seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 23627,Paragonah (Utah),Compiled ordinances,"1916, 1989-","Chronological, thereunder numerical by chapter and title number within each book.","The ""Compiled Ordinances of Paragonah\, Utah"" (1916) were published by authority of the town board and president\, and according to the minutes of that board\, took effect 15 November 1916. These ordinances establish the town boundaries and general provisions for municipal government. They detail the responsibilities of all town officers. The ordinances regulate activity within the town by defining misdemeanors and nuisances\, and by establishing a variety of regulations. These include such things as licensing dogs\, controlling the sale of beer\, and establishing curfews. The ""Revised Ordinances of the Town of Paragonah"" (1989) are similar to the original ordinances\, but contain expanded regulations around building construction\, fire codes and zoning regulations. They also contain expanded general provisions and more extensive crime definitions.,These books contain the legislative action of city council to regulate\, require\, prohibit\, govern\, control\, or supervise any activity\, business\, conduct\, or condition authorized by UCA 10-3-701 to 715 (1977). An ordinance includes a number\, a title\, preamble\, an ordaining clause\, the body or subject of ordinance\, when applicable\, penalty of violation\, effective date\, signature of mayor or acting mayor\, and municipal seal.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 23630,Paragonah (Utah),Resolutions,1976-,Chronological.,"This series contains the resolutions of the Paragonah town board as signed by the town clerk and mayor or board president. The resolutions establish rates and policies and procedures pertaining to public utilities like electricity and garbage collection. Beginning in 1993\, the town board passed an annual resolution to adopt a specific budget for the upcoming year. Through resolution the town board made official statements about external matters. Some of these include protests against the Piute Indian Tribe's acquisition of additional reservation lands\, and against classification of land in Zion National Park as wilderness area. Through resolutions the board appointed a Y2K coordinator (for computer conversions from the year 1999 to 2000)\, terminated the justice of the peace court\, supported the creation of the Iron County Coordination Council\, and adopted zoning ordinances and a new town survey.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 23629,Paragonah (Utah),Zoning ordinance,1984.,Numerical by ordinance and title number.,"This publication\, entitled ""Uniform Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Paragonah\,"" states that the purpose of this ordinance is to promote the health\, prosperity\, convenience\, safety\, morals and order for the present and future inhabitants of Paragonah; to foster a rural environment and protect urban development; and to secure economy in government expenditures. In this zoning ordinance\, the town board established a planning commission to oversee community development (chapter 2) and a board of adjustment to hear and decide appeals or requests for exceptions to the ordinances (chapter 3). In addition to defining these agencies\, the zoning ordinance established zoning districts for mobile homes\, single residential dwellings\, commercial buildings and residential estates. It also defined regulations for buildings and established off street parking requirements. State law authorizes Utah cities and towns to establish zoning laws\, planning commissions and boards of adjustment (Utah Code\,,Unannotated 10-9-1-30\, 1988).",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23864,Paragonah (Utah),Ordinances,1949-,Chronological by document date.,"The governing body of each Utah municipality exercises its legislative powers through ordinances (Utah Code Unannotated\, 1991\, 10-3-707). The first ordinance in this series\, passed in 1949\, deals with annexing additional property into the city. The next ordinance\, passed in 1976\, is an ordinance adopting revised codified ordinances for Paragonah. Thereafter\, included ordinances address a number of issues such as curfews\, elections\, street addresses\, waste dumping\, misdemeanors\, dogs\, traffic regulation\, sales tax\, water supply protection\, flood damage protection\, recreational vehicles\, youth homes\, and cable television.,These books contain the legislative action of city council to regulate\, require\, prohibit\, govern\, control\, or supervise any activity\, business\, conduct\, or condition authorized by UCA 10-3-701 to 715 (1977). An ordinance includes a number\, a title\, preamble\, an ordaining clause\, the body or subject of ordinance\, when applicable\, penalty of violation\, effective date\, signature of mayor or acting mayor\, and municipal seal.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 23626,Paragonah (Utah),Town board minutes,1916-,Chronological.,"The Paragonah town clerk summarized the proceedings of the Paragonah town board meetings in minutes which were read and approved at each board meeting. The town board consists of a president (mayor) and four trustees\, who are responsible to exercise the community's legislative and executive powers (see Utah Code\, Unannotated\, 1991\, 10-3-101\, also Compiled Ordinances of Paragonah\, 1916\, chapters 7-8). The town board is responsible for all aspects of town government\, such as appointing community officials\, levying taxes\, establishing a budget\, maintaining public services and utilities\, and regulating activity within the city. From 1916-1959 the minutes provide complete detail on every expenditure authorized by the board. The minutes discuss the appointment of city officers\, problem issues\, and progress on community development projects. In 1921 Paragonah constructed an electrical power plant on Paragonah Creek and installed 'artificial lighting' in the community. Thereafter\, issues,relating to municipal electricity dominated town board discussions for the rest of the century. Problems included maintaining poles\, meters\, transformers and other equipment; addressing chronic complains about poor service; responding to requests for reduced rates or extended service (annexation requests from residents outside city limits); and especially collecting delinquent electric utility bills. After 1960 Paragonah began purchasing supplementary power from other companies. In the late 1940s and again in the early 1970s the board discussed selling the Paragonah plant\, but each time opted to keep and upgrade it. In 1968 the city installed a new culinary water system\, and from that point water maintenance shared the table with electricity as a topic for town board discussion. The town board addressed other issues such as controlling animals\, maintaining streets\, ditches and the cemetery\, providing a trash service and fire protection. After 1980 the board discussed zoning issues,regulations and the development of a master plan for Paragonah. The town board also sponsored holiday celebrations and parties.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2 microfilm reels 23645,Paragonah (Utah),Planning and zoning commission minutes,1973-,Chronological by date of meeting. The minutes are preceded by agenda and notices of public meetings which are also chronological.,"Utah law authorizes each municipality to establish a planning commission to be responsible for preparing and recommending a general plan for municipal growth and development and recommending zoning ordinances (Utah Code 10-9-201(1)(a)\, 1992). The commission can be responsible for administering the provisions of the zoning ordinances. It can recommend approval or denial of subdivision applications\, advise the legislative body\, and hear or decide any matters that the legislative body designates (Utah Code 10-9-204\, 1992). The Paragonah planning and zoning commission addressed individual petitions such as requests for commercial activity at residences and annexation requests. The commission also worked on city planning and drafting ordinances for town board approval. These issues included formulating a dog ordinance and drafting recommendations for a kennel\, working on an affordable housing plan\, and updating the Paragonah general plan. The minutes report the time and place of meeting\,,list those in attendance\, and summarize the discussion.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 23648,Paragonah (Utah),Burial permits,1909-1962.,Chronological by date of permit.,"The Paragonah sexton created burial permits granting permission for persons to be buried in the Paragonah Cemetery. In addition to the name of the person to be buried\, each permit also indicates his or her age\, date and place of death\, place of birth\, and sometimes the cause of death. In each case the sexton's signature verifies that the individual was buried in the Paragonah Cemetery. At the end of this book the sexton created a list of all individuals who own cemetery lots. The list identifies the owner's name\, the lot number\, and date payment was made.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23647,Paragonah (Utah),Cemetery deeds,1913-,"Chronological by date issued, thereunder by certificate or deed number.","Utah city or county recorders keep cemetery deeds to document burial rights in community cemeteries (Compiled Laws of Utah 15-10-632x5\, 632x6\, 1907). Cemetery deeds in this series convey burial rights\, or ownership of Paragonah Cemetery plots to individuals from the LDS ward bishop (1913-1917) or the town president (1919-present). In 1917\, the town board passed an ordinance which passed ownership of the city cemetery from church to town (Paragonah town board minutes\, 16 Nov 1917). Each deed identifies a specific plot and certifies that the purchaser has paid for it. Deeds are dated and signed by the bishop or town president.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 23646,Paragonah (Utah),Interment register,1899-,,"The Paragonah sexton created a register of persons who were buried in the Paragonah cemetery. This register begins with a map of the cemetery which identifies the owner of each plot. The general map is followed by maps for each plot\, which indicate who was buried in the plot and in what position. Each map is accompanied by a list of information pertaining to the persons buried therein\, including full name\, birth date and place\, names of mother and father\, death date and place\, burial date\, and name of spouse.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1 microfilm reel 23628,Paragonah (Utah),Annual Audits,1961-1965; 1968-1989; 1991-,Chronological,"These are reports prepared by external auditors examining and verifying the municipality's financial activities for the year. ""The audit required for any fiscal year shall be completed within six calendar months after the close of the fiscal year"" (UCA 51-2-2 (1997)). The audit is required to include ""the financial statements; the auditor's opinion on the financial statements; a statement by the auditor expressing positive assurance of compliance with state fiscal laws identified by the state auditor; a copy of the auditor's letter to management that identified any material weaknesses in internal controls discovered by the auditor\, and other financial issues related to the expenditure of funds received from federal\, state\, or local governments to be considered by management; and management's response to the specific recommendations"" (UCA 51-2-3(1)(a) (1997)).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,