seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 1774,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Public meetings notification records,i 1982-,Alphanumerical,"These are affidavits which show that notices of public meetings were published in the newspaper(s). They include letter of authorization to newspaper to publish the notice; invoice from the newspaper giving the date of the invoice\, the name of the newspaper that published the notice\, the size of the advertisement\, the ad number\, a description of the ad\, the date published\, and the amount due; and an affidavit of publication giving the name and signature of the newspaper's employee certifying that the ad was published\, the date of publication\, and a clipping of the ad.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 7582,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Visible emission training record,1982-,None,"This is a record of certification of air pollution observers for bureau inspectors\, local health department employees\, and employees of pollution sources. This certificate is good for 6 months. It includes name of the observer being certified\, his business affiliation\, his mailing address\, the dates of the training\, the number of hours of training\, a description of the background air at the time of the test (blue sky\, hazy\, etc)\, the weather conditions at the time of the test including the wind speed and direction and the temperature\, and any weather changes during the test\, the observer's distance from the pollution source\, the results of the tests for black and for white smoke giving the number of the reading\, the number of the observer's,opacity reading\, the transmission meter's reading\, and the percentage of the observer's deviation\, the number of deviation readings greater than 15%\, the average black and white smoke deviations\, the certification requirements\, and the signature of the certifying official.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 24063,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,ATLAS Asbestos/Demolition contractor inspection memoranda,1991-,Alphabetical by contractor name,Memoranda generated by Division of Air Quality inspectors resulting from various inspections of asbestos and demolition contractors. The inspections are conducted on demolition sites and sites scheduled for asbestos removal. The inspections determine if work may continue or if there are violations. The memoranda are used to determine if any enforcement action is to be taken and provide documentation of enforcement actions. Information includes contractor name and details about the inspection. Information may also include violations.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 1712,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution special studies,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"These are studies on specific issues commissioned by the bureau and published in pamphlet for. They include studies on wood burning emissions\, carbon monoxide bag sampling\, and Particulate Matter (PM 10) Concentrations\, issuance date\, name of the author\, department\, division\, and bureau\, and purpose of the study.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 1711,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,"Air pollution instrument audit/calibration, span, and precision reports",1980-,Alphanumerical,"These are reports of tests done on pollution monitoring equipment conducted to verify the accuracy of the equipment. They include the type of pollution analyzer being audited\, the date of the audit\, the make and number of the analyzer\, the station where the equipment is located\, the cylinder number\, and the test result of the audit.",Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 1716,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Executive correspondence,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"Records not duplicated elsewhere that document how the office is organized and how it functions\, its pattern of action\, its policies\, procedures and achievements.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 1705,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring case files,i 1980-,Alphabetical by facility name,"These are records that document the monitoring of air pollution emitting facilities in areas where the air quality must meet national standards. This monitoring ensures that the air quality does not fall below these standards. _ Included in this record are correspondence\, an air pollution monitoring plan\, draft proposals of the monitoring plan\, letter of approval from the bureau\, quarterly ambient pollution data reports\, and notification of required changes to the plan.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s) after case is closed,, 1715,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring sites case files,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"This is a complete record of each air monitoring site established in the state. It includes a copy of the professional contractual agreement with the site operator\, a Station Siting\, Operation and Configuration Audit\, site information\, and correspondence regarding clarification of procedures\, problem reporting\, and letters of transmittal; a contract which gives date of agreement\, the department and division\, the name and address of the contractor\, the contractor's social security number\, the terms of the contract\, the period of the contract\, the amount of the contract\, and the signatures of the program director\, the contractor\, the department head\, and the director of finance; Station Siting\, Operation and Configuration Audit which gives the,site criteria\, the outside appearance\, security\, and equipment of the site\, the appearance\, safety equipment\, and monitoring equipment conditions inside the site\, the documentation of activities\, the conditions of the manifolds and inlets\, the condition of the instruments\, recorders\, and other equipment; site information such as the city where located\, the name of the urbanized