Record Series of Utah Government

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These record books detail the proceedings in estate and guardianship cases. Personal name change cases may also appear. For deceased persons, the will, appraisals and inventories, and the settlements are recorded. For guardianships, the appointment of a guardian and ...
Adoption--Utah--Garfield County.
Guardian and ward--Utah--Garfield County.
Executors and administrators--Utah--Garfield County.
Series: 1115
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Holdings: 0.50 cubic foot
This volume records information in criminal cases filed with the Sixth District Court in Garfield County by the county prosecutor or the District Attorney of the Third Judicial District. Entries include the court, the parties in the case, a summary of the charges, the ...
Court records--Utah--Garfield County
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This series contains civil, criminal and probate case alphabetic indexes created by the Court, to record the names of the parties involved in civil, criminal and probate actions and provide assigned case numbers, facilitating clerical management of and access to the ...
Attachment and garnishment--Utah--Garfield County.
Actions and defenses--Utah--Garfield County.
Criminal courts--Utah--Garfield County.
Probate records--Utah--Garfield County.
Corporate divestiture--Utah--Garfield County.
Series: 22683
Related Records (2)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s)
Holdings: 2 microfilm reels

Series: 18264
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain permanently
This series contains mixed legal files from the civil, criminal, and probate divisions of the Sixth District court in Garfield County.
Series: 22682
Related Records (3)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s)
These volumes contain completed preprinted declaration of intention forms for county residents seeking to become United States citizens. A declaration of intention preceded a petition to become a citizen by two or more years. The forms included the following ...
These original wills were deposited by individuals with district courts for safekeeping, as per Utah Code 75-2-901 (2016). Wills are legal instruments which divide an individual's possessions and assets among his/her beneficiaries and include information concerning the ...
Series: 29938
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain permanently
Holdings: 3 microfilm reels
Records and documents pertaining to a particular civil, criminal or probate action are filed together by the court clerk and collectively these documents constitute the case file. As these records or actions are filed, the clerk enters them in the registers which ...
Attachment and garnishment--Utah--Garfield County.
Actions and defenses--Utah--Garfield County.
Criminal courts--Utah--Garfield County.
Probate records--Utah--Garfield County.
Corporate divestiture--Utah--Garfield County.
This series documents the individual probate cases tried by the District Court for Garfield County. As documents are filed with the courts, the filings are logged in the register of actions for each specific case file. Prior to 1959, probate registers of action were ...
Series: 22926
Related Records (1)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
This is an index to the register of actions. It includes defendant's and plaintiff's name, file number, and date of filing.
Series: 24397
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
This series contains the Judgment Dockets produced by the Sixth District Court for Garfield County. Dockets function as an agenda for the proceedings of the court, written in abstract or brief form to act as a record of the action relative to each case. The docket ...
Series: 24373
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Holdings: 1.00 cubic foot
This series contains two naturalization record books that were maintained by the Sixth District Court in Garfield County.The book in box 01 is a Naturalization Record for Garfield County that is marked as Volume A. The book contains its own index that is found in the ...
Holdings: 2.00 cubic feet
Probate case files from the Sixth District Court in Garfield County primarily involve the probate of estates for deceased persons and guardianship for minors and incompetent persons. Probate is judicial oversight of property in transition. Probate of estates is the ...
Series: 24433
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
The district court clerk registers the estate settlements showing the heirs, devisees, or grantees, and their relationship to the deceased. This settlement was then assessed for tax purposes. Appraisal of property is included and the executor or administrator is named. ...
Real property--Utah--Garfield County.
Real property tax--Utah--Garfield County.
Inheritance and transfer tax--Utah--Garfield County.
Decendents' estates--Utah--Garfield County.
Series: 84072
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s)
Holdings: 1.00 cubic foot
This series contains the minute books from the Sixth District Court in Garfield County, with actions from the criminal, civil, and probate divisions appearing throughout. Minute books contain the documentation of daily proceedings of the court but are not transcripts of ...
Court records--Utah--Garfield County

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