seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 3045,Utah Board of Higher Education,Minutes,1850-,Alphanumerical,"Minutes of the board of regents. These files contain memoranda\, preliminary reports\, and other records documenting assignments and the progress of projects. These files do not contain the final reports.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,75 microfilm reels 9053,Utah Board of Higher Education,Student case files,1898-,None,"Includes application for admission or readmission\, acceptance or rejection letters\, residency applications\, non-matriculation letter\, evaluations\, test results\, and official transcripts.",Retain permanently,Private, 12763,Utah Board of Higher Education,Budget requests,1969-,"Chronological by, thereunder by institution",These records are created by the state's higher education institutions to assist in the preparation of the budget and to justify budget requests presented to the State Board of Regents for recommendation to the legislature. They may also include work programs. This series is a copy of record series #12667 which has a retention of 10 years and destroy.,Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 12769,Utah Board of Higher Education,Enrollment reports,1965-,"Chronological by academic year (summer, fall, winter, spring)","Reports of student enrollments from the state's (public) higher education institutions with statistical analysis by age\, residency\, and full-time/part-time status.",Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 12742,Utah Board of Higher Education,Deposit forms,1969-,"Chronological by fiscal year, thereunder by the date received",Multi-copy deposit forms accompanying agency deposits to the State Treasurer's Office. These records also serve as a receipt of deposit.,Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 12748,Utah Board of Higher Education,Travel records,1969-,Chronological by fiscal year,"Records relating to reimbursing individuals\, such as travel orders\, travel authorizations\, per diem vouchers\, transportation requests\, hotel reservations\,and all supporting records documenting official travel by officers\, employees\, dependents\, or others authorized by law to travel. The State Board of Regents handles travel requests\, reimbursements\, and so forth through the University of Utah rather than the State Division of Finance.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 12747,Utah Board of Higher Education,Telephone bills,1969-,Chronological by fiscal year.,"Bills which document calls made from state offices. Bills also include the number called and the length\, time\, and date of phone call.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 12753,Utah Board of Higher Education,Public request forms,1980-,Chronological,Requests for Information forms and other miscellaneous data given to the public by the financial office of the State Board of Regents.,Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 12745,Utah Board of Higher Education,General ledgers,1969-,Chronological by fiscal year,"General accounts ledger\, showing debit and credit entries\, and reflecting expenditures in summary.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 14202,Board of Regents (Utah),Technical Engineering Institute student records,1982-1994.,Alphabetical by student surname,"These records include official documentation listing student's courses\, grades\, credits earned\, and status achieved. Also included are confidential job placement advisory forms\, financial records showing payment of tuition\, and attendance records.",,Private, 19965,Utah Board of Higher Education,Focus: A Forum on Teaching and Learning in Utah Community and Technical Colleges magazine,1982-,Chronological,This magazine is produced as a forum and means of dialog and communication for all persons interested in community and technical college education in Utah. The magazine is an annual collection of articles on teaching and learning in these institutions.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 24193,Utah Board of Higher Education,Student services and minority affairs grants and financial awards,1990-,"Chronological by year, thereafter alphabetical by name.","These files include applications for Utah Coalition for the Advancement of Minorities in Higher Education (UCAME)\, Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA)\, Students Serving Utah Network (SUN)\, and Golden Shield scholarship/grant recipients. Files include such information as the amount of funding received and information on how the grant is being managed.",Retain for 28 year(s),Private, 27390,Utah Board of Higher Education,Regents' Scholarship files,2008-,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by student surname.","These files document the selection\, qualifications\, eligibility\, and progress of students in the Regent's Scholarship program. The program was created in 2008 by the Utah State Board of Regents to award scholarships to exceptional Utah high school students. Files are used to track all incoming documentation from participating students\, parents\, high schools\, colleges\, and universities. Information includes names; Social Security numbers; addresses; phone numbers; applications; high school\, college\, and university transcripts; national test scores; class schedules; award letters; correspondence; and other related information.",Retain for 6 year(s) and 3 month(s),Private, 6123,Board of Regents (Utah),Teller Training Institute files,1985-1988.,"Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical","These files are created by the Teller Training Institute to monitor their students' progress. Individual files are kept on each student. Information includes instructor's evaluation\, contact and referral sheet (vita)\, job search and career counseling policy\, student personnel