seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 1698,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Plans for drinking water systems and treatment plants,i 1940-,Numerical by water system number,"These are engineering plans and specifications of water systems and water treatment plants which are sent to the Division of Drinking Water for approval. They include diagrams of the water systems or treatment plants\, date plan was received and approved by the division\, and the name and address of the engineering firm who prepared the plans. The Division of Drinking Water issues a plan approval for the water systems before construction begins. Once the project is completed and inspected an operating permit is issued. Prior to 2005\, the plans were filmed on roll microfilm\, and the specifications and correspondence was filmed on microfiche. The agency then would jacket the rolled film (plans) and file them with the microfiche. The agency now sends the plans to the State Archives after the operating permit is issued. Specifications are now filed in series 23692.",Permanent. Retain until superseded,Protected,3.00 cubic feet 7 microfilm reels