Record Series of Utah Government

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Holdings: 3.00 cubic feet 1 microfilm reel
These files document site-specific areas where hazardous materials are stored/located in the state of Utah. They are used by the Department to document the stabilization and/or clean-up of a specific site. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Act which governs ...
Series: 12695
Related Records (1)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until final action
These records document the bureau's monitoring of radioactive fallout within the state.They include correspondence, memoranda, news releases, pamphlets published by the Atomic Energy Commission, environmental monitoring reports, activity reports, dates of the monitoring ...
Radioactive fallout--Utah.
Series: 16852
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s)
These records contain agreements with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that authorize the Utah Department of Environmental Quality and the Division of Radiation Control to regulate, inspect, and take enforcement actions over radioactive materials and facilities ...
Series: 26599
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 21 year(s)
Hazardous waste manifests are created to track the hazardous waste managed by commercial hazardous waste disposal facilities in Utah. Manifests are used to regulate facilities and ensure proper fees have been paid. Permitted commercial facilities are required to keep ...
Series: 28235
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 7 year(s)
This is a proposal by agency to adopt a new administrative rule or change an existing rule. It includes the name and address of the department or agency submitting the form, the name and telephone number of the contact person, the title of the rule, a summary of the ...
Series: 7760
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 15 year(s)
This is a record of all activities of solid waste disposal sites. It includes land disposal site modification reports, approval letter, correspondence, solid waste site proposals, inspection and activity reports, plans, aerial photographs, technical reports, variance ...
Series: 7742
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 26 year(s) after final action
These files are licensing files that document all aspects of Utah's role in monitoring uranium mill tailings sites, including control and cleanup activities. These files are created as a result of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, 40-CFR-192, and ...
Uranium mill tailings--Law and legislation--Utah.
Series: 16837
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 20 year(s) after expiration of permit or license
These records maintain a continuous history of used oil facilities, collection center activities, and compliance with used oil regulations. The files contain information about all activities associated with the used oil program in Utah. Information includes used oil ...
Series: 21188
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s) after disposition of asset
Holdings: 1.00 cubic foot
These records document interstate agreements, or compacts, for handling low level nuclear wastes. These agreements are created to minimize the amount of handling and transportation required to dispose of these wastes and to establish regional facilities top store the ...
Radioactive waste disposal--Law and legislation--Utah.
Low-level radiation--Utah.
Radioactive substances--Safety regulations--Utah.
Series: 16848
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 24 year(s)
These records document entities participation in various waste tire and used oil programs. Documents included in this series pertain to facilities whose activities do not have any historical value because they do not impact the environment. Files and forms are used to ...
Series: 28239
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 5 year(s)
Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities as well as hazardous waste generators. use forms to report hazardous waste activities during every odd numbered year. Once forms are submitted, the data included on the forms is entered into RCRA Info, an EPA ...
Series: 28243
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 5 year(s)
These records are files by hazardous waste site owners or operators to show they would have sufficient funds to clean up their sites should they cease operations. They include copies of trust fund agreements and record of deposits to the trust funds, copies of letters ...
Series: 7762
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 5 year(s) after final action
This is a record of organizations licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to receive, possess, use, and/or transfer nuclear material in Utah. The NRC transferred these records to the State of Utah in 1984, when the State assumed regulatory jurisdiction ...
Radioactive materials--Utah.
Nuclear industry--Utah--Officials and employees.
Series: 7686
Related Records (2)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s)
Transcripts of the meetings of the Radiation Technical Advisory Committee. Includes dates of meetings, identification of members present, summary of the items discussed, any agreements made, and the names of the transcriber of the recordings.
Radiation--Safety measures--Utah.
Series: 16827
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s)
Records in this series are retained to document activities of the Attorney General's office that pertain to the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. These records are not duplicate copies of records that are held by the Attorney General's office. The ...
Series: 26161
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 75 year(s)
Logs are created by used oil collection centers to track quantity of used oil collected from public. When the agency receives log sheets, the quantity is totaled and sent to the Utah State Tax Commission who pays a fee for each gallon on a quarterly basis. Log sheet ...
Series: 28236
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 7 year(s)
These documents are related to the working relationship between the state of Utah and the EPA. Documents are used to plan inspections and other actions in order to comply with standards set through the EPA regulatory partnership. Records include EPA related ...
Series: 28237
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 30 year(s)
Records are submitted to agency requesting regulatory information, agency disposition, providing notification of recycling plans or showing results of initial small business evaluation visits. Records are reviewed and responded to when appropriate. This series includes ...
Series: 28241
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 5 year(s)
This is a record of equipment owned by the bureau. It includes notice of changes to equipment inventory. Includes the low organization number, identification number, a description of the equipment, its serial number, the estimated life of the item, its cost, its book ...
Series: 7736
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 5 year(s)
This is a record of persons who have registered x-ray units in the State and a record of radiation safety inspections at the location of their use. The records include documents used in tracking the location of X-ray units. These include: Application for Registration of ...
Series: 7682
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 23 year(s)
These records are transferred to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control for maintenance in the event that a regulated facility surrenders their records due to closure or legal action. These records may include corporate correspondence and facility ...
Series: 28238
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s)
These records support the agency's function to regulate the disposal of all wastes, as defined in Utah Code 19-6-102 (2020). These records document agency response to singular events affecting the environment, but do not involve facilities requiring continued regulation ...
Series: 28240
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 30 year(s)
This is a record of organizations licensed by the State of Utah to receive, possess, use, or transfer radioactive materials in Utah. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control has assumed its regulatory authority from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ...
Radioactive materials--Utah.
Nuclear industry--Utah--Officials and employees.
Series: 7683
Related Records (1)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 23 year(s) after expiration of permit or license
Fee reports are submitted to the division to report monthly, quarterly, or annual fees. Report records include the types of waste received, and the dollar amount due as a result. Fee reports are also used to record fees received by the division, and break out different ...
Series: 28242
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 7 year(s)
This series contains draft documents used to create a stipulation and consent order with a facility that has been issued a notice of violation. Documents are reviewed and responded to as needed until the stipulation and consent order between the agency and facility has ...
Series: 28244
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 2 year(s)
Series Title

Administrative rule analysis propos (1)

Atlas tailings site files (1)

Attorney General documents (1)

Biennial report forms (1)

Draft enforcement confidential docu (1)



nuclear industry--utah--officials and employees. (2)

radiation--safety measures--utah. (2)

radioactive materials--utah. (2)

low-level radiation--utah. (1)

radioactive fallout--utah. (1)


Records Status

Still being created (28)

No longer created (3)

Primary GRAMA Class

Public (27)

Protected (2)

Secondary GRAMA Class

Private (5)

Protected (4)

Holdings In Archives

No (19)

Yes (12)

Has Finding Aids

No (30)

Yes (1)

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