file\, mock interview evaluation\, student index card\, application enrollment agreement\, progress sheet\, and graduate's confidential data sheet. These files have become the property of the State Board of Regents in accordance with UCA 53B-5-109.",Retain for 75 year(s),Private, 9047,Utah Board of Higher Education,Payroll reports,1969-,"Chronological by year, thereunder numerical by pay period","These records detail salary and benefit payments by individual and by cost code. Information includes social security number\, name\, amount paid\, benefit payments both by pay period and by year to date. The originals are held by the University of Utah for 3 years.",Retain for 2 year(s),Private, 12740,Utah Board of Higher Education,Warrant requests and journal entries,1969-,Chronological,Requests from state agencies to the Division of Finance to pay vendors for supplies and/or services the vendors have provided to the agencies. Includes warrant requests and journal entries.,Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 12752,Utah Board of Higher Education,External surveys,1969-,Alphabetical by subject,"Responses to surveys sent to the State Board of Regents from outside organizations requesting financial/budget information\, kept to check figures and to review previous years when similar surveys are received. Information includes responses to surveys such as Internal Service Funds\, High School Intentions\, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 11945,Utah Board of Higher Education,Publications,1957-,Chronological,"This series contains publications prepared by the Coordinating Council of Higher Education followed by the current Board of Regents. The publications contain information pertaining to degree program proposals\, histories\, class size\, teaching loads\, salary costs\, job descriptions\, occupational and cultural needs\, facilities\, personnel analysis\, planning\, legal issues\, and recommendations. Consists mostly of isolated publications not in other series.,Any record\, regardless of format\, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that governmental entity. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101 8(a)(b) (2010) and 9-7-208 (2006)",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,3.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 12648,Board of Regents (Utah),Institutional internal audits and annual financial reports,1995-2015.,Chronological,"These are documents retained strictly for reference and informational purposes which are not part of any other official files. They include copies of reports\, studies\, and special compilations of data. These records are created by colleges and universities and are used by the Board of Regents as reference data on the various educational institutions.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 19990,Board of Higher Education,Enrollment analysis reports,1959-1974.,Chronological by date.,"The purpose of these reports is to present current and projected enrollment data for the institutions in the system of higher education. The reports contain information pertaining to total number enrolled\, daytime and nighttime enrollment\, male and female enrollment\, elementary and secondary school enrollment\, out-of-state enrollment\, public and private school enrollment and enrollment in each class.",,Public,1.00 cubic foot 83130,Utah Board of Higher Education,Student loan outstanding bonds,1983-,alphabetical by name,"This is a master list of who covered loans\, what account the money was allocated from and how it will be repaid to the account.",Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 12741,Utah Board of Higher Education,University of Utah expenditure forms,1969-,"Chronological by fiscal year, thereunder alphabetical by department","These records are requests from the Board of Regents to the University of Utah to pay vendors for supplies and/or services the vendors have provided to the agencies. They have the same function as warrant requests except that the record copy is held by the University in record series #84282\, #84390\, #84392\, #84394\, or #84395.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 12768,Utah Board of Higher Education,Salary survey data,1985-,Chronological,"These records compare salary and benefits data for staff and faculty and Utah's higher education institutions to respective comparison groups. Information includes institutional salary and benefits data\, marketplace data\, Radford/CUPA data.",Retain for 3 year(s),Private, 12746,Utah Board of Higher Education,Fixed asset inventory,1969-,Chronological,"These records are used to track and control capital outlay such as office equipment (chairs\, typewriters\, etc.) and other fixed assets including tools\, machinery\, and other large equipment.",Retain for 2 year(s),Public, 11971,Utah Board of Higher Education,Personnel files for permanent employees,1969-,Chronological by termination date,"Complete work history of individual while employed by the State. Refer to UCA 67-18-1\, et seq. When an employee transfers to another state agency\, the official personnel file must be sent to the new agency. File should include current information on performance evaluations\, performance plans\, position description\, career mobility agreement\, insurance benefits notification (ADNT-1)\, job swap agreement\, and overtime agreement where applicable. Also contains application for employment\, employees' social security card (copy)\, Notice of personnel action (DHRM_33)\, Human resource profile/events (DHRM_34)\, Termination form (DHRM_35)\, Employment eligibility verification form\, Exit interview form\, New employee orientation self-guide\, and,retirement/deferred compensation plan notification (ADNT-2). May contain documentation on employee withholding\, completion of course certificates\, conflict of interest