seriesNo,seriesEntityName,seriesTitle,seriesDateRange,seriesArrangement,seriesDescription,seriesTotRetentDesc,seriesPrimaryClassCode,seriesExtentDesc 84230,Tooele County (Utah). County Council,Minutes,1851-,Chronological by date of meeting.,"These minute books record the actions of the county commission (known before statehood as the county court)\, the governing body of the county. The court managed all county business and county property\, audited claims\, reviewed financial reports\, appropriated moneys\, and authorized purchases of supplies and services. Members allocated water and timber rights\, herdgrounds\, and mill sites; supervised road layout and oversaw the erection of public buildings; and created election precincts\, road districts\, school districts\, and by 1883\, irrigation districts also appointing superintendents of such districts. In 1855\, the court created fortification districts. They levied property taxes for county purposes and after 1878 served as a board of,equalization. They provided for elections and appointed other officials. They oversaw the maintenance of the indigent\, insane\, orphaned\, and incapacitated\, and provided for the health and safety of constituents. They regulated fences\, created estray pounds\, and paid bounties on varmints. They authorized liquor licenses by 1864\, and by 1884\, general business licenses. They granted franchises beginning in 1892. All these activities are noted in the minutes.",Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s),Public,0.20 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels