seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 82943,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Grouse Creek District birth registers,1907-1915.,Numerical by certificate number,"This book contains the duplicate copy of certificates for births occurring in Grousecreek Precinct in Box Elder County. The certificates include the name of the county\, precinct and town; name of child; sex of child; date of birth; names\, residence\, color\, birthdates\, and birthplace of parents; signature of midwife or physician.",,Protected, 81733,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,State relief files,ca. 1932-1934.,none,"This file documents state relief efforts within Box Elder County during the Great Depression. These files contain correspondence from county and state relief agencies (State Advisory Committee on Public Welfare and Emergency Relief and the Governor's Central Committee on Emergency Relief for Utah)\, budget reports\, and lists of dependents.",,Public, 81738,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Selective Service card file and index,1941-1945.,Alphabetical by surname,"This card files serves as a record of all Box Elder residents serving in the military during World War II. Each card contains the name; local selective service number; rank; serial number; branch of service; whether enlisted\, inducted\, or commissioned; date of termination of service; date of birth; place of birth; name of parents; name and address of next of kin; marital status; name of spouse; and a record of service in World War II. The files also include a paper listing of all cards providing name\, branch of service\, and home town.",,Public, 81736,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Civil Works Administration projects files,1933-1934.,numerical by project number,"These files document Civil Works Administration (CWA) projects supported by Box Elder County and the State of Utah civil works projects. These files contain: Applications for Approval of Civil Work Projects (name\, details of project\, and cost)\, diagrams\, and a list of all Civil Work Projects in Box Elder County (project number\, name of project\, date of opening\, date of closing\, and the CWA Credit extended).",,Public, 81740,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,United States Department of Labor emergency conservation work files,1933-1934.,Numerical by application number,"These files document the activities of the federal Civilian Conservation Corps. in Box Elder County during the Great Depression. The files include the application (name of organization\, address\, name\, address\, employment history\, list of dependent relatives\, and work experience); physical examination; memoranda on work orders; related experience; lists of inexperienced men; and statistical record of Utahns enrolled in the CCC. Applications were coordinated by the county clerk and the county emergency relief committee.",,Public, 81739,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,National Guard discharge certificates,1926-1950.,Alphabetical by surname,"This file documents the service of Box Elder County residents in the National Guard and their discharge from service. On these certificates is recorded the name\, rank and unit; date of birth; description; enlistment record; and signature. Included are loose papers dated 1934-1941 of enlistments to and discharges from the National Guard.",,Public, 30204,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Voter registration records,1992-,"Chronological by registration year, thereunder alphabetical by name.","These are various forms are used to register all eligible voters in Box Elder County. Information on the forms may include voter's name\, address\, birth date\, birth place\, last address where previously registered\, political party (optional)\, date\, drivers license numbers\, partial social security numbers\, signature and sworn statement.",Retain permanently,Public,28.00 cubic feet 14947,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Incorporation case files of LDS church wards,1886-1901.,Alphabetical by LDS Church Ward,"These case files contain Articles of Incorporation filed with the Box Elder County Clerk by LDS Church Wards. The articles of incorporation were required to be filed with the County Clerk and State to ensure that the laws which pertained to the organization were adhered to. The actual articles of incorporation record the following: names of the corporation officers including the President which was filled by the Bishop of the ward\, names of the ward members\, and oaths of office. The Articles of Incorporation state that the members of the ward ""desired to become a body corporate\, under and in accordance with the existing laws of Utah Territory\, and had met for that purpose."" The law of the Utah Territory stated "" that any number of persons,associated together for religious\, social\, scientific\, benevolent or other purposes...when pecuniary profit is not their object...may incorporate themseleves as provided in this Act (Laws of Utah\, 1878\, chap.\, 18\, sec.\, 1). Under current Utah law and the laws of the territorial legislature\, individuals desiring to incorporate\, were to file and record articles of incorporation with their respective county clerk. These agreements specified the nature and place of business\, amount of stock to be issued\, terms for officers\, etc. The clerk in turn issued a certificate of incorporation and recorded the final articles of incorporation in these record books.",,Public,0.35 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels 14945,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Incorporation records index,1900-1961.,Alphabetical by corporation name.,"This series is an alphabetical index to the Incorporation Case Files and Record Books for Box Elder County. The entries are alphabetical by corporation name. Each entry records the following: Name of corporation\, Instrument (i.e. oath\, articles\, amendment\, bond\, etc.)\, date of filing\, file number\, record book number\, and record book page number.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 23352,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Marriage licenses and applications,1887-1898.,Numerical by license number.,"This series contains copies of the applications for marriage licenses and copies of the marriage licenses. Applications include the names of the individuals to be married\, their residence\, age\, and the date of the application. The applications also contain a form for the consent of a parent or guardian if either party to the marriage is a minor. The licenses include the names of the individuals \, the date the license was issued\, the date of the marriage\, and the signatures of the person officiating at the marriage as well as the witnesses.",,Public,4 microfilm reels 17890,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Incorporation case files,1873-1961.,Numerical by case file number,"Incorporation Case Files contain at a minimum the original articles of incorporation and any subsequent amendments to corporations. Some files also contain notices to pay licensing fees and taxes\, oaths of office for corporate officers\, annual reports\, correspondence\, or other miscellaneous documents. Case files are created during the length of a corporation's duration. The case file is generated when companies incorporate within Box Elder and serve as evidence of""due incorporation of the corporation [UCA 16-2]."" Articles of incorporation constitute a contract between the state and corporation\, between corporation and stockholders\, and between the stockholders and state. The articles of incorporation record the following: names of the incorporators and their places of residence\, the length of the corporation's duration\, the pursuit of business agreed upon\, amount of stock each shareholder receives\, description of stock classes\, number of kind of corporate officers\, and the number of,directors necessary to transact corporate business. The series ended in 1961 when registration of corporations was transferred to the State government and the Division of Corporations was created. Even though the series officially ended in 1961\, several case files were added to through 1979.",,Public,9 microfilm reels 82843,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Marriage license applications,1974-,Numerical by application number,"These are forms completed by couples applying for marriage licenses. They are used to prove their identity and record other pertinent information which permits the couple to receive their license. The application include the following information: ""the full names of the contracting parties\, including the maiden name of the female\, the present place of residence of each\, the date and place of birth (town or city\, county\, state or country\, if possible)\, the names of their respective parents\, including the maiden name of the mother\, the birth places of fathers and mothers (town or city\, county\, state or country\, if possible)\, andthe distinctive race or nationality or each of the parent. If the female is a widow\, her maiden name shall be shown in brackets"" (UCA 30-1-8 (1995)).",Retain permanently,Exempt, 9935,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Correspondence,1900-1901.,None,"This small packet of letters is labeled ""Letters of Importance for the Year 1901"" and includes correspondence to the Box Elder County Clerk regarding various cases before the district court.",,Public, 9647,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Honeyville voter registration book,1939; 1951-1953.,Alphabetical.,"This series consists of a corrected list of names of the official register for election district 1\, Honeyville town\, Box Elder County\, State of Utah\, for the municipal election held Tuesday\, November 7\, 1939. Later voter registration lists are not retained.",,Public, 23143,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Marriage license record book indexes,1887-,Alphabetical by name,"These books index the reocrd books kept by the County Clerk. For each name\, the record book and page number is given\, and in some cases\, the license number as well.",Retain permanently,Public, 23142,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Marriage license record books,1887-,Chronological,"The county clerk copied the couple's marriage license in to register books. Information includes bride and groom's names and signatures\, the official performing the ceremony\, witnesses\, and date.",Retain permanently,Public, 12226,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,"Bonds, resolutions, and ordinances and index",1892-1916.,Alphabetical by letter in alphabet,"These are official bonds\, resolutions\, and ordinances. From 1892 to 1912 these records were filed together. These are the bonds forthe county elected officials\, and the county ordinances and resolutions approved by the county commission.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 12225,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Miscellaneous index,1906-1934.,Alphabetical by letter of alphabet,"This is an index to recorded instruments of ""a miscellaneous character not otherwise provided for"" (UCA 17-21-6(9) (1995)). They were traditionally instruments which did not include a legal description. The index contains the date of instrument\, date of filing\, entry number\, book and page\, type of instrument\, from\, to\, and remarks.",Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s),Public, 12354,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Resolutions,1905-,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by resolution number","These are formal statements of decisions or expressions of opinion adopted by the county commission. They perform the same function as an ordinance. The county clerk is required to ""make full entries of all [county commission] resolutions"" (UCA 17-5-10 (1990)). The most commonly adopted resolutions include the following: adoption of county budgets\, sale of industrial bonds\, and creation of special improvement districts.",Retain permanently,Public, 12854,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Limited partnership files,1911-1988.,"Alphabetical by first letter, thereunder chronological","These files document the filing of limited partnerships with the county clerk. A limited partnership is ""a partnership formed by two or more persons"" under the provisions of UCA 48-2-1\, ""having as members one or more general partners and one or more limited partners"" (UCA 48-2-1 (1993)). Persons desiring to form a limited partnership shall ""file for record the certificate in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the principal place of business of the partnership shall be situated"" (UCA 48-2-2(1)(b)). These files contain affidavits\, agreement and certificate of limited partnership (notarized original) and cancellation of certificate of agreement. The separate index includes date partnership formed\, name\, and date filed. In 1990\,,the law was revised and changed the filing requirements to the Utah State Division of Corporations and Commercial Code (Laws of 1990\, ch. 233\, 71). In 1994\, the Utah Revised Uniform Partnership Act (Laws of 1994\, ch. 61) totally revised all requirements and repealed all previous provisions. All files held by the individual county clerks were then transferred to the State (see Series 13995 and 13998). The archives retains the microfilm master. Includes an index.",,Public, 10283,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,General administrative records,c 1910-1945.,chronological,"Business-related correspondence which provide unique information about agency functions\, policies\, procedures\, or programs. These records document material discussions and decisions made regarding all agency interests\, and may originate on paper\, electronic mail\, or other media. This correspondence is filed separately from program case files\, and project files.",,, 10281,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Oaths of office,undated,Chronological,"These records are the official oaths of persons elected or appointed to county positions. They are used to verify that oaths are given in accordance with the Utah State Constitution (Art. IV\, Sec. 10). Before entering into the duties of all elected and appointed officials ""shall take and subscribe to a specified oath or affirmation."" All oaths and bonds for county officials ""shall be filed with the county clerk\, except for the county clerk which shall be filed with the county treasurer"" (UCA 52-1-3 (1995)).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public, 10282,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Official bonds,1881-,Chronological,"""All official bonds shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder and then filed and kept in the office of he county clerk. The official bond of the county clerk after being recorded shall be filed and kept in the office of the county treasurer"" (UCA 17-16-11 (1995)).",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2 microfilm reels 6258,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Election official register,1960-1970.,None,,,, 84091,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Articles of incorporation record books,1870-1961.,"Alphabetical by book letter, thereunder chronological.","These volumes record copies of Articles of Incorporation filed with the Box Elder County Clerk by newly organized corporations. The record books were kept as the official copy which was available for public use. The actual articles of incorporation record the following: names of the incorporators and their places of residence\, the length of the corporation's duration\, the pursuit of business agreed upon\, amount of stock each shareholder receives\, description of stock classes\, number and kind of corporate officers\, and the number of directors necessary to transact corporate business. Under current Utah law and the laws of the territorial legislature\, individuals desiring to incorporate\, were to file,and record articles of incorporation with their respective county clerk. These agreements specified the nature and place of business\, amount of stock to be issued\, terms for officers\, etc. The clerk in turn issued certificate of incorporation and recorded the final articles of incorporation in these record books. The series ended in 1961 when registration of corporations was transferred to the State government and the Division of Corporations was created.",,Public,5 microfilm reels 25624,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Emergency operations plan,2004-,"Chronological, thereunder numerical by chapter number","These files are used to prepare county-wide plans for action to address emergency conditions (e.g.\, fire\, flood\, earthquake\, and other disasters). They include studies and evaluations undertaken by the county and the completed disaster plan.",Retain permanently,Public, 10284,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Contracts,1912-,Chronological,"These records document purchasing and construction contracts. They include the contract\, correspondence\, and related records pertaining to award\, administration\, receipt\, inspection\, and payments.",Retain for 7 year(s),Public, 6121,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Marriage licenses,i 1887-,Chronological,"This series contains copies of the marriage licenses granted in Box Elder County. The information includes names\, addresses\, and ages of bride and groom; date and number of license; date of marriage; title and signature of person performing the ceremony; and signatures of bride\, groom\, witnesses\, and county clerk.",Retain permanently,Public, 84099,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Death registers,i 1898-1905.,Chronological by year,"These records contain death registers for the years 1898 to 1905. Each entry has an assigned number\, the name of the decedent\, age\, sex\, race\, color\, term of residence\, birthplace\, marital status\, occupation\, last place of residence\, causes of death\, date of death\, name or party making out report.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 84098,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Birth registers,i 1898-1905.,Chronological by year,"These records contain birth registers recorded during the years 1898 through 1905. Each entry has the date of birth\, sex\, race\, color\, parents' names\, residence\, name of the party making the report\, and an assigned number.",,Public,1 microfilm reel 82942,Box Elder County (Utah). County Clerk,Box Elder Fair Board minutes,1937-1946.,Chronological,"These are the minutes of the proceedings of regular and special meetings of the Box Elder County Fair Board. They are used to document of decisions of the Board. They contain the date\, time\, and location of the meeting; board members absent and those present; summary of proceedings including decisions made; and time of adjournment. The volume also includes financial reports.",,Public,