area\, the census tract number\, the types of pollution monitored at the site\, a map of the immediate area\, the site classification\, the land use within 1/4 mile of the site\, the predominant land use by direction\, the stationary pollution sources that may influence the site (includes name and location of source\, the types of pollution emitted\, the effectiveness of,the control equipment\, and the distance and direction from the site)\, the sources of mobile emission (includes such items as the name of the road\, the type of road\, the average daily traffic\, and the physical conditions of the road)\, the site topography\, and information on the equipment used and a pollution representation.",Permanent. Retain until final action,Public, 1717,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Performance audits,i 1980-,None,"These are audits performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alone or in conjunction with the bureau to assure the quality of the air monitoring program. The records include systems audits\, performance audits\, calibration audits\, and laboratory audits. The audits contain a letter of transmittal\, date of the report\, the name and title of the inspector\, a summary of the findings\, the methods and audit procedures\, equipment used\, the type of tests made\, and the results of the audit.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 1707,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring equipment status reports,1985-,Alphanumerical,"These reports are collected to ensure that air pollution monitoring equipment is working properly. The reports are used to ensure the maintenance schedule is being followed. Information includes details about the equipment inspection\, date of inspection\, and any problems or concerns about the equipment.",Retain for 11 year(s),Public, 7609,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Data flags,1982-,None,"These cards are used to question data received from the monitoring stations\, and to discover and correct possible problems. They Include the name of the station\, the date the card prepared\, the instrument number\, the reason for questioning the data\, the date and time the problem\, if any\, began and ended\, if missing data is recoverable and how it can be recovered.",Retain for 3 year(s),, 7611,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Bids and proposals file,1978-,None,"This is agency invitation and vendors' response to supply equipment to the agency. The file includes the specifications of the equipment to be purchased\, manufacturer's brochures\, and the purchase price of the equipment.",Retain until expiration of contractual agreement,, 7593,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Visibility file,1980-2005.,None,"This records the development of regulations on air visibility. It includes draft proposals of regulations for both state and federal regulations\, transcripts of public hearings\, comments on proposed regulations\, and clarifications from the Environmental Protection Agency on their regulations.",Permanent. Retain until final action,, 7619,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Hourly air quality reports,1977-,None,"This is a computer output generated monthly showing the average pollution for each sensor at those sites on an hourly basis. It includes the name of the station\, the dates of the report\, the type of pollution covered by the report\, an hourly breakdown of the pollution level\, the mean average and the maximum average daily\, and the number of averages calculated\, the maximum hourly average\, the arithmetic mean\, and the standard deviation for the month\, the year to date\, and the running year.",Retain until administrative need ends,, 20897,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Hazardous Air Pollutants Section yellow copies,1992-,Numerical by document number,"These records are backup copies of documents generated by the Hazardous Air Pollutants section. They are organized in numerical order by a four digit document number and a two digit year indicator. The Hazardous Air Pollutants section enters the number of each document\, the date it was created\, the mailing date\, author\, addressee\, and the description in a correspondence log. These copies are accessed if the original document cannot be located. The records include correspondence\, reports\, requests for information\, and miscellaneous documents generated by Hazardous Air Pollutants section personnel.",Retain for 11 year(s),Public, 22291,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,ATLAS Training course provider records,1988-,Alphabetical by company name,"These records document training courses that are used for certifying asbestos workers. The courses are conducted by individual companies and are subject to the approval of the Division of Air Quality. The records are used to ensure courses meet standards of operation and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state requirements. Information includes company information\, course outline by employee discipline (i.e. worker\, supervisor\, project designer\, management planner\, and inspector)\, and required initial and refresher courses.",Retain for 11 year(s) after final action,Public, 21082,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Emissions inventories,1974-,"Alphabetical by company, thereunder chronological by year","These records support the agency's function to monitor Utah's air quality. Records contain annual reports with the estimated amounts of air contaminants released into the air by process industries (Utah Administrative Code R307-150-1(5)(2015)). Reports document a variety of emission types such as combustion\, dust\, volatile chemicals\, oil\, gas\, and others. All inventories include the reporting company's information and a breakdown of the estimated amounts and types of pollution released into the atmosphere.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,8.00 cubic feet 1710,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Suspended air particulate matter filter sheets,1981-,Alphanumerical.,"These are filter sheets from air monitoring equipment used to draw pollutants from the atmosphere for analysis. This retention schedule is for the filters only\, which are scheduled as non-records with evidentiary value\, as per Utah Code 63A-12-103(10)(2008); data for the filters is housed in the air quality data system (series 30).",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 1724,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air quality case files,i 1973-,Alphabetical by source,"This is a complete history of the bureau's actions and dealings with each source of air pollution\, including the background for penalty action\, and a history of compliance actions. The files include specifications\, engineering reviews\, notice from the company to construct or modify equipment\, notice of intent to approve construction or modifications\, approval orders\, compliance schedules\, notice of violation\, cease and desist orders\, breakdown reports on equipment\, stack test report\, minutes of public hearings pertaining to the facility\, fees\, required letters\, inspection memoranda\, inspection reports\, and general correspondence\, name and address of the company emitting pollution\, name of the company contact person\, dates of,notices of intent\, approvals\, notices of violation\, type of equipment used and the types and amounts of pollution discharged or allowed to be discharged\, dates of inspections\, name of the inspector and the result of the inspection\, types of violations of air pollution regulations\, and the consequences for failure to comply.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),Public,4 microfilm reels 7586,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution index reports,1982-,None,"This is a daily record of air pollution readings taken twice each day. Includes the date and time of the report\, the air pollution index figures for the following localities and the following types of pollution: Salt Lake City--carbon monoxide\, sulphur dioxide\, ozone\, and particulates; Bountiful--carbon monoxide\, sulphur dioxide\, and ozone; Ogden--carbon monoxide and ozone; Provo--carbon monoxide; Magna--sulphur dioxide. The form also includes the clearing index\, clearing index forecast\, name of the individual at the National Weather Service with whom the clearing index and forecast were coordinated\, time and date of the coordination\, name of the bureau employee making the report\, and the forecast for pollution levels.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),, 1786,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Emergency episode plans,i 1983-,None,"These are plans of action to be taken by the bureau in the event that air pollution levels become so high as to be life threatening. They include the legal authority for the bureau to implement emergency plans; the criteria that defines emergency conditions; the standard procedures to be followed and the stages at which they are to be implemented; the names\, home telephone numbers\, and business telephone numbers of key state personnel; the local\, state\, and federal offices and the contacts in each to be notified in case of an emergency; the policy on news releases; the criteria for enforcing and terminating the emergency; a list of pollution sources by county giving the name and telephone numbers of the sources; procedures for reducing source emission,submitted by pollution sources; a list of city and county officials in the state; a list of news media; and a sample news release.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 23873,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Inspection videotapes,1996-,Chronological.,"This record series consists of videotapes of various sites inspected by the Hazardous Air Pollutants Section (HAPS) under the authority of UCA 19-2-104 and UAC R307-801. The videotapes are used to provide visual documentation of site inspections and violations. HAPS inspects sites involving asbestos removal\, lead-based paint removal\, and demolition of buildings.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 25733,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Clean air tax forms,1992-2002.,Alphabetical by name.,"These are copies of TC40-F tax credit forms prepared by residents of Utah seeking to obtain State tax credits for purchasing and installing EPA certified pellet burning stoves\, high mass wood stoves\, solid fuel burning devices\, and natural gas or propane free fireplaces. The credit was discontinued in 2002.",Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 27771,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,ATLAS Lead-based paint individual/firm certifications,2000-,Alphabetical by name.,"These records document certification for individuals to handle lead-based paint. The records are used to track individuals who have received training and certification in order to be qualified to work with lead-based paint. Information includes certification documentation\, citizenship verification\, personal information about the individual\, job description\, and other related records.",Retain for 15 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Private, 29496,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Clean fuel vehicle tax credit records,1992-,Alphabetical by name.,"These records are TC-40V clean fuel vehicle credit forms and required documentation prepared by residents of Utah seeking to obtain State tax credits for purchasing\, leasing or converting a vehicle that uses cleaner burning fuels\, as described in Utah Codes 59-10-1009(2016) and 59-7-605(2016)\, and Utah Administrative Code R307-121(2017). Documentation may include TC-40V form\, proof of vehicle purchase\, and other related records. The Division uses these records to either approve or deny the tax credit.",Retain for 7 year(s),Private, 1723,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,High level nuclear waste case regulation files,i 1983-,None,"This is federal guideline documentation sent to the bureau for review and comments. It includes drafts of federal regulations\, guideline