letters\, incentive award results\, letters of commendation\, leave records\, health records\, and leave adjustment reports. The Board of Regents uses these records to maintain salary information\, performance evaluations\, and miscellaneous correspondence on former and current employees.",Retain for 65 year(s) after separation,Private, 11970,Utah Board of Higher Education,Employment search and interview records,1969-,"Chronological by year, thereunder by position","Applications of those persons qualified to be listed on a register but who were not selected as the candidate for employment. If DHRM has officially delegated a particular state agency as the record copy office then they should retain these applications for three years. These records are collected by this office in the process of filling vacant positions. Materials include letters of application\, resume and/or application.",Retain for 2 year(s),Protected, 12665,Utah Board of Higher Education,Eisenhower Math/Science Program records,1985-,Chronological,"Federal grant applications and documentation for grants awarded under the ""Education for Economic Security Act"" (USCA 20-3901 et seq.)(1984) and the Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Act""(USCA 20-2981-2983)(1988).",Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 12667,Utah Board of Higher Education,Budget background records,1969-,"Chronological by fiscal request year, thereunder alphabetical by institution",Completed budget request forms and miscellaneous notes used to establish a budget request for the Utah System of Higher Education.,Retain for 10 year(s),Public, 13791,Utah Board of Higher Education,Commission's correspondence,1984-,Alphabetical by subject,"Records not duplicated elsewhere that document how the office is organized and how it functions\, its pattern of action\, its policies\, procedures and achievements.",Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 19963,Utah Board of Higher Education,System Summary newsletter,1968-,Chronological,"This newsletter provides information about the Utah System of Higher Education. The articles pertain to budget\, legislative actions\, enrollment\, Board of Regents actions'\, and a column by the Commissioner.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,0.20 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 19531,Utah Board of Higher Education,Annual reports,1959-,Chronological,"The annual report of the Board of Regents contains information pertaining to academic affairs\, budgets\, finance\, planning\, capital facilities and profiles of member institutions.,These reports serve as the official report of the activities for the preceding year. The reports contain information pertaining to planning\, programs\, policies\, coordination with other state agencies\, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)\, federally funded activities and special activities.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,1.00 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel 24147,Utah Board of Higher Education,Presidential search records,1999-,"Chronological by year, thereafter alphabetical by name.","These records are compiled when an Institution for Higher Education conducts a search for a new President. Records within these files include such documents as applicants resumes\, tables outlining applicants credentials\, and interview notes.",Permanent. Retain for 11 year(s),Private,2.00 cubic feet 11577,Board of Regents (Utah),Administrative records,1958-1977.,None,"This series contains reports\, memos\, budget requests\, history\, policies\, etc.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 9034,Utah Board of Higher Education,Accounts distribution of personnel earnings,1967-,Chronological,This is the personnel earning list by social security number.,Retain permanently,Private, 12764,Utah Board of Higher Education,Financial correspondence,1969-,Alphabetical by subject,"These files include all correspondence related to budget and finance. Information includes correspondence regarding state government\, the federal government\, Board of Regents\, Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) presidents\, USHE institutions\, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education\, all budget and finance committees\, other states\, professional organizations\, and internal communications. Communications that are important to high level decisions or policy are incorporated into record series #11939 (Monthly agenda and materials) which has a permanent retention.",Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 12697,Utah Board of Higher Education,University of Utah time and attendance reports,1969-,"Chronological by fiscal year, thereunder by pay period",These are documents sent by University of Utah's department of finance to the State Board of Regents to record final corrections or adjustments regarding employees' pay. They are made before the master payroll file is run and checks are issued. The originals are held by the University of Utah.,Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 24148,Utah Board of Higher Education,Western Institute Commission for Higher Education Scholarship files,1998-,"Chronological by date, thereafter alphabetical by name.",These files contain information on Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education scholarship recipients. These files contain such records as scholarship applications and documents containing applicant financial information.,Retain for 27 year(s),Private, 82689,Utah Board of Higher Education,Financial aids and scholarships files,ca. 1980-,none,"These computer tapes document financial aid given to students to complete their education. The files include student name\, amounts loaned or given\, social security number\, eligibility information\, and other student data.",Retain for 25 year(s),Private, 12649,Utah Board of Higher Education,Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System records,1967-,"Alphanumerical by survey form subject, thereunder chronological","Records gathered nationally by the U.S. Department of Education to provide a national database for higher education information\, includes data input by the State Board of Regents to generate reports of their own data for statistical analysis. Formerly known as Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) the data base is now called Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System(IPEDS). Information includes a government form completed by Utah's higher education institutions\, sent to and edited by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education (OCHE)\, and then forwarded to the federal government. Information includes institutional characteristics\, such as size/enrollment\, finances\, and number of degrees awarded.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Private, 19988,Utah Board of Higher Education,Higher Education Master Plan reports,1966-,Chronological,"The main objective of the master plan is the ensure that the benefits of high quality higher education are made available to Utah citizens. The reports contain information pertaining to review and prospectus\, changing environment\, goals and assumptions\, projected needs and demands\, institutional roles and missions\, estimated resource needs\, enrollment management\, and accountability and quality.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 9046,Utah Board of Higher Education,Payroll check register,1969-,Chronological by pay period,"These records are used to monitor checks printed each pay period by the University of Utah for payment of the personnel of the State Board of Regents. The University holds the original copies (Record Series #9521) for a longer period of time. Information includes social security number\, name\, and amount paid.",Retain for 1 year(s),Private, 29780,Utah Board of Higher Education,Commissioner subject records,1992-,Subject.,"These are subject files and correspondence with the Commissioner's office that provides unique information relating to the functions\, policies\, procedures or programs of the Board of Regents.",Permanent. Retain until separation,Public,7.00 cubic feet 12743,Utah Board of Higher Education,Financial Information and Resource Management System periodic reports,1969-,"Chronological by fiscal year, thereunder by month","Includes the following: FICAA01T Trail balance monthly. FICAA05P Outstanding encumbrance. FICAA09P Outstanding reservation. FICAA10P Cash deposits. FICAA30P General ledger activity. FICAA85P Revenue and expenditure status by fund. FICAED01 Expenditure detail by sub-account. FICAES01 Expenditure status by sub-account. FICAES02 Work program/expenditure comparison by summary account. FICARD01 Revenue detail by sub-account within organization. FICARS01 Revenue status by sub-account. FICARS02 Estimated revenue/realized revenues. FICAER01 Expenditure/revenue summary by level 2. FICAMP01 Revenue account status by activity other than Department of Transportation. These records are referred to by the State Board of Regents at times to document payments of scholarship money to students and/or payments to/from students who have loans. Loans and scholarships\, however are more fully documented in other series.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 11972,Utah Board of Higher Education,Budget work program files,1969-,"Chronological, thereunder by institution","Monthly or routine reports on the status of agency appropriation accounts and apportionment\, excluding Annual Budget Reports. These records are used by the State Board of Regents to control appropriations from the state by institution and by line item. Information includes State Division of Finance work program forms and draw schedules.",Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 12655,Utah Board of Higher Education,Utah Career Teaching Scholarship records,1984-,Alphabetical by student surname,"Records track the recipients of Utah Career Teaching Scholarships (UCTS) (UCA 53B-10(101-103)(1987))\, awarded to individuals who meet the criteria and intend to teach in the public schools of this state. They track the student/teacher through the program.",Retain for 15 year(s) after end of project or program,Private, 19535,Utah Board of Higher Education,Operating budget requests,1970-,Chronological,"This series contains budget requests to the State Legislature pertaining to the Higher Education institutions within the state. Also includes supplement titled ""Data Book"".",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,3.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel 12762,Utah Board of Higher Education,Official project files,1969-,Alphabetical by subject,"Papers which have a short-term use and comprise the background records\, such as preliminary studies\, drafts\, analyses\, notes\, interim reports regarding a particular case file\, and financial performance audits. These records are used by the State Board of Regents to improve the efficiency of the Utah System of Higher Education. Information includes annual vehicle report\, cost study\, fusion\, graduate tuition and fees\, health and dental plans (1989-1990)\, president salary survey\, strategic planning\, vocational maintenance of effort\, legislative fiscal notes\, and other related documentation.",Retain for 1 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 11973,Utah Board of Higher Education,Audit work papers,1972-,Chronological,"Papers which have a short-term use and comprise the background records\, such as preliminary studies\, drafts\, analyses\, notes\, interim reports regarding a particular case file\, and financial performance audits. These files document the work used to generate audit reports. Information