seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 5984,Department of Government Operations. Division of Finance,Annual Comprehensive Financial Report,1920-,Chronological by year.,"The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report\, or Annual Comprehensive Financial Report\, is presented in three sections; Introductory\, Financial\, and Statistical. The Introductory section contains a list of principal officials\, transmittal letter\, state organization chart\, and graphic presentations\, giving an overview of state operations. Included in the Financial section are the general purpose financial statements and footnotes; the individual\, combining and account group financial statements; and the State Auditor's report. A history of selected financial and demographic information is in the Statistical section. The report includes all funds and account groups of the State. This report is published annually to summarize the financial position and results of operations in the state. The data is divided into sections regarding various funds\, such as General Fund\, Uniform School Fund\, Transportation Fund and so forth. Note that this is not an audit\, so no opinion is expressed as to,whether or not data presents fairly the financial position of the State. Agency reports at the end of the fiscal year on the status of appropriation accounts and apportionment.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Public,2.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel