seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 82024,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Untoward outcome of medication or treatment case files,1984-,"Alphabetical by unit, thereunder chronological","This is a record of untoward effect of medication. It is an administrative tool used to ensure the proper care and teatment of the patient. This report is used to compile the Quality Assurance report (sent to all hospital staff)\, determine trends or patterns\, and improve and maintain quality patient care. This series includes the patient's name\, the medication effect\, the time\, the unit\, a description of the events\, the name of a staff witness\, and a follow up report and action taken.",Retain for 7 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Controlled, 82298,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Utilization Review admissions and continued stay files,1981-,chronological by review date,"This series contains documentation of reviews completed by the Utilization Review nurse for determination of and justification for continued hospitalization of individual patients. The series is maintained by the Utilization Review office. Information in the series includes patient hospital number\, admitting status\, psychiatric diagnoses\, referring agency\, attending physician\, reviews (admission\, continued stay\, and second step)\, status\, admission date\, screening steps and determinations\, and comments. The records in this series are used to compile an annual report\, but this series does not include the final report.",Retain for 1 year(s),Exempt, 82071,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Sterile supply and equipment list,1986-,chronological,This is a record of all the sterile supplies and equipment distributed by the infection supply nurse. This list serves as an order and inventory control form for materials. Supplies are distributed to all units upon request.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 82091,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Controlled substance sheets,1986-2015.,Numerical by drug number,"This is a record of controlled substances which are distributed to patients on the unit. This sheet accompanies the box of drugs to the unit. The unit nurse fills in the date\, time\, ward number\, patient's name\, amount given\, amount remaining\, and nurse's signature. The top of the sheet has the medication name\, strength\, total quantity\, prescription number\, date dispensed from the pharmacy\, and date returned to the pharmacy. When the box is empty and needs refilling\, the sheet accompanies the box lid and is sent to the pharmacy. The pharmacist sends a new box of medication and a sheet to the unit when ordered.",Retain for 5 year(s),Controlled, 82177,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Kitchen daily production sheets,1985-,Chronological,"This is a record of all the food items served\, the size of the portions\, and the total amount served per item. This record is broken down by meal category (breakfast\, lunch\, supper)\, and is used to compile the final report sent to the Federal Government (Child Nutrition Program\, and National School Lunch Program).",Retain for 3 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Public, 85090,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Utilization review forms,1981-,Chronological by date of review or report,"These records document review of patient records for quality\, utilization\, and staff compliance to various regulations as well as tracking of follow-up reviews. Information includes patient name\, hospital number\, admission status\, type of review status\, date of admission\, summary of findings and date of next review.",Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 84885,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Ethics Committee meeting records,1999-,Chronological,"The Ethics Committee reviews ethical and patient rights issues related to patient care such as patient abuse\, religious issues\, and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) policy and procedure. Meeting minutes document the recommendations and decisions made\, and include meeting agendas\, approved meeting minutes and all supplemental materials used for discussion\, which may include patient medical records.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Exempt, 83137,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Yearly statistical reports,1970-1990.,Chronological,"This is a record of yearly statistical reports and surveys. This information is collected for administrative use in bed allocation\, billing\, legislative reports\, and for federal and Joint Commission (JC) requirements. This series includes the patient's commitment status\, hospital number\, unit\, admission date\, discharge date\, length of stay\, diagnosis\, referral source\, prior Mental Health Assistance\, number of incidents\, and name of the follow-up agency.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Controlled, 29572,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Pharmacy Clean Room journal,1979-1989.,Chronological,This series contains a log documenting procedures and work done in the clean room.,,, 29573,State Mental Hospital,Printing plates,1930-1942,None.,This series contains two printing plates used for printing images in hospital publications.,,, 29587,State Mental Hospital,Male Ward patient tracking records,1942-1957.,Chronological by month.,"This series contains monthly logs of patients admitted to the ward\, home on visit\, escaped\, discharged\, and expired.",,, 29574,State Mental Hospital,Warrant stubs,1885-1887.,Chronological by warrant date.,This series contains a book of warrant stubs documenting warrants issued by the Territorial Insane Asylum to cover various expenses.,,Public, 29586,State Mental Hospital,Female ward patient custody tracking records,1945-1957.,Chronological by month.,"This series contains monthly logs of patients admitted to the ward\, home on visit\, escaped\, discharged\, and expired.",,, 82075,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Infection control reports,1985-,"Alphabetical by unit, thereunder chronological","This is a record of the infection control forms used as a cross referencing tool to assure the proper antibiotic usage and resolution of infection by the unit nurse. This series is used to ensure that the proper reporting procedures are followed\, establish trends\, provide research for the improvement of patient care\, and prepare the Quality Assurance Report. When a problem is found to be ongoing\, the findings are taken to infection control committee for conclusions\, recommendations\, and action. This series includes the number of infections treated each month\, type of infection\, unit where incident is occurring\, infections treated without a culture\, type of culture taken\, the date\, results\, treatment ordered\, patient's name\, number of normal,cultures\, related notes\, and signature of the physician and or nurse.",Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 82050,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient trust accounts,1983-,"Alphabetical by name, thereunder numerical by social security number","This is a record of the amount of money received from the Social Security Administration by the hospital on behalf of the patient. The amount is noted when it comes into the office. The money is distributed to the patient by the unit supervisor. Notations are made in a log book of the items that were purchased for or by the patient. The business office does a weekly printout of this record for easy access and reference. This series includes the unit name\, balance in the patient's account\, and the patient's social security number.",Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 82027,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Unit orientation/training files,1986-,alphabetical by employee's name,This series contains worksheets used by the supervisor on a work unit to document employee completion of required training. Content includes a variety of topics and procedures that address care and treatment of the mentally ill. This record is used as an indicator of successful training and notes areas of weakness in which more training may be needed. These documents are maintained by the supervisor.,Retain until separation,Private, 82078,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Sterilization record,1987-,chronological,"This is a record of all items that have been sterilized at the hospital. Control strips are enclosed with each batch of items. When a test strip does not register in the pass area\, then the items are resterilized. An autoclave Recording Instrument chart is used on the outside of the machine to ensure that the proper temperature was met during the process. The biological test strips are used to document the kill rate of bacteria. When live bacteria are noted to be present\, then the strips are sent to the lab to test for a growth rate seven days after the test was completed. All parts of this series are used to prove that the machine is operating under proper standards. This series includes the temperature\, time of the batch\, pressure,reached\, and type of sterilization used.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 82059,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Diet card files,1984-,Alphabetical by patient surname,"This is a record of the patient's diet kept near the serving area. The server can refer to this record as needed in order to give the patient the proper diet. This series is updated as needed. It includes the patient name\, diet ordered and the unit.",Retain until superseded or for 0,Controlled, 82073,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Safety inspection checklist,1986-,Chronological by date of checklist,"This is a inspection checklist completed on a monthly basis. This ensures that the area meets the requirements for safety and cleanliness throughout the hospital facility. When an area is found to be unsatisfactory\, measures are taken to correct the problems as soon as possible. The hospital must meet the standards in order to be certified by the Joint Commission of Accredited Hospitals (JCAH). This series includes observations concerning fire safety\, general safety\, and the environment. The records also include identified problem areas\, comments\, corrections made as a result of last inspection\, unsafe existing conditions from last inspection\, and signature of inspector.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 82029,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient Kardex,1985-,Alphabetical by patient surname,"This record contains selected items from the patient's medical record as part of the nursing care plan. It contains the admission date\, patient number\, allergies\, diet\, privileges and restrictions\, level\, pass\, phone calls\, visits\, psychiatric and diagnoses including acute medical conditions.",Retain until superseded,Controlled, 82030,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient visitation request slips,1973-,Chronological by date of visit,"This is a form that must be completed by the visitor when they arrive at the hospital. This slip gives the visitor access to the unit where the patient resides and gives the hospital a record of who visited each patient\, as well as when and how often they visited. The records in this series include the date of visit \, visitor's relationship to the patient\, visitor's address and telephone number\, and the patient's name and unit.",Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 82221,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Psychological data and evaluation case files,1975-,Alphabetical by patient's name,"These are psychological records of patients containing information necessary for the performance of psychological assessments. They document the condition of each patient and provide the basis of determining treatment. Files on current patients are maintained by each psychologist in office. After patients are discharged the files are maintained in a centralized area in the Medical Records Office. Included are raw testing data; test results; case notes; patient personal\, psychological and medical histories; and patient interviews.",Retain for 10 year(s),Exempt, 82217,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Nursing acuity report,1987-,"Numerical by unit, thereunder chronological.","This is a record of the number of staff who were on duty during a 24 hour time period. It records the type of patient care needed and how long it took to administer the care. The series includes the type of physical care given\, patient totals and the number of staff members per shift (RN's\, LPN's\, and Psychiatric Technicians) on the unit. The report is sent to the Nursing Administration Office daily by unit nursing staff.",Retain for 3 year(s) after completion of publication or report,Controlled, 82301,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,System specific study files,1978-,"Alphabetical by subject, thereunder chronological","This series is comprised of various topographical research project reports related to hospital care and treatment. The research is aimed at efficiency and effectiveness to provide a better quality of treatment\, patient management\, a measurement of quality of services\, to define the scope of the services\, function and system assessment of the daily living skills\, coping skills\, and of achievements and maintenance outside the hospital setting. This series defines clinical goals and objectives\, and changes in follow-up services. Personal case information on the patient is input into the system. Information is also pulled off of the Utah Social Service Data System (USSDS). The output information contains little if any personal patient information. This series includes tables\, and graphs. It is currently divided into 12 parts. Statistical and Development and Reporting; Utah State Hospital Allocation; Statewide Community Bed Availability; Description and Evaluation of Day Treatment,Programs; Mathematical Modeling; Longitudinal Evaluation of Service; Planned Scheduled Treatment; Patient Specific Study; Estimating the Impact on Changes Regarding Medicare; Planning and Consultation; and Deployment and Budget.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 82299,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Quality assurance monitoring files,1980-,Chronological by review date,"The quality assurance program monitors and evaluates the quality and appropriateness of patient care services provided by all disciplines\, units\, departments\, and services of the hospital; identifies problems and potential problems which have significant impact on patient care and ensures that all areas are included in the program. This is done by using the Extended Audit Tool established by USH. This monitoring and evaluation tool meets The Joint Commission of Accredited Health Care Organizational Standards and Certification approval from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services. Findings of these audits are used to compile reports and to improve patient care and standard compliance.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 29873,State Mental Hospital,Patient admission list,1885-1959.,Roughly reverse chronological by admission date.,This series contains a list of patients admitted to the hospital.,,Exempt,1 microfilm reel 82069,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Trip plan files,1986-,Chronological,"This is a record of the justification for a patient trip. Justification is sent to administration for approval. Trips are taken in order to improve patient skills and functions. All evaluations about the patient are placed in his chart. This series includes all information related to the trip\, number of staff and patients attending\, a list of the goals and objectives the staff members would like to see achieved for each patient\, and the evaluation of the goals and objectives upon return.",Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 9947,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Disclosure tracking,1989-,Chronological by date of disclosure,"These records are used to document disclosures of medical records from State Hospital patient files\, as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The agency records what information is sent and to whom\, and under what authorization\, in order to provide a list of disclosures to patients upon request. The records include the date the request was received\, date of record disclosure\, patient's name\, requesting person and/or agency\, means of transmission\, content of the information sent\, and reason for disclosure.",Retain for 6 year(s),Exempt, 10303,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Drug enforcement administration pharmacy orders,1986-2015.,Chronological,"These records document schedule I and schedule II pharmaceuticals. Schedule I drugs consist of opiate based substances including their isomers\, esters\, ethers\, salts\, and salts of isomers (UCA 58-37-4(2)(a) (1992)). Schedule II drugs consist of substances produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin\, or independently by means of chemical synthesis\, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis (UCA 58-37-4(2)(b) (1992)). The hospital pharmacist orders drugs from providers and reports the orders to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Information includes name of supplier\, address\, type of drug\, quantity of drug ordered\, national drug code number\, drug schedules\, and signature of purchaser..",Retain for 5 year(s),Protected, 10311,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Controlled substance biennial inventory records,1986-2015.,Chronological,"These records document biennial inventories of controlled substances. This action is required by the Drug Enforcement Agency and is conducted by the hospital pharmacy director or his designee. Information includes a listing of all controlled substances\, quantity in stock\, and pharmacists signature.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 8651,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Coordinating council committee minutes,1983-1997.,Chronological,"This record documents the activities of the committee which acts as a liaison with the other committees and the medical staff. This record includes the dates of the meetings\, the names of the participants\, the topics discussed\, and the decision reached.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Controlled, 8652,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Professional growth and development committee meetings minutes,1983-[ca. 1990].,None,"This committee ensures that staff members are qualified legally\, professionally\, and ethically for the positions to which they are appointed. This record includes the dates of the meetings\, the names of the participants\, the topics discussed\, and the decisions reached.",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Controlled, 8648,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient incident summary report,1985-,Chronological,"This is a monthly statistical report of all incidents which occurred at the hospital. It is used as a management tool to identify units\, department staff at risk\, determines patterns and trends and makes necessary changes in policy\, procedures\, and personnel. This series includes a report for all incidents involving aggression\, deaths and escapes\, accidents\, the total number of incidents\, the average occupancy\, the percentage of incidents per patient\, the number of different patients involved in the incidents\, the percentage of patients involved\, the number of incidents that led to harm to staff members\, the number of incidents that led to harm to other patients\, the number of,incidents in which patients harmed themselves\, the total number of deaths\, and the total number of escapes.",Retain for 3 year(s),Controlled, 10306,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Risk management reports,1992-,chronological,"These reports document investigations of patient and/or staff related incidents such as elopements\, patient injuries\, staff injuries\, incidents of aggression\, seclusion\, restraint\, medical emergencies\, fatalities\, and so on. Some reports include hospital related incidents where emergency plans are implemented such as flood\, loss of power\, and so on.",Retain for 7 year(s),Protected, 6010,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Safety and Inspection Committee meeting records,1983-,Chronological,"The Safety and Inspection Committee is responsible to ensure that the agency meets the requirements established by the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association. Meeting minutes document the process of establishing policies for the proper storage and disposal of trash\, and the development and maintenance of fire control plans and inspections. Records include meeting agendas\, approved meeting minutes and all supplemental materials used for discussion.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 8646,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Shift Supervising RN Report,1986-,Chronological.,"This is a record documenting activities which occurred during each shift. This record is used to pass information along from one shift to another. The report includes a record of events in the hospital by date and time\, a description of the incident and the names of the individuals involved.",Retain for 1 day(s),Controlled, 8642,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient case records,1885-,Numerical by patient identification number.,"These records provide complete documentation of the diagnosis and treatment of individuals confined to the Utah State Hospital. Information includes treatment plans; physical and psychological examinations; discharge summaries; psychiatric\, social history\, nursing\, nutritional and recreational assessments; vocational rehabilitation assessments; dental examinations\, etc. May also contain legal commitment papers\, court orders and neurological consultations. When retention is completed certain records (see records series 25023) are scanned and maintained permanently. Documentation relating to client or patient medical information. Includes physical\, psychiatric\, dental\, pharmaceutical\, medical history\, treatments\, notes\, reports\, forms\, memorandums\, examinations\, physical therapy\, assessments\, and all other related materials.",Permanent. Retain for 85 year(s),Exempt,1 microfilm reel 8650,State Mental Hospital,Death certificates,1924-1981.,Chronological,"This series contains the registrar's copy of death certificates issued and signed by physicians at the State Hospital. The official state copy is filed with Vital Statistics (series 81448). After 1981 responsibility for issuing death certificates transferred to the State Medical Examiner and copies are filed in the patient's medical record. The certificates include patient's name\, physician's signature\, cause of death\, date of death and time of death.",,Exempt, 10307,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Unit controlled substance order files,1986-2015.,Numerical by stock number,"These files document pharmaceuticals listed and dispensed by hospital pharmacists. These drugs include controlled substances\, concentrates\, and injectable medications. Information includes the type of controlled substance\, quantities\, ward\, date\, prescription number\, and signature.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 10304,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Pharmacy inventory records,1974-,Chronological,"These records support the agency's administrative function to track all medication housed by the agency's pharmacy (42 CFR 423.505(d)(2012) and 21 CFR 1304.03(2000)). Records include such things as the required inventories for controlled substances\, restocking orders\, and audit files.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 10302,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient W-4s and social security numbers records,1990-,chronological,"These records document patient federal W-4 and social security numbers. Patients complete this information in order to place them on the industrial payroll at the Utah State Hospital. This is a requirement for payment for services that patients perform. Information includes name\, social security number\, marital status\, exemptions\, address\, employer\, and employer identification number.",Retain for 10 year(s) after separation,Private, 10309,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Pharmacy prescription records,1986-,Numerical by prescription number,"These records support the agency's function to provide treatment for those that suffer from mental illness. Records document the prescription of pharmaceuticals for residents\, and may include patient and physician information\, prescription data\, United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) numbers\, refill requests\, and related records.",Retain for 10 year(s) after separation,Exempt, 6013,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Research Committee minutes,1983-2004.,Chronological,"The committee reviews requests by anyone who wishes to do research on the facility or an employee (past or present). The petitioner must follow the established guidelines when approaching the committee with a request. If the request is granted\, the individual appears before the committee for a review to ensure that they adhering to the guidelines established by the Hospital. The committee reviews all final studies\, research\, reports\, findings and conclusions. This series includes names of individuals present\, date of meeting an patient treatment.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 6009,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee meeting records,2000-,Chronological,"The Pharmacy and Theraputics Committee provides oversight of patient medical treatment. Meeting minutes document the committee's discussion of issues relating to medications\, and may include additions or deletions to the hospital formulary\, reviews of medication error and adverse drug reaction reports\, and pharmacy budget reviews. Records include meeting agendas\, approved minutes\, and supplemental materials used for discussion\, which may contain patient information.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 2587,State Mental Hospital,Investigative reports,1898-1967.,Alphanumerical,"Investigative reviews and surveys of the State Hospital\, usually by outside psychiatric or mental health agencies.",,Public, 6012,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Infection Control Committee meeting records,1983-,Chronological,"The Infection Control Committee establishes infection control measures and procedures for discovering and reporting infections for the agency. Records document the creation of policies established to investigate\, control\, and prevent infections in the hospital and include meeting agendas\, approved meeting minutes\, and all supplemental materials.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 17620,State Mental Hospital,Day books,1885-1917.,,"Day books are a financial record showing money paid out\, such as payroll\, supplies and other items.",,Public,6 microfilm reels 17621,State Mental Hospital,Warrant registers,1885-1922.,Chronological by warrant date.,This series contains registers used to record each warrant issued by the Asylum/Hospital to pay for products and services.,,Public,2.50 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 17905,State Mental Hospital,Commitments and discharged patient records,"1885-1939, 1943-1957.",Numerically by patient admitting number.,"This series contains mutiple volumes of commitments\, discharges\, and deaths. Data reported varies amongst the records ranging from simply a name and date to more detailed entries that include patient name\, patient number\, age\, gender\, race\, marital status\, occupation\, form and cause of insanity\, and either discharge or death date.",,Private, 24184,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Employee health records,ca. 1982-,Alphabetical by last name.,"These records contain health record information about employees of the State Hospital. Information includes Tuberculosis (TB) testing\, immunization status\, reports of lab tests on employees\, reports of injuries to employees involving possible exposure to blood borne pathogens\, and chest x-ray reports on employees. These records are maintained separately from employee personnel files.",Retain for 7 year(s),Private, 27343,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Annual report by service area,2000-,Chronological,These records are a summary of the goals and objectives for performance improvement by service areas within the hospital. Information includes accomplishments and significant changes achieved by the service area during the fiscal year.,Retain for 5 year(s),, 27342,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Satisfaction questionnaire summaries,2000-,Chronological,These records summarize the findings of surveys conducted by the hospital and are used to plan employee performance and patient services improvements.,Retain permanently,, 26129,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Medical Executive Committee Leadership Group meeting records,1997-,Chronological by date of meeting.,"The Medical Executive Committee Leadership Group is charged with oversight of the care\, treatment\, and services provided by the medical staff\, including practitioners with privileges. Minutes document discussions of proposed revisions to the Medical Staff Bylaws and updates to hospital policies and procedures\, as well as discussions about applicants for medical staff membership and/or clinical privileges. In addition to the approved minutes\, records include recommendations from the Performance Improvement Council\, meeting agendas\, and all supplemental materials used for discussion\, which may contain patient medical information.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 27246,State Mental Hospital,Biennial reports,1896-1940.,Chronological,,,, 27341,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Satisfaction questionnaires,2000-,Chronological by date of survey,"These records are surveys conducted by Utah State Hospital for the purpose of collecting information to improve relations between the hospital and employees\, patients\, and families of patients. Information gained through the survey is used to improve services. Information includes the survey questions and answers received.",Retain for 5 year(s),, 26570,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Campus police reports,2003-,Numerical by case number.,"These records contain criminal and accident reports involving Utah State Hospital patients and staff. They include accident report forms\, initial contact reports\, narrative accounts of incidents\, and investigative reports including names and personally identifying information on employees or patients involved.",Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 26587,State Mental Hospital,Ward logs,1964-1968.,Chronological,These records include multiple volumes of daily log books kept by hospital staff during their shifts. Some of the volumes pertain to a particular hospital ward or unit while others are unidentified. The staff record various happenings and problems with patients over the course of their shift within their assigned floors or wards. The logs offer a unique glimpse into the day to day life in the hospital in the 1960s.,,Private, 20329,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Physician's billing records,1990-,Numerical by invoice number.,These records document invoices for billing for services rendered by physicians employed at the Utah State Hospital. These records follow certain national standards required for Utah State Hospital's accreditation from the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (see 42 CFR 422.504 [d][2][iii]).,Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 26133,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Executive Staff meeting records,1993-,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These records document the Executive Staff's oversight of the hospital. The Executive Staff discusses the care and treatment of patients\, risk management\, human resources\, safety (clinical and physical)\, budget\, and the approval of hospital policies. Records include agendas\, approved meeting minutes\, and all supplemental materials used for discussion\, which may include patient medical records.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 25518,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Occupational Therapy Raw Test Data,1994-,Alphabetical by client last name.,"This is raw data collected during testing/assessment of patients for occupational therapy. The assessments consist of various tests and activities\, including making craft projects that need to be saved for comparison since many patients have several admissions. The assigned therapist submits comments and observations in the documentation accompanying each craft project. The Occupational Therapy Department is collecting samples of the Allen Cognitive Levels of function assessments for staff training purposes. Data from the assessments is used for research projects addressing issues of cognitive level of function ability and length of stay\, recidivism\, and improved discharge planning in community placement. Information includes patient name\, dates of data collection and assessment\, and therapist comments and observations.",Retain for 10 year(s) after separation,Controlled, 26130,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Medical Executive Committee meeting records,1998-,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These records document the Medical Executive Committee's oversight of the safety and quality of care for hospital patients. Minutes document the Committee's review of reports and activities of the medical staff committees\, departments\, and other assigned activity groups. Records include agendas\, approved meeting minutes\, and all supplemental materials\, which may include patient information.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 25846,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Suggestion and concern forms,1990-,Chronological by date,These are suggestion and concern forms regularly submitted by staff or patients. The information contained in the completed forms is reviewed by the Suggestion/Concern Committee and referred to the appropriate personnel for follow-up. Many of the forms include private patient information.,Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 25023,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Extracted records of closed patient case files,1996-,Alphabetical by patient name.,"These are documents removed from the patient case records (see record series 8642) after the retention for that records series is completed. Included are legal commitment papers\, court orders\, discharge and/or death summaries\, patient assessments\, and competency reviews.",Permanent. Retain for 85 year(s) after separation or for 97 year(s) after date of birth,Exempt, 3894,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Correspondence files,1945-,Chronological,"This record documents internal and external communications\, housekeeping correspondence such as thank-you letters\, etc. that do not add any new information to the agency's mission\, informational services\, and requests from other hospitals.",,Private, 2586,State Mental Hospital,Applications for admission,i 1954-1955.,Alphanumerical by patient's name,____ This is a record of applications for admission to the State Hospital in Provo.,Retain permanently,Controlled, 25908,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Purchasing card transaction log,1990-,"Alphabetical by employee surname, thereunder chronological by fiscal year.",These records are statements of expenditures made by State Hospital employees using agency credit cards.,Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 20933,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Financial Information Network (FI-NET) payment records,1985-,Alphabetical by company name,"This series contains records processed through the state accounting system that document the expenditure of cash and the appropriate supporting information. Includes payment invoices\, purchasing records\, and travel reimbursements. May contain cash receipts; fixed assets; cost reports; patient banking records; and Social Security\, veterans\, rail road\, medical\, and office of recovery services payments.",Retain for 7 year(s) after case is closed,Public, 30221,State Mental Hospital,Superintendent Roger S. Kiger scrapbooks,1968-1972;1974-1976.,Generally chronological.,"These records are created by governmental entities compiling various items together to tell the story of their office. They include photographs\, newspaper clippings\, and other items pertaining to government activities\, and actions and reactions of citizens.",,Public,0.35 cubic foot 8054,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Personnel files,1961-1989.,Alphabetical.,"Complete work history of individual while employed by the State. Refer to UCA 67-18-1\, et seq. When an employee transfers to another state agency\, the official personnel file must be sent to the new agency.",Retain for 65 year(s) after separation,Private, 27270,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,The Voice,2000-,Chronological by date of publication,"""The Voice"" is a newsletter written by patients at the Utah State Hospital for the patients at the hospital. Information in the newsletter includes poetry\, games\, recipes\, recognition to employees or patients\, art work\, and information from consumer council. The newsletter is published as information is gathered from patients. Members of consumer council gather articles for submission from their unit.",Retain permanently,Public, 27344,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Annual report,2000-,Chronological,These records summarize the service area annual reports and list the accomplishments and significant changes achieved throughout the hospital during the fiscal year.,Retain permanently,Public, 27269,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Newsletter,2000-,Chronologically by date of publication,"The Utah State Hospital Newsletter is a newsletter written for employees. Information is collected regarding hospital issues such as programs in which employees participate\, facilities information\, historical information\, recognition of employees\, announcements\, etc.",Retain permanently,Public, 84878,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Administrative correspondence files,1925-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by subject","This is a record of executive correspondence that documents how the office is organized\, how it functions\, it's pattern of action\, it's policies\, procedures and achievements. Policies and procedures govern patient care as well as office function. This serie includes all correspondence directly related to patient care\, requests for patient information\, private citizen contacts\, recruitment\, personnel action\, and inquiries from other hospitals.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Controlled, 26136,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Treatment and Research Coordination Committee (TRCC) meeting minutes,1997-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These minutes document discussions of the Treatment and Research Coordination Committee (TRCC). This committee is responsible for group and individual therapies as well as therapeutic structures and research that take place at Utah State Hospital. They oversee the competency training for staff in therapeutic work\, resources available for therapy\, research projects that involve the hospital\, and the clinical outcomes associated with patient assessments. Information includes attendance\, date\, time\, and place of meetings; topics discussed; and resolutions or recommendations made.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 27806,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Unit clerk/secretary meeting minutes,2002-2015.,chronological by meeting date,"These minutes document the content of meetings held with medical records manager\, unit clerk\, and secretaries; discussion regarding chart and form management; areas that need improvement\, new forms\, new process or procedures\, etc. Minutes provide documentation and information for the unit clerks and secretaries. Minutes include topics of discussion\, attendance\, date/time of meeting\, etc.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 10289,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Industrial Committee minutes,1988-2015.,Chronological,"Industrial committee minutes created by the vocational committee\, staff\, and secretary for reference of past and present committee actions and to carry out future industrial therapy actions. Information includes industrial therapy actions for patient and staff\, attendance records\, and instructions and procedures issued by the vocational rehabilitation staff.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 26135,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Environment of Care Meeting minutes,1998-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These minutes document the compliance with Environment of Care Plans and other aspects of care of hospital processes\, often relating to the physical plant. These plans are written and followed to bring about improved and best practice situations for patients\, employees\, and the public. Minutes serve as a history of improvement plans and processes followed by the hospital. This series includes attendance\, date\, time\, and place of meeting\, topics discussed\, and resolutions or recommendations made.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 27820,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Service management team (SMT) meeting minutes,2000-2015.,chronological by meeting date,These minutes document meetings held by unit Service Management Team (SMT) regarding unit specific issues with patients and staff and unit specific decisions made by the SMT. The minutes document plans of correction requested from executive staff or other meetings that have identified areas of concern for each specific unit.,Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 26131,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Administrative directors meeting minutes,1999-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These minutes document the discussions with the unit administrative directors and their supervisor regarding unit specific issues\, i.e.\, successes\, accomplishments\, difficulties\, etc. Minutes include attendance\, date\, time\, and place of meeting\, and topics discussed with resolution or recommendation.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 26132,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Administrative services meeting minutes,1999-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"Minutes document the dispersement of information from Executive Staff to hospital leaders specific to the units/areas of the hospital\, i.e.\, patient care\, physical facilities issues\, etc. Minutes include attendance\, date\, time\, and place of meeting\, topics discussed\, and resolution or recommendation.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 26137,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Recreation therapy meeting minutes,1999-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These minutes record staffing\, activities\, facilities\, vehicles\, etc. that are coordinated to run the RT program. Training\, inservices\, and workshops are also recorded. Local\, state and national RT information is distributed to staff. Policies and procedures are covered and discussed. Information in the records in this series includes attendance\, date of meeting\, topics discussed\, and resolution or recommendation made.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 26139,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Nursing Administration Meeting minutes,2000-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"Minutes document discussion between hospital Director of Nursing\, Assistant Director of Nursing\, and Nurse Executive regarding hospital protocol\, direction for nursing\, education\, recruitment\, nursing problems\, psych tech education\, nursing standards\, etc. Minutes include attendance\, date and time of meeting\, topics discussed\, conclusions and action register.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 27300,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Consumer Council meeting minutes,2007-2015.,Chronological,"These records document the meetings of a council composed of a patient representative from each unit\, the environmentalist from each unit\, the patient advocate\, and the hospital superintendent. The purpose of the council is to empower consumers to help with hospital programming decisions for a safe and therapeutic community. Information includes documentation of the discussions\, conclusions\, recommendations and actions taken in the meeting.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 10290,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Social work discipline minutes,1991-2015.,Chronological,"Minutes from social work discipline meetings. The Director creates these minutes and uses them to assess the quality improvement processes\, educate and train social workers\, and share information about the social work profession. Case presentations are discussed and evaluated in these meetings as well. Information includes names of social work members\, patient names\, family treatment information\, quality improvement reports\, and policies and procedures.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 26138,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Medical Equipment Meeting minutes,2000-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These minutes document meetings where medical equipment is reviewed for hospital use\, whether new or replacement. Equipment function is reviewed as well as education/inservice given by specific vendors. Minutes include names of those present\, date of meeting\, topics discussed\, conclusion\, and action register.