includes financial and administrative records\, detailed transactions of receipts and disbursements\, and records and transactions relating to employee payroll.",Retain for 1 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 12761,Utah Board of Higher Education,Budget development files,1969-,"Alphabetical by subject, thereunder Chronological","Papers which have a short-term use and comprise the background records\, such as preliminary studies\, drafts\, analyses\, notes\, interim reports regarding a particular case file\, and financial performance audits. The Finance section of the State Board of Regents uses these files to develop budget requests. Information includes forms; guidelines; tuition and fee schedules; correspondence; Board of Regents' recommendations; trend analyses; information on administrative conferences\, mineral leases\, formula developments\, institutional materials; and any other supporting documentation.",Retain for 1 year(s) after end of project or program,Public, 12749,Utah Board of Higher Education,Access Committee files,1993-,,"Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committee's relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 11939,Utah Board of Higher Education,Monthly agenda and materials,1969-,Chronological,"Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committee's relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. May include agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. These records are generated by the State Board of Regents to document meetings discussing and planning the administration of colleges and universities under their jurisdiction.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 12754,Utah Board of Higher Education,State Board of Regents and Council of Presidents financial agenda items,1969-,Chronological,"Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committee's relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. These files are agenda items from the Finance section that are incorporated into the Board of Regents meeting agenda (record series #12640) which has a permanent retention.",Permanent. Retain for 55 year(s),Public, 12760,Utah Board of Higher Education,Budget and Finance Committee files,1969-,"Alphabetical by subject, thereunder Chronological","Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committee's relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. These files document the Budget and Finance Committee's minutes and agendas of their meetings. Includes information regarding Business Affairs Council\, budget officers\, tuition and fees\, Funding Mechanism Task Force\, State Board of Regents (SBR) Budget and Finance Committee\, Personnel (Higher Education Personnel Advisory Committee - HEPAC)\, Study Group on Health Benefits\, and handouts.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public,1 microfilm reel 11976,Utah Board of Higher Education,Audit review subcommittee agenda,1978-,Chronological,"Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committee's relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. This committee reviews audits and makes recommendations concerning operations of the institutions. Information includes audit reports\, reports on assignments made by the committee\, and information reports on the audit status at each institution. There is an index or finding aid for this record series.",Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s),Public, 12651,Utah Board of Higher Education,Board of Trustees minutes,1969-,Chronological,"Records created by a committee or conference\, including advisory committee's relating to executive establishment\, organization\, membership\, and policy. Includes agenda\, meeting minutes\, final reports\, and related records documenting the accomplishments of official boards and committees. These records are used for office reference and contain the minutes of all actions taken at Utah System Higher Education institutions. The originals are held in the respective archives/libraries of the various institutions.",Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 27660,Utah Board of Higher Education,Utah System of Higher Education--Academic Affairs,2010-,Numerical,"Records in this series contain budgets\, reports\, histories\, proposals\, etc.\, of academics in the Utah Higher Education institutions. The records are used to develop budget reports\, budget histories\, budget proposals for academic affairs for all Utah System of Higher Education institutions.",Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s),Public,3.00 cubic feet 11974,Utah Board of Higher Education,Internal audit reports,1972-,Chronological,Reports on analysis and implementation of programs and operation of those programs. These records report audit findings and contain recommendations for the State Board of Regents. These records have an index or finding aid to assist access.,Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s),Public, 11975,Utah Board of Higher Education,Money management reports,1973-,Chronological,Report prepared by internal or external auditors as a result of a financial audit. These records are created in order to comply with UCA 51-7-13(2) (1992) making state agencies accountable to how federal or state grants are invested. They contain financial reports of the money management activities of the various state institutions of higher education.,Permanent. Retain for 4 year(s),Public, 12653,Utah Board of Higher Education,Institutional policy and procedures manuals,1969-,Alphabetical by name of institution,Policies and procedures that govern the operation and administration of various programs within the organization. This series consists of the policies and procedures of all higher education institutions and are used for reference.,Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,