documents\, copies of final regulations\, correspondence from the Environmental Protection Agency\, and copies of the bureau's comments on the regulations.",Retain until final action,, 1780,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air quality administrative rules and public comment records,i 1968-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by filing number assigned by Division of Administrative Rules","This series documents the process the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) conducts in adopting a new administrative rule or changing an existing rule. The records for each new or amended administrative rule are compiled in accordance with UCA 63-46a-2(1)(1999). Information in the records include the title of the rule\, the text of the rule\, the rule analysis form published in the Utah State Bulletin\, public comments received\, the agency's analysis of the comments\,and the agency's report of its decision making process. Because 40 CFR 51.102(d)(1999) requires that a public hearing be held and notice of the hearing be published in a newspaper thirty days prior to the hearing\, records of rules established in accordance with the Clean Air Act also include the affidavit of the newspaper notice\, the hearing roster\, and DAQ's statement for the hearing. Summaries of any verbal comments made at the hearing are also placed in the files.,Information in the files may also include audio tapes of hearings.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,19.00 cubic feet 7621,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Weekly air quality reports,1977-,None,"This is a report by station of the sensor findings of all pollutant levels found in the air. It includes the name of the station\, the dates covered by the reports\, the types of pollution being monitored\, and the weekly pollution levels.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 22648,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Government Records Access and Management Act access requests,1986-,Chronological,"Files created in response to requests from individuals seeking access to government records\, as provided under UCA_63-2-204_(1999). Files contain the request\, copies of Records Officer response granting or denying access to records requested\, and all related supporting documents. These files may also contain agency responses to requests for nonexistent records\, to requesters who provide inadequate descriptions\, and requests which should be directed to another agency.",Retain for 2 year(s) after resolution of issue,Public, 22001,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,New Source Review Section green copies,1992-,Numerical by document number,"These records serve as backups for documents generated by the Division of Air Quality's New Source Review (NSR) section. They are copies of signed legal records that can serve as necessary legal documents in the event that the original documents are lost. The ""green"" copies are reproductions of all records that are generated yearly by the NSR section. The green copies are dated and then assigned a four digit document number with the last two digits of the calendar year at the end (i.e. DAQE-0001-92). The records include all documents that require a signature including memoranda\, correspondence\, legal permits\, newspaper notices\, etc.",Retain for 11 year(s),Public, 21990,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Source files,1980-,"Alphabetical by company name, thereunder chronological by year.","These files are compiled by the Division of Air Quality to track emission rates and compliance with air quality standards by companies that are sources of air pollutants in the state of Utah. The files contain reports and other information requested by the Air Quality Board as required by UCA 19-2-104(1)(c)(ii) and 19-2-120 (1999)\, approval orders that are required by UAC R307-401 through R307-414(1999)\, correspondence\, and all other documents pertaining to the companies involved.",Permanent. Retain for 35 year(s),Public, 23592,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,ATLAS Individual asbestos certifications,1991-,Alphabetical by last name,"These records document asbestos certification of individuals. The records are used to track individuals who have received training and certification in order to be qualified to work with asbestos. Information includes certification documentation\, personal information about the individual\, job description\, and other related records.",Retain for 30 year(s) after expiration of permit or license,Private, 26742,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air quality complaint files,1999-,Chronological,"These records contain complaints received by the Division of Air Quality from private and public sources about air quality compliance. They contain the names\, addresses\, and phone numbers of parties involved in the complaints\, as well as correspondence\, and air quality studies.,These records contain unique information in rough notes or drafts assembled or created and used to prepare or analyze other documents. The information adds proper understanding to the formulation and execution of policies\, decisions\, actions\, or responsibilities.",Retain for 12 year(s),Private, 25911,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Quality assurance reports,2000-,Numerical by case file,"This series contains data and quality assurance reports for companies in the state of Utah and are created in accordance with the Federal Clean Air Act (42 USC 7401-7671). Federal rules and regulations require large producers of air pollution to measure meteorological and air quality values near potential sites of construction or modification. These reports are then used to estimate the impact on the environment and are key in making decisions concerning the approval of construction permits. Specific types of documents include correspondence\, monitoring plans\, quarterly reports\, and final reports.",Permanent. Retain for 11 year(s),Public,4.00 cubic feet 25734,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Landfill files,1989-,Alphabetical by name of landfill,"These are source files of landfills inspected for asbestos disposal compliance. Any landfill that accepts Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is required to conform to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants(40 CFR 63.112(2004)). The State Division of Air Quality regulates ACM landfills throughout Utah to be sure that they are in compliance with the established standards. Documents kept in these files include approval letters\, inspections\, enforcement actions\, and general correspondence.