seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 80086,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Assessor,Appraisal cards,1981-,numerical by serial number,"These records contain the complete information on the appraisal and assessment of real property. The folders contain the taxpayer's name\, property address\, serial number\, legal description including acreage\, improvements (size\, quality of building\, list of taxable features of improvement and photographs of improvements)\, assessed valuations for land and improvements\, notes regarding Board of Equalization adjustments\, and factoring worksheets.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 18188,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Assessor,Tax assessment rolls,"1853, 1858-1859, 1861-1897.",,"These volumes record the assessment of real and personal property in Salt Lake County for tax purposes. The county assessor determined the extent and value of property subject to taxes levied by the territory\, county\, school districts (beginning 1887)\, and cities (beginning 1893). Every volume records the property owner's name and rough property location. In addition there are columns to record the quantity and value of real estate and improvements\, livestock\, and other personal property ranging from household furniture and tools to merchandise\, stock\, bonds\, and bullion. The particular columns change over the years as different items are subject to taxation or declared exempt. Beginning in 1880\, the amount of tax for each entity is entered,as well. Recapitulations\, totaling amounts for each geographical segment and category\, appear toward the back of the year's final book starting in 1873.",,Public,54 microfilm reels 4239,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Assessor,Tax assessment rolls indexes,1898-,"Chronological by year, thereunder, alphabetical","The tax assessment rolls indexes were created by the county assessor in order to access the county tax assessments. The index books contain an alphabetically arranged indexing of the names of individuals whose tax record appears in the tax assessments. The indexes show the name of a property owner\, followed by the book volumes\, the pages and page lines (or entry numbers) for the associated property.",Retain permanently,Public, 10321,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Assessor,Militia eligibility rosters,1895-1917.,None,"Each year the county assessor was to make a list of all persons eligible for enrollment in the militia who lived in the county\, basically any male age 18-45. Copies were to be provided to the County Clerk and to the State Adjutant General. (There is the organized militia/National Guard and then this\, the unorganized militia which does not require voluntary enrollment but does require more effort to pull together.) By WWI\, the assessor was skipping the clerk and providing copies to the County Commission and to the Adj. General. By the 1933 compiled laws\, the assessor is no longer listed as having this duty.",,,1 microfilm reel