seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 16834,Bureau of Radiation Control,Uranium mill tailings task force/vitro meeting minutes,i. 1980-1990.,Chronological,"Minutes of the task force created to cleanup the Vitro site\, which is land and buildings that were contaminated with residual radioactive material from inactive uranium processing sites. This cleanup activity is required by the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 and 40 CFR 192.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 16826,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Radiation Technical Advisory Committee meetings recordings,1975-2015.,Chronological,"These are tape recordings of the Radiation Technical Advisory meetings proceedings used to prepare transcripts. The files include the date of the meeting\, the members present\, and the items discussed at the meeting.",Retain until approval of minutes,, 16857,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,State/federal radiation monitoring agreements,i 1975-2015.,alphabetical by subject,"These are copies of agreements made between the State of Utah and the federal government to establish the state's responsibilities in monitoring radiation and activities involving radioactive material in the state. This file also contains copies of agreements between Utah and other states for cooperative efforts in dealing with radioactive material. _ Included are date of the agreement\, parties to the agreements\, signatures of the responsible officials\, length of time of the agreements\, and the terms of the agreements.",,Public, 24226,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Publications,1978-2015.,Chronological,"Records created by and submitted to the agency\, including pamphlets\, reports\, and other published or processed documents. These records include information on radioactive waste management and other issues addressed by the Division of Radiation Control and its advisory board. Consists primarily of isolated publications not part of a more specific series.",,Public,0.20 cubic foot 6655,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Proposed regulations public hearings transcripts,i 1979-2015.,Alphabetical by name of rule,"These are the transcripts for hearings held by the bureau to receive feedback from the public on proposed rules and regulations on radiation control. The file also includes copies of written comments received from members of the public\, industry\, hospitals\, and universities. The transcripts include the date\, time\, and location of the hearing; the individuals present; the rule or regulation discussed; and the name of the transcriber.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 16849,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Non-ionizing radiation environmental monitoring files,2015.,Alphabetical by subject,"These records concern the monitoring of equipment that emits non-ionizing radiation such as high voltage transmission lines\, lasers\, ultraviolet lamps\, radar\, and microwaves. This activity is authorized by Utah Code Annotated 26-1-28. _ These records include federal notifications of product recall\, registry of radioactive sealed sources and devices\, known accelerators in Utah\, records of well-logging sources lost downhole\, notifications of laser light shows\, federal government recommendations regarding the use and sale of radiation sources\, and reprints of studies dealing with non-ionizing radiation sources which contain types of non-ionizing radiation sources\, types of non-ionizing radiation equipment\, names of the owners of the equipment\, location\, equipment registration date and number if applicable.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 19677,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Morton International Automotive Safety Products facility decommissioning and decontamination records,1994-1996.,Numerical by subject number,"These files provide documentation regarding clean up and disposal methods of radioactive material. This series contains site characterization reports\, field inspection reports\, analytical survey data for radiological parameters\, site closure report\, and billing documents relevant to the safe and effective remediation of radioactive material contamination associated with the Morton International Automotive Safety Products facility. The files are used to ensure compliance with US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and state regulations as governed by UCA 19-3-104 - Radiation Control Act.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 26561,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Reference files,1993-2015.,Alphabetical by title,These records contain scientific reference and guidance information created from field studies and research conducted on radioactive materials. They are used by the division as regulatory and analytical reference guides for any process involving radioactive materials.,Retain for 15 year(s),Public, 16851,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Radio-nucleides environmental monitoring files,2015.,Alphabetical by subject,"These records document the monitoring of in-state radioactive isotopes (radionuclides). Part of the bureau's function is to monitor and assess the health threat to citizens of the state posed by radioactive material. _ Included are correspondence\, memoranda\, and studies dealing with smoke detectors; the use of radionuclides in oil exploration; the release of isotopes in nuclear testing; water flow testing at Flaming Gorge Dam; the presence of radionuclides in air\, milk\, vegetation\, and soil; evaluations of federal\, state\, and local programs; and publications describing products associated with radionuclides.",Retain for 10 year(s),, 16830,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Emergency response plans,1978-2015.,Alphabetical by subject,"These plans were developed by both the federal government and by the bureau to handle emergencies involving radioactive materials. Federal review of state plans is mandated by 44 Code of Federal Regulations 350.3. These records include a description of who is responsible to respond in an emergency\, arrangements and procedures to follow to request for emergency assistance\, emergency classification types and the action level parameters\, public notification procedures\, emergency facilities locations and equipment\, possible protective actions and guidelines for actions in specific circumstances\, radiation exposure controls for emergency workers\, medical services arrangements\, post-emergency nuclear facility recovery and reentry plans\, and training and plan review procedures.