seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 81394,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Southern Pacific Land Company assessments,1921.,Chronological.,"These files contain the assessments for the Southern Pacific Land Company. This was a land development company which was assessed by the State Tax Commission. These files contain the name of the company; name of county; fiscal year; a listing of patented lands providing description\, section\, township\, range\, and acres; and a notarized statement verifying the accuracy of the information.",,Public, 82950,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Taxing area nomenclature records,1950-,"Alphabetical by city, county, or district","These files document the total taxing and annexation of property throughout the various counties. Includes county resolutions concerning property\, boundary plats\, city and surveyor certifications. Also includes specific parcel description to meet governmental inquiry purposes\, official and notarized annexation documents\, and all annexation plats pertaining to specific property within the file.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 82952,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Uranium mines property tax records,1960-,Alphabetical by mine name.,"These are records of correspondence and and other information between Uranium mines and the Tax Commission. The information includes property tax agreements\, tax rates\, property values and all other information concerning property taxation of uranium mines.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Protected, 82949,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Natural resource general records,1983-,Alphabetical by county,"These files contain information which is used by the Tax Commission to conduct audits of natural resource property. They also ensure that the property owner is complying with prior agreements made between the Tax Commission and property owner. They contain correspondence\, studies and research concerning various projects throughout the state\, budget and planning of these projects\, and all working papers in regard to all natural resources and related operations\, including mining. They include the names\, addresses\, and social security numbers of property owners.",Retain for 10 year(s),Protected, 82951,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Property deeds,1985-,Alphabetical by county,"These deeds document the current property description or any changes made in regards to the property. These property deeds are only from utility companies or from businesses who own property which crosses county lines. UCA 59-2-313(1990) requires the county assessors to furnish this information to the Tax Commission. These deeds and other tax information originate from the counties. Includes description of property\, maps\, plats\, correspondence\, claim cards\, patents\, trustee statements\, and property transfer deeds\, such as mineral notices of ownership. Also includes a legal description of the property; owners name and address; tax account number or social security number; tax assessments and tax collections.",Retain for 10 year(s),Protected, 30147,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Plat maps,1900-1970,Chronological by map number.,Plat maps,Retain permanently,Public, 30198,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,County ownership plat maps,ca. 1975-1980.,"Generally alphabetical by county name, thereunder numerical by book number.","Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps\, charts\, geospatial data sets \, aerial photographs\, globes\, models\, and raised relief maps. These are a graphic representation of the earth's surface drawn to scale.",,Public,35.00 cubic feet 29201,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Historic County property tax assessment records,1928.,,"This is a record of property tax assessments conducted by counties. They contain name of county\, valuations\, assessments\, collections\, correspondence\, and comparative summary reports. The Tax Commission no longer collects this information in this manner.",,Public,3.00 cubic feet 2480,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Public utilities property tax returns,1892-,"Chronological by date, thereunder alphabetical by subject.","Volumes of returns consisting of notarized affidavits\, property schedules\, and recapitulations submitted by public utilities as the basis of assessment and apportionment by the Tax Commission; related correspondence is often stapled to the returns. Utilities include transportation companies such as railroads\, [rail] cars\, automotive passenger companies\, automotive freight companies\, and airlines; power companies; oil and gas companies; water and other pipe line companies; telephone and telegraph companies; etc. Series created by the Board of Equalization prior to the creation of the Tax Commission in 1931.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Protected,2.00 cubic feet 96 microfilm reels 2476,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Natural resources annual property returns,i 1910-,"Chronological by date, thereunder alphabetical by subject.","Returns consist of notarized affidavits attesting to the validity of the accompanying schedules; property schedules detailing personal and\, after 1919\, real property; and by 1940\, recapitulations summarizing the property schedules for each county or taxing district in which the company operated. Related correspondence or Tax Commission calculations are often stapled to the returns. From 1919 through 1937\, net proceeds schedules for metalliferous mines showing gross yield minus certain deductions are part of this series. Profit and loss statements or ad valorem work sheets are present for most non-metalliferous extraction companies from the 1970s. The returns were submitted by natural resource extraction companies as the basis of,assessment and apportionment of taxes by the Tax Commission. Natural resources assessed include metal mines (e.g. gold\, silver\, lead) and non-metal mines (e.g. coal\, oil\, gas\, salt\, etc.)",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Protected,54 microfilm reels 2496,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Natural resources assessment records,1909-,"Chronological by date, thereunder alphabetical by subject.","Record books of property schedules produced to show the values at which the Tax Commission assessed natural resource extraction companies' property in counties and taxing districts. Includes: personal property\, 1909-; real property\, 1919-; certifications testifying to the validity of the information\, 1909-1937; and recapitulations summarizing the total values of the holdings in each district for companies with holdings in multiple taxing districts\, late 1930's-. Natural resource companies assessed include metal mines (e.g.