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 27339,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services coordination meeting minutes,2000-2010.,Chronologically by date of meeting,These records document a quarterly meeting held between representatives of Utah State Hospital and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to coordinate standard of care and medical necessity and to review findings of audits conducted at the hospital.,Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 84879,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Suggestion/Concern committee minutes,1984-2015.,Chronological,"These minutes document review of suggestion/concern forms submitted by hospital patients\, staff\, and visitors. They include the date of meeting\, names of individuals present\, suggestion/concern\, and referral for follow-up.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 84881,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Unit Nursing Committee minutes,1985-2015.,Chronological by meeting date,"These minutes document the information passed down from the unit supervising nurse to the general nursing staff on the units (RN\, LPN\, and psychiatric techs make up the staff). In addition\, information specific to each individual unit is also related. This record contains duplicate information from the Supervising Registered Nurses Committee Minutes.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 27321,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Wellness Committee meeting minutes,2005-2015.,Chronological,"These records document meetings of the committee formed to address physical wellness concerns and to promote healthy lifestyles for both patients and staff. Information includes minutes\, attendance\, discussion\, findings\, conclusions\, recommendations\, and actions taken.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 27388,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Shift supervising RN meeting minutes,2000-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting,"These records are the minutes of meetings held with the Shift Supervising RN's and Nursing Administration. Information may include patient care and treatment\, policy and procedures\, standarization and changes in care\, inservices\, nursing vacancies\, implementation of nursing practice\, etc. The minutes include attendance\, date and place of meeting\, topics discussed\, conclusions and action register.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 84880,Department of Human Services.$bDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.$bState Hospital,Unit nursing directors meeting minutes,1984-2015.,Chronological,"These minutes document discussion held with all Unit Nursing Directors and Nursing Administration. Discussion may include patient care and treatment\, policy and procedures\, standardization and changes in care\, inservices\, nursing vacancies\, implementation of nursing practice\, etc. The minutes include attendance\, date and place of meeting\, topics discussed\, conclusions\, and action register.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 2584,State Mental Hospital,Lode Star publication,1963-1973.,Chronological.,In-house publication put out by the patients at the State Hospital.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 2590,State Mental Hospital,Provo Papers,1957-1976.,Chronological,This series contains publications of the Utah State Hospital Professional staff.,,Public, 2589,State Mental Hospital,Administrative records,1880-1968.,Alphanumerical.,"These administrative records contain various subject matter. They include contracts\, correspondence\, budgets\, minutes of hospital ward meetings\, physician's pyschotherapy sessions\, etc.",,Controlled,1 microfilm reel 2591,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Publications,1899-,Chronological.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical. If unique\, see Schedule 1 Item 44.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.35 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 6503,State Mental Hospital,Annual reports,1896-1968.,Chronological.,This series contains reports of State Mental Hospital (Insane Asylum) activities from the previous year.,,Public,2 microfilm reels 8644,Department of Human Services. Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. State Hospital,Microfilm locator cards,1885-1995.,Alphabetical by patient surname.,"This series is an alphabetical card index system used to locate patient information on microfilm rolls. Before 1965 the information on these cards included the patient's age\, date of birth\, family history\, marital status\, name\, name of kin\, psychiatric diagnoses\, race\, religious preference\, sex and social security number. In 1965 the office quit recording diagnosis and family information on the cards. Creation of these cards was discontinued in 1995 as the electronic medical record maintains the admission and discharge information. Historical cards are only kept to locate patient information on microfilm.",Retain permanently,Controlled, 10200,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Acuity report records,1991-,Chronological by date of report,"These records support the agency's objective to care for all persons with severe mental disorders (Utah Code 62A-15-610(2011)). These records document the amount of staff needed for each unit during each shift. Information includes individual unit staffing levels\, patient status (assaultive\, suicidal\, etc.)\, admissions\, on and off ground appointments\, discharges\, high security patients and census verification.",Retain for 30 day(s),Controlled, 9886,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Discharge/Transfer Notification,1988-,Chronological.,"This series includes notification of transfer to a different unit or discharge from treatment to applicable departments. This data is duplicated in the individual patient's medical case file. Information includes the patient's name\, admission date\, discharge date\, discharge type\, county released to\, to whom the patient was released\, patient's residential address and referral for follow up.",Retain for 1 month(s),Controlled, 82180,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Safety Check Sheet,1987-,Chronological.,"This record is generated daily and shows the status of each patient on the unit. This form is used to track 15 minute checks conducted on every patient through the 24 hour period. The record includes patient names\, hospital number\, status\, leave\, etc.",Retain for 2 month(s) after completion of publication or report,Controlled, 24244,State Mental Hospital,Photographs,ca. 1908-1970.,none,"Photographs\, primarily black and white\, some with negatives\, of State Hospital patients and buildings.,Records which document an agency's history. Includes scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and information about events and programs sponsored or funded by an agency. May also include narrative audio and audiovisual agency histories.",,Public, 28469,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Hospital History Records,1885-,chronological,"These records have been gathered by a hospital employee seeking to preserve the history of the State Hospital. Included are photographs\, correspondence\, patient and staff newsletters\, newspaper articles\, building information including dedications\, ribbon cuttings and other events. They may include patient names and other personal identifiers.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 30217,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Here I Am documentary film footage,1973.,None.,"These records document the organization and reorganization of governmental entities. Information includes history\, functional information\, geographical boundaries\, organizational files and related records.",,Public,0.50 cubic foot 81981,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Admitting registers,1885-,Chronological.,"Records which document an agency's history. Includes scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and information about events and programs sponsored or funded by an agency. May also include narrative audio and audiovisual agency histories.