seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 29209,Public Service Commission,Historic tariff files,1969-1971,,These are documents that are related to tariffs imposed by the Commission.,,Public,6.00 cubic feet 28993,Public Service Commission,Notices of Hearings and Reports and Orders,1917-,Chronological by notice or order date.,This series contains mix of notices of Commission hearings and reports and orders. It also includes some other related documents.,,Public, 29094,Public Service Commission,Freight reference materials,1966-1970.,Chronological.,"This series contains reference materials regarding freight tariffs\, open and prepay stations\, freight classifications\, and railway equipment.",,Public, 13736,Public Service Commission,Tariffs,1982-,none,These are documents that are related to tariffs imposed by the Commission.,Retain for 10 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 7276,Public Service Commission,Preliminary payroll,1983-,Chronological,,Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 7286,Public Service Commission,Annual work program,1982-,Chronological,"This is a report based on real costs to the agency for employees\, documenting the employee cost to date plus projected and budget totals.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 7275,Public Service Commission,Deposits with State Treasurer,1983-,Chronological,Cash receipt transaction forms accompanying agency deposits to the State Treasurer's Office. These records include documentation of payments from the utility companies to the agency.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 7278,Public Service Commission,Warrant requests,1983-,Chronological.,These are requests from the agency to the Division of Finance to pay vendors for supplies and/or services.,Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 7281,Public Service Commission,American Express monthly statement,1983-,Chronological,"These are summary reports generated by American Express showing expenditures made by state employees involving American Express. It consists of a monthly accounts control report\, giving the cardholder\, the account number\, and the amount of charges.",Retain for 3 year(s),, 7282,Public Service Commission,Budget background records,1983-,Chronological,"These are working papers\, cost statements\, drafts of appropriation language sheets\, and other rough data used in the preparation of annual budget estimates.",Retain for 2 year(s),, 7277,Public Service Commission,Printing work orders,1983-,Chronological,,Retain for 1 year(s),, 7279,Public Service Commission,Interdepartmental transfers,1983-,Chronological.,This is a request to transfer funds to another agency's account.,Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 7284,Public Service Commission,Payroll posting to position control,1983-,Chronological,These are reports from the Division of Finance indicating the status of agency payroll transactions.,Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 7285,Public Service Commission,Payroll register,1983-,Chronological,,Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 297,Public Service Commission,Correspondence,1917-1975.,Alphanumerical.,"Correspondence documents the administration or management of the Public Service Commission\, office organization\, its policies\, procedures and achievements.",,Public, 623,Public Service Commission,Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) hearing transcripts,1933-1948.,Alphanumerical,"These records document hearings conducted by the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC). Information includes transcripts\, attendees\, notes\, correspondence\, and subject files.",,Public, 650,Public Service Commission,Transportation companies' financial records,1922-1937.,Alphanumerical.,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 295,Public Service Commission,Exhibits,1913-1981.,Alphanumerical.,"This series contains exhibits from Public Service Commission case files. The case files include transcriptions of testimonies before the commission\, correspondence from interested parties\, responses to interrogatories\, systems costs and bid estimates\, dockets\, technical specs and requests for rate increases.",,Public,33 microfilm reels 619,Public Service Commission,Railroad safety installation blueprints,1940-1950.,No arrangement,Documents consist of blueprints used in construction of Utah's railroad system. These blueprints map out the installation of safety devices and equipment along various lengths of track within the State.,,Public, 697,Public Service Commission,Dividend reports,1944-1970.,Alphanumerical,,,, 741,Public Service Commission,Interstate Commerce Commission hearing: Southern Pacific Railroad case documents,1951-1978.,"Numerical by case number, thereunder alphabetical by document title.","These records are Public Service Commission hearing documents containing records of land sales\, equipment sales\, fee schedule and tax rate changes\, and orders issued by the Commission.",,Public, 774,Public Service Commission,Railroad crossing case files,1959-1970.,Alphanumerical,,,, 758,Public Service Commission,Administrative