\, gold\, silver\, lead\, etc.) and non-metal mines (e.g.\, coal\, oil\, gas\, salt\, etc.) Missing volumes: S-Z\, 1929; S-Z\, 1930; U-Z\, 1954.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Public,81 microfilm reels 4119,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Public utilities assessment records,1896-,Chronological by date.,"These books contain property schedules and recapitulations showing the assessed valuation of public utility company property in each county or taxing district as determined by the Board of Equalization and after 1930 by the successor agency\, the Tax Commission. These records also contain reports from railroad companies showing the mileage loaded and empty for the rail cars of private companies which travel on the railroad companies' tracks. Mileage is a basis of assessment for private car companies. Utility companies assessed here are those which operate across county lines. Utilities include transportation companies such as railroads\, [rail] cars\, automotive passenger companies\, automotive freight companies\, and airlines; power companies; oil and gas companies; water and other pipe line companies; telephone and telegraph companies; etc.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Public,90 microfilm reels 22378,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Interim value and tax statistics reports,1989-,Chronological by date.,"These reports contain interim statistical data for taxable value and taxes charged with information pertaining to real estate\, land\, buildings\, personal property\, taxes\, utilities\, and tax rates.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 14266,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Occupation tax and net proceeds returns,1938-,Chronological by date.,"Occupation tax returns and net proceeds returns submitted by metalliferous mining companies (1938-)\, and oil and gas companies (1956-) to the Tax Commission as the basis for assessment of taxes. Both types of returns identify the mine or well owner and mines or wells involved. The occupation tax is based on the gross value of production. Net proceeds taxes are based on the value of mineral deposits\, determined by calculating sales less business deductions over one or more years. The necessary information on production and sales and calculations are part of the respective returns. The 1980 and 1984 occupation tax statements for both oil and gas and mines are missing. Starting in 1985 the individual volumes are labeled ""Statements of Net Proceeds & 609 Variations.""",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Protected,10 microfilm reels 16574,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessment sales ratio studies,1970-,Chronological,These studies are used to evaluate the appraisal performance of taxable real property. They are used to publish the relationship between the assessed and market values of property to determine assessment sales ratios for each type of taxable real property within taxing districts.,Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,1.00 cubic foot 2318,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,County property tax assessment records,1928-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by county","This is a record of property tax assessments conducted by counties. They contain name of county\, valuations\, assessments\, collections\, correspondence\, and comparative summary reports. The Tax Commission no longer collects this information in this manner.",Permanent. Retain for 7 year(s),Private,1 microfilm reel 14252,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Public utility and natural resources recapitulations,1938-,Chronological by date.,Total valuations for both public utility companies and natural resource companies. One section shows total values for each type of company. Other shows allocations to each county for each type of company. Also includes taxation codes.,,Public, 14255,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessments made and corrected,1910-1935.,Chronological,Lists what schedules and total amounts for both initial and corrected appraisals on mines and utilities (including railroads). Gives the company and its assessment in each county.,,, 14251,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Public utility annual reports,1935-1978.,"Chronological, thereunder by title.","Reports from utility companies (railroads\, airlines\, express\, power\, gas\, telephone\, telegraph\, water\, pipelines\, etc.) to the tax commission showing organizational structure\, officers\, stock\, assets and debits\, income\, operating expenses\, investment\, depreciation\, employee compensation\, etc.",,Public, 14253,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessor's returns of mining companies,1909-1950.,Chronological by year.,Reports or returns showing property listings and total value of property of mines in each county. Sent in by the county assessor to the state tax commission.,,Public, 14254,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Railroad car mileage reports,1982-,Chronological.,Reports from railroad companies showing the mileage loaded and empty for the rail cars of private companies which travel on the railroad companies' tracks. Mileage is a basis of assessment for private car companies.,,Public, 9771,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Natural resource property tax appeal case files,1980-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by company name.","These appeal files are created by the centrally assessed unit of the Tax Commission to deal with individuals and businesses that appeal their property tax assessments. UCA_59-2-1006_(1990)\, requires the county board of equalization to give notice to the Tax Commission of any property tax appeals. The Tax Commission will decide on the outcome of the appeal and convey the decision to the county auditor. If the appeal is not satisfied\, the case file is sent to the appeals unit of the Tax Commission. These files contain the name and address of owner; property description; assessment information; audit work papers; property surveys and case notes.",Retain for 7 year(s),Protected, 9794,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,State land equity schedule,1930-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by county","This is a record of state lands which have been purchased by municipalities. It shows how much equity has been accrued on the property. These schedules are used by the Tax Commission to remove properties from taxable lists to non-taxable lists when property is purchased by a municipality. If the property was sold by the municipality\, it is placed back on the taxable property list. It is also used to assess equity between the date purchased to the time the property was sold. This is a way to calculate the net gain from the sale of the property. These schedules contain certificate number\, legal description\, name of previous owner\, name of new owner\, county where property is located\, and purchase price and accrued equity of land.