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Exempt,1 microfilm reel 30222,State Mental Hospital,Utah State Hospital Employees Credit Union records,1975-1980.,None.,"These records document the organization and reorganization of governmental entities. Information includes history\, functional information\, geographical boundaries\, organizational files and related records.",,Public, 30232,Department of Human Services. Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. State Hospital,Facilities improvement and construction documentation,ca. 1994-2003.,Chronological.,"These records document the organization and reorganization of governmental entities. Information includes history\, functional information\, geographical boundaries\, organizational files and related records.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 11894,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Murdock Academy property survey report,1926.,None.,"This series contains a 26-page typescript report describing the condition of the former Fort Cameron / Murdock Academy property located just east of Beaver City. The Academy had closed in 1922 and the owners of the property had offered the it to the State of Utah for use as a state institution for the ""feebleminded"" or as a branch of the State Hospital. Fred W. Taylor\, assistant physician at the State Hospital\, visited the property in August 1926 to evaluate the suitability of the property for a State Hospital facility and created the report based on his observations. The report covers such topics as the historical background of the property\, current ownership\, water supply\, property location and access\, description of buildings on the property\, and suitability of the buildings for hospital use. Included in the report are a number of hand-drawn maps of the property and a series of black and white photographs.,Records which document an agency's history. Includes scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and information about events and programs sponsored or funded by an agency. May also include narrative audio and audiovisual agency histories.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 17907,State Mental Hospital,Visiting committee log book,1886-1895.,Chronological,"This series is comprised of a single volume labeled ""Visiting Committee"". It is apparently a log of visits to the Territorial Insane Asylum by members of the Asylum Board of Directors. Entries typically include the date of the visit\, a description of conditions the visitor(s) found at the Asylum\, and the signatures of the visitors. The log documents such things as the cleanliness of the wards\, problems with the sewer system\, problems with Asylum farming operations\, overcrowded conditions in the Asylum\, and ongoing lack of funds.,Records created by an official committee or board\, including advisory committees\, relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. May include audio and video recording.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 26128,Department of Human Services. Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. State Hospital,Medical Staff Meeting minutes,1989-1996.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"Minutes of Medical Staff Meeting. Records in this series contain date of meeting\, individuals in attendance\, and topics discussed. Records may contain specific patient information.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 84884,Department of Human Services. Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. State Hospital,Human rights committee minutes,1984-1998.,Chronological,"This committee focuses on protecting the rights of the patient and ensuring that rights are not being violated or withheld. This committee is comprised of staff\, private citizens and public interest groups. Topics of discussion and issues include the general care and well being of the patient\, patient rights\, and alleged violations of rights. This series includes name of individuals present\, date of meeting and patient information.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 26150,Department of Human Services. Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. State Hospital,Performance Improvement Council minutes,1996-2015.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"This committee oversees outcome tracking data and compliance to state and federal law and regulations. It reviews areas for service improvement and monitors quality of services to patients\, staff and visitors. The minutes document attendance\, topics discussed\, and decisions/recommendations made in relation to ongoing operations and function of the hospital. Some patient-specific information is contained in records in this series.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Private, 82135,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Patient electroencephalogram tracings,1957-,"Numerical by EEG number, thereunder chronological","This series contains patient electroencephalogram (EEG)tracings (a linear graph of the electric current generated by the brain). The EEG is useful in detecting and localizing brain injuries and tumors\, in differentiating forms of epilepsy\, and detecting brain degeneration. It is used to rule out organic brain syndrome and monitor seizure activity. These records are admissible in a court of law to aid in the determination of insanity when an insanity plea has been entered. This series includes patient EEG tracings and EEG Requisition Forms that includes patient's name\, date of birth\, medical information\, name of referring physician\, and technician's comments regarding test administration. Up until 1992 this series contained only abnormal tracings\, but that year the agency began keeping all tracings together in a single series.",Retain for 7 year(s) after case is closed,Private, 6016,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Survey reports,1980-,Chronological.,"These are surveys conducted by The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to ensure that the hospital is meeting all of the requirements for participation in Medicare/Medicaid. Information includes: the date of the survey\, the names of the surveyors\, the name and address of the hospital\, the department or departments surveyed\, the results of the survey\, statement of compliance with federal conditions\, a statement of deficiencies (if any)\, and a plan of correction\, if necessary.",Retain permanently,Public, 26134,Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Substance Use and Mental Health. State Hospital,Governing Body meeting records,1993-,Chronological by date of meeting.,"The Governing Body is responsible for the oversight of the Utah State Hospital\, which includes assisting with institutional planning and approving hospital policies\, monitoring treatment services and resource allocations\, appointing medical staff members and approving their activities\, overseeing safety and risk management\, and participating in the Joint Commission survey process. Minutes document committee discussions\, resolutions or recommendations made\, and contain meeting agendas\, approved meeting minutes\, and all supplemental materials used for discussion\, which may include patient medical records.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 17619,Department of Human Services. Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. State Hospital,Minutes,1894-2015.,,"Minutes of the State Hospital provide a treasures report\, monthly report\, secretaries report and financial reports along with miscellaneous business.",,Private,2 microfilm reels