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 27772,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,X-ray fluorescense and dosimeter reports,1994-,alphabetical name of property owner,"These records include reports documenting the use of portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers\, which are used by the Division of Air Quality to test for lead based paint\, provide a fast and reliable method for classifying many painted surfaces. Measurements taken by the division indicate whether lead based paint (in use prior to 1978) is present\, lead based paint is not present\, or the measurement is inconclusive and a laboratory test is necessary. XRF analyzer testing is one of the methods recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to detect lead in painted surfaces. Because the XRF analyzer uses a radiation source\, the division uses dosimeter record forms to track who uses the machine and log how much radiation operators are exposed to. Records include the XRF tests and reports\, check out/in log for XRF analyzer unit\, XRF leak reports\, and dosimeter reports. Dosimiter report information includes individual personal information which may include name\, social security\,,and other various information. Records also include XRF home test reports which include address and other citizen's personal information.",Retain for 15 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public, 7588,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Budget background records,1982-,None,"These are papers created to assist the preparation of the bureau budget. They include working papers\, cost statements\, copies of memoranda including requests for additional equipment\, copies of memoranda of understanding on budget priorities\, budget guidelines form the division\, and rough data accumulated in the preparation of annual budget estimates\, including duplicate appropriation language sheets and narrative statements\, and the bureau's copies of reports submitted to the budget office.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 7620,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Daily report of air quality,1977-,None,"This is a synopsis report for three specific sensors showing sulphur dioxide\, carbon monoxide\, and ozone levels for each station each day. It includes the report period\, the name of the station\, and the daily average of the three pollution levels.",Retain until administrative need ends,, 7622,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Monthly air quality reports,1977-,None,"These are monthly reports for each sensor at each site showing the levels of the specific pollutants that sensor is designed to record. They include the name of the site\, the type of pollutant being tested for\, the report period\, and the average levels of pollution.",Retain until administrative need ends,, 22227,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,ATLAS Asbestos training course provider records,1988-,"Alphabetical by company, thereunder chronological",These records document company programs for training and certifying various types of asbestos workers. The records are used to administer the training and certification according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements. The records are also used to manage the training course programs for providers to become certified according to the EPA and state rules and regulations. Re-certification is required each year in order for the companies to maintain the training programs.,Retain for 14 year(s) after final action,Public, 23681,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Paid approval orders,1995-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by vendor","These records document billings of vendors. The records consist of copies of approval order letters\, a copy of time sheet data base records used to establish the billed charges\, a copy of the invoice sent to the vendor for payment\, and a copy of the payment.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 83713,Bureau of Air Quality.,Utah emissions inventory,ca. 1970-1985.,Chronological,"The Bureau of Air Quality is required by law to compile an annual emission inventory of the air contaminants released into the air within Utah. The emission inventory is compiled for point\, area and mobile sources. The purpose for preparing and maintaining a complete and reliable emission inventory is its use as a basic tool for the effective development of air quality management plans and programs.",,Public, 26725,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Oxygenated fuel program records,1990-2005.,Numerical by source identification number,"These records document the process used to regulate sources of oxygenated fuel. Sources include fuel producers\, distributors\, and carriers. The information gathered is then used to monitor how these fuels affect the air quality within the state. Records include registration forms\, inspection reports\, compliance actions\, and correspondence between sources and the Division of Air Quality.",,Public, 1721,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Calibrator quality assurance test data,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"These are tests used to check side-by-side calibrators used to monitor air pollution. They include type of pollution monitoring being tested (sulfur dioxide\, nitric oxide\, carbon monoxide\, etc)\, the initials of the tester\, the date of the test\, the number of the monitor\, the type of monitor\, the conclusion generated by the monitor\, the indicated conclusion\, the percentage of instrument deviation\, and the percentage of deviation of the other instruments from instrument number 1.