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 8656,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Personal property tax audit records,1981-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by taxpayer name","These records document personal property audits conducted by the Tax Commission. They include audit reports\, audit workpapers\, and copies of county taxpayer's accounting records. Information includes name and address of taxpayer\, auditor's comments and date of audit\, type of property involved (supplies\, livestock\, etc.)\, value of the property as assessed by the county\, value of the property assessed by the audit\, amount of revisions being appealed\, checklist of audit activity\, names and titles of contacts made by the auditor\, assets including the quantity\, year of manufacture\, cost\, total value\, percentage of assessment\, and assessed value.",Retain for 7 year(s),Protected, 9772,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Farmland assessment audits,1986-,Chronological.,"These audits document those individuals owning agricultural lands that have applied for a roll back of their property tax. These are eligibility and performance audits conducted by the Tax Commission to verify that counties are following provisions of the Farmland Assessment Act and that all agricultural lands on the greenbelt are indeed eligible. UCA_59-2-508(2)_(1990)\, specifies that all owners applying for participation\, are in effect\, giving their consent to any audits and conditions as set forth by the Tax Commission and the county Assessor. These audits include the name\, address\, farm/owners income; property usage; descriptions; audit work papers\, notes\, correspondence\, and a copy of the report sent to the corresponding county assessor.",Retain for 5 year(s),Protected, 9955,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Property tax assessment system,1986-,"Alphabetical by taxpayer name, thereunder numerical by identifier.","This data system is a record of accounts for centrally assessed real and personal property. The information is gathered annually as required by UCA_59-2-(203-209)_(1991) and UCA_59-2-(403-404)_(1991). From the information the Tax Commission determines property values and tax liabilities. The system contains name\, address\, social security number\, and tax account number of owner; property description; assessment values; payment and compliance history\, and working notes.",Retain for 7 year(s),Private, 10475,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Personal property guides and schedules report,1986-,Chronological,"These reports document personal property valuations and tax liability. The reports are used to compare the original cost of equipment with the sale price\, which is based on the original equipment survey. They are also used by the Tax Commission to set property values\, tax liability\, and abatements. Information includes survey data\, businesses who have provided used equipment sales\, industry codes\, real and personal property\, farm information\, name and address of dealer\, name and address of the buyer\, generic equipment name\, sales invoice number and date\, where equipment was shipped to and from\, how the purchase was financed\, make and model of the equipment\, number and cost of the units purchased\, type of equipment used as a trade in\, total,sales price\, and suggested list price or purchase price when new.",Retain for 7 year(s),Private, 6610,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Tax rate certification files,1980-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by county","These records document the amount and purpose of levies fixed by governing bodies of cities\, towns\, school districts and special taxing districts. This information is then reviewed by the commission to ensure that levies are not fixed at amounts which are in excess of the maximum allowed by law. This activity is required under UCA 59-2-911 to 59-2-914(1990). Included in this record are copies of county levies\, school levies\, city levies\, town levies\, notification of certification results\, work papers\, certifications of budget\, special district work sheets\, county levy summaries\, aggregate levies per 106% limit\, proofs of publication\, and school district levy summaries. Also included are assessed valuation by taxing entity\, assessed valuation by,tax rate\, copies of budgets\, and copies of resolution of adoption of budget.",Retain for 7 year(s),, 7294,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Property tax appraisal worksheets,1975-,Alphabetical by classification,"These worksheets summarize data about taxpayer's property so that an evaluation can be determined as to the amount of property tax that a taxpayer should be assessed. Official tax records are generated from these work sheets. This record includes property photographs\, and taxpayer's financial and statistical data (excluding federal regulatory reports such as I.C.C.\, FERC\, and F.C.C.) pertaining to the property - including the taxpayer's name\, address\, social security number and property details.",Retain for 10 year(s),Exempt, 6611,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessment sales ratio study work papers,i 1984-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by county.","These records document assessed values and actual sales prices of properties. UCA 59-2-704(1)(1990)\, requires the Tax Commission to conduct studies ""of the relationship between the value shown on the assessment roll and the market value of the property to determine assessment-sales ratios for taxable real property."" UAC R884-24-34P(1990)\, describes the use of appraisal information in conjunction with UCA 59-2-704(1990). Contains assessment data report\, real property transfer survey\, and copies of warranty deeds. Also includes name and address of buyer and seller of property; address of property sold; date of sale; sale price and down payment amount\, type of sale (court order\, sale between relatives\, etc.); category of property (vacant land\, residence\,,etc.); whether use of property changed; if personal property was included in sale; financing type; if real estate broker and/or agent was used; reasons why sale may has been less than fair market value; page in county where transaction was recorded; property serial number; and description of property.",Retain for 5 year(s),Protected, 22921,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,County property tax standards of practice review files,1999-,"Alphabetical by county name, thereunder by county and year, thereunder chronological.","These records are used in conducting reviews of the Standards of Practice of various property tax procedures and records at the county level. The series contains work papers which include information developed through these reviews. The procedures and records reviewed include those of the county recorders\, county auditors\, county treasurers\, and county assessors. The information is collected as part of the Tax Commission's statutory responsibility for oversight of the counties' property tax assessment and collection functions. An appropriate review is conducted with each affected county official and a formal document is available at the conclusion of the review.",Retain for 5 year(s),Protected, 12984,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Company assessment books,"1912-1914, 1935-1944.",chronological thereunder by company thereunder by county,"These two volumes show assessments and assessments for natural resource and utility companies. They show the assessment on each company and then how it is broken down\, according to which schedules\, for holdings in various counties.",,, 9773,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Annual agricultural land studies report,1980-,Chronological.,"These studies are used by the Tax Commission to determine market value and total acreage of agricultural land in the state of Utah\, and also shows how the land is being used. UCA_59-2-508_(1990)\, gives the Tax Commission the authority to conduct these studies. These studies contain annual surveys\, annual reports\, and notes. The information includes land value of owner's property\, and the use of the property. Also includes summaries and supporting documentation of agricultural land in the state of Utah.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 10709,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,County property assessment and administrative practices report,1991-,Chronological,"These reports document county practices concerning proper documentation pertaining to tax relief\, exemptions\, and adjustments of property values. They indicate tax rates\, cumulative statistics\, liens and subsequent sales of property for back taxes. They are used to identify county property tax assessment and administrative practices for compliance with the Tax Commission's adopted standards of practice.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 2340,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Land patent certificates from Bureau of Land Management,1954.,Numerical by certificate number.,"Certificates of land patents issued by the Bureau of Land Management to ranchers for grazing privileges. For a short period of time the state Tax Commission retained copies of these certificates for taxation purposes. They contain the certificate number\, year\, legal description of land\, terms of patent\, and party's name.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 2353,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,County board of equalization minute indexes,1933-1948.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by county","These are indexes to hearings from various counties dealing with property tax issues. They contain the county name\, property description\, owner's name and address\, and transcript page number.",,Public, 2446,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Oregon Shortline Railroad company warranty deed and Federal Farm Loans summary report,1930-1931.,Alphanumerical.,These deeds and loan summary reports document land which is owned and used by the Oregon Shortline Railroad. They contain deeds and a summary loan report. The Tax Commission no longer adds to this record series as of 1931. The current warranty deed information is collected by the counties.,,Public, 5216,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Farm property tax appraisal cards,1952-1966.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by name","This series documents annual appraisals and adjustments of agricultural property. The cards contain appraisers' notes\, size and description of property\, type of products grown\, owner's name and address\, assessed value\, appraisal\, and property tax rate.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 16577,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessor certification course materials,1980-,Alphanumerical by course title,"These are course and training aids used by the Property Tax Division for instructing and certifying persons as property tax appraisers in the state of Utah. They contain manuals\, instructions\, case studies\, worksheets\, and other training material created by the Property Tax Division.",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 16578,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessor certification training records,1960-,Alphabetical by name,"These records are created and maintained by the Property Tax Division and list the persons who are\, or have been\, certified to appraise personal property in the state of Utah. They contain copies of tests and scores\, correspondence\, training schedules\, certificates\, and other records. They also included name\, address\, social security number\, class records\, schedules\, and permits earned towards recertification.",Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s),Private, 17086,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Personal property guides and schedule surveys,1986-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by property name.","These are personal property valuations\, schedules\, and tax liability surveys. These surveys are used to compare the original cost of equipment with the sale price for taxation reasons. They are also used by the Tax Commission to set property values\, tax liability\, and abatements. They contain annual