Record Series of Utah Government

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This series contains Treasurer's Certificates of Sale for a piece of property sold to Utah County for delinquent taxes. There is a certificate for each year the taxes for the property was unpaid, from 1912 to 1922. The land had apparently been under contract for ...
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel

Holdings: 355 microfilm reels
The county treasurer records tax assessments given to individuals and businesses on a yearly basis, and then records payment of teh tax. The assessment rolls show name and address of owner or poserssor of property; legal description of the land and valuation of real ...
Tax assessment--Utah--Utah County.
Property tax--Utah--Utah County.
Business tax--Utah.
Real property--Utah--Utah County.
Public utilities--Taxation--Utah.
Mines and mineral resources--Taxation--Utah.
Animal industry--Taxation--Utah.
Series: 6049
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
These records document attempts to process and collect returned checks. They include bank notices notifying county treasurer of returned check (including date, reason, name account drawn, account number, reference number and amount, treasurer's name and account number) ...
Series: 25464
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 5 year(s)

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