seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 14134,Midvale (Utah),Cemetery plots ownership certificates,1943-,Numerical by certificate number,"These are copies of certificates issued to plot owners. They are used as a cross reference to plot deeds to record if grave has perpetual care. They include certificate number\, date issued\, name\, amount paid\, receipt number\, and grave location.",Retain permanently,Public, 14133,Midvale (Utah),Scrapbooks,1988-,Chronological.,"These books contain a chronological record of the city. They include photographs\, newspaper clippings and other items pertaining to the activities\, actions\, and reactions of citizens. Usually filed chronologically by calendar year\, then by date.",Retain permanently,Public, 14132,Midvale (Utah),Planning Commission minutes,1984-,Chronological,"These are minutes of meetings and hearings held by the planning commission. ""Each municipality may enact an ordinance establishing a planning commission"" (UCA 10-9-201(1)(a)(1997)). A municipal planning commission shall ""prepare and recommend a general plan and amendments to the general plan; recommend zoning ordinances and maps\, amendments to zoning ordinances and maps; administer provisions of the zoning ordinance; recommend subdivision regulations and amendments to those regulations; recommend approval or denial of subdivision applications; advise the legislative body of matters as the legislative body directs; hear or decide any matters that the legislative body designates\, including the approval or denial of\, or recommendations to approve or deny\, conditional use permits; exercise any other powers that are necessary to enable it to perform or function\, or delegated to it by the legislative body"" (UCA 10-9-204 (1997)).",Retain permanently,Public, 10680,Midvale (Utah),Minutes,1909-,Chronological,"These are the official minutes of regular\, special\, and emergency meetings of municipal committees\, boards\, and task forces.",Retain permanently,Public,4 microfilm reels 14136,Midvale (Utah),Board of Adjustment minutes,1985-1993.,Chronological,"These minutes document all meetings of the Board of Adjustment. They are used to reference requests\, discussions\, and decisions of the Board.",,Public, 29300,Midvale (Utah),General plan,2016-,none,"These are comprehensive plans for municipal development adopted by the city commission. ""Each municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive\, long-range general plan for present and future needs of the municipality; and growth and development of all or any part of the land within the municipality"" (Utah Code 10-9a-401(1) (2005)). ""The planning commission shall make and recommend to the [city commission] a proposed general plan for the area within the municipality"" (Utah Code 10-9a-403(1)(b) (2012)). The plans serve as a guide for decision-making on rezoning and other planning proposals and as the goals and policies of municipalities attempting to guide land use in local jurisdictions. The plans include ""planning commission's recommendations for the development of the territory covered by the plan\, and may include\, among other things: (a) a land use element; (b) a transportation and circulation element; (c) an environmental element; (d) a public service and facilities element; (e) a rehabilitation\, redevelopment\, and conservation element; (f) an economic element; (g) recommendations for implementing the plan\, including the use of zoning ordinances\, subdivision ordinances\, capital improvement plans\, and other appropriate actions; and any other elements that the municipality c,a rehabilitation\, redevelopment\, and conservation element; (f) an economic element; (g) recommendations for implementing the plan\, including the use of zoning ordinances\, subdivision ordinances\, capital improvement plans\, and other appropriate actions; and any other elements that the municipality considers appropriate"" (Utah Code 10-91-403 (3) (2012)). The plan may also include maps\, plats\, and charts.",Retain permanently,, 29393,Midvale (Utah),Budgets,2008-,none,The budget is a plan for financial operations for a fiscal year. It documents the actual spending of a governmental entity and may be certified by a budget officer and filed with the state auditor.,Retain permanently,, 10682,Midvale (Utah),Ordinances,1909-,Chronological,"These books contain the legislative action of city council to regulate\, require\, prohibit. govern\, control\, or supervise any activity\, business\, conduct\, or condition authorized by UCA 10-3-701 to 714. An ordinance includes the title\, preamble\, an ordaining clause\, subject of ordinance\, when applicable\, penalty of violation\, effective date\, signature of mayor or acting mayor\, and municipal seal.",Retain permanently,Public,3 microfilm reels 14135,Midvale (Utah),Interment register,1923-1994.,Chronological by date of burial.,"This series documents burials in the City Cemetery in a ledger format. Information recorded includes the burial number\, permit number\, name of the deceased\, sex\, age\, place of death\, date of death\, cause of death\, attending physician\, date of burial\, location of grave\, deed number\, undertaker\, and a column for remarks which often contains information about lot ownership. Not all columns are completed for all persons. At the beginning of the reel is a brief history of the cemetery and of the cemetery sexton's office written in 1943. The last item is a map of the burial plots in the cemetery.",,Public,1 microfilm reel