surveys conducted by the Tax Commission requesting businesses to provide information on the sale of used equipment\, industry code\, real and personal property schedules\, and farm income. Information includes dealer name and address\, buyer name and address\, generic equipment name\, sales invoice number and date\, place where equipment was shipped to and from\, how the purchase was financed\, make and model of equipment\, number and cost of units purchased\, type of equipment used as a,trade in\, total sales price\, and suggested list price or purchase price when new. The information from these surveys is used to create the Personal property guides and schedules report\, 10475.",Retain for 1 year(s),Protected, 2315,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Grazing tax assessments register of state owned land,1941.,"Alphabetical by county, thereunder by company or individual's name.","This register lists individuals who have leased/patented land from the federal and/or state government\, for the purpose of grazing live stock. Also includes the assessment for the leased/patented land for the privilege of using the state land. They contain the county name\, number of acres\, number of head grazing\, owners name\, assessment\, valuation\, and tax amount. The Tax Commission is no longer conducting assessments of state land\, the Department of Natural Resources is handling these assessments.",,Public, 2357,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessed valuations statistical studies,1986-,Chronological by year thereunder alphabetical by county,"These unpublished reports of property tax adjusted values and tax rates after equalization\, are submitted annually to the State Tax Commission by the counties and various taxing entities and districts. Includes date\, county code\, area code\, tax rate\, numbers and taxable values of all centrally assessed values (transportation and utilities)\, locally assessed values (residential\, commercial\, industrial\, and agricultural real estate and mobile homes)\, relief values (veterans\, blind\, etc)\, and totals.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 2412,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Property tax correspondence,1928-1939.,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by county","These are levies\, agreements\, and correspondence between the Tax Commission and the counties regarding property assessments and collection of property taxes. The Tax Commission no longer collects this correspondence in this manner.",,Private, 16510,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessment certificates,1970-,Chronological.,"These documents are prepared by the Property Tax Division for the Federal Census Bureau to certify and compare information submitted by cities and towns. They document whether the cities and towns have followed state statutes concerning property assessments. The information is submitted annually and records boundaries changed\, incorporated\, and/or dissolved.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 16509,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Railroad property maps,1900-1975.,Alphabetical by company name,"These are property and right-of-way maps showing the property holdings of railroad companies. Although\, no longer submitted\, they are used as a reference tool to identify property ownership and when railroad holdings are sold.",,Public,3 microfilm reels 16580,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Real property transfer survey files,1985-,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by internal control","This survey documents centrally assessed property that is transferred\, sold\, exchanged or otherwise changes ownership each year. It contains a survey form\, assessment data\, reports\, correspondence and work papers. It also includes owner information\, reason for sale\, amount of sale\, business numbers\, legal descriptions\, inventory of personal property sold with real property and financing used. Prior to January 1990 this series was filmed under its own series 16580\, Real property survey files. After January 1990 this paper record series is being microfilmed in random order as part of record series 17051\, Business tax microfilm.",Retain for 7 year(s),Protected, 16576,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,International association of assessing officers course material,1980-,Alphanumerical by course title.,"These are training aids used by the Property Tax Division for instructing and certifying persons as property tax appraisers in the state of Utah. They contain manuals\, instructions\, case studies\, and other training material created by the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO).",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 16581,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Assessment data reports,1984-,"Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by company name.","These are questionnaire's filled out by property tax auditors. They are used to evaluate property and to establish tax liability. UCA_59-2-201(1990)\, specifies which properties are liable for this tax\, and also that the tax liability will be ""100% of the fair market value""\, of the property. These reports include the company name\, address\, account number\, assets\, description of real property\, valuation and assessment; agents name\, date and tax zone. They also contain a follow-up form and a real property transfer survey.",Retain for 5 year(s),Protected, 22324,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Annual statistical reports,1957-,Chronological by date.,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",,Public, 14256,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,County supplemental reports,"1958, 1979-1980, 1982-",Alphabetical by county,"Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 9848,Utah State Tax Commission. Property Tax Division,Agricultural land questionnaires,1980-,Chronological.,"These questionnaires are filled out and completed by individuals who own and lease agricultural land in the state of Utah. UCA_59-2-508_(1990)\, gives the Tax Commission the authority to obtain this information to determine market value\, amount of agricultural land in the state of Utah\, and identify what the land is used for. The information contained on these questionnaires is included in the Annual agricultural land studies report\, series 9773\, which is permanent. The information includes name\, address\, income of owner\, and property value.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private,