seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 3181,Legislature. Committee to Study Operations of State Government,Investigation Reports,1933-1936.,Chronological by month and year,"These publications report the results of the studies of an investigating committee on economy and efficiency in government. According to laws and resolutions passed by the state legislature\, reports were first due February 10\, 1933 (Laws of Utah 1933\, S.C.R. No. 1 passed January 17\, 1933). The full statute passed March 9\, 1933 however gave the committee until December 1\, 1934 (Laws of Utah 1933\, Chapter 86) to report more in-depth findings. After extending the powers and duties of the committee with full appropriation support on March 8\, 1935 (Laws of Utah 1935\, Chapter 135)\, a final deadline of October 1 to November 15\, 1936 was given\, depending on the subject.",,Public,1.70 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel