seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 7638,Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water,Public drinking water systems files,2005-,Numerical,"This is a record of public drinking water systems and bureaus' tests\, measurements\, and analyses performed to to ensure that the systems meet all state and federal drinking water requirements.,Included in these records are copies of chemical and radiochemical water analyses\, sanitary surveys\, notices of violation\, notices of specifications approval\, master plans of water systems\, records of enforcement actions\, records of variances and exemptions\, photographs of facilities and sites\, and memoranda and correspondence; chemical and radiochemical water analysis: system number\, sample source (spring\, well\, etc.)\, date\, time and county where sample was collected\, address to which report should be sent\, and breakdown of results of the chemical\, metal\, and radiological tests\, and an interpretation of the results (does not exceed water standards\, etc.); sanitary surveys: name of individual(s) making the survey\, date of survey\,,description of system and water supply sources\, description of the water storage facilities and distribution system\, and surveys' conclusions and recommendations; notice of approval of specifications: date specifications received\, name and address of engineer(s) preparing the specifications\, type of construction\, and name of water system; notice of violation: system name\, date and time of violation\, regulation violated\, precautions\, such as boiling drinking water\, the system's customers must take; and the actions needed by water system to correct the problem.",Retain for 46 year(s),Public,