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 7578,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air Quality Board meeting final minutes and packets,1967-,Chronological by board meeting date.,"Records of hearings conducted as part of the regulatory process and hearings on proposed rules and changes; they may be maintained with related information including meeting notices\, proofs of publications\, meeting minutes\, and the conclusions reached. Includes copies of packets mailed to board members\, which include action items before the board and any informational material. UCA 52-4-200 (2009) requires that written minutes be kept of all open meetings. May include audio and video recordings.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public,7.00 cubic feet 7584,Bureau of Air Quality.,Organizational charts and reorganization studies,1982-1984.,None,"These are graphic illustrations which provide a detailed description of the arrangement and administrative structure of the functional units of an agency. Reorganization studies are conducted to design an efficient organizational framework most suited to carry out the agency's programs. These records include committee report of the Reorganization Committee of the Division of Environmental Health of the Health Department\, preliminary recommendations on the management of natural resources and energy function prepared by the committee of Executive Reorganization\, and the final reorganization report.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 7580,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Travel reimbursement requests,1979-,None,"These are requests for reimbursement of expenses for employees who travel on government business. The information on these forms includes date of request\, Department of Administrative Services\, Division of Finance number\, Health Department number\, the employee's name\, home address\, division\, department\, and bureau\, the agency's low organizational and activity numbers\, the amount of requested reimbursement\, if transportation expenses claimed\, the date(s) of travel\, the type of transportation used (private car\, commercial plane\, etc) where the travel was from and to\, the actual miles traveled\, the mileage rate\, and the amount of reimbursement claimed per trip and the total amount of reimbursement claimed and the total actual miles; if subsistence,and incidental expenses are claimed\, the date(s) of the travel\, the destination\, the departure and return times\, the days and hours of lapsed time\, the amount of other expenses claimed\, the total expenses for meals\, per diem\, and other expenses\, the signature and title of the traveler\, and the signature of the approving officer.",Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 1706,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution data sheets,1983-,Alphanumerical,"Daily record of air pollution levels in the state. They are used when the telemetry equipment that usually records this information breaks down. Dates of report\, the name of the station\, the initials of the individaul preparing the report\, and the daily record of pollution.",Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 7603,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,State implementation plan source emissions inventories,1974-,"Alphabetical by company, thereunder chronological by year","These are annual reports containing estimates of the amount of air contaminants released into the air by process industries. The emissions inventories are required by UAC R307-155-3(1998). These inventories are from sources specifically named in existing State Implementation Plans (SIP) and the Administrative Rules resulting from these plans. The reports include stack or vent information\, control equipment information\, process information\, fuel information\, fugitive emissions information\, reports on sand and gravel operations\, cement plants\, asphalt plants\, unpaved road usage\, fugitive dust\, off-highway mobile sources\, quarry and mining activities\, vapor de-greasers\, paint usage\, gas processing/production\, oil/natural gas production\, fugitive hydrocarbon emissions/refining\, and storage tanks. All forms contain the name of the company\, its mailing and plant addresses\, and the name and title of the contact person\,,as well as a breakdown of the amounts and types of pollution that is estimated to be released into the atmosphere. The emissions inventories are required to be kept as backup documents as long as the SIP is in effect.",Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s),Public,8.00 cubic feet 26039,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Enforcement actions,1988-,Chronological by year,"These records document enforcement actions taken by the Division of Air Quality. The records in this series include Notice of Violations\, Orders to Comply\, Consent Orders & Decrees\, Source Compliance Action Notices\, Source Responses to Enforcement Actions\, and Compliance Plans for Corrective Actions to Violations.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 30,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air quality data system,1977-,Alphanumerical.,"This is a complete record of air quality in the state by air monitoring station. It includes the name of the station\, the type of pollution being monitored\, the date and time of the monitoring\, and the type of pollutants and the quantity of each pollutant in the air when the sample was taken.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 1709,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring charts,1977-,Alphanumerical,"These are roll charts done in a graph form showing the levels of pollution in the air. They include the name of the station\, the data as recorded\, the date and the time of the chart and the type of pollution being monitored.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 1713,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring equipment records,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"These files contain documents pertaining to equipment purchased and used by the Bureau of Air Quality. Information includes operator's manuals\, copies of specifications\, written draft and final procedures for the use of the equipment\, and blueprints.",Retain for 5 year(s) or for 0,Public, 1722,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring equipment certifications,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"This is the certification of manufacturers\, the National Bureau of Standards\, testing laboratories\, and the bureau itself that the emission monitoring equipment used by the bureau meets federal standards. It includes the serial number of the equipment being certified\, the purchase order number\, the type of analysis\, the name of the analyst\, the date of certification\, the results of the test\, and the length of time the certification is valid.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 1725,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air visibility regulation case files,i 1980-2005.,Alphanumerical,"These are records of the development of regulations on air visibility. A typical file includes: draft proposals of regulations from both state and federal government\, transcripts of public hearings\, comments on proposed regulations\, and clarifications from the Environmental Protection Agency on their regulations.",Permanent. Retain until final action,Public, 1777,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Public hearing transcripts,i 1982-,Alphanumerical,"These are records of public hearings on proposed new or revised air quality regulations\, consent decrees\, corporate requests for variances\, and new or revised plans for power plants.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 1784,Bureau of Air Quality.,Reorganization records,i 1982-1984.,Alphanumerical,"These records include graphic illustrations which provide a detailed description of the organization and administrative structure of the functional units of the bureau. Also included are studies conducted which design an efficient organizational framework suited to carry out the agency's programs\, and reports from various departmental and state reorganization committees.",Permanent. Retain until final action,, 7587,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Budget estimates and justification files,1982-,None,"These are copies of budget estimates and justifications prepared by the bureau. They include annual budget requests and workload increase requests containing the following information: Workload Increase Requests: gives the title of the program\, the year of the request\, an analysis of the alternative(s) to the request\, the specific request\, the additional funds needed to meet the workload increase and the means of securing the funds\, a breakdown of the increased staffing needed including the title and grades of the positions\, the additional salary and benefits costs\, and a breakdown of the increases in other expenses such as travel and space; Annual Budget Request: gives the budget year; the program title and authority; the program's objectives; the,means to be used to achieve those objectives; indicators of demand for those objectives and the performance measures for the two previous\, the current\, and the next year\, including a breakdown of the work demand under type\, workload productivity\, and impact of the work; performance analysis; possible future events which may have an impact on the program; budget amounts for the four year period (the two previous years\, the current year\, and the next year)\, giving the number of full time employees\, the amount and percentage of state fund dollars\, the amount and percentage of federal fund dollars\, the amount and percentage of dedicated credits\, the amount and percentage of other funds\, and the totals; and the names of the division and,the department.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 7601,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Administrative correspondence,1980-,None.,"These are copies of outgoing and originals of incoming letters to the Environmental Protection Agency\, the general public\, other state agencies\, vendors\, and others. They include letters of transmittal with copies of transmitted information\, information on billing procedures\, information on air pollution monitoring\, information on equipment\, and a variety of other subjects.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 7604,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Equipment information files,1980-,None,"This information documents on equipment purchased and used by the bureau. It includes operator's manuals\, copies of the specifications\, draft and final procedures drawn up by the bureau for the use of monitoring equipment\, and blueprints for volume flow measurement devices\, mass flow measurement devices\, lab and field equipment\, electronic equipment\, shop equipment\, and air monitoring equipment.",Retain until disposition of asset,, 7610,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Weekly station status report,1985-,None,"These are status reports sent in every week on the air monitoring equipment used to ensure that they are all in proper working order. They include the name of the station\, the week of the report\, and a daily record of the equipment's functioning\, and the initials of the person(s) supplying the information.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 21921,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Financial records,1991-,Alphabetical by company name thereunder chronological by date,"These records relate to the collection of fees\, payment to vendors for services\, and miscellaneous payments for the division including paid invoices and cash receipts. Paid invoices include approval orders and initial compliance inspection fees. Cash receipts include cash receipt transmittals. Payments to vendors include utility invoices from various companies in the state and copies of purchase order receipts. Miscellaneous payments include petty cash forms\, claims for petty cash forms. Also included may be information documenting fees paid to the Division of Air Quality for various services and licenses including photocopying documents and certification fees.