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,, 16832,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Budget estimates and justification files,i 1979-2015.,Chronological,"These records are copies of budget estimates and justifications prepared by the bureau. _ These files include annual budget requests\, performance measures\, and workload increase requests which contain the following information: A) Workload Increase Requests which provides program title\, year of request\, analysis of alternative(s) to the request\, specific request\, additional funds needed to meet the workload increase and the means of securing the funds\, breakdown of the increased staffing needed including the title and grades of the positions\, additional salary and benefits costs\, and a breakdown of the increases of other expenses such as travel and space; B) Annual Budget Request which provides budget year; program title and authority; program's objectives; means of achieving objectives; demand indicators for objectives and performance measures for the 2 years previous\, the current and next year to include a breakdown of the work demand under type\, workload productivity\, and work,impact; performance analysis; possible future events which may have an impact on the program; budget amounts for the four year period (2 years previous\, current year\, and next year)\, number of full time employees; amount and percentage of: state fund dollars\, federal fund dollars\, credits\, other funds\, and totals; and the names of the division and the department; C) Performance Measures which provides quantitative goals projected for the fiscal year in a number of work areas (x-ray surveys\, radiation surveys\, etc.) and a quarterly and annual breakdown of the actual activities completed.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),, 6656,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Proposed rule/change administrative rule analysis notice,i 1979-2015.,Chronological,This is a record of proposal by an agency to adopt a new administrative rule or change an existing rule.,Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s) after superseded,Public, 16840,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,High level radioactive waste environmental monitoring files,2015.,Alphabetical by subject,"These records document the activities of this bureau and of the Department of Energy in the search and establishment of a storage site for high level radioactive wastes in Utah. They include correspondence\, memoranda\, site characterization reports\, proposed waste site construction schedule\, minutes of public hearings on waste site proposals\, copies of written comments\, copies of federal regulations\, and copies of guidelines for site selection.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 16859,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,X-ray program administrative files,2015.,None,"These record information from the administration of the x-ray registration program. These files include correspondence between the bureau and\, the public\, industry\, and federal government\, copies of the agreement between the Food and Drug Administration and the State of Utah which gives the state a portion of the FDA's regulatory responsibilities\, copies of annual reviews of contracts\, annual reviews of the state and local radiological health program\, quality assurance questionnaires\, resources and expenditures of the bureau\, percent distribution of total expenditures of this program\, number of people employed by the radiological health industry including salary range\, number and type of x-ray machines in the state\, number and type of particle,accelerator programs in the state\, number and type of radioactive materials and nuclear medicine facilities in the state\, the number and type of programs in non-ionizing radiation control in the state.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),, 7710,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Administrative Rule analysis proposed rule/change notices,1979-2015.,Chronological.,"This is a proposal by the agency to adopt a new administrative rule or change an existing rule. It includes the name and address of the department or agency submitting the form\, the name and telephone number of the contact person\, the title of the rule\, a summary of the rule or change and the reason for it\, the anticipated cost impact of the rule\, the type of notice (proposed rule\, change in proposed rule including the rule number\, a 120 day rule\, or a five year review/continuation)\, a justification for a 120 day rule\, whether the rule is authorized by state code or required by federal mandate and the applicable citations\, the means by which the public may comment on the proposed rule (at a public hearing\, by appearing at the agency\, or by written,comment) and the period for making their comments\, the name and signature of the agency head or designee\, the date the notice was signed\, the date and time the notice was received in the Office of Administrative Rules and the name of the person receiving it\, the dates the 120 day rules become effective and lapse\, and the Office of Administrative Rules and the originating agency's numbers.",Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 16841,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Administrative records,2015.,Alphanumerical by subject.,"These records\, primarily correspondence\, are accumulated in the bureau's daily activities of function and administration\, and activities of the office. These files include correspondence between the bureau and the federal government\, other state governments\, other Utah state agencies\, local health agencies\, industry\, and the general public; copies of publications and brochures\, reports\, and proposed legislation and guidelines submitted for review to the bureau by the federal government\, staff training\, safety issues\, nuclear testing\, soil and water testing\, policy\, environmental concerns\, inter-governmental cooperation\, radiation detection\, radiation protection\, and nuclear regulation.",,Public,13.20 cubic feet 16825,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Radiation control board administrative files,2015.,Chronological,"These records are used to draft and approve radiation control regulations and amendments by a committee / radiation control board (RCB) of members selected from the industrial\, medical\, and educational sectors of the community. Included in these records are resumes of the committee members\, routine requests for information\, correspondence\, letters of appointment; personal information such as: age\, date of birth\, birthplace\, current and past addresses\, educational level\, employer\, employment history\, grade average or class standing\, job position information (grade/step\, etc.)