seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 84208,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Lien and leases,i 1905-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder by page number.","Liens are kept by the county recorder to register instruments affecting property of a debtor if a creditor holds or sells that property liens serve as security or payment of a debt. The lien record indicates entry number; name and address of person filing lien; nature of the lien; signature of person giving lien; certification of notary public; date recorded; and signature of county recorder. The lease record represents legal agreements concerning the change of leasing of land registered with the county recorder. The information shows names of parties ot agreement; date and terms of agreements; legal description of property; consideration; date of payment; amounts of principal and interest; total smount; acknowledgment; and signature of the,county recorder.",Retain permanently,Public, 84212,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Auditor's tax deeds,i 1921-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder chronological","When property was sold for delinquent taxes\, the deed on the land would be entitled auditor's tax deeds. The tax assessment was made by the county auditor but the deed was registered with the county recorder. These are recorded copies of the deed at the time of the sale of property. Information includes name of property owner at the time of assessment; legal description of property; dates of instrument and sale of property; entry number; amount of taxes\, costs\, interest\, and penalties; date and time of recording; and signatures of county auditor and witnesses.",Retain permanently,, 7021,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Mortgages,i 1922-,"Numerical according to book number, thereunder by page number.",Mortgages are recorded with the county recorder to show a property title as security on a loan. The information includes entry number; date of mortgage; names of mortgagor and mortgagee; amount of mortgage; legal description of property; terms of mortgage; and signature of mortgagor; certification of notary public; date recorded; and signature of county recorder.,Retain permanently,Public, 7022,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Architects certificates index,1971.,Alphabetical by name,"This is an index to certificates given to architects certifying the completion of their requirements for state licensing. It is maintained as a historic record. The information recorded includes name\, pages\, residence number\, and date.",Retain permanently,Public, 7095,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Fee and entry books,i 1890-,"Alphabetical by book, thereunder Numerical by page number","These books record all legal instruments filed with the county recorder. A record of any fee is attached if assessed for services by the county. The information includes fees collected\, date and person filing legal instrument; entry number; type of instrument; date recorded; description of property (if involved); volume and page where instrument was recorded; names of interested parties; and consideration for property.",Retain permanently,Public, 7121,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Water claims and deeds,1948-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder by page number","The water claims and deeds\, registered with the recorder\, show water alottments within the county and their ownership. The record includes information about appropriation of water showing entry number; application number\, certificate number ;names of grantor and grantee; amount of water granted; point of diversion; purpose of water use; conditions governing use; signature of state engineer; and signature of county recorder. This index includes the kind of instrument\, date of instrument\, and date of filing\, entry\, grantors\, grantees\, and description of property.",Retain permanently,Public, 7086,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Subdivision plats,1889-,Numerical by parcel number,"These are plat maps for new subdivisions. Before a subdivision is officially created\, a subdivision plat must be recorded with the county recorder (UCA 10-9-26). They are used as a reference to new subdivisions and to meet legal requirements. The information includes blocks\, lots and streets with subdivisions\, school districts\, square foot measurements\, fire hydrants\, utility basements\, building lines\, streets\, roads\, power and light lines\, dimension\, sections\, signature of various commissions\, name of subdivision\, owner's name\, and parcel numbers.",Retain permanently,Public, 6111,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,"Abstracts, tracts, and indices",1871-,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,,1 microfilm reel 6197,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Indices and releases,1939-1948.,Alphanumerical,,,Public, 6215,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Powers of attorney index,1948-1951.,None,,,, 6998,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Powers of attorney,i 1888-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder by page number",This record shows the authorizing of legal power for parties involved in land acquisitions. The information includes date of the instrument; names of grantor and grantee; powers granted; acknowledgment; date recorded; and signatures of grantor and county recorder.,Retain permanently,Public, 6991,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Mining records,i 1863-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder by page number","Mining records are kept by the county recorder for the purpose of monitoring and registering mining claims and operations. These records are subdivided into several subseries\, which focus on different stages of the mining industry. The record of mining locations show name of claim and locations; legal description of claim; and the mining district. Proof of labor registers records the work performed on each mine annually by each worker. Placer location notices show name and description of claim. Mining deeds record information affecting the title to the mining property; and abstract of mines records instruments affecting title to patented mining claims which include type of instrument filed with the county recorder.",Retain permanently,Public, 7113,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Deed record books,i 1855-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder by page number","These are recorded copies of various types of deeds registered with the county recorder that show land ownership. Types of deeds may be sheriff\, administrator\, quit claim\, guardian\, probate\, mayor\, and trust deeds. Information recorded includes entry number; date of deed; names of grantor and grantee\, legal description of property; consideration given for the property; signatures; and date recorded.",Retain permanently,Public, 6996,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Grantor and grantee indexes,i 1928-,Alphabetical by name of grantee/grantor or principal party,"These records are used to index all deeds\, final judgments\, claims\, patents\, or decrees partitioning or affecting the title or possession of real property in Salt Lake County as registered with the county recorder. The information includes names of grantee or grantor; date and type of instrument; date of filing; description of property; and volume and page number where the instrument was recorded.",Retain permanently,Public, 6988,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Official records,i 1850-,"Numerical according to book number, thereunder chronological","These are copies of all official records recorded with the county recorder including deeds\, mortgages\, mining records\, military discharges\, etc. Upon payment of fees for the same\, the recorder must record in the ""Official record' book all papers\, documents\, records\, and other writings required or permitted by law to be recorded. In some counties all recorded instruments are compiled together as part of the ""Official records""\, while others compile each type of instrument separately (See Deed records\, Mortgage records\, Mining records\, Water records\, etc.)",Retain permanently,Public,2909 microfilm reels 4044,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Plat map books,1848-,Alphanumerical.,"Plat maps recording property ownership throughout the county\, including within cities. Includes the earliest pioneer plat map for Salt Lake.,These are plat maps showing property ownership and property lines for real estate within the county. The county recorder ""shall prepare and keep ownership plats drawn to a convenient scale\, which show the owners of each tract of land in the county\, together with the dimension of the tract"" (UCA 17-21-21 (2003)).",Retain permanently,Public,1 microfilm reel 13212,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,"Releases, deeds, and mortgages",undated,none,,Retain permanently,, 13235,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Redemptions/installments,1981-1984.,none,These are tax redemption certificates created by the Treasurer's office.,,Public, 11818,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Special improvement index,"1976, 1990-","Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by special district name","Index to resolutions creating special districts\, as required by law. Includes special district\, names\, recording date and time\, entry number\, book number\, page number\, instrument and remarks. UCA 17A-3207(7)(a)(1992) requires the governmental entity creating a special district to ""within five days from the date of creating the district\, to file in the county recorder's office\, a copy of the notice of intention and the resolution creating the district\, as finally approved\, together with a list of properties proposed to be assessed described by tax identification number and valid legal description of property within the district.""",Retain permanently,Public, 6022,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Bingham book 192 mining claims index,undated,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,, 6021,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Abstract records,i 1938-,"Numerical by book number, thereunder by page number","The county recorder creates abstracts that contain the history of property ownership by providing a true chain of title by geographical location. They contain the date and character of instrument\, book and page number where instrument was recorded\, entry number of instrument\, and legal description.",Retain permanently,Public, 6140,Salt Lake County (Utah). County Recorder,Mining claims locations index,undated,Alphanumerical,,Retain permanently,,