records,1936-1979.,Alphanumerical,"This series contains reports\, case files\, correspondence\, memos\, rate schedules\, etc.",,Public, 713,Public Service Commission,Special permission case files,1927-1975.,"Alphabetical by company name, thereunder numerical by case number.","These records consist of files documenting special requests to change railroad tariff rates along specific sections of track within the State of Utah. These documents include correspondence\, orders issued by the Commission\, and company paperwork.",,Public, 636,Public Service Commission,Insurance bond inquiries correspondence,1939-1955.,Alphanumerical,These records contain files with a numbering system unique to the Public Service Commission for organizing utilities and the commission's correspondence with them. The correspondence is not part of the record. The file numbering system is maintained by the preservation of the organizing system represented by the labels on the empty files.,,Public, 648,Public Service Commission,Bamburger railroad timetable,1940-1955.,Alphanumerical,Records include the schedule for the Bamberger Railroad that operated in Utah between 1908 and 1953. It ran from Salt Lake City to Ogden and into Idaho.,,Public, 637,Public Service Commission,Western Classification Committee correspondence,1948-1952.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 649,Public Service Commission,Supreme court petitions,1939-1950.,Numerical by case number,These documents consist of soft bound small books and pamphlet publications documenting and summarizing petitions made by the Public Service Commission to the U.S. Supreme Court. These petitions were generally filed jointly with other states and private companies.,,Public, 624,Public Service Commission,Special permission orders,1923-1948.,Numerical by case number.,These records contain exhibits related to cases before the public service commission during the years 1943 to 1951 and inclusive of case numbers 4370 through 5601.,,Public, 667,Public Service Commission,Case abstracts,1928-,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by case number.","These records are summary abstracts produced by the Public Service Commission. The documents detail and summarize the dispositions and orders issued by the Commission as a result of formal Commission hearings. Information contained in these documents is summary of papers filed\, appearances\, orders issued\, and dispositions of hearings. These documents are arranged alphanumerically by individual case.",Permanent. Retain until final action,Public, 610,Public Service Commission,Interstate Commerce Commission applications case files,1941-1963.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 638,Public Service Commission,Railroad company correspondence,1949-1952.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 669,Public Service Commission,Subject files,1940-1959.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 696,Public Service Commission,Informal docket files,1931-1967.,Alphanumerical,"Cases not requiring a formal hearing were referred to as informal cases and comprise a separate series. Complaints could be brought by the commission's own motion or by any person or organization claiming a utility to be in violation of any law\, rule\, or order.",,Public, 763,Public Service Commission,Temporary permits,1933-1992.,Alphanumerical,"Applications for temporary\, seasonal\, or emergency permit\, or license\, under the provisions of section 11\, chapter 65\, Laws of Utah 1935 [which defines the issuing of certificates of convenience and necessity to motor carriers; section 11 specifically allows temporary permits for under 60 days]. The application forms give date\, name\, address\, type of permit\, period of permit\, commodity or passengers to be transported\, for whom\, between\, via highways\, description of equipment to be used\, insurance requirements met\, rate charged\, existing transportation facilities\, necessity for issuance of permit or license\, what extent have operated before\, signatures\, and denied or accepted with permit number.",,Public, 11249,Public Service Commission,Freight rate correspondence,1940-1952.,None,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 5354,Public Utilities Commission,Railroad and public utilities companies maps,1875-1920.,Alphanumerical,Railroad and public utilities company files including maps.,,Public,1 microfilm reel 16946,Public Service Commission,Shorthand notes of public hearings,1975-,Alphanumerical by utility name and hearing number.,"These are the complete records of all hearings before the Public Service Commission as recorded by the recorder under the requirements of UCA 54-7-11. This record includes the date and place of the hearing\, the topic of the hearing\, the individuals involved\, the name of the reporter\, and any order or decision of the Commission.",Retain for 3 year(s),, 16953,Public Service Commission,Transportation docket,1982-,alphabetical by carrier name.,"This is the record of applications by carriers such as trucks and buses to carry on interstate commerce and the decision by the commission whether to issue the necessary certificate. This authority is granted under UCA 54-6-17. This record includes application to operate\, insurance certificate\, balance sheet\, copy of contracts\, copy of permit\, copy of articles of incorporation\, notice of filing\, affidavit of publication\, notice of pre-hearing conference\, verified certification of shipper or witness support to Public Service Commission\, dismissal\, summary order of withdrawal\, and report and order granting certificate. Information includes the name and address of the company\, the name and address of the attorneys\, the date of hearings\, the date,of the orders\, the reason why the certificate is requested\, and financial information on the corporation.