seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 81445,Office of Vital Records and Statistics,Delayed certificates of birth,1905-,Numerical by delayed file number,"These records support the agency's function to document\, preserve\, and certify the facts of births for residents of the state. These records document the filing of a birth either by an individual or by a court of competent jurisdiction one or more years after the event; and serve as the official birth record. They are valid for all purposes where a certificate is required by the state or federal government (Laws of Utah\, 1905\, chapter 120). They are also used to prepare an annual compilation\, analysis\, and publication of statistics (Utah Code 26-2-3 (2013)). Records contain details of an individual's birth and parentage. This series includes an index.,These records document ""birth\, death\, fetal death\, marriage\, divorce\, dissolution of marriage\, or annulment."" (Utah Code 26-2-2(20)(2014)) Documents may include registered certification or reports\, applications\, official registers and other similar records.",Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends,Exempt,17.35 cubic feet