\, marital status\, membership in groups\, military service\, name\, name of kin\, number of children\, occupation\, occupational licenses\, references\, sex\, social security number\, and telephone number.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 16831,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,By-product license file,2015.,Alphabetical by license holder name,"This record documents organizations licensed by the federal government to produce\, transfer\, receive\, acquire\, own\, possess\, or use radioactive material yielded in the process of producing or utilizing special nuclear material. These files include Quality Assurance Program Approval for Radioactive Material Packages\, By-product Material License\, Radiation By-product Material Questionnaire\, correspondence\, and memoranda. Information includes the name and address of the licensee; license number and expiration date; type of by-product material licensed; chemical and/or physical form of the material; maximum amount of radioactivity the licensee may possess at any one time; authorized use of material; conditions of use; storage type to be,used; protective measures to be taken; disposal means necessary material; and approval date.",,,1 microfilm reel 16829,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Staff meeting files,i 1985-2015.,Chronological,"These records of staff meetings are used by management track project and work commitments and deadlines. _ These files include memoranda relating to items discussed in meetings\, agendas\, rosters of staff members present\, and evaluations of agenda items.",Retain for 1 year(s),, 16839,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Vitro site environmental monitoring files,2015.,Alphabetical,"These records document Utah's control and cleanup activities of the Vitro uranium processing or depository site under the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 and under 40 Code of Federal Regulations 192. These records include correspondence\, memoranda\, maps\, engineer's plans\, photographs\, studies on radiation levels and radon gas concentrations\, budget estimates\, proposals/bids by contractors\, environmental impact statements\, appraisals\, plans and alternatives for selecting disposal sites\, financial records\, residual radioactive materials questionnaire\, consent forms\, case records dealing with individual sites and cleanup efforts\, and indoor radon study-gamma screening form\, site location\,,radioactive material and estimated quantity\, site condition\, and name and address of site owner.",Retain for 3 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 16843,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,News media log,1983-2015.,Chronological,"These records document contacts from the news media. They are used by management to document statements to the news media by the bureau. They contain clippings of any newspaper articles produced by the contact. These records includes the date and time of contact by a television station\, radio station\, or a newspaper; caller's name; bureau contacted; name of the person contacted; subject of contact; and results of the contact (air time\, publication\, etc.).",Retain for 1 year(s),, 16842,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Utah/Nuclear Regulatory Commission agreement,1981-2015.,None,"This a record of agreement between the State of Utah and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by which the state assumes a portion of the commission's regulatory authority. This agreement is authorized under section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. _ This record include correspondence between the bureau and other states and the NRC\, copies of the agreement between Utah and the NRC\, guideline material and criteria for agreement states from the NRC\, implementation plans; copies of implementation plans from other states\, copies of statistical reports from other states\, and copies of federal and state legislation on radiation control.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,, 16847,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Nuclear power environmental monitoring files,i 1979-2015.,alphabetical by subject,"This record series is primarily correspondence received by the bureau which pertains to nuclear power. Included within this series are inquiries on: preparing environmental impact statements\, environmental monitoring\, and nuclear power plant sites. Also included are copies of nuclear power studies.",Retain for 3 year(s),, 16858,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control,Incident/emergency response files,2015.,Alphabetical,"This is the record of incidents which occurred and involved radioactive material. This record includes Radiological and Occupational Health Emergency Response\, Air Surveillance Network 8-Day Status Report\, correspondence\, news releases\, date of incident\, person reporting incident\, time of report\, name and address of company or agency of caller\, a detailed account of the problem\, if a shipment is involved\, name and addresses of shipper and consignee; products and quantities involved; members of the department's support team called and time they were notified; names of outside support agencies called and time of notification; and a detailed report of response.",Retain for 50 year(s),Public,