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 24984,Public Service Commission,Proprietary case file documents,1987-,Chronological by year and therein by case number.,"These documents are parts of case files generated by the Public Service Commission during the formal hearing process. These documents are under protective order by the Commission\, are not available for public inspection (U.C.A. 63-2-304)\, and are stored separately from the original case file. Information in these documents may include\, but is not limited to\, detailed information about pricing factors\, location\, confidential company financial information\, trade secrets\, contract agreements\, contracts\, complaints\, testimony\, exhibits\, rate services\, and cost figures. These documents are referenced on the hearing docket index.",Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s),Protected,5.00 cubic feet 22596,Public Service Commission,Utah Relay Service statistical reports,1988-1999.,Chronological by year,"These records document the yearly volume of telephone calls through the Deaf Relay Center via telecommunications devices for the deaf (TDDs)\, teletypewriter\, or text telephone\, all commonly referred to as TTYs. Records include the Work Stations Daily Report which lists the operators' names\, shifts\, and telephones to which they were assigned; and the Split/SkillSummary which shows averages for telephone calls including talk time.",,Public, 24312,Public Service Commission,Dockets,2002-,Chronological by docket number.,"This series contains documents submitted to the Public Service Commission along with orders and notices sent out by the Public Service Commission. These documents have been organized into dockets pertaining to the year\, the case opened\, the company involved\, and the numeric order of cases opened by the specific company. The cases contained in these dockets have been closed and have been saved in the Public Service Commission library. These dockets may also contain reporter's transcripts from hearings held before the Public Service Commissioner or the Public Service Commission's Administrative Law Judge. May also include correspondence\, exhibits\, notices\, orders\, transcripts and supporting documentation.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 834,Public Service Commission,Utility companies' ledgers,1922-1942.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 625,Public Service Commission,Audit reports,1923-1943.,Alphanumerical,Report prepared by internal or external auditors as a result of a financial audit.,,Public, 733,Public Service Commission,Railroad accident reports,1950-1957.,Chronological by year.,"These documents are railroad accident reports submitted by companies to the Public Service Commission. The information included in these documents is names\, event descriptions\, involved parties\, number of incidents\, location information\, descriptions of injuries\, and estimates of monetary damage to property.",,Public, 698,Public Service Commission,Investigation and suspension docket files,1918-,Alphanumerical.,"Records relating to investigations of various utilities operating in Utah. Individual files may contain such documents as: complaints\, findings\, orders\, printed reports of proceedings\, exhibit documents\, objections\, notes\, and correspondence between the commission and utilities.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 716,Public Service Commission,Mountain Fuel Supply Company cost study/case data,ca. 1946.,Alphanumerical,"These documents are case related. The documents consist of soft bound volumes of reports containing applications\, land use agreements\, land sale contracts and agreements\, and company financial reports.",,Public, 747,Public Service Commission,ICC Wycoff case file,1952-,Alphanumerical,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 723,Public Utilities Commission,Grade crossing permits case files,1919-1933.,Alphanumerical,"This series contains case files with information pertaining to grade crossing permit applications\, blueprints\, correspondence\, and permits.",,Public, 783,Public Service Commission,Transaction log,1970-1972.