and related correspondence created as a result of a contract between the Division and the US Food and Drug Administration to inspect all mammography machines and equipment on an annual basis\, as required by the Mammography Quality Standards Act regulations (see 42 U.S.C. Sec. 263b et seq.). Once inspections are complete\, the data is uploaded to the national database. Records include the mammography facility name\, address\, type of equipment\, operator credentials\, inspection reports\, and test results.",Retain for 3 year(s) after end of the calendar year that the records cover,Public, 29606,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,X-ray assembler records,1980-,Alphabetical by registrant.,"X-ray assemblers are entities registered by the Division to assemble and install x-ray equipment in the state of Utah\, in accordance with Utah Administrative Code R313-16-233 and R313-16-270 (2017). These registrations do not expire but can be terminated if requested by the registered entity. Approved assemblers are companies that manufacture\, distribute\, sell\, and/or service x-ray equipment as part of their business. Records include registration and attestation forms\, information on the radiation machine services to be provided; information on the applicant's training and experience; training certificates and/or documents; and information on the type of measurement instrument(s) to be used\, including frequency and source of calibration.",Retain for 85 year(s),Public, 7766,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Solid and hazardous waste control board documents,1979-,Chronological by month.,"This series includes all documentation created in an effort to properly advise the Solid & Hazardous Waste Control Board members of upcoming agenda items and related documents so they can make informed decisions. Solid & Hazardous Waste Control Board Members use this information to make decisions. Agency uses this information to have a record of board issues\, meetings\, and decisions. Records include meeting agendas\, meeting minutes\, executive summaries\, record of board decisions\, documents regarding issues at hand\, final board packets\, and any additional records created by or submitted to the agency that is considered both informational and necessary for board members to effectively make decisions.",Permanent. Retain for 9 year(s),Public, 26562,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Radiation Control Board appeal files,2005-,Numerical by document number.,"These records are part of the administrative and regulatory decisions made by the Utah Radiation Control Board. The records include but are not limited to transcripts\, petitions\, briefs\, orders\, responses\, notices of filing\, notices of appeal\, and related documents and correspondence. The records document the progress of hearings\, policies and decisions of the board that are appealed to District Court.,Records created by an official committee or board\, including advisory committees\, relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. May include audio and video recording.",Permanent. Retain for 11 year(s) after case is closed,Public, 26622,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control,Atlas tailings site files,1993-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by report title.","These records document the state's cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy in the remediation and oversight of the Atlas tailings site in Moab\, Utah. Files contain remedial action plans\, environmental monitoring data\, construction plans for proposed buildings\, and building progress reports.",Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s),Public,