seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 4607,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Police arrest register,"1908-1917, 1932-1938.",Chronological by date of arrest.,"This series is one volume of police arrest information. It was created in order to maintain a history of arrests in the Town of Bingham Canyon. The pages in this volume have spaces for the date of arrest\, name of prisoner\, offence alleged\, name of arresting officer\, and remarks. The remarks column usually contains information on the disposition of the case (e.g.\, release\, amounts of fines imposed\, etc.). In addition to arrest information\, this volume contains a list of stolen cars on page 296 and a list of thefts in 1938 on page 219.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 4590,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Correspondence and subject files,1904-1972.,"Alphabetical by name of correspondent or subject heading; thereunder, chronological by date of correspondence.","This series contains the surviving correspondence and subject files of the city of Bingham Canyon. The correspondence from the different offices of the city was filed together with the day-to-day correspondence documenting the implementation of public policy. The correspondence with other governments documents compliance with state and national laws or regulations. The series includes correspondence with other governmental bodies\, citizens\, potential vendors\, and companies doing business in Bingham Canyon. The material can relate to any subject and includes citizen petitions\, applications for employment or licenses\, reports to state and national governments\, notification of noncompliance with ordinances\, and personnel matters.",,Public,4.00 cubic feet 7 microfilm reels 4599,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Ordinances and resolutions,1904-1971.,,"This series consists of files containing the ordinances and a handful of resolutions passed by the Bingham Canyon Town Board (1904-1938) and City Council (1938-1971). This series documents the history of the laws of Bingham Canyon over the entire period that the municipality existed. Included in this series is the text of the ordinance or resolution accompanied by the names of the council or board members voting for the ordinance or resolution\, the date of passage\, and certification of passage by the Town or City Clerk. Topics include regulation of traffic and parking\, budgets\, sanitation measures\, official salaries\, occupational licenses\, and other matters within the jurisdiction of the municipal government. The series also includes a copy of the ""Revised Ordinances of 1930"" and a few proofs of publication.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 4596,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Candidate petitions,1951-1957.,Chronological by date of filing.,"This series consists of candidacy petitions for Bingham Canyon and is maintained to document nominations of candidates for city offices. The nomination of candidates was governed by Utah Code\, 20-3-38. The petitions are accompanied by a signed statement of candidacy and include the candidates name\, address\, filing and election dates\, signature of notary public\, office sought\, and a statement that the nominee is of good moral character.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 4585,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Clerk's annual report,1920-1921.,Chronological by month of entry.,"This series is composed of the annual report prepared by the town clerk for Bingham Canyon in 1921. The report was kept to support the financial management of the town of Bingham Canyon and includes monthly receipts\, disbursements\, and monthly totals.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17458,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Justice of the Peace civil dockets,"1912-1914, 1939-1958.",,"This series consists of three volumes which document the civil proceedings before the Bingham Canyon Justice of the Peace. The series was maintained in order to document the history of actions before the J.P. court. The series shows the names of the plaintiff(s)\, complainant\, defendant(s)\, and justice of the peace; judicial precinct within which the proceedings took place; a transcript of the proceedings; judgment entered; and record of satisfaction of judgments.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17354,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Ordinance and resolution register,1932-1957.,,"This series contains the ordinances and resolutions passed by the Bingham Canyon Town Board (1932-1938) and City Council (1938-1957). These documents are pasted into a scrapbook which also includes proofs of publication. Publication of ordinances is required by state law [see Revised Statutes of Utah (1898)\, sec. 205; Compiled Laws of Utah (1907)\, sec. 205; Compiled Laws of Utah (1917)\, sec. 556; Utah Code (1933 and 1943)\, 15-6-12; Utah Code (1953)\, 10-6-12; Utah Code (1953\, as amended 1984)\, 10-3-711]. Included is the text of the ordinance or resolution\, date of passage\, names of board or council members voting in favor\, and certification of passage by the Town or City Clerk. Also included is certification by a local newspaper publisher of publication of the ordinance. Topics include regulation of traffic and parking\, budgets\, sanitation measures\, official salaries\, occupational licenses\, and other matters within the,jurisdiction of the municipal government.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17439,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Budget case files,1955-1972.,Chronological by fiscal year for which the budget was prepared.,"These files contain the budget worksheets\, final budgets\, correspondence with the state auditor and county assessor\, and ordinances and resolutions to implement the city's budgets. The series was created to support the planning of public expenditures in Bingham Canyon and to document levels of expenditures for various departments and functions. Information includes line item amounts authorized to be spent\, expected revenues\, tax levies\, and related information.