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",,Public, 2320,Public Service Commission,Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph cases exhibits,1937-1944.,Numerical by case number.,"These records consist of working papers\, accounting ledgers\, balance sheets\, dividend reports\, and asset reports used in formal Public Service Commission hearings.",,Public, 2531,Public Service Commission,Special permission cases correspondence,1952-1953.,Alphanumerical,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 693,Public Service Commission,Formal case indexes,1917-1976.,Alphabetical by name of individual or company,"These cards give the individual or company's name\, case number\, and a brief synopsis of the type of case (e.g.\, ""Petition to have depot established at Sigurd\, by Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Co.""; ""Application for a license to operate as a common carrier of bulk petroleum products between Wyoming refineries and points and places in Utah."").",,Public,2.35 cubic feet 27575,Public Service Commission,Informal docket index,1917-1976.,Alphabetical by name of individual or company.,"These cards give the individual or company's name\, case number\, and a brief synopsis of the type of case heard before the Public Service Commission in the form of an Informal Docket (abbreviated sometimes to ""I.D."").",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 30146,Public Service Commission,Governor portraits,1970-2020.,Chronological by date of governor's administration.,,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,,37.40 cubic feet 642,Public Service Commission,Case files,1917-,Numerical by case number.,"This series documents the formal proceedings of the Utah Public Service Commission as it carried out its legislative mandate to supervise and regulate all public utilities within the state. The case files represent pleadings before the commission in the form of complaints\, applications\, or petitions which required a formal hearing. Cases not requiring a formal hearing were referred to as informal cases and comprise a separate series. Complaints could be brought by the commission's own motion or by any person or organization claiming a utility to be in violation of any law\, rule\, or order. Applications may include requests for certificates of convenience and necessity\, contract carrier permits\, interstate licenses\, rate increases\, rate reductions\, relief from discriminatory charges\, establishment of railroad crossings\, switch connections and spurs\, school bus crossings\, and various other actions. The commission's jurisdiction extended over every gas\, electric\, telephone\, telegraph\,,water\, heat\, transportation\, and warehouse corporation which served the public for compensation. Notable cases include the dismantling of the Emigration Canyon Railroad in 1917. These records are also commonly referred to as formal hearings\, proceedings\, or dockets.",Permanent. Retain for 12 year(s),Public,418.0 cubic feet 628,Public Service Commission,Publications,1919-1985.,Chronological,"This series contains documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, and other published or processed documents. These records include information on administration\, legal matters\, fiscal and financial operations\, utilities\, rules\, regulations\, and all other activities of the Public Service Commission. This series consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 717,Public Service Commission,Uintah County cost and reclassification study records,1948-1949.,Alphanumerical.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 738,Public Service Commission,Southern Utah Power Company cost study records,1939-,Alphanumerical.,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",Retain permanently,Public, 735,Public Service Commission,Uintah Power Company cost study records,1955-,Alphanumerical.,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",Retain permanently,Public, 629,Public Service Commission,Contractor's section correspondence,1960-1961.,Alphanumerical.,"Business-related messages which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document the deliberations and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 356,Public Service Commission,Motor carriers annual reports,1926-1976.,"Alphabetical by name of company, thereunder chronological by year and month.","This series contains annual reports of motor carrier companies operating in Utah as filed with the Public Service Commission (formerly Public Utilities Commission). Reports may include information on: legal history of the company\, directors\, corporations under the control of the respondent\, publicly traded stock and shareholders\, financial assets and liabilities\, plants and equipment\, employee relief and pensions\, investments\, and operating revenues and expenses. For certain companies\, company annual publications and reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission may also be included.",,Public, 656,Public Service Commission,Freight line company's annual reports,1960-1967.,Alphanumerical.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 360,Public Service Commission,Utility companies annual reports,1917-1977.,"Alphabetical by name of company, thereunder chronological.","This series contains annual reports of utility companies operating in Utah as filed with the Public Service Commission (formerly Public Utilities Commission); included are companies from the water\, irrigation\, communication\, gas\, and electric industries. Reports may include information on: legal history of the company\, directors\, corporations under the control of the respondent\, publicly traded stock and shareholders\, financial assets and liabilities\, plants and equipment\, employee relief and pensions\, investments\, and operating revenues and expenses. For certain companies\, company annual publications and reports to the Federal Communications Commission may also be included.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 361,Public Service Commission,Railroad company annual reports,1917-1977.,"Alphabetical by name of company, thereunder chronological by year and month","This series contains the annual reports of railroad companies operating in Utah as filed with the Utah Public Service Commission (formerly Public Utilities Commission). Reports include identity of company; stockholders; assets and liabilities; funded debts; proprietary companies; investments; securities and advances; depreciation base and rates for roads and equipment; annual income account; operating revenues and expenses; miscellaneous income; mileage operated; employees\, services\, and compensation; compensation of officers and directors; fuel consumption; operating statistics; revenue freight carried; and equipment and property inventories. For certain companies\, company annual publications and reports to the Federal Communications Commission may also be included.,Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",,Public, 4998,Public Service Commission,Public utility rates cost studies,1958-1960.,Alphanumerical,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical. If unique\, see Schedule 1 Item 44.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 5483,Public Service Commission,Water utility companies annual reports,1955-1967.,Alphanumerical,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical. If unique\, see Schedule 1 Item 44.",,Public, 358,Public Service Commission,Transfer companies annual reports,i 1959-1967.,Alphanumerical.,"Documents created by the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, leaflets\, file manuals\, annual reports\, other published or processed documents\, and the last manuscript report\, if not published\, relating to management projects. Electronic versions of publications may be considered a duplicate if identical.",,Public, 5801,Public Service Commission,Photographs: Salt Lake telegram building,1890.,Alphanumerical.,"Scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and documentation of events sponsored or funded by an agency. Also included are narrative audio or audiovisual agency histories.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 646,Public Service Commission,Newspaper clippings,1941-1988.,Alphanumerical,"Scrapbooks\, photographs\, articles\, program notes and documentation of events sponsored or funded by an agency. Also included are narrative audio or audiovisual agency histories.",,Public, 13735,Public Service Commission,Contracts and agreements,undated,none,,Retain for 7 year(s),,1 microfilm reel 640,Public Service Commission,Annual reports,1917-,Chronological.,"This series contains reports of Public Service Commission activities for each year. Information includes agency activities\, agency staff\, history\, utilities\, electricity\, natural gas\, telecommunications\, water\, legislation\, and fiscal and financial operations.,Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 2 microfilm reels 618,Public Service Commission,Minutes,1945-,Chronological.,"Documents the activities and orders of the Public Service Commission in regard to motor carriers\, utilities (electric\, natural gas\, etc.)\, etc.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 16952,Public Service Commission,Hearing transcripts,1928-,"alphanumerical by utility name, hearing number.","These are transcripts of hearings before the Public Service Commission. They are transcribed on request from shorthand notes of the commission's reporter. This record includes the date and place of the hearing\, the topic of the hearing\, the individuals involved\, the name of the reporter\, and any order or decision of the Commission.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public,43 microfilm reels 632,Public Service Commission,General orders and amendments,1917-1963.,Alphabetical,These records consist of general orders from the Public Service Commission. The orders document the activities and decisions of the Public Service Commission.,,Public,2 microfilm reels 647,Public Service Commission,Business regulation commission minutes,1941-1949.,Alphanumerical,"Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committees\, relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. May include audio and video recordings if minutes are not taken.",,Public, 800,Public Service Commission,Policy and procedures manuals,1960-1969.,Alphanumerical.,Policies and procedures that govern the operation and administration of various programs within the organization.,Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public,