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 7599,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Quality assurance plan and procedures,1980-,None,"This is a plan that sets forth the procedures to be followed to ensure that the air monitoring program meets all the federal requirements. It includes a policy statement on quality assurance\, the objectives for air monitoring data\, the schedules for air monitoring operations\, monitoring responsibilities\, personnel training\, procedures and methods documentation\, standards\, traceability\, analyzer adjustment/re-calibration limits\, and data handling.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,Public, 14764,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act records,1988-,"Alphabetical by school district name, thereunder numerical by school building number.","Plans\, correspondence relating to asbestos management\, and compliance to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The division of Air Quality coordinates the review of these plans through the Air Conservation Committee\, created under UCA 19-2-103 (1994). The plans may require additional information concerning the schools asbestos management plans. The information is submitted by public and private non-profit elementary and secondary schools in the Utah system. UCA 19-2-104(d)(1994) gives the committee the power to implement the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986. The schools must submit new plans to this committee when they acquire more school buildings. The files are used to support compliance inspection,and to respond to complaints and information requests.",Permanent. Retain until final action,Public, 24213,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Publications,1969-,Chronological,"Records created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, and other published or processed documents. These records include information on air quality regulations\, air quality surveillance\, and other issues addressed by the Division of Air Quality. Consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.,Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.35 cubic foot 20378,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air quality studies,1984-,"Numerical by box number, thereunder alphabetical by subject","These files contain technical support documents for the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan and reference material for the carbon monoxide attainment demonstration. Carbon monoxide attainment demontrations are modeling data sets used in the State Implementation Plan for analysis to support enforcement of air quality regulations if carbon monoxide emissions exceed the legal limits. The files include individual studies\, the State Implementation Plan for each county studied\, modeling files\, tracer studies\, Universal Transverse Mercador (UTM)\, Urban Airshed Modeling (UAM)\, and ozone modeling.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 1781,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Contracts and lease agreements,i 1981-,None.,"These are copies of contracts and lease agreements that set up air monitoring sites throughout the state. They include name and addresses of the two parties involved\, name of the division and department\, description of the premises including the number of square feet and number of parking spaces\, address of the site\, terms of the lease including the beginning and ending dates\, amount of the monthly payments and the due date(s)\, services to be provided by the lessor\, standard terms of the lease\, name and signatures of the two parties\, and the dates signed. The files also include copies of the floor plans\, correspondence regarding payment disputes\, and numerous letters of transmittal.",Retain for 7 year(s) after final action,Public, 1767,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air Quality Board administrative records,i 1982-,Chronological by year.,"These are records of members of the Air Committee and of their activities. Included in these records are resumes of board members\, routine requests for information\, and appointment letters to the members which advise them of the appointment\, duties\, and responsibilities of the position. Also included is financial documentation for members who request per diem reimbursements.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 1720,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Air pollution monitoring quality assurance plan and procedures,i 1980-,Alphanumerical,"These are the policies and procedures that govern the operation and administration of the program\, created to ensure that the air monitoring program meets all the federal requirements.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,,1.00 cubic foot 1783,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Policies and procedures manual,i 1982-,None,"This record is a manual of policies and procedures which address the operation and administration of the Air Quality Bureau. _,Included in these manuals are copies of procedures issued by the division\, the Health Department\, and by other agencies which would apply to the activities of the bureau personnel.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,Public, 1782,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Air Quality,Clean Air Act state implementation plan,i 1971-,Chronological,These records document the planning process and the implementation of the federal Clean Air Act in Utah. Included is the original plan for reduction of air pollution in the state and several revisions. The plan outlines the strategy to be followed to put into effect and enforce this reduction.,Permanent. Retain until resolution of issue,Public,0.35 cubic foot