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17409,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Cash books,1904-1956.,Chronological by date of entry. The three volumes were not filmed in order.,This series records the entries affecting the Cash Account of Bingham Canyon and was created to establishing control of the cities cash flow. Information includes dates and amounts of receipts and the account credited.,,Public,0.50 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 17440,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Audit reports,"1916, 1931-1971.",Chronological by date of audit.,This series is composed of reports prepared by outside auditors and are prepared to assure the integrity of the city's accounting and financial systems. The reports include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial accounting and control procedures of the city and recommendations for improvement where necessary. Copies of balance sheets or income statements are frequently included in the reports.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 17441,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Financial statements,"1929-1931, 1955-1970.",Chronological by date of statement.,"This series is composed of balance sheets and income statements prepared for Bingham Canyon. The series was created to support effective financial administration. The financial statements reveal account balances and amounts expended and received by line item. When the financial statements have been published\, proof of publication is also included in the file.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17530,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Recorder's official records,ca. 1921-1952.,Chronological by date of document.,"This series contains the surviving files of recorded documents from the City Recorder's office. Documents include wills\, contracts\, affidavits\, and other documents which were filed with the City Recorder. The documents are maintained in order to establish a record of their existence. Filing the documents in the recorder's office could serve as a ""back-up"" in the event private individuals lost their own copies of important documents.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17461,Bingham Canyon (Utah),City Attorney records,1954-1971.,"The series is arranged alphabetically by subject (i.e., complaints, correspondence, and reference notes).","This series appears to comprise the surviving portion of a City Attorney's Correspondence and Subject Files series. It includes complaints for violations of city ordinances (1954-1959)\, correspondence (1960-1971)\, and reference notes (undated). The series was created in order to document the activities of the Bingham Canyon City Attorney and to support the performance of his duties. The complaints show the names of the defendant and complainant\, court in which filed\, alleged crime (including ordinmance citation)\, and date of complaint. Correspondence in this series is primarily concerned with the gradual takeover of the land in Bingham Canyon by Kennecott Copper Corporation and related litigation. Reference notes include information gathered by the City Attorney on various points of the law\, including notes which were likely collected by one of the city attornies for private practice.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17459,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Justice of the Peace cash books,1906-1910.,Chronological by date of payment of fine or forfeiture.,"This series contains a record of forfeitures or fines paid in the Justice of the Peace court in Bingham Canyon. The series was created in order to support the creation of the Justice of the Peace reports presented to the Bingham Canyon Town Council and to maintain a record of receipts from these sources. Entries show the name of the defendant\, amounts paid\, dates paid\, and charge for which fined. Periodically\, approximately at two week intervals\, the amounts are totaled and followed with a certifying statement and the signature of the Justice of the Peace.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 17460,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Justice of the Peace criminal minute books,1910-1915.,Chronological by date of proceedings.,"This volume is a record of the criminal proceedings before the Bingham Canyon Justice of the Peace. It was maintained in order to establish a record of the actions of the Justice of the Peace Court. Each entry consists of a case number\, defendant name\, and a description of the proceedings (e.g.\, continuance\, dismissal\, verdict\, fine assessed\, etc.). The entry may include additional information\, such as the names of attorneys.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 4589,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Justice of the Peace criminal dockets,"1912-1925, 1927-1929, 1938-1951, 1955-1956.",Chronological by date of commencement of proceedings,"This series documents the criminal proceedings before the Bingham Canyon Justice of the Peace. The series was maintained in order to document the history of the actions of the J.P. court. The series shows the names of the defendant\, attorneys\, justice of the peace\, and complainant; charge against the defendant; dates of offense\, issuance and return of arrest warrant\, arraignment\, and trial; fines and costs paid; and sentence. Additional information may be included\, such as the names of jurors and witnesses.",,Public,6 microfilm reels 4587,Bingham Canyon (Utah),Minutes,1904-1972.,Chronological by date of meeting.,"This series\, created by the Town Board and City Council of Bingham Canyon\, documents the decision-making process of the municipal council\, providing a historical record of municipal government decisions and\, consequently\, a history of the major events in Bingham Canyon. The minutes include information such as time\, date\, location and names of those present at meetings; roll call vote results; lists of proposed expenditures; motions introduced; and decisions made by the municipal government. Topics include approval of bills and budgets\, approval of appoinments to municipal jobs\, proposed ordinances\, provision of public works\, and any other matters of immediate concern to the community. Occasionally\, additional documents have been inserted into the volumes. These documents include affidavits from municipal officers in support of loan applications.",,Public